Monday, December 28, 2015

Operation 365 2... Blog 4

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 4 "Opposite Day" by Jefferson Jay This is a song I wrote after a long frustrating day in March of 2012. March 24, to be exact. It was only a few weeks after Leanne and I moved into our new abode, March 1, the same exact day my Winston’s Open Mic gig began. As you can see in the video, the process of writing, playing, and recording the jam was therapeutic in that I felt more relieved and relaxed right after. Ahhhhh…. Sweet relief. It seems fitting to post this today, ‘cause it is just about the opposite of how I’ve felt today and lately. It was another wonderful 24 hours, backed by holiday season quiet, in our slow beloved Ocean Beach. Long-form quality hangs with dear friends and swell wife. Working on songs for the CD, and the gift that is the 365. Played some cards. Palace is a fun game. I recommend it. Today, a friend and I picked about 850 oranges off his orange tree. It was awesome. It baffles the mind that people starve. It was fun. We could literally feel that we were lifting the burden off this tree and helping it do its’ job. And what a wonderful job that is, making fruit to feed creatures like us. Anyone need some oranges? Loving life, living the dream. God bless. “There’s never a happier day than a brighter tomorrow.” Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 4 "Do It Again" by Steely Dan Let's do it again! At the end of one of my videos yesterday, Gnome Dave screamed the refrain, “Do It Again,” over a bumping hip-hop beat. He meant come out to Open Mic and represent, but in the context of Operation 365 2, I accept the challenge. Steely Dan seconds this, offering this tune, the first off their first CD, from back when they were albums. I heard they’re becoming albums. And Columbia House Record Club is restarting to sell ‘em. How retro. Sign me up for one “Can’t Buy a Thrill.” Shout outs to my man Change and his brilliant use of Gnome Dave in his video. My man, Daniel Ratcliffe, joins me on guitah. He’s highly accawmplished. Spelling and grammuh ahh awlso retro it appeahs. Very old school. Please fuhgive my accent. Once a Minuteman, always a Minuteman. Hail Camby. Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 4 “Wandering into the Ocean” by Jefferson Jay PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Folks, it has been brought to my attention via perusal of the InterWeb that a person has perished from walking off the Sunset Cliffs here in Ocean Beach, allegedly because he or she was staring at their cell phone. Please do not do this. It’s not worth it. You have too much to live for. Look up. It’s much safer. Thank you.

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