“Simile Love Song” is one of those cute songs you write, if
you're me. A couple of years ago when I didn't have a 365, I would probably
have nowhere to share with you like this. It's not exactly the kind of tune I
played my band. It's just a little too cute for that. But it's a nice song that
could probably fit good in a movie or something and while all this isn't
delivering that directly to any studios’ doors, it's doing a lot more than it
was sitting in a folder not being heard by anyone.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 34 “Get the Guns”
by Robin Lee
“Get the Guns” is a classic tune by my friend, Robin Lee.
She is currently occupied at the moment but should be having a lot more free
time soon and I can't wait: to sit and sip tea with her, to play her tunes and
to catch up and talk about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It
would be the American hero thing to do.
“I wanna be a peaceful warrior and let my love light shine,”
too, Robin.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 34 “Never Trust
So, I used to trust broccoli. Until yesterday, when it was
uncovered that broccoli stole my wedding ring. There is no other logical
explanation. Yesterday, my wife Leanne was involved in some broccoli-related
activities and lo and behold, what does she find in the broccoli bag, which was
in the crisper drawer in the refrigerator, on a floret no less… but my wedding
ring. So, this is another one of those handy helpful public service
announcements Operation 365 will someday be famous for, “Never Trust Broccoli.”
Ever. Especially during Mercury in retrograde. Thank God, that’s over.
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