Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 265

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 265 “Life Is”    

So, hey! Hooray! 100 days left as of today? Will ya miss me? I like to think ya might… a little. Don’t worry. I’m easy to find, just maybe not every day. I can’t believe it’s Day 265 already. Seems like yesterday it was Christmas and today, at work, I had auditions for my Christmas musical. I wrote and direct Christmas musical with special needs adults. It’ s my job. I love it and am extremely grateful to do something so gratifying for dough.

Big sigh. Long day of auditions, some lingering car trouble and Open Mic is a couple hours away. Definitely no complaints, but I was not so feeling like pulling out my guitar and playing some jams for you this afternoon. I don’t mind posting and doing the work. Just some days I am more tired and private. So, like any good historical would do, I dug into the archives, which exist expressly for this precise purpose.

So I didn’t have to dig too deep. Just to yesterday, in fact. I found some scraps which have blossomed into glorious hydrangea. Here they are. I start with this jam I half forgot I made up yesterday. I was so tickled with the jam I made up first thing yesterday morning, (“The Weigh,” posted yesterday, Day 264), that I forgot this even happened. It did, though, and I sort of recall liking this one too. So here it is for you. We celebrate. Lift your glass and take a deep breath of the world’s finest oxygen as I prepare for the home stretch of this project’s last 100 days. Life is glorious.

I just learned that the Operation 365 2, so far, boasts original songs titled "Life Is Great," "Life Is the Most," and "Life Is Your Song." "Life Is the Most" was only four days ago. You think I might remember that. I did not.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 265 “Genius”

People get called all kinds of thing in life. I grew up in New Jersey. Most of the things I was called were nasty. I got used to it. Developed a thick skin. I wouldn't trade it. Once in awhile here in California, someone calls you something nice. In fact and fairness, many friends wrote many incredibly nice generous things about me on Facebook in response to my Huffington Post article from last week. Here's the link once more, in case you missed it.

I have no idea who is or isn't a "Genius." I know I can't imagine me ever calling myself in this lifetime. But, anyone in the public eye at all, must be able to take a compliment. I eventually learned the simplest way to handle it is to say "Thanks." Pretty simple, right? So thanks for the kind words here from my friend, Hollywood Man. It means a lot. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and everybody else's for that matter too. Thank you! Thank all of you, the wind beneath my wings.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 265 “Sex and Candy” by Marcy Playground

Here is a version of “Sex and Candy.” We'll save the discussion of where it ranks on the all-time list of “Sex and Candy” versions for some other existence. I learned of this tune during stint as a temp in a San Francisco Union Square office building. Like most jobs of its' ilk, it was boring, I listened to the radio all the time. When Howard Stern ended, that left tunes like “Sex and Candy,” which was actually one of the ones I liked most from that batch.

So, I'll allow this “Sex and Candy” to fill the "Covers" space of Day 265, because... I am tired and I want to rest and my guitar wanted to rest too. So it is. I thank you for staying since Christmas. We'll be there before you know. God bless.

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