Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 364

For the last long time, the header on my blog had read this, "from Thanksgiving 2010 to Thanksgiving 2011, Jefferson Jay in his role as "The Host Who Posts" will share his wares with YOU! Each day, just to see what happens."

Now it reads this, "From Thanksgiving 2010 to Thanksgiving 2011, Jefferson Jay shared 3 videos - an original song, a cover song & an archival video each day. What happened?"

What was the point of the 365? What happened?

For years, I had dreamed of creating an internet network, sharing my original content and telling the story of a group of friends who came together in a very special and musical way over the last five or so years. While I was researching the network idea, my friend, director Dylan Avery, suggested I import all the video I filmed at my shows (there was a lot of it) as that would be necessary to post any of it. I imported and imported and imported, for days. It took, and still takes up, about 5 big hard drives worth of space. Once it was imported, all that was left was to share.

Adding the blog, which I did one week into the 365, gave me the pen and the place to write the story. The videos made it real. Discussing my friends like Don Truesdail and Robin Lee is nice, but a distant second to being able to hear them and see them play. Through their songs, they get to share their perspective on what happened. It allows people to get to know them and feel the vibe in those rooms, as much as possible. There was a lot of love. It is hard convey love, much less what someone's personality is like, with words alone, but the combination of the imagery, the music, and the explanation, makes it as tangible as I could hope.

So sharing this footage, and telling this story in a way, for me, is a dream come true. I dream that someday, enough people will have taken the time and interest to absorb this story. I dream that someday I can discuss Don and Robin and the times all of us shared with someone who didn't know any of us and was never there. That is a million times more possible, thanks to the 365.

Another life-long dream of mine was to wake up each day with music to do. I love writing songs, I love recording, I love performing for an audience. I love entertaining. Through the 365, I was able to do that every day. If I was in a good mood, I could be silly, If I was upset, I could write a song about it. I was never artistically backed up. In my dreams, I would have a paycheck to show for all this work. In reality, I have a series of priceless experiences and unforgettable memories to show for a year of consistent, hard work. It was a discipline and I think it was good for me. Plus, the game's not over yet. Maybe I still Will get paid for all this effort, somehow. Either way, it was never about money. Ironically, that's the main reason I think it may make me some, somehow, someday. Pure intentions and hard work can lead to those sorts of realities arising. Did I mention I think the Operation 365 could make a good movie? I do.

For me history is an interesting subject. That's why I got a Master's in it. But more than that, it is a way of life. Since my first band, Chameleon Stress, from back in UMASS, broke up and I didn't get copies of all the recordings I wanted, I vowed to never let that happen again. It hasn't. I like knowing what happened, the big things. I like being able to share it, reflect on it, and learn more from it after the fact. That's exactly what I'm doing right now.

I wanted to share my work, the performances and friendships I had accumulated, the songs I'd written, the skills I had built. Our story. I had written many songs before starting this project, but only about 45 of them had been shared on my 4 CDs. I probably had about 200 tunes when I started the 365, last November. One of the challenges I knew I would face, would be coming up with new songs once those ran out. I welcomed it. I'll try to count soon, but I probably wrote about 150 songs for the Operation 365. Now those are shared too. I like it.

Besides my own personal gratification, I generated through this work, the positive feedback I received was the richest reward. Some folks said they'd read the blog every day. Others said they read it occasionally. Some folks posted encouraging comments on Facebook, where I often posted my vids. I was also able to express appreciation for friends and family members with birthdays, weddings and other noteworthy occasions that arose. It seemed like it meant a lot to some people sometimes and that gave me the strength to press on.

It was nice to have a soapbox, a pulpit if you will, to share my views on a variety of issues on my mind. Often spurred on by current events, I enjoyed having a place to share opinions on chemtrails, "Occupy," Osama, the alleged rapture, and many other current events. The mass media shares misinformation with millions every day on every channel. I can't do too much yet about it, but being able to balance the ledger, even in a small way, felt important. I felt like I was doing my part to inform folks and make things better. That is what I'm alive, I believe. It seemed to have a positive effect on some people. Hopefully, some folks were inspired by the example I set of consistency, expression, and individuality. I feel like we all have responsibility to give back and I guess I did that in a big way these past 12 months.

I am a big sports fan. Since I was 2, I enjoyed reading statistics on the back of baseball cards and interpreting what they meant. I still look at stats all the time. Tomorrow, I am planning one last evaluation of this project for my final blog, Blog 365. This will be a more numerical evaluation of the 365. I am calling it "Operation 365.. By the Number." Exciting.

What I learned?

I learned you can do almost anything if you put your mind to it.

I learned once you put something out there in the universe, you have no idea how it is going to affect people. I have received views from around the world and comments from people I didn't know, some professing to be profoundly affected by my work. That can happen. You never know. There were times I felt it was pointless, until I realized it wasn't. That was a nice revelation.

I learned a lot of cover tunes. The main reason I added the cover tunes component to the 365 was to bring in an audience who might not otherwise have an interest in the originals or the archives. I also added the covers, because I rarely retain other people's material. I still don't so much, but I had fun playing a lot of the tunes. I could probably learn most of them back quickly, if I chose. There's probably some I remember that I don't even realize.

I learned what I call the "Buzzkill" lesson. If you do something every day, you become that much more likely to do it the next day. It becomes a way of life. I like that. I think that theory can be used to impact people's lives in a limitless number of capacities. Eating right, exercise, being kind, these are all things we can inject into our lives in a serious fashion just by doing them some amount each day. It works.

I learned you never know what is going to happen in this life. Life is insanely unpredictable and always will be. That is its nature. I'm not sure I learned that from the 365 so much, but I learned it this year, and this past year and the 365 will be inextricably linked for me as long as I'm breathing. So who knows if I learned it from videos or living, but with a project of this magnitude, it is hard to see a difference.

I reaffirmed my believe that sharing is caring and I care a lot. I feel that if people would take the lessons we teach children to heart and live by these simple credos, it would go a long way toward reshaping the world into a much, more rewarding place to live. We would never sit idly by at a school and watch some students stuff themselves to obesity, while others starve to death before our eyes. That is exactly what is happening in the world though. Maybe it is not directly in front of our eyes, but it is close enough. We all have an internet full of global access and most of us have seen those horrifying late night infomercials starring that silver-haired guy and starving kids. The ultra, obscenely rich need to be made to realize that their 75 boats, 90 cars and 30 houses directly equal 75,000 children (a guesstimate) dying in avoidable ways across the globe. We all have a responsibility. We need to make these people who feel they deserve such luxuries see that no one deserves such obnoxious excess while others humbly struggle just to live. The happiness they'd receive replacing greed with generosity, would repay them for whatever capital they lost, several thousand times over. Maybe they could become happy. Maybe they could sleep at night.

We all have a responsibility as humans to do something about it, the "it" being the world in which we live. Putting this out there is what I'm doing (to help) right now. Not everybody has to donate all their money to fix these problems. We can, and should, all contribute in our own unique ways. That is human nature. We are all different and this makes us all like precious jewels, one of a kind treasures. It also makes us like snowflakes and Thomas's English Muffins, which are also both wonderful in their own right.

This is what I live for. This is my reason to be and I intend to keep pursuing it through my last breath on Earth. I hope as I move forward, I'll continue to find more and more like-minded souls. I dream that we can make an impact, a positive difference here, before it's said and done. People deserve to enjoy their times here on this planet. Many don't. With some changes, some additional selflessness, it doesn't have to be that way.

So let's look back, was the "experiment" a success? Unequivocally, yes. I did not have any "goals" for what should come of it, so that frees me from being able to fail. I wanted to put stuff out and I did. I created hours of entertainment and wrote dozens and dozens of new songs. I entertained people and hopefully offered valuable insight. I shared the story of some wonderful people, that otherwise may never have been told. I shared hours of video from one of my best friends, who died. That alone means so much to me.

The beauty of it is, like anything else you put out in the world, now, it can continue to grow. People can enjoy my work on their own time, anywhere on their computer, anywhere in the world, as least as long as the powers that be still the say the internet is OK. There are stories out there this week, that they might be changing their mind on that. Great...

Life is unpredictable. Thus, it should not be judged by perceived "results." You never know what will happen so things must be done for the experience, for the journey rather than the destination. Maybe, someone will see one of my videos and take a song for a movie. Maybe someone will see how amusing and talented I am and give me a platform to showcase my skills. Maybe I'll even make a living through it, somehow, someday. But, maybe not... and that's why the gratification has to come from the "experiment" itself, not any pre-conceived ideas of what should follow from it. Life decides that for itself. All we can do is put ourselves out there and enjoy every instant of our trying, as much as possible.

The highest height a human can hope to achieve is to love everybody and everything unequivocally at all times. It is a goal we can spend lifetimes reaching for. It is a wonderful stretch to attempt. Every instant we spend trying, we grow and accumulate incredible experiences, to show for our lives. I did a lot of that on the 365. Thank you for sharing that with me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 363

Where Are They Now?

So I had a series of essays I had in mind to write at the end of the 365. One of them was what I was calling "Where Are They Now?" he 365 told a story and they story has characters, of course. They are my friends, except in the cases where they were my friends due to unfortunate dramas that happen. So I thought a nice part of the end would be to bring folks up to date with what all the main players in this little play are up to now, kind of like the way a lot of movies do at the very end.

There is only one little problem with that plan and I haven't yet figured out exactly how to handle it. I am not here to blow up anybody's privacy. The point of the 365 was to share people's art and open "a little window" into our existence here in OB. The point is not to spread everybody's personal business as gossip on the web. There is a fine line. Posting videos of people without double-checking that its OK is on one side of that line, in my opinion. Folks knew I was recording. It was plain to see and it took enough time without calling somebody once day and asking them if it was OK. Same goes for whatever background info I felt compelled to include in the blog to tell the story. So now I'm gonna go for it. Then I'm gonna read back and decide if I feel right posting it.

I tried. It doesn't feel right. I can't, in good conscience, write about people's break-ups, bull-shit divorces, ailments and whatnot. As much as it feels like a fitting end to the story, it even more feels like gossip, dirt-digging and I won't do it. I like the idea, but sometimes, the reality is a lot less glamorous. Yes, tons of my friends are doing great, on top of the world but those are not the folks I hesitate to talk about. Although, I know some of them, would prefer their privacy as well. So that's it. The essay, today is there is no essay. I've thought beter of it. So if you know me and you HAVE acted like an ass lately, consider yourself fortunate that I am preferring discretion today and shape your act up or I may not be so gentle next time. And with that, the essay was erased. If you want to know more about any of the stars of the 365, google 'em or email me jefferson@jeffersonjay.com and if there's anything appropriate to share and I have time, I'll think about it. Maybe I'll think differently when Operation 365: The Movie comes along. Probably, a lot can change between now and then.

Maybe I'll leave two lines.

Leanne is great. We are still extremely happy and in love. That has become the central relationship in my life and I am immensely thankful.

Ahh, I am relieved. The rest are words that no one needs to see. Not that they were so mean. More that they were uninformative and not that interesting. Sorry for the ride.

A few additional bits

More Best of the 365

In reviewing things for my final couple essays, I recalled a few 365 highlights that I felt like sharing.

Weddings brought about some high points in this project.

On my birthday, April 16, 2011, two of my favorite people on the planet, Steve and Tara Hunsberger/Cheeseburger were wed in holy matrimony. A hawk flew over with a branch while it was happening. We had a blast and it was a beautiful thing. I wrote a tune as part of our gift to them and posted it on their wedding day/my birthday.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 144 "Tara and Steve"

On September 11, 2011, I attended another wedding, this time in the role of Reverend. Lauren and Jeremiah Bryant were wed in holy matrimony at my hand. It was my second wedding. It is always an honor and a blessing to be involved in people's lives in that way. That morning, a burst of inspiration hit me and the song, "Lauren and Jeremiah" was born. It immediately found it's way into the ceremony. I was pleased with how it came out.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 292 "Lauren and Jeremiah"

More Best of the Rest

A tune that didn't make the 365 I love is called "Frontman." It appeared on my 2nd CD "Red." My 2nd, 3rd and 4th CDs, are a trilogy called "Primary Colors." "Frontman" was an old tune I wrote with my friend, Spencer Katzman for our old group, Elin Tea. I had intended to include it in the 365. I hoped Spence and I would get a chance to play it together via Skype, but we never managed to make it go down. Dommage. I also hoped to get to Skype a song with my long-time songwriting partner, Scott Baslaw. Our group is called The Demarests, but he is too shy. Makes me think... Maybe I should have done Kajagoogoo's "Too Shy"? Nahhh, maybe next 365.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 362

More Initial Reflections on a Post-365 world.

The days are starting to feel like normal days again. For a year, every day I got up I had a few special things to do. A specific sense of purpose. It matters not how relevant it was. It was just something I had to. I kinda liked that in a way. I am not used to free time yet. I could use something to do. It was fun. Got a lot done. Now a lot of time all of a sudden. It's a little weird. It feels like before.

The Best of the 365

A couple things stand out as most important. Being able to make an impact, a positive impact in someone's life is an amazing thing. It is humbling to be able to help someone. There were times when I wondered if there was any point at all to this work I was putting out there every day. One day, I believe it was September 11th actually, a woman sent an email in my youtube inbox. I don't check it often so I found it a few weeks after.

This is what it said.

"Be happy
Froggie Went a-Courtin' happens to be one of the few children's songs my ex-husband liked when my daughter was little. My daughter and I had forgotten about that, until you uploaded the song just a few hours after he killed himself and we were coping with his death. Thank you for giving us that happy memory when we needed it. You helped us.

Also, at the risk of rambling at 2am... There can't be much better in the world than being able to bring happiness or comfort to people you've never met, miles away, in circumstances you could not have anticipated, without even knowing that there was a need or that you could or did help. That's what you did for us and that's pretty good stuff -- what music's all about. Keep up the 365."

It still humbles me to read her generous words. An artist can only dream of making that type of profound impact on someone's life and regardless of who else got anything out of the 365, this moment means everything. That is what music and life is all about. Incidentally, this same woman impacted my life positively again in a big way when she became the first person to download my new CD "Gift To Be Alive," a week ago. I made it free with the thought that anyone could get and people wouldn't have a reason to not check it out. Boy, was I wrong? No one, not a friend, not a family member, had downloaded even one tune, for almost two weeks, until this woman stormed back in as my anonymous Great appreciator and donated $24.00 for the right to enjoy my music and share it with her daughter. I feel like she is a guardian angel of sorts, keeping me focused and positive. The thought that her family may be getting as much out of it as I am, thanks to my work and music, is gratifying, humbling, and makes a sense of justice in my mind.

Oh. "Gift To Be Alive" lives at


if you're interested.

I received another opportunity to make a positive impact when I received this email from my friend, Teagen McClain on August 26, 2011

"Hi Jefferson,

It was cool running into you at Peoples the other day. Your girlfriend is really nice! I have a favor to ask you that I think you may be up for. Recording a Youtube song for a little boy with Cancer. My dearest friend Gillian in Oregon (friends since teen years) has 2 sons, Sean and Eli. Eli recently started Chemo. Eli is Vegan and loves to play with fake food and pretend he's a cook. He's a cool little guy."

So I got on it pretty quickly and penned this little number for my new bro, Eli.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 279 A Song For Eli (The Smartest Boy in the World)

I posted my song on August 30 and was pleased to receive this comment on the vid from Eli's mom

"Thanks again so much for this! Eli wants to see it a lot and loves to see Angel sleeping on the floor... Cracks him up. Thanks for the smiles! -Eli's mom"

Obviously it's humbling and life-affirming to be able to be involved in such an important instance. A couple months later I was teaching 2nd grade Special Ed. at a local elementary school. All the classes in the grade were brought together in a room and told of their classmate Isabelle (I later learned it's really spelled Ysabel) who had recently overcome leukemia. She had missed school for awhile and the kids were being educated as to what to expect and how to act upon her return. I was moved by this story. What did this girl do to deserve such a serious challenge so early in her life? Nothing, of course. What about her parents? How scared must they have been?

I had to step outside for a moment and recompose myself and then I got this whole tune in my head. After we watched the Charlie Brown movie, I went and wrote "Isabelle." A couple weeks later, last week in fact, I taught Ysabel's class as it turned out. I met her parents and told them of the song. I gave them and encouraged them to share it with Ysabel if they felt that she would like it. Ysabel's dad sent me a nice note of appreciation later that day. I hope they did. It felt like the right thing to do. Here it is.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 338 "Isabelle"

Any time you can do something nice for someone, consider that time well spent. I was able to make a nice birthday presentation for my Mom in May, which felt good. I played her favorite number, "Blackbird" and wrote a song for her as well.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 171 "Blackbird" - by John Lennon and Paul McCartney

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 171 "Raindrop in the Ocean"

I also write a song for my Dad for his birthday in October. My stepmom said it made them cry. That's a good thing, I think.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 321 "Happy Birthday Dad"

I guess the biggest other nice thing besides playing music all the time and writing a bunch of tunes is the way I got to relive a bunch of old friendships and memories and bring attention and appreciation to some friends, who for one reason or another, can't do so for themselves.

My main man, Don Truesdail, passed away on January 13, 2009. I had recorded and video-recorded a bunch of his performances in the last year or so of his life. I had no idea they would account for a large amount of his output obviously, but with that being the case, I felt a compulsion to share the material and I felt the need to share it in a context befitting its importance to me.

Reiterated, Don's performances didn't happen in a vacuum. There was a whole little known community of artists supporting and inspiring each other. We all enjoyed each other's company and brought out the best in each other for a good while there. So the 365 gave me the motivation and the umbrella to share and explain the feelings that are there. This felt like a more appropriate showcase of this material to me.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 298 Don Truesdail "The Traveller's Lament" 10-27-08

With my friend, Robin Lee, it is a similar scenario. I haven't seen Robin in a long time. She was set to go to prison for transporting a large amount of marijuana, which has been legal in California for medicinal purposes since 1996. I haven't seen her since and don't know where she is. I miss her a lot and think of her a lot though. By watching and sharing her performances, her legacy as a songwriter and a caring human has the opportunity it deserves to grow. Her loved ones, like Don's, have the ability to enjoy the music of their friends' they can no longer hang around. It is not the same, of course. but it is something.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 347 Robin Lee "Turn of the Century" 4-2-2009

Justin Mills, I see all the time. He is one of my favorite songwriters, but he doesn't play music in public ever. If he were to, it is highly unlikely he'd play any of his songs. He just doesn't care for them as much I do. I care a lot. So I posted them many times in the last year. Each time I watch them, I enjoy them again, except when I'm distracted by my spotty bass playing. So getting to share Don, Justin and Robin as much as I did, was awesome. It was important to me to do that as friend, as a history guy and as a human who wants to share with other humans.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 272 Justin Mills "Destruction Device" 12-11-2008

Finally, playing music every day is good for your soul. I got better on guitar. I wrote probably 100 or 150 new tunes. I will take a chunk of the rest of 2011, going through them and deciding what should happen to those guys.

I thought I played some of the covers decently well. These two jump to mind.

"How Deep Is Your Love" by The Bee Gees

"Let's Stay Together" by Al Green

I also enjoyed being silly, and playing with the pooches.

Being Silly

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 137 " Rock A Bye Baby" - Traditional

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 297 "The Snoring Song"

Playing With the Pooches

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 186 "Livin' in the Laps of Dogs"

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 221 "The Puppies Are Fighting"

There was a good amount of both of those. It felt good to feel that there was something artistic to do every day. I have always dreamed of getting up in the morning and knowing I had to write a song or record a song that day. In my imagination, I was for money or a job of some sort, but those are peripherals. I was able to make the creative part of that dream come true. Every day, I had a musical project to do. The times where I was out of town (on tour in April or in Jersey in June, for example), where getting it done was that much more satisfying. Overcoming the adversity of getting stuff done when it was challenging, when I couldn't think of a tune, or get it played right... It is fun to overcome.

The Best of the Rest

There were some other tunes I wanted to cover, but never did. I had hopes of hitting one of the more ambitious tunes off the great Pink Floyd CD, "Animals," like "Dogs" or Sheep." "California Dreamin'" by The Mammas and The Pappas seemed a natural, but no. "Going to California" by Zeppelin, I used to do, but not this year. I played Billy Joel's "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" numerous times. Once I played it really well but with the mic off by mistake, so that didn't ultimately make the cut. I wanted to cover Hendrix's "Angel," the tune I named my pooch after, but it was hard. Trey Anastasio's "Sweet Dreams Melinda" was another one I had my eye on. I even learned the whole intro section to that one. There wasn't time to do everything as I would have ideally liked to on the 365. Time was a factor... and I never did "Greased Lightning."

I have some pretty cool originals tunes I didn't use as well. Tunes I wrote about other women never felt right to play. "Kiss Life on the Lips," "I Need to Know," and "The Back Page Blues" are a few of those. Some songs were too political or angry and I didn't want to carry them forward with me. Sometimes you have to let tunes go, so you can grow. I did that with a number of them.

So that was what was awesome. Being with my friends. Smooching Leanne at the end of the videos. Entertaining people. A lot of folks dropped me nice notes and said encouraging things on Facebook. That all meant so much. That is what kept me going, people's kindness and appreciation. So thanks to everyone who supported me, encouraged me and every said or wrote a nice word about the 365 anywhere to anyone. Thanks to Leanne,

Operation 365 -- Jefferson Jay -- Covers -- 94 "I Love A Rainy Night" by Eddie Rabbitt

the pooches,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 323 "Independent Girl"

and Nigel
Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 164 "Blue Suede Shoes" by Carl Perkins

Michael David Lewis,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 268 "mikelewismusic" by Mike Lewis

Dick and Anna Van Magana of Mariposa Ice Cream,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 119 Jefferson and Will Raffle SDMC Grand prize - 3-4-2009

Dylan Avery,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 326 "Olson"

Blowski (who backed me up after I accidentally stabbed myself on Day 16),

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 16 "Killing's Wrong"

Paul Ruiz,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 257 Jefferson Jay - "The Juicing Song" - 7-26-2011

Josh Rodriguez, The Cheeseburgers, JustinMills, and Adrianna Martin-Morningstar

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 365 "Thank You" by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page

Clifford Jomuad,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 50 "Runaround Sue" by Dion

my family,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 316 "John"

specifically my new nephew Jake, born on May 16, 2011

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 173 "A Baby Boy Is Born (Hooray Today)"

The Truesdails,

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 330 At Home With Don Truesdail & Angel Gets a Gift

and you.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 361

"So I'm like totally writing these essays about he the 365, and it's like, cool, or something."
Me, as Butthead

What can I say? I think Beavis and Butthead are funny and I'm glad they're back. So yes, I am recapping the experiment that is the 365, so I hope you enjoy learning some of what i learned posting 3 videos a day for a year and blogging about it daily.

The Experiment To See What Would Happen

When I started the Operation 365, a year ago yesterday, I said I was doing it as an “experiment” to see what would happen. Well, I did it. Now it's time to begin the life-long task of looking back and trying to decipher what it all meant. What changed in a year of 365ing? The world changed and the 365 reported on it in its own historical way each day, reflecting at least one perspective, often more.

How do I feel sitting here on the beach outside my apartment with all this unfamiliar free time? I feel different, like a million things each day get taken off my things-to-do list. I feel freer, but also a little aimless. I've not yet adjusted to life without having to make videos. There is some comfort in the structure. There is a sense of relaxation in knowing what you’re going to do. I knew each day I was going to prepare three videos, including learning or writing a song, in many cases. At some I was also going to be writing a blog about the meaning and context of them all and then posting them from somewhere with an internet connection. That’s quite a few steps to account for.

Why did I do it? To see if I could? Because I could? I had been wanting to share a bunch of content I had accumulated for some time. These became the Archives. I also had wanted to share the story of all these folks (my friends) and our experience. I didn’t realize how important that was to me until some time into it, but I am really glad that got done. It seems secondary whether people actually ingest that or not.

Exceptional things happen in this life and they are not always documented. They are not always shared. There are no less significant than anything else that has happened. No less interesting. I studied history. I think life matters, every second. It is important for me to share this story. I feel like it can help other people enjoy their lives. Having told it now, it’s something I no longer feel the need to do in mine.

It’s a story of friendship and love. Ups and down, overcoming adversity by the beach in San Diego in the last few years here, mostly. Our life. Our times.

The Benefits of 365ing.

I would recommend people incorporating a "365" into their lives. Of course, I don’t suggest attempting anything like mine. I would go so far as to say “please don’t try this at home, even." The part of it I do recommend however is, identifying something in your life you want to do more, something you think is important to you, and something that may help you grow. Then, challenge yourself to do it daily. It does not have to be anything public or taxing, time-wise. It can be kissing your loved one or doing a push-up or eating something healthy or even thinking of positive things about life. If you do that every day, it will become part of you are. You will eventually become naturally inclined to do it.

So that I recommend highly. For me, what’s next is, I will be focusing on pushing my CD, “Gift To Be Alive. It is available here incidentally,


It is my strongest work to date and I need to give it every opportunity to take me where I want to be. I want to reach people. I want to help the world. I want to survive and ultimately thrive financially, being who I am, and giving back. My goals have all been personal, spiritual, artistic all this time. I have succeeded to some degree, but because I have never focused on having dough, I have about exactly that much.

I may be becoming a family person in this world. It is possible. Some adjustments, dare I say, improvements, need to be made before that can really happen. I’m ready. I got the music. I gotta use it. One pitfall I’ve slipped in too many times that I intend to rectify is… I’m going to hire some people to help me.

I recognize a need for change in that department. I have to hire some professionals somehow to spearhead the distribution, marketing, publicity, and promotional side of the program. What the hey, let’s throw booking in there to. I am OK at all of these things. Not great. That’s a different thing I’m gonna do. I intend to follow this thing through.

In this life, we’re inclined to spend time trying to figure things out. I asked myself on the 365th day, "Why? Why Decide?" Why not just live and be alive? That’s what really matters anyway. Things change all the time in ways you could never imagine. Instead I answered, as an alternative to my question, “Release.” Yes, let go, instead, and let the universe be your guide. Ask and patiently await, receiving. Do what you can to love life and help yourself and others in the meantime.

One other thing in the what-to-look-for-next-from-me department is bringing this thing home right. I don’t who may have an interest, but I feel there is a great story here as well as a snapshot of time, 2011, day by day. 2011 was a very eventful year. There was Osama Bun Laden getting killed (allegedly,) the Rapture wacko, the tragic death of The “Macho Man” Randy Savage. There were work stoppages in the NFL and NBA. The NBA one ended today, they say. There was a lot more... The Occupy thing, The Great San Diego blackout, hurricanes, snowstorms, earthquakes, worldwide revolt, people awakening largely, by and by. What a great time to capture living. What a great time to be alive.

I intend to release this collection of Operation 365 blogs as a series of books, mostly available online. It will be a 21st century way of enjoying art. Readers can click onto any video they are interested in, or they could just read, taking in the stories at their own stride. They will be known as "Operation 365 Presents: 40 Days & 40 Blogs, Books 1-10." These words will occupy some of the final pages of the 10th volume, "The Grand Finale," if you will.

I also intend to go back through the 150 some-odd tunes I wrote expressly for the Operation 365 and measure their merit in one way or another. I have already begun this process, thanks to the helpful tools at


Those guys have helped to pull some of the tunes written for the 365 into my iTunes. There, I will listen. Some will tunes will got modified. Others re-learned. Should be a fun expedition, seeing what I actually wrote while the camera was rolling. Maybe I'll eventually make a CD of Operation 365-penned tunes.

Revolution of the Mind - Ideas for a Brighter Tomorrow

There is so much potential. So much is happening. For years, I wondered if people would ever wake up. For years, folks sat idly by. At least now they’re loitering with a purpose, outside. Sadly, for this they get sprayed in the eyes. The police state is transparent. Just say anything over and over again in public and eventually, they’ll be by.

What is free? We can be. In our minds. It’s only way. The only location where a revolution can take place. Choose your mind, your reasons, your why. They can take your freedom, your stuff, your anything. Your vote. Anytime they choose, no reason why. These things are not rights. They’re on loan to us, as long as we continue to work and buy.

What they can never take though, is your mind. Your mind can not be beaten. It can not be captured, although I’m sure they’re trying. If you decide not accept all this stuff, this corporate madness, the greed-ridden police state, the compulsive consumerism, then you can free your mind. Decide not to propagate that lie. Now we’re retaking minds back, one at a time. For the people, of the people, our minds.

The reason this is the only way is because you’ve seen what peaceful protesting makes happen. The Stormtroopers smash free thought as they spray peoples' faces, casually walking by. One by one, if we refuse, then we can use this space that we’re creating. This space made in our brains to unify, and do things for a righter reason.

People should work together. It is simple. There is no glory whatsoever in stepping on someone to get high. Higher up the food chain. Higher up the pay scale. Higher up the ladder. Higher in your mind. There is no way to justify. There are more than enough resources for everyone to survive.

We are all, every human, brothers and sisters. This, we can not deny. If the sun were to perish, we’d all follow. Dead bodies piling up into the sky. We need to recognize this fact and that our fates, we decide. It is an illusion that we are separated. You’ve heard of this, it’s conquer and divide. It doesn’t matter what the order is. King Kong Bundy liked to count to five. Sorry about that. These obscure pop culture call-backs can be hard to kick. I ditched my TV two years February, but I still read my wrestling online. We work together. It takes time.

This is what I’m after. Making the world a better place, by and by. Will work my whole life for it. Why do an Operation 365? I didn’t know. I did feel like sharing shit. I wanted to be out there more, on the internet. I wanted people to see who I was and why. It’s something I’d been pondering a long time. I wanted to make an internet network and share all this content on a loop. Original Artist Entertainment.... Original American Entertainment… The Good Vibe… I imagined it doing well overseas and online. Independent art for the people.

Living history - A Breathing Art Project

My friends, Dylan Avery and Wes Davis, had just finished a movie called “Buzzkill.” It was about Wes quitting coffee for 21 days and how it affected his life. Through this lens, they looked at a lot of other things. They looked at Wes and how he liked to climb. Wes loves nature and being outside. It looked at life in Ocean Beach and filming. It looked (indirectly) at Dylan’s awesome directorship and it looked at getting by. Through headaches, withdrawal, daily life. It looked at coffee and how it affects us.

These things were all interesting to me and they all wound up finding a sister city in the 365 somehow, but none of them were the biggest reason why I was inspired by their art. Wes says in the movie (Honestly, I only saw the pre-release long cut, but…) that when you do something each day, you become more likely to do it the next day. It becomes a part of what you do. That happened to me too, except instead of stopping coffee for 21 days, for a year, I made videos all the time. Each one shared a little sliver of my mind. Some shared a whole lot more sometimes. So I want to thank Wes and Dylan for sharing their inspiration. That talk they had in my living room long ago not only begat their inspiration, but it also begat mine. I like using words with the “I” Sound at the end of sentences a lot of the time. It is fun to rhyme.

The Operation 365 doubles as strange resume of some kind. It shows I can do a lot of entertainment things. I can write songs quickly. I can produce content prolifically with the best of ‘em. I can be incredibly consistent. I can do what I want to do, if I set my mind. Alright, it’s enough already with the “I.” It shows I do things differently. That’s a challenging task in this time. I can’t stop. I’m sorry.

So I’ve been sitting here by the beach typing for an hour now. The dogs, Angel and Nigel are by my side, quietly resting. It is peaceful. At least it was, until that other dog ran by. It is again now. The sun’s about to set. It is both humbling and awe-inspiring. To be a part of such a special set of creatures, alive on the planet at this time. It means everything. It’s a greater gift than we can imagine. I want to pass it forward and share that gift with everyone. I’m trying.

One nice side-effect of the 365 is I’ve gotten better at guitar. Playing every day will do that to ya, I suppose. It’s nice to improve. I don’t mind. The not-as-nice side effect of that side effect is, though, is now I need a fretjob. I played mine all the way down. They have indentations in them and it doesn’t sound right. Nothing 400 dollars can’t fix though. I am not fretting about money. I am choosing to release and let the universe provide. I’ll work hard. That’s implied, but I’m not gonna cry for 400 dollars. Or the money I need to push my album, or even basic stuff to get by. It will be alright. I feel confidence about that inside.

Still not super-used to this whole free time thing yet. There’s a few things I know I wanna do with some of it. I want to spend more time with my girlfriend, Leanne. We hang out a lot but I can’t tell you how many times I had step away because I had to “do my videos.” I want to thank her, in fact, for her incredible patience and support throughout the 365. Although, she never asked me to, I told her I would not undertake a project of this magnitude without asking her, next time. That was kind of tongue-in-cheek when I said it ‘cause I never intend to attempt a project of this magnitude again. I'm also excited to spend more time playing with my poochies, playing music and catching up with my friends who I really enjoy that I haven't seen in a long time.

For some reason. Some folks expect me to do another 365. I can’t blame them I guess. There’s truly no precedent for this. It’s never been done before and never will be again, most likely. That fact kind humbles me. I like being that kind of guy. It’s the same reason I’ve hosted “24 Hours of Free Music,” four times.

When people find out you’ve done something of this magnitude, something that requires that amount of commitment, they naturally want to know why. That is what I like most about Occupy Movement so far. Of course, I like that they’re there and what it symbolizes, but more specifically, when you see the local news and it says “Occupy Movement: Day 61,” it begs the same question. Why are those people sitting out there? Why?

It’s the same reason, actually. It’s because we want change and it’s because we have something to say. They say it by occupying, and informing the world about the 99%, and selflessly enduring vicious beating at the hands of those employed to protect them. They do it that way. I do it mine. Absurdity, History. Entertainment. Humor. Music. Sharing my mind. Offering openly what I’ve learned in my time. I gotta go. It’s sunset. Bye bye.

The sunset's over. I'm back at my desk now. My friend Matt Reischling, is one of those friends I haven't seen face-to-face in awhile. I spoke to him yesterday though, I sort of had my initial Yeah, the Operation 365 is complete" moment with him on the phone. He correctly tabbed "Sierra Nevada" as the type of beer I was drinking. I said, "It stands to reason he would guess that. There's only about a million beers in the world." Ha!

So Matt and I have been friends awhile. He listened to the tune I wrote for the last day, "Why Decide?/Release." He said he really liked it and we discussed it for awhile. He said he thinks I should be a motivational speaker. An inspirational speaker. He said I have a powerful spirit and and could get paid to get people fired up in a therapeutic and spiritual manner. I like that idea. He said I could sell my music through that on the side.

That's what I am here for actually. Helping people find happiness in themselves. In life. Music is the method I choose to use, but I could do it another way. I wouldn't mind. As long as the message gets delivered. This is your life. Your time. Each precious moment is a cause for celebration. Everything you have to offer is precious, unique and divine. We spoke about our music, where we're at in our lives, and finding quiet space inside our mind.

Later that night Blowksi and his girlfriend, Arual came by. We were at Leanne's. Leanne, Josh, Adrianna, Chris, Richard, Steve and Tara, and I. They brought by a bottle of Almond flavored champagne to celebrate the completion fo the 365. It was very considerate and appreciated and delicious and effective. Thank you my friends. Thank you God for this life.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 360

Initial Reflections on a Post-365 World

So I’m sitting outside with my lady and the dogs, perfectly relaxed on a sunny November Friday. Relief is the most palpable sensation I’ve felt so far. What an odd experiment. A noble, yet odd experiment. Telling a story with reality as the characters and history as they style. A little bit of everything found its way the Operation 365. It was a reflection of Life in that way.

It feels like I’ve found a reservoir of spare time. It’s new and illuminating. SO many things I can do when I’m not filming videos. I figure it was on average about an hour and a half a day. I’ll get deeper into the numbers some time this week, but that comes out to about three weeks working 24 hours a day in the last calendar year that I’ve spent 365ing.

Now Leanne sits back, rubbing her Ray-Bans in front of her third eye. “Well, I’m having a very nice afternoon,” she says while sipping a smoke. She has a plan for the rest of the days happiness, “without having to hurry at all” I can think of one thing I’ll be doing with my new free time. Leanne bought Nigel a T-shirt. It says, “The Who.”

So for 5 more days, I’ll be writing essays of reflection to sort through all of this thought that happened. To seek some conclusions, offer up some insights,and follow this experiment through. “I’m ready when you are,” Leanne informs me. We’re off to the dog park today. I wonder if we should take Nigel’s shirt off first. I will ask Leanne.

I’ll have far more to report in the days to come, but for now, I’m taking a short one. Enjoy this Friday. Enjoy life after the 365. I will. That’s the plan. I need only release and comply.



Thursday, November 24, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 359

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 365 Jefferson Jay Band "Do You Feel Free?" 8-19-2009

Ahhh... the last time I will copy the first few lines from yesterday and start a new blog. It is Day 365. 1:47AM. A quiet moment of reflection before I plunge into editing today's cover and writing today's original and getting about a marvelous Thanksgiving. In fact, it's Thanksgiving right now. Happy Thanksgiving.

It's a great feeling, a sense of accomplishment, any time you do anything successfully. When projects are larger the sense of satisfaction grows. In this case, I adopted a different way of life. A way of life in which I do certain things each day. I make sure certain things get done. Not cause I needed to or I had to, per se, but because I challenged myself to see if it was possible. It was. It is. I am finishing it right now.

What can you do if you put your mind to it? What do you want to do? What is it worth to ya? Is it worth it on those days where you just don't feel like doing anything at all or when there are clearly more important things going on? That is life, though. We don't always have the opportunity to decide if it's important. Sometimes life does the deciding.

Maybe we don't have to decide. Maybe, it's enough to go through each day, doing, and that sense deciding each day at a time. In a way, that's what I did for the last 365. Was I asserting my freedom by doing what I said I was going to? Or was I a slave to my proclamation? To my stated intention? Did I own it or did it own me? I would argue we shared this experience, life and I. And because of each other, the 365 and I can reflect together on what happened in this time. Without the 365, this capturing of time, this would not be possible. You can do it by yourself, but that's just thinking. Thinking's more projection than reflection, most of the time.

Wondering why I chose this tune for my final archive? Sometimes I think "Do You Feel Free?" is harsh. It's so direct, almost condescending, unintentionally of course. But here the question stands? Do you? Do you decide what you do? Do you feel good about it? If not, what can you change to make it otherwise. These are real questions for this time. It's what matters most. Revolution now exists in people's minds. It's like that other stuff. You decide. You make rules and by them, you abide. You are free if you're free in your mind. And there's no exceptions for denials or lies. When you're along, you know. In this life, do you try, try for what your heart is after.

Look at your life and ask yourself this, "Man (or woman), does that feel good?" If the, answer isn't yes, you should probably do something differently. I'm just saying... Otherwise, why?

This version of "Do You Feel Free?" was recorded at The Belly Up Tavern, in Solana Beach, CA on August 9, 2009. Thanks to all the artists whose talent and sharing made the Archive component of the 365 such a pleasure to provide. Special thanks to Don Truesdail, Robin Lee and Justin Mills. Hearing you guys play always transports me to the true good times, those that make me feel free in my mind.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 365 "Thank You" by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page

Workin' it down to the wire on the Operation 365. It's 10:07PM and I'm still pumping away. A crazy day with the whole Thanksgiving factor and trying to bring some special treats to end this with some gusto.

For months, I've known I wanted to end the 365 with Led Zeppelin's "Thank You" as my cover on Thanksgiving. A day or so ago, Blowski brought up an idea, I myself had had a few days earlier He mentioned doing "The Final Countdown," one of the funniest songs of all-time. He volunteered to direct it more or less. Then he got busy, but the seed of the idea was planted. and it was too funny an idea for Josh and I to let go of that easily.

It involved co-ordinating a few people's schedule, but last night we filmed, Justin Mills and Adrianna Martin-Morningstar joined us for the excursion the Steve and Tara's casa in Lakeside. We practiced and filmed and got some good stuff. I was then faced with the challenge of putting it all into place to make an awesome video. I did the best I could. I guess in a way that what the Operation 365 is all about. You are not going to post 3 incredible videos every day. That doesn't not mean that there will not be artistic or entertainment value in each of the videos. It just means the journey itself is why we do it. and how it comes out is how is was meant to. We're fortunate when things in life come out at all.

So, here it is. Maybe I'll use the footage to practice making awesome, more technically hip, videos. I plan of having some more free time real soon.

Thanks to Europe, Led Zeppelin and The Doors for the use of the tunage. Thanks to Steve and Tara Cheeseburger, Justin Mills, Adrianna Martin-Morningstar, Josh Rodriguez and my sweet lady, Leanne Pearl, to being there for me as friends and rallying it up on a Wednesday in November to try to help me end the 365 with a flourish. Peace and Love.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 365 "Why Decide?/Release"

I wrote "Why Decide/Release" today. It is actually two tunes that go together, I think. It is brand new. I knew I would have one day left on the originals after I finished going through my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," which you can have here incidentally.


So I figured I'd write a song for the end, maybe call it "Operation 365" or something. I have thought a lot about what all this means, this whole Operation. What I learned. Why I did it. What I gained from the experience and I answered my own question with another question in part. Why Decide? Why do we have to say how things are? Can't we just experience and leave it at that? Why does it have to be what we say it is? Why can't it just be? That question, "Why Decide?" can be asked of every line in this song? Why decide what really matters? And so on and so forth. It's food for thought and on Thanksgiving with 365 straight days of work behind me, and a belly enormously full with delicious food from Jeff Dewine and Jillian's house, I will answer the question in the spirit it was asked. You don't need to decide anything unless you want to, but things are the are either way.

The second part of this tune, "Release" bears the real answer to all these questions. Let go and then you free your mind.

It's a beautiful world. See it that way or miss the simple bliss before your eyes.

Peace and love in this life.

Onward and upward, we fly.

NOTE: Thank you for watching the Operation 365. While this concludes the video portion of our program, I started the blog about a week ater the actual Operation and intend to continue until it reaches its 365th day. I believe that will be next Wednesday.

When I started this experiment 365 days ago, I said I was doing it to see what would happen. The purpose of the essays, "Reflections on the 365," if you will, is to look into that more closely and see what actually happen during the course of this Operation, as understood immediately following its conclusion. So thanks for your company. We will beginning our descent into less daily responsibilities. All forecasts are for a smooth landing in Freedom San Diego, California on Wednesday. In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of your adventure. Thanks for flying Operation 365!

NOTE: On November 24, 2011 at 11:25PM PST, Jefferson Jay successfully completed the Operation 365. Hooray for life and living. Gratitude. Hooray! Now to celebrate!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 358

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 364 "Making Time" 7-19-2006

It's a shame we can't all be friends forever. Maybe someday. You know I've spent a lot of time here on my friendships that have remained strong for years and years. As we know, things don't always go that way. The friendships that end have their place though as well. For a time, we walk with these people, sharing a journey and then we diverge. We're not always meant to go the distance, it seems, with everyone we feel close to.

So back in 2006, my social circle was very different. Most of the people I have grown close to were drawn in one way or another through Portugalia and my programs there. Before Portugalia, I ran an Open Mic at O'Connell's called The Hot Fudge Sundae. It was festive, though a bit caustic. The humor was flying fast and furious around there those days. Nobody escaped unscathed. Being form Jersey, to me this was all in good fun, but there were some other folks who I realized after the fact, were not laughing. Quite the contrary. More like crying.

July 19, 2006 was before things fell apart there. Perhaps it was the high point of that little era. My Jefferson Jay Band opened up for Steely Dan and Michael McDonald at The Verizon Wireless Amphitheater (formerly Irvine Meadows) on a side stage. That was the largest crowd I ever played for. Everybody who walked in the venue had to pass by us. The food eating zones were all around as well. Picnic tables and everything. It was fun. Someone took pictures. We had a 10-piece band that night with a full horn section. What d'ya know,people line up to come out and play when you're opening for Steely Dan. In creepy sidenotes. They gave us 30 or so seats to the show for our whole party, all in Row KKK. Why would you even have a Row KKK?

So I would like to dedicate this one to Happy Ron Hill, Rob Johnston, Shirley Giltner, Gabriela LaLicata, Chris & Steve Merlin, Rick & Laurie the Llama, Cheryl and all those folks from back in the day of the Hot Fudge Sundae that I don't talk to much anymore. We had a lot of great times back then and I remember them fondly. I would like to extend that sentiment to Jason Nascimento, former proprietor of Portugalia and everyone who was once in my band or in my circle of friendship and isn't anymore. We had tons of great times. Those are the one I choose to remember and I remember them fondly. Peace and love to everybody everywhere.

The soundguy at this gig saw to it that all our levels maxed for some reason. What you hear here is the best I could do to make "Making Time," then known as "I'm Making This Time Mine," sound right.

"Making Time" is the last song on my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," which can be head here.


Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 364 "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd

I have saved "Wish You Were Here" for near the end of the 365. It's one of those tunes everybody loves and lots of folks play. Plus, Pink Floyd is at the top of my favorite bands pantheon. So, it seemed like a fitting tribute. I was happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Cheeseburger into the abode to back me up a bit on the jammy.

I had trouble getting the song to record. One of my favorite facets of the 365 was all the times I forgot to make sure the mic was one. So I got two or three good reminders of what that feels like here on this tune, right near the very end. So we did it again and again. I tried to bring a couple of the unsung segments of this tune to light, so I hope you dig it. There's got to be a half a million versions of "Wish You Were Here" on the web. Hopefully, ours is in a at least the top 250,000.

Shout-outs to all the folks I wish were here on this blessed Thanksgiving Eve.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 364 "Making Time"

"Making Time," then known as "I'm Making This Time Mine," was the first tune I ever wrote on keys. A lovely ballad, it is probably the oldest tune found on my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive." We had a gig coming up at The Belly Up Tavern back then and I got an idea that I wanted to write something special for that magnificent stage. Something special large enough for the room. Then, a dream came true and we got offered to open for one of my all-time favorite bands, Steely Dan. It was awesome. I jumped up and down when I found out it was going to happen.

Dudes lined up to be in the band for that show. We had ten pieces including a full-horn section. It was a blast. Steely Dan, rocked as only they can. Michael McDonald played too and sat in. I was inspired.

I was thinking I would to to play this on Nancy Truesdail's piano for kicks but time is running short here and I had to cut crucial moments when I could. Like now.

"Making Time" is the last tune on my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," which I hope you will listen to, and perhaps even download, here.


Time is a gift, depending on what you do with it.


NOTE: Day 364 of the Operation 365 is dedicated to Scott Zensen. Scott was a devout supporter of the San Diego music scene for a number of years. He passed away the night before Thanksgiving a few years ago. I always enjoyed Scott's company and spirit. He was very kind to me. Thanks to David Matt Green for bringing this occasion to my attention. Peace Scott. I'm glad to have known you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 357

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 363 Jefferson Jay "That Morning" 8-19-2009

Friendship is one of the truly precious things in life. It's one of the things that matters most to me. Without friends to share our life with, to love, living seems hollow. Loyalty and support of friends is one of the most important traits you can have, I believe and I try to live that way as much as possible. Ideally, we would see everyone int he world as our friends and treat them all that way, accordingly.

So, today's song brings with it, a long story. That morning sucked. That mornings was January 13, 2009. I received a call form the police. They were calling regarding my friend "Donald Truesdail." They didn't want to tell me what happened til I go over to their house, but I assured them I was coming and made them tell me. They said he was dead. I walked over slowly. I felt a slight sense of relief with the thought that he had an accident and it was cut ad dry, In the past, when my best friend, Tony died, the mysterious and unclear circumstances involved made it that much mroe intolerable.

I arrived at their house. I won't describe the scene out of respect for how emotional and painful it was for all involved, especially Don's wife nancy, but it was beyond grim. Eventually the police came and brought with them the hideous insinuation that Don was somehow involved with the ending of his own life. Nobody who knew him was buying it. Several hours later, I went home and took a shower, His music was blasting and it was an emotional and raw time. I felt his voice in my head tell me "Don't believe that bullshit," just as I began to contemplate the officer's unconscionable assertion. My instinct was to believe that voice. I did, but moments late, gain I entertained the notion for a heartbeat that the police might not be entirely full of shit here. and then as vociferously as I heard I heard it the first time, probably more I heard those same word in my head. "Don't believe that bullshit." From that moment forward, I agreed to heed that wisdom. It made more sense. That's for sure.

The newspaper printed that "information" the next day. When I called them, all kinds of angry, they informed me they got it off the police's website. Nice. The investigation had barely begun and the police posted on their website that the cause of death was suicide. So much for that relief I imagined on my initial walk over. For the next week, I spent every second I had helping Nancy and trying to find proof that Don didn't kill himself. So many other things happened in those subsequent days, the kinds of things most people never experience and probably wouldn't believe. That's why I don't tell those stories. I'm not out to convince anybody that my spiritual road is for them or even legitimate. It is my journey. It's how I learn to live and while I would be happy to discuss, I never intend to defend any of it to anyone, because it has nothing to do with them really.

But I gained a lot of wisdom for the universe during that time. It kept me going on my pursuit of the truth and my grieving on next to sleep for awhile. The following Saturday, 5 days after the accident. I found proof in Don's car that he had an accident in OB prior to his jaunt down the 5 on his way to work to teach kids music. That pretty much destroyed the police's genial version of the truth in which Don drove down the highway so he could leap in front of a garbage truck. If they had look at all for a note or not ignored the damage to his vehicle from the first accident, none of my little heroism, would have been necessary. It's a much longer story, as you might imagine.

This version of "That Morning" was recorded at The Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach, CA on Don's mom's birthday, August 19, 2009.

To learn more about Don, or check out any of his awesome music, please visit

To hear the CD version of "That Morning" or any of the other tunes off "Gift To Be Alive," please visit


Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 363 "Time Can't Fade" by Chris Scelzo

In the spirit of friendship and love, I am taking this third day before this here 365 ends to cover a tune by my friend Chris Scelzo called "Time Can't Fade." Chris has been my friend for 20 years and was probably my first musical daddy. I remember like it was yesterday, watching him star on the stage as a member of The Boptones, the student-teacher rock band, we had at our new jersey high school. He was amazing, running across the stage, shredding guitar leads. I was captivated and wanted Chris's friendship.

Fortunately for me, he was down and we became pals. In high school, he was already making all these tapes of his original songs. They were a little rough, but I loved them, The crown jewel of al these jams was "Time Can't Fade." It was the one everybody most loved. Chris didn't think the songs were all that special. He kept recording them over and over 'til 1994, when he released a two-disc (really both sides of a tape) concept album, featuring himself on all the instruments including programmed drums and everything. It was awesome. So awesome that I don't think he felt the need to ever do it again. Making a CD is a lot of work. Ha!

Prior to that, Chris had produced and recorded the first songs I ever co-wrote, with my pal Scotty Baslaw in our group, which still exists, The Demarests. A great time was had by all through all of this and when tragedy struck my little circle and my friend Tony died, Chris stepped up even more and became the great friend to me that he still is to this day. What extreme steps constitute friendship at these dire times? While Tony fought for his life in a coma, Chris let me drive his beloved Hyundai in the rain, out of my mind bat-shit-crazy upset down to Jersey City to pick up our friend Conor, who would later grow up to be this man.


Anyway, we survived and Chris demonstrated he would go to any length, even risking his own well-being to be a the best friend he could be. Chris would later lead many late night diner missions, Hyundai-fueled music appreciation lessons, and Christmas-light viewing, hilarity-filled journies.

I chose to cover one of the old versions of "Time Can't Fade," the one found on the first tape of his I have, in fact. He made it fancier I changed the key later, but I was always partial to this version. It was the first tune a friend of mine ever wrote that I thought was really really col. Even before it was all done up right, I was a devotee. I still remember all the words by heart pretty much, even those he discarded 'cause he thought there were too many.

I even dressed like him here, just for the fun of it. Chris is one of those rare dudes who wears a tie all the time no matter what. He was already doing this back when I met him in high school. You can see a picture after the song of Chris and I (with Scotty in the background) at Boptones practice. The year after I watched Chris kick ass, I auditioned and made the band. I was still a backup singer back then, mostly, but my senior year, I too got my chance to shine in that 800-person auditorium full of screaming fans. Good times. Thanks to Chris for inspiring me all these years and for being my friend.

It's true. Sometimes, time can't fade.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 363 "That Morning" 3-11-2010

So it was early 2009, a year I spent most of recovering from Don's death in January. In late 2008, when the world was a simpler place around here, I was performing and practicing a lot with my side project, The Greens of Mind. I had written a handful of emotional ballads that the group enjoyed playing. They worked well. It was wintery for San Diego then. I was envisioning Spring and Summer ahead and wanted to write some more upbeat tunes for the group. The Greens weren't feeling 'em.

"Strive and Thrive," "The New Dawn," A Call to Action," and "Love of My Life" were these tunes. They all wound up on my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," which may never have happened had The Greens been more responsive to my offerings. It's all good now, but at the time, I was a little sour with their rejections. We were in practice on day and I said I can write a tune you'll all like. and I wrote this one there pretty quick.


They did not like it. In fact, it was everything they can't stand about my music. It has funny lyrics, weird grooves and it's choppy. I got what they didn't like abou it right away. So I said OK, this time I'll write a song you will like. I thought I had it and then I wrote "That Morning." They liked it unanimously. They said I write good love songs. So that's how "That Morning" came to be. I don't like to play it to much now. It's so sad. I miss Don, but I feel as close to him as ver. I am him and he is me now. OF course, we are both much more but that is part of the reality I inhabit. There is a lot to be learned form our friends, unencumbered by bodies.

This version of "That Morning" was recorded on March 11, 2011. All the tunes on my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," probably wouldn't have come to the surface had Don lived. Even if some of them had, the meanings attached to playing them, would have changed dramatically. I dedicated the the CD to Don. I love him and while song focuses on a truly dark moment in our lives here, I have gained so much love and insight and awareness of things I had never imagined not only from knowing Don in his life, but from knowing him since that morning.

Love you bro.


To learn more about Don, or check out any of his awesome music, please visit http://truesdailstudio.com

To hear the CD version of "That Morning" or any of the other tunes off "Gift To Be Alive," please visit


Monday, November 21, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 356

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 362 Jefferson Jay "Us Against the World" 3-21-2010

So it was probably about 4 years ago. I had been donating my time for years in the fine art community of San Diego. I would play benefits and stuff. There are a lot of patrons for the visual arts in san Diego, not so much for music. So I got this idea that I would start a non-profit organization to help improve conditions of music and musicians in San Diego County. That thought became the San Diego Musicians Collective. You can visit us here sdmusicians.org. Our goal is to eventually establish a center for music in San Diego.

Well, this is all a lot of work and I don't have a lot of time. So it moves along as fast as it can. These days, I spent my charitable time volunteering and teaching Music at an awesome non-profit call A.R.T.S., A Reason to Survive. They help kids grow and heal through art.

Anyway, the SDMC almost had a place to call our own on a few occasions. We were heavily involved in pursuing a place at an old theater in town on 10th St. Technically, we've never received a response on our submission for space rental, so who knows maybe we're still in consideration.. or maybe they just forgot and moved on. Either way...

So a very good friend of mine, Joan Seifried, who was involved in the this Musicians Collective idea from its inception (I had my little epiphany at her house) asked me if I would write a song about the 10th St. theater project and the arts community to play at one of our meetings there. I obliged and debuted "Us Against the World on the roof there, some time ago. People have liked the song, so it has remained in the loop.

There are some lines in there about a boy and a girl meeting and a couple lines about a "pearl."

Well, I wound up meeting a wonderful woman named Leanne Pearl, and as we know, I don't believe in coincidences. So cheers to Joan, wherever she is. A douchebag criminal-esque dude, she was seeing led her to want live elsewhere. I can't say I blame her, but her friends and the arts community here, both miss her very much. Joan is an exceptionally cool woman. She deserved a million times better than that felon in con man's clothing and I hope she has found the happiness she deserves, wherever she is right now. Thanks Joan, for all the inspiration you offered and thanks for asking me to write this tune which turned to be, "Us Against the World."

You can download "Us Against the World" or any of the other tunes off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," here.


This version of "Us Against the World" was recorded on March 21, 2010.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 362 "My Way" popularized by Frank Sinatra

I'm gonna let wikipeda have the first word on this one with dome details about "My Way."

wiki: "My Way" is a song popularized by Frank Sinatra. Its lyrics were written by Paul Anka and set to music based on the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed in 1967 by Claude François and Jacques Revaux, with lyrics by Claude François and Gilles Thibault. Anka's English lyrics are unrelated to the original French song. "My Way" is often quoted as the most covered song in history.

Cool. I love this song. I can relate to it as one who does thing his own way. For instance the Operation 365.

"Yes, there were times. I'm sure you knew. When I bit off more than I could chew. Through it all, when there were doubts, I ate em up and spit em out."

Continuing from the Book of Frank and Ank (songwriter Paul Anka,)

"To think , I did all that.. and may I say, not in a shy way
Oh, no, oh no, not me. I did it my way."

Amen. It's been a great Operation 365. It has enabled to help make some dreams of mine come true. Hopefully, it shows by example that you can do whatever you put your mind to, even if it is impractical, cumbersome, or unwieldy.

Singing Frank Sinatra songs is fun. It's what I do when I Karaoke. I haven't Karaoke'd once this whole year, so it's not very often. Anyway, I thought this one was an appropriate one to include, so I did. Doing things one's own way is a beautiful way to live. Anyone can copy cat or follow the leader, and there's nothing wrong with that. But without folks who do their own thing, their own way, the world would be a very boring place.

Peace and love and individuality...
make life so much more fun and interesting...

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 362 "Us Against the World" 3-11-2010

"Us Against the World" is Tune 11 off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive." It was inspired by the local art community in San Diego. For years, I have been working in my limited spare time on a non-profit I started called The San Diego Musicians Collective. You can check out what we're all about here. www.sdmusicians.org.

"Us Against the World" says that if we work together it wouldn't need to be "Us Against the World." Long ago there was a basketball league called the NBA. A team called the Miami Heat went and got three of the best players and then unified behind the mantra "Us Against the World." Color that one the many ways I could have made dough and didn't. If I had visited Miami and sold some shirts with that on it, I may have made some dough. No matter. There is no NBA now, but if there was and the those Miami Heat players took the message of the tune "Us Against the World" to heart, maybe they would be more successful. I think they only got the first part of the "Us Against the World" message. The real is like I said, if we worked together it would never be if we work together it wouldn't need to be "Us Against the World." It wouldn't need to be "Us Against the World." Got that LeBron?

You can get it yourself, buy clicking below. There, "Us Against the World" and the rest of the tunes off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive" are yours for the taking.



Sunday, November 20, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 355

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 361 Jefferson Jay "A Call to Action" 9-24-2009

Hello, it's been a lazy Sunday. Those two Bloody Marys didn't help. One nap later, the sun is setting as I'm just awaking. I wrote "A Call To Action" on Christmas 2008. It is a song about people coming together and taking steps to make the our world better. I am proud that since I wrote it, many people have done just that. The Occupy Movement makes a statement that things are right and people need to do something about it. I agree strenuously

"A Call To Action" and all its brothers and sisters on my new CD "Gift To be Alive" can be had or heard here. Dig. This version was recorded on September 24, 2009.


Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 361 "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton

Struggled some to find a cover today but settled on the beautiful Eric Clapton song, "Wonderful Tonight." Considered a few Beatles tunes I realized I had already done. Tried "You'll Never Walk Alone" for a few... They weren't happening. I have a little list of cover tunes for the end of the 365, but they are hit and miss. Some are more difficult than I have time for.

Well, cheers to Eric Clapton, I feel a kindred spirithood with him. After his song died and he wrote "Tears in Heaven," I was deeply moved my the song. Shortly thereafter, when tragedy visited my own circle, I gained a whole 'nother level of appreciation for that song. We're gonna kep it light tonight though and stick with "Wonderful Tonight."

Loving shout-out to my special lady, Leanne Pearl. Leanne recommended I play "Let It Rain" for today, which sent me searching down this wonderful musical road.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 361 "A Call to Action" 3-11-2010

Today's tune is "A Call to Action," Tune 10 off my new CD, "Gift To be Alive." "A Call to Action" is about people taking steps to make our world a better place. You can download it or listen to it here. This version was recorded on March 11, 2010.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 354

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 360 Jefferson Jay Band "Love of My Life" 3-9-2010

"Love of My Life" is Tune 9 off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive." It is the one tune on the CD that I am still trying to understand exactly what it means. I tarted writing it in Don Truesdails' house on Christmas 2008. That was a prolific day musically for me. I wrote my San Diego Christmas song early in the day and then wrote Tunes 8, 10, and this one (9) off "Gift To Be Alive" as they day continued.

I wonder sometimes what "Love of My Life" means. I know what I thought it meant when I wrote it. Is it about life itself, I wonder occasionally. I hink it's about meeting someone you can spend your life with with, growing old together happy. That makes sense. I'll go with that.

This version of "Love of My Life" was recorded on March 9, 2010.

You can handle the music here. Charge yourself if you want to. Otherwise, it's free because I want you to have it. Not cause I think it's not worth anything. I do. It was worth a chunk of my life.


NOTE: For some reason, youtube decided this was a duplicate of another video. It's not. So I reposted it on November 26, 2011 to try to make the world complete again.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 360 "People Are Strange" by The Doors

People ARE strange. Unpredictable. Imbalanced, occasionally. Out of left field from time to time even. Trying to understand people can be a seriously lost cause. I try less than I used to. I let obviousness tell me what to do. It works. If people act assish, stay away, Be where feels good. DO what feels right. Read the signs. I like strange folks. I like 'em a lot. Mean people, not so much. I don't take it personal though. It's that they're unhappy. Misery, no thanks. L'chiem

My dad used to sing me "People Are Strange" when I was a boy. It freaked me out appropriately. After he took me to see "Strange Invaders," I think it freaked me out even more. When I got to college though, I learned I liked The Doors, a lot. Peace, Doors, I hope to be walking through you very soon.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Outtakes - "Too Dumb" by Jefferson Jay

I decided I was going to focus on tunes from the "Gift To Be Alive" CD for the last two weeks of the 365, but then I wound up on a conservative talk radio show yesterday. They'd asked me to write a funny song about Occupy. I did on on my lunch break, Then I played it last night on the air. I want to share it. It is written about those folks who say the Occupiers have no message. And here I was thinking the 99% thing was pretty clear... Anyway, "Too Dumb" is written about those people form the perspective of one of them.

I think I can do a slightly better version of this one. I may try again in a day or two, but I think I'll be posting this one for now.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 360 "Love of My Life" 3-21-2010

This version of "Love of My Life" was recorded on March 21, 2010. "Love of My Life" is the 9th tune off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive." "Gift To Be Alive" is a CD of positive music featuring meaningful solutions to the problems of out 21st century world. The message is in the music.

Please sample some selections here. I want you to hear. Here.



360 degrees. The full circle.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 353

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 359 Jefferson Jay Band "The New Dawn" 8-19-2009

I taught second grade today. It's been a busy day. I found out last night I would be on the new FM Talk Station tonight with Bob Sullivan. It is actually the powerful News station in San Diego, "The Big One" KOGO 600AM, that is now being simulcast on FM. So technically, I m going to be on 2 radio stations in less than an hour.

I spoke to Bob today and he told me he call the Occupy Movement "The Renaissance Fair and that he thinks all those people have no leader and no message. He thinks they're basically homeless. I respectfully disagree so I wrote a song about it. It's called "Too Dumb." I think it's pretty easy to understand their message. Massive disparity in wealth. Corporate domination. Pretty simple stuff. Police brutality is bad.

Times are changing and the more America's mayors agree to beat up the the protesters for peacefully assembling, the more people will see what's clearly going on.

Barry Obama said this in a speech on January 28, 2011:

"As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life. So I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.

The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere."

Take your own advice, Barr... if you have any say at all.

This is my song "The New Dawn." It tells of the bright light that awaits up in this world. We can bring love to the streets. We are just awaking as a people. It feels good.

You can have the music here.


This was recorded on August 19, 2009 at The Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach, CA.

I am going to go do the radio show and play the song I wrote today at lunch. Talk to you in a bit. I'll tell you how it goes.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 359 "End of the Line" by The Travelling Wilburys

"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bobdylan."

The Operation 365 is winding to a close here now. Less than one week to go. The end of the line. Tomorrow, we enter the 360's.

The Travelling Wilburys are cool 'cause they are Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, and Tom Petty. 5 generations of cool. Rock generations are shorter than standard generations. I wonder if I'm required to post the Bob Dylan disclaimer. Dylan's folks hit me up early in the 365 to let me know I should post this whenever I do one of his songs.

"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bobdylan."

There you go, Bob. I did it, even though you only wrote one-fifth of this song. I'll go stick it at the top now too. I don't want to upset you or your web sheriff.

Actually, I think Bob would be proud. I just went on Clear Channel's KOGO, currently being simulcast on 600Am and 95.7FM in San Diego. The host, "Sully" Bob Sullivan was ranting about the pointlessness of the Occupy Movement or pretty much the whole hour before I went on. I can't blame him. He grew up in San Diego and works drive-time on the news station. He recently replaced on of those conservative hate-mongering looneys in the time slot.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 359 "The New Dawn" 3-11-2010

Here is another version of "The New Dawn," Track 8 off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive." It is abou hopefulness and the world can live in if we make it. A positive world, where people care for each other and accept that we're all one. All this pulling against each other is pulling against ourselves. It is unnecessary. It is like fighting nature. It is fighting nature. We make the world we covet. It's not too late to shine.

Hear here. Clear?


It's free, like we should be. You and me. Peace

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 352

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 358 Jefferson Jay "Finding Your Dreams" 1-27-09

Hello everybody. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Things are looking up here quite nicely. Yes dark things occur. No, it shouldn't and won't spoil the soup for everybody. People need to eat. In fact, I'm hungry.

"Finding Your Dreams" is Tune 7 of my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive. "Said CD can be scored or sipped here


An invitation to indulge in "Finding Your Dreams" specifically can be found here.


Like Tune 5, "Great Shine," I wrote "Finding Your Dreams" at Blowski's pad after he picked me up from the airport.. outside. We decide if we will find our dreams or not. Unpredictable events occur all the time. It is how react that determines where we arrive. I am very thankful and appreciative for all the good graces I have in my life right now. Anything Can happen. Everything happens for a reason and we are all one. Those are a few tidbits that help compose my world view.

This version of "Finding Your Dreams" was recorded on January 27, 2009 at my Open Mic. I am joined my The Soul Man on guiro.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 358 "I Am... I Said" by Neil Diamond

One week left in the 365 and I choose Neil Diamond. I choose "I Am... I Said." Neil and his impassioned delivery get it done every time. I emulate him here some 'cause it's fun. This song is about finding yourself, as I understand it. I think that's something everyone can relate to. Neil is talking about life as a two-coast dude. I can relate to that as well. Unbelievably, Neil Diamond is his real name. Neil Leslie Diamond. Don Truesdail's middle name was also Leslie. Donald Leslie Truesdail.

"I Am... I Said" is about finding your dreams, much like my song for today of the same name. It is also being true to yourself and I feel I am that way, Some might argue it's one of my best traits. Honestly, it's the only way I know how to be. It is hard for me to accept that some other folks are different that way. It would be tough going out into the world as a giant phony.

Huge anniversary shout-outs to my dad and his wife of 26 years, Karen, I love you guys. More anniversary shout-outs go to Dan and Janet Truesdail who also celebrate anniversary today, their 38th. There are no coincidences. There is only what goes down.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 358 "Finding Your Dreams" 9-24-09

Ola amigos. Today's tune off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive" is Track 7, "Finding Your Dreams." "Finding Your Dreams" is about what you say and do determines whether you find your dreams or not, regardless of what complicating factors intervene.

The new CD, "Gift To Be Alive" can heard or downloaded, for free or for dough here.


The CD version of "Finding Your Dreams" can be grooved to thusly.


It took me a week and and some life crap to navigate, but I am finally adjusted to the new method of 365ing.

Shout-out to the brothers and sisters holding it down in the name of equality and justice over at Occupy all over the world. I know it's tough times, but its your time. Keep trying. Always remember Peace and love are the kryptonite to the Superman that you're fighting. They have no defense against. They just think they do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 351

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 357 Jefferson Jay "Times Divine" 2-19-09

"Times Divine" is a song about how every moment we have is everything we've got. People waste time. Wasting time is wasting life. Most agree life has value, lots and lots of value. Like the most value. For this version I was joined my flutist Maciej Swiatcz and The Soul Man on guiro. Whenever we would play this song, I would always think of Soul Man, him being in his 90s at all. I always tried to appreciate every time I played with im, never knowing if it might be the last time. I think approaching everything like that is a healthy way to live.

The "Gift To Be Alive" CD version of "Times Divine" can be heard here.


The whole CD can be checked out, downloaded, and had here.


Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 357 "With a Gun" by Steely Dan

In honor of Day 357 on the Operation 365, I decided to play a song about a gun. I don't shoot guns, but I can see why there'd be a point to having one. Don't need to know to much about guns to know about a .357 Magnum, no ya don't.

So I like Steely Dan a lot. Glad to get another Dan tune in the 365. I'm not sure who write "With a Gun" but I would imagine it was Donald Fagen. I looked it up on wikipedia, but got no answer. Yeah, all Steely Dan's albums rock. Kip Forde appears on hanging out here.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 357 Times Divine 12-23-08

This version of "Times Divine, track 6 off my new CD, "Gift To Be Alive," was recorded all the way back in 2008, December 28th, in fact. It was the end of a fine year. I gave a big shoutout speech to the The Soul Man, before this tune. Wes Davis and Blowksi on the hanging with me on stage.

Here's wishing everybody in the whole wide world the best.

The "Gift To Be Alive" CD version of "Times Divine" can be heard or had here.


The whole CD can be checked out, downloaded, and had here.
