Thursday, December 31, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 7
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 7 "Kansas City Queen" by Jefferson Jay
“Kansas City Queen" is a song I rediscovered while giving old random songs a chance to be in this here 365. Turns out this tune was a bit cuter and catchier than I thought. I wrote it form the perspective of the “Kansas City Queen,” so ultimately it might be a better tune for a lady. I could change a bunch of pronouns and make it third person, but I don’t feel like bothering at this time, I don’t think.
It was inspired by a high school student in one of my music classes at Hoover High School in San Diego. Baseball great, Ted Williams went there. This young lady was introverted, shy and less than psyched. I was trying to reach her through the gift of music and was having varying amounts of success, depending on the day. I was showing her how to write songs and to play the guitar and piano some. One day, she came in and said she was moving Kansas City in a couple weeks and I wrote this tune to cheer her up. She wasn’t sad she was moving. She was just sad. Turns out it’s a decent tune.
Life is far from easy for the students of Hoover High. I won’t begin to tell you some of the amazing new curse words I was called at that job. I didn’t even there were new curse words… I often found myself called a colorful cavalcade of linguistic mastery… that rhymed with “Which Digger?” Life ain’t easy for the children at Hoover High. I feel for them, even though they tried to break me. I had to move on shortly after some sweet student set off a fire extinguisher in my classroom. Great times.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 7 "Reflections in Optimism"
I wrote a longer thing but it vanished so let’s see if I can make this short and sweet. Even though there are lots of messed up things in the world today, I choose to think positively. It allows me to enjoy life. If I focused on the wars and greed that fill our news feeds, I’d be too depressed to do anything, much less fight for a brighter tomorrow.
I recorded this video twice before I got one that finally worked. I recorded one in front my co-star the fabulous bougainvillea at one of my favorite places, but it mysteriously disappeared. I recorded a second in my trusty seat, but I’d turned the sound off and forgot. That one was so rousing I felt compelled to include it, sped-up and with off-beat musical accompaniment at the end of this here vid. But frustrating as it was for a second or two. Slightly disappointing, yes. I refused to let technical difficulties take the wind out of the sails that is my video regarding how important I feel it is to be optimistic.
Life is full of challenges. It would be very easy to let them wreck your day. Every day. I won’t do that. I prefer to think positively, step and rise again to the challenge of recording this video three times and writing the blog twice. One could easily argue the universe is telling me this is not meant to be. Maybe I should do something else. Perhaps. I choose to persevere and hope my message of optimism and pursuit of global solutions to pressing problems is received and responded to. Hail. Glory Hallelujah!
I believe people deserve more and once we come together in search of actual solutions, our redemption can begin in earnest. We are all alive and we are all important. I have high hopes and big dreams for 2016. The world is ours to fix. Deep greed and solely individual goals aren’t getting it done any more. So here is a positive message. I understand the urges to “keep it real” and call a “spade a spade,” but that doesn’t solve anything either. People do. We do and we can and we need to, ‘cause as Jim Morrison wisely once said, “The time to hesitate is through. Not time to wallow in the mire.”
I’m into it. Let’s fix. Just to say we can. And prove a lot of people wrong. And show that people still matter, a lot more than money. Ideas over profits. Optimism over misery. Individuals over automatons. Solutions are next frontier. I’m ready and I’m not alone. May common sense and the American dream rise again. We are the valuable jewels. We are our only resource. 2016. It’s time.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 7 "Auld Lang Syne" – Traditional
Well, Happy New Year. 2015 was challenging and fun and I have high hopes and great feelings about this here 2016. I look forward to seeing what fruits it bares and enjoying the ride as best I can. I’m adding a bunch of lyrics I found that I’d never heard before.
I offer this traditional jamboree. It goes back hundreds of years. Scottish poet Robert Burns gets some credit, but even the all-knowing Wikipedia says that it was at least partially compiled with other words from an “old man” and “The tune to which "Auld Lang Syne" is commonly sung is a pentatonic Scots folk melody,” Thanks ‘Peed. That’s me new nickname for the ‘Pedia. I like nicknames, especially for my close friends like ‘Peed. Hail 2016. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!
In an unrelated matter, another PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Don’t give your children an Air horn to play with if you like their hearing or your neighbors.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 6
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 6 "This Life" by Jefferson Jay and Cheeseburger & Gen. Justin Mills
I sort of went Internet dark after Operation 365. 1100 videos in a year can do that to you. But I was still writing songs, kicking it with my party posse and occasionally, even making a video from time to time. On May 28, 2012, I was kicking it one of my favorite places in the world and lo and behold, this song was birthed to our universe. Thank you, Universe.
Lots of love to my songwriting cohorts, (actual name disguised) Charlie Cheeseburger and Open Mic legend/songwriting master, Justin Mills, who helped write this song about “This Life.” Very grateful to have great friends and great times, I am. I take none of it for granted. We are very blessed. Happy New Year’s Eve Eve! Enjoy this little piece of 2012 on the precipice of 2016. I have a very special feeling about this 2016.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 6 "I Am Here for Lou" by Jefferson Jay
Yesterday, I was moved to inform the Internet that “ I Am Here for You.” I felt the pain of a Facebook friend who commented that his 2015 has been very difficult. I wanted to let him know that I am here for him and then that got me thinking. Everybody could use some love and support and I have that to give. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I believe in that kind of stuff. I believe loyalty in friendship is one of the most important things there is. So I announced yesterday to the world, even future friends that I am here for you. Please reach out if you need anything and if I can help I will.
Instant karma is moving and beautiful. Lou knows this. He needed cuddles. Maybe he sensed I did too. So he came in hard like the bowling ball that he is. Hugs, kisses, snuggles and even some inner nose licks. One must suffer for one’s 365. If love is suffering (and it most certainly can be) than I am all in. I’d rather live in love and suffer when I must, than suffer lovelessly always. That is too sad and exactly the reason I made this offer I the first place. I have love to share, give and like the Hokey Pokey, THAT is what it’s all about. Thanks Lou, I am here for you and you are here for me too. It means a lot.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - BONUS - 6 “The Hokey Pokey”
So this was bound to happen. I was feeling “The Hokey Pokey” and thought it might be a clever way to do a 365-day. Unfortunately, I already thought that in 2011, so… Here is the first BONUS video of this 365. Enjoy.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 6 “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney
So Cover #2 of the day was one I stumbled upon earlier while music therapying for the special needs adults at my work. I was really feeling this number and played it OK, so Share City. That’s what it’s all about. That’s right. “That’s what it’s all about,” – The Hokey Pokey; the whole reason I was going to do that song in the first place. Love, sharing, which is caring. That’s what it’s all about. Feeling blessed, like I’m doing the right thing. The benefits of 365-life are already manifesting itself. Less free time and deeply grateful. I wrote a new tune for it the other night, which I’ll be sharing shortly. I met a nice woman named Jill, from GoPro, on the phone. Good vibes abound.
Shoutouts to Matt and Maggie, whose wedding I played this at a couple years back. Thanks for including me.
Looking ahead on the 365: our New Year’s Eve tomorrow night at Mother’s. “Attention All Artists (aka A Call to Action)” and “Operation Produce Produce.” And “Everything Alright,” my new song.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 5
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 5 "Invade Tonight" by Jefferson Jay
Saturday was a fun day. Kicked it with my man, Dan Ratcliffe, featured here in guitar. He plays guitar in The Jefferson Jay Band these days and has many other gigs and talents as well. Guy does a lot of stuff. We are working on the new CD. Number 7. “The Best of Operation 365” is the working title. It consists of the “best” 12 tunes that I wrote for the first Operation 365 in 2010-2011. I love working on music. God Bless. The first person who got me really excited about original art was Thomas Ratzin. He directed me in thematic original plays in high school. They were amazing, mainly because he knew how to direct an ensemble group so fantastically. He told us to always tell me people who asked how the show we were working was going. “It’s coming along.” That way nobody would ever get any expectations. It stuck with me, as did the ensemble mindset, which works so nicely in the context of Open Mic. Everybody gets their chance to shine. Another Tom Ratzin bit of genius,“The show always comes first.” I love that guy,
This song is about making something spectacular out of a day of ordinary life. Or whatever it proclaims to you. An evening, perhaps, a trip to the store. Everyday bliss. Owning it. Literally. 21st Century America. It’s now.
Shout-outs to Blair Schultze and “Pearl of the Quarter.” Been feelin’ real SD lately. Steely Dan. San Diego. Everything is everything. Context is universal and completely flexible. This view keeps all refreshing. Boredom = Never. Why? Excitement is always available to you. Invade tonight.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 5 "Any Major Dude Will Tell You" by Steely Dan
"Any Major Dude” is one of my favorite Steely Dan tunes, especially of the lesser-known ones. Steely Dan is one of my favorite bands. I love all their CDs and I hope to play a bunch of their tunes 365ing. It brings me great joy. Here is our second one in two days in 365-land. It once again features “El Seismograph” Dan Ratcliffe on guitah. We tawk in a Boston accent (and nonsensical gibberish) for amusement from time to time while soshkulizing (socializing). I recommend dis.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 5 “"I Am Here For You” by Jefferson Jay
The other day I put the ol' Litmus Test out there on Facebook. I wrote something to the effect of "Any thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs, conjecture, speculation... on the 365 so far?" so on and so forth. An old friend interjected, he was having a hard 2015 and was discouraged. I felt his pain loud and clear. 2015 hasn't been the easiest of years for me either.
So I wanted to reach out very directly and let my friend know that I am here for him. You are all my friends. Even people I do not known in the world. We are connected right here and now by this magical miracle. I'm not joking. I firmly believe we are all one. So, brother or sister, if I can be of help in any way, I'm all about. Helping you is helping us, cause we are all one.
Here I say so in a special place. Cameos to Some Guy and The Cheeseburger.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 4
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 4 "Opposite Day" by Jefferson Jay
This is a song I wrote after a long frustrating day in March of 2012. March 24, to be exact. It was only a few weeks after Leanne and I moved into our new abode, March 1, the same exact day my Winston’s Open Mic gig began. As you can see in the video, the process of writing, playing, and recording the jam was therapeutic in that I felt more relieved and relaxed right after. Ahhhhh…. Sweet relief.
It seems fitting to post this today, ‘cause it is just about the opposite of how I’ve felt today and lately. It was another wonderful 24 hours, backed by holiday season quiet, in our slow beloved Ocean Beach. Long-form quality hangs with dear friends and swell wife. Working on songs for the CD, and the gift that is the 365. Played some cards. Palace is a fun game. I recommend it.
Today, a friend and I picked about 850 oranges off his orange tree. It was awesome. It baffles the mind that people starve. It was fun. We could literally feel that we were lifting the burden off this tree and helping it do its’ job. And what a wonderful job that is, making fruit to feed creatures like us. Anyone need some oranges?
Loving life, living the dream. God bless.
“There’s never a happier day than a brighter tomorrow.”
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 4 "Do It Again" by Steely Dan
Let's do it again! At the end of one of my videos yesterday, Gnome Dave screamed the refrain, “Do It Again,” over a bumping hip-hop beat. He meant come out to Open Mic and represent, but in the context of Operation 365 2, I accept the challenge. Steely Dan seconds this, offering this tune, the first off their first CD, from back when they were albums. I heard they’re becoming albums. And Columbia House Record Club is restarting to sell ‘em. How retro. Sign me up for one “Can’t Buy a Thrill.”
Shout outs to my man Change and his brilliant use of Gnome Dave in his video.
My man, Daniel Ratcliffe, joins me on guitah. He’s highly accawmplished. Spelling and grammuh ahh awlso retro it appeahs. Very old school. Please fuhgive my accent. Once a Minuteman, always a Minuteman. Hail Camby.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 4 “Wandering into the Ocean” by Jefferson Jay
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Folks, it has been brought to my attention via perusal of the InterWeb that a person has perished from walking off the Sunset Cliffs here in Ocean Beach, allegedly because he or she was staring at their cell phone. Please do not do this. It’s not worth it. You have too much to live for. Look up. It’s much safer. Thank you.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 3
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 3 "My Best Friend" by Jefferson Jay
I wrote “My Best Friend” on November 15, 1999. I remember it vividly. It was the four-year anniversary if my move to California and little did I know it, but my next best friend was being born nearby that very same day. That would be Angel the Pooch, a co-star of the first 365, who makes a cameo at the end here.
Another moment I remember fairly well considering occurred in Butterfield, an ancient dorm at my old school, UMASS-Amherst. My girlfriend, who I was gaga for, told me I needed to get a car so I could visit her in the summer. Then she went to the bathroom. By the time she came back, I’d hatched a plan. I would sell my baseball cards (I had a sweet collection) and buy a car. And that’s exactly what happened. I had the Monte Carlo forever. Well over ten years. I lost track. Mona, The Beast from the East. She had many names. A fiercely loyal metal warrior of a friend. I felt safe inside her. She saved me many times, while providing a perpetual reminder that looks are less important than reliability and soul. My car had a soul and I loved her.
All the places mentioned at the end of the song were places I actually adventured in this noble steed. Maybe you’ve visited some of them too. We’re humans. It’s what we do. It was nice reconnecting with her through the production of this humble vid for this nostalgic tune.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 3 "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin
How did I not do this one last time? May have to get used to that question. Lovely number. I do it a tad faster. Squeezed it in before the end of Christmas here in California, just by a nose. Now it is tomorrow, but when you read this, if you do it the day I post it will be yesterday. Now to post today’s stuff, which I did yesterday. If brain stimulation and something to do at all times appeals to you, you too may be suited to do an Operation 365. Merry Christmas.
Two of the special needs adults I work with played this song last Friday during the Christmas Party at work, while a group of other special humans signed the words. As in American Sign Language signed. It was cool. I like my job a lot.
Wikipedia? Thoughts on this?
"White Christmas" is an Irving Berlin song reminiscing about an old-fashioned Christmas setting. According to the Guinness World Records, the version sung by Bing Crosby is the best-selling single of all time, with estimated sales in excess of 100 million copies worldwide.”
Dangue! The Internet is never wrong. That’s a beautiful name, Bing. I like Irving too.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 3 “345”
Speakin’ in tongues. Groovin’ deep. Late night. What would Wolfman Jack do? 345. 365. AM. PM. It’s all the same. ONE. Posting up… “We’re all perfectly fine.” – Happy Bear. Everything happens for a reason. I believe.
What a wonderful day. Fun. Productivity. 365. Peace. Stay to the end for my imitation of every Muppets' voice at once. Thank you.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Operation 365 2... Blog 2
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 2 "How the Time Flies" by Jefferson Jay and Blowski
My main man Ski (aka Michael Blow) and I wrote this jam at The Blowski Compound just hanging out one night years back. I think it was 2011. I’ll check. I recorded and posted this a few weeks ago in honor the SkiMan’s Birthday. Aloha. I’ve decided since to do 365 2, so I’m a choosing to repost this as part of it. And through the miracle of the 365, I can add birthday wishes here to Kimmy too. Happy celebrating, you two.
Time flies indeed. 5 years since the last 365. Two more since the great Don Truesdail last kicked it Christmas Earth-style. My first X-Mas without Angel since 1999. 1999! Zany. Well, it’s a thrill to be part of this whole thing called life. Honored and privileged, big time. Humble and grateful. Hail life and living!
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 2 "These Are the Daves I Know" by Bruce McCullough
So, my good man, Dave Sparling passed away during Open Mic on Wednesday, earlier this week. He was a legend in Ocean Beach, the little beach neighborhood in San Diego we call home. He took to the stage to explore “show biz” at Winston’s Comedy Open Mic at age 73. When I started Open Mic (for music) at Winston’s on March 1, 2012, Dave was there. A gnomish-looking fellow. 5 foot 1 about and a long white beard, Dave was thrilled to be a part of the party.
We treated him like a part of the Open Mic family. He rhymed the News of the Week and a poem, backed by the heavy metal guitar stylings of Anton Chuk. He was irreverent, unapologetic and revolutionary. Flag-bearer of the extreme left, Dave was always lamenting the roles the “super-rich,” “Cheney/Rummy/Blair,” and Muslim “terror dudes,” had in our modern world. And that’s just the tip (of the iceberg).
He was 5 Daves. The Old Hermit Dave was the one who joined us every week at Open Mic (pretty much) for years before he got sick one year ago. He was Guantanamo Dave, a political prisoner in a orange jumpsuit. Sacreligious Dave represented the proud atheist that Dave was. So did Reverend Dave, albeit satirically. The Cowboy Wordsmith wore a hat and sat in with rockabilly bands. I guess that’s it. He became a rapper character named Johnny LoPants for a bit when he took up rapping. And his final genial alter-ego, The OB Gnome, was based as much on his gnome-like look as anything else.
Dave was the most appreciative person who ever played Open Mic in mny many years of hosting. He grabbed my arm and thanked my weekly. Sincere, serious, Dave was happy to the only poet to weekly grace our stage and delighted to be appreciated and welcomed unconditionally as one of our own. When the OB comedians who helped orient Dave to show biz, roasted him, I went. I sat in the back and laughed as Dave, a very easy guy to tease, took each dig with grace and class. Eventually, his turn came and the main thing I recall him saying was thanking me by name and all the Open Mic folks for making him have the greatest life 5 guys named Dave could ever ask for.
I’m not atheist. I wonder if Dave’s changed his mind yet on that one. I’ll miss him. I felt he’d bounce back from his serious ailments. I feel his presence still. Strongly. More than I have since he was forced to step back from Open Mic a year ago. For months, he’s sent me news poems occasionally that I read in his voice. I feel his gratitude tangibly. But that’s to be expected. I have a long history of being extremely close with dead folks.
Oh. “These Are the Daves I Know” is from The Kids in the Hall, a comedy series on HBO that scared me as a child. Many cross-dressers. Gayness, I had no context for. I liked the tine though, and it’s stuck in my head for 30 years. Partly because it’s very catchy and partially because 80s Yankee legend Dave Winfield cameoed in the video, I recall. I’m crushing your head! I liked that skit too. Machaca. I just like to say “machaca.” To me, it sounds like clapping.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 2 "Dave’s Last Dance" 12-10-2014
I’ll let “The Old Hermit Named Dave” Sparling have the final word today. Here he is, doing his final live poem, “Ask and Yell” and a “Boom-Boom” OB Gnome rap at my Open Mic at Winston’s on December 10, 2014. He rarely missed before he got sick and he never forgot to thank me before he left at the end of the show, after staying to enjoy all the performers. That’s the kind of guy Dave was. I’ve only met one like him. Or maybe five… He is accompanied on guitar by Anton and on rapping by me. Over a Destrcuto Bunny beat I believe, if you can make it ‘til the end of the video.
I hope this brings some people some happiness. Dave was brilliant and swell, unusual and unusually likable. Genuine and a straight-shooter. Fun to be around. Enjoy remembering him or perhaps getting to know him a little, posthumously through some pictures I got off his Facebook and this recording done by another friend of ours, Rob Zero. A couple pictures go twice. Warts and all. Dave wouldn’t have minded. That’s the spirit this is offered in. I spent the day celebrating Christmas with my friends. The Snow Angel would be proud. I’ll tell you more about him another time.
Oh, and it hailed today. Hail Christmas. Hail Dave.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Operation 365 2 - Blog 1
Operation 365 2: Blog 1.
Christmas Eve, 2015
December 25, 2015
Christmas Eve, 2015
Surprise and Merry Christmas! The Operation 365 is back and
one sentence in my wife has already told me “Baby, it’s time for bed,” seven
times. Where will I find time for three videos every day for a year? Seven
more. I gotta go. We’re watching “Die Hard” ‘cause it’s a Christmas movie.
Nakatomi Plaza. Here I come. Tomorrow, I’ll explain.
13 minutes until midnight. Happy Birthday Jesus soon.
So, why do another 365? In case you didn’t know. From
Thanksgiving 2010 to Thanksgiving 2011, I posted three videos every day, an
original song, a cover song, and an “Archive” filmed at one of the shows I
host. To my knowledge, it is the largest 365 project in the history of the
internet. It was executed and like the Creation of man, it was “good.”
When I did that project, my goal was merely to find out what
would happen. If I could do it, what I might learn, stuff like that. I posted
about 1100 videos and learned a lot, including that I could indeed do it. Now,
I have different goals, three of them, essentially.
Goal One is growth. Always a nice goal. I wrote 211 songs
for the first 365. I have written approximately 150 in the five years since. So
even if I play every single one of those, (which I won’t) I will still have to
write about another 211, so that will be fun. I played a ton of guitar every
day on the last one, so my playing improved. You never know what will happen
any day, much less through 365 days of shared creating, so experiencing growth
is one reason to do it again. This also leads to Goal Two , which is
Goal Three is Connection. Connection with you. During the
first 365, I enjoyed the back and forth I had with those who interacted with my
videos. Comments of those who appreciated my contributions were regular day
enhancers. So I look forward to seeing who I connect with this time. It is a
ton of work so maybe I will scare up a sponsor or two. Think there’s anyone who
wants to sign on with who has completed the largest 365 project in the history
of the internet and now is coming back for more? GoPro? GigTown, maybe? Let us
see what happens. Isn’t that what life is most about?
December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas. Hans and Karl are currently shooting the
glass. So let’s catch up a sec. What’s changed since Thanksgiving 2011? Well,
I’m married now. Leanne, who starred as my girlfriend in the first 365, has
been promoted to my wife and the drummer in The Jefferson Jay Band. The Band is
doing quite well lately. I am thrilled to be playing with them on New Year’s
Eve at Ocean Beach’s fine club, Mother’s Saloon. The Band currently features a
handful of my dearest friends and for this, I am humble and grateful.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 1
"Headstrong" by Jefferson Jay
My life partner/pooch Angel passed away in August after 15
and a half amazing years by my side. Our love will never die and while I miss
her daily (this will be my first Christmas without her since 1999) we are
reuniting spiritually at all times I am honored to have been so close with such
an enlightened being.
Angel literally had a strong head. And an equally strong
will. She was charming. I recorded this song for her on May 23, 2014. I will be
using some older videos I’ve accumulated here and there, since the last 365,
but not too much.
I have been hosting Open Mic at Winston’s a legendary
nightclub near my home, for nearly four years now. I love that job. I work with
Special Needs adults on music now and I enjoy that job as well. Maybe I can
share some of those sides of me here somehow eventually. I’ve also become a
contributor The Mighty 1090’s Scott and BR Show, a great sports radio show in
SD. I sing funny songs about our two local maladies, the Padres and the
In 1941, Ted Williams chose to play both games of a
doubleheader on the last day of the baseball season. He could have sat it out
and made sure he finished the season with a batting average of .400. He
believed in himself and he played both games. He got 6 hits in 8 at bats and
finished the season at .406. Nobody has hit .400 since. I may not make it
through a second 365. It’s huge undertaking, specifically, and I quote from the
final blog of the first 365 here.
“I assume I spent an average of an hour a half a day readying the 365. It could easily have been more. There’s no way of knowing. Some days it was much more. Some days it was less. An hour and a half a day times 365 days equals 547.5 hours. 547.5 divided by 24 = 23 days. That’s right. I worked the equivalent of twenty-three days straight with no breaks on the 365. If I worked one hour and forty-five minutes a day, which is entirely possible, then the figure jumps to 27 days. That’s practically a whole February. Happy Operation 365uary.”
“I assume I spent an average of an hour a half a day readying the 365. It could easily have been more. There’s no way of knowing. Some days it was much more. Some days it was less. An hour and a half a day times 365 days equals 547.5 hours. 547.5 divided by 24 = 23 days. That’s right. I worked the equivalent of twenty-three days straight with no breaks on the 365. If I worked one hour and forty-five minutes a day, which is entirely possible, then the figure jumps to 27 days. That’s practically a whole February. Happy Operation 365uary.”
So wish me luck, even though I don’t believe in luck. I
believe we are all one and everything happens for a reason.
The New Rules.
- A
video of an Original Song posted on the internet every day. Just like the
first time. Repeats are not allowed. 365 new songs.
- A
video of a Cover Song (a song by someone other than me) posted on the
internet every day. Again, just like the first time. Repeats are not
allowed. 365 different cover songs.
- Jefferson
Jay’s Words of the Day. This will evolve over time, but I imagine it will
be almost like a short show, every day. Some will be real short. I am
looking to connect and communicate with the outside world. Hopefully this
will help start some discussions that needed starting long ago. May it
also provide amusement, entertainment, absurdity and whatever else needs
I have had some ideas for segments
in this 3rd chunk such as The Daily Chuckle, Words on the World.
Maybe I’ll even rhyme the News of the Week. Who knows? I aim to keep this part
fluid and fun.
So call me what you will. Crazy? Excessive? Mr. 365. Did you
know I hosted 24 Hours of Free Music four times? Mr. All Day Every Day? Now,
perhaps that goes too far. I jest.
Oh, one last thing. Or two. I blog it too. It’s like this
when I do. I wish to provide a context for all this videoing. Yes, two. I am
working on my 7th CD. It is tentatively titles, “The Best of
Operation 365.” Out of the 211 tunes I wrote for that one, I picked the 12
“best” and am working on recording them. So if all goes well, we’ll be talking
a lot about the Operation 365 for a long time. Well, that is if you consider a
year a long time. Onward and upward, Excelsior.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 1 "Winter
Wonderland" by Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith
How did I not do this one last time? I have a feeling I may
be asking myself that a lot. Looking forward and looking back are the same
thing. They’re both looking. Learning time…To the Google. Wikipedia thinks
“"Winter Wonderland" is a winter song, popularly treated as a
Christmastime pop standard, written in 1934 by Felix Bernard (music) and
Richard B. Smith (lyricist). Through the decades it has been recorded by over
200 different artists.” Thanks Peed. I likes me knowing stuff.
Operation 365 2 2016 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 1 “Merry
In case you don’t have time to read or listen to songs, I’m
coming live and direct into your brainstem with verbiage straight from ye ole
horses’ mouth. I love you. We are all one. Merry Christmas.
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