Sunday, February 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 45

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 45 “A Richard Retrospective”

Saturday afternoon, my dodgeball team of bad-ass individuals, Richard, participated in The Innocence Project’s Fundraiser/Dodgeball Tournament. We competed fiercely and won five games. Alas, The Average Jews took us out in the quarterfinals. Here, a worn and weathered me offers some post-game words of reflection on our experience as Richard. We were deliberately the bad guys of the tournament. Gamesmanship. It helped us win. I like wrestling. It’s fun to be the villain sometimes. Makes for a more exciting adventure. As we yell, “RICHARD, RICHARD RICHARD RICHARD!” Hail!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 45 “My Super Bowl Prediction” by Jefferson Jay

Today is the Big Game. I’m not sure I’m legally allowed to make videos about it. I know the NFL is highly protective or their property. Regardless, I make my pick here, officially, 90 minutes before game time. Spoiler: I pick Peyton Manning to ride off into the sunset on a Bronco. Upset victory faw the Denvuh Broncos. Ya hurd it hea first. Supuh Bowl.

NOTE: The Mass accent comes courtesy of Massachusetts, The Funny State.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 45 “The KKK Took My Baby Away” by Ramones

I love The Ramones. Sadly, The KKK took my baby away once. Once. It was very upsetting. I have overcome that loss though and still managed to hold deep love for this song. Pleasant Dreams.

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