Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 342

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 342 “Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty

Hello friends. It’s a brighter day today, as tomorrows often are. I am in the midst of three “doubles” in a row. Last night, our Jefferson Jay Band played at Winston’s with a few other terrific acts. Cheers to Ben Sheff, the exquisite Danielle Summerville and Friends and The Skyler Lutes Band. Additional salutations to my long time friend, Destructo Bunny for including us in the show and keeping the great vibe alive on stage in OB for all these years. Tonight, the party returns to Winston’s for Open Mic from 6 to 9 and then again, same place, same time on Thursday for Open Jam. Sounds similar, but it’s different. Mic is for songwriters. Jam is for folks who want to jam.

We had rehearsal for “The Hunt for the Great Christmas Tree 4: One for the Ladies.” I am so proud of my cast. They are really bringing the work to life and it is gratifying on more levels than I can count. What a wonderful bunch of people to work with. I am humbled and honored. Alright, that’s a enough for today. How had I never done “Free Fallin’” in over 700 days of 365ing. It is beyond me.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals – 342 “Don’t Conform”

This is a message I can get behind, which is good, considering I wrote this tune. I am cleaning out the closet of recent tunes. I had a bit of a backlog. And it is feeling good to clear the decks. I hope to start writing a few more cool tunes for this project as we enter it’s final 23 days.

Folks, what makes you awesome is you. Too many folks out there are afraid to be themselves, or even discover what that is. I embrace the opposite, whoever we are, whatever we do. It is what makes us unique. It is what makes us great. People fear change and different people. That is an illusion. We are one with our true nature when we love and embrace our uniqueness. It is never too late. Tomorrow is another day for you to rise and shine, literally not figuratively.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words - 342 “For the Love of Sunsets”

Here, I make a direct appeal to the powers that be for some mercy. Folks, it’s been San Diego cold lately, and while I understand and accept that, it's pretty warm by other’s December standards it is not my fault any of those folks choose to live places that are cold. That is optional. I chose against it, yet here I am walking barefoot down the middle of the street as the sun sets, begging anyone who can help me to keep it in the 50s and above… where it belongs. I'm glad I got that off my chest. I feel better now. Om.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 341

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 341 “Wait” by The Beatles

Om Shanti. Namaste. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it takes awhile to realize what it is. That’s why patience is a thing. Faith in destiny. I eagerly await the next challenge. Doing more. Reaching more people. Actualizing what this has been about the whole time. Landing. Basking in the glow of doing what I’ve been put here to do. I guess I’ve been doing that the whole time. I’m ready for something more. Transmission. Connection. Growth. Celebration.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals – 341 “The Cost of Living”

I think I may have stunted my songwriting flow in recent weeks by writing some tunes in one of my books and kind of forgetting about them. Everything has an order and there is a lot to the whole “one door closes, another opens” idea. So, I opened the door to my notebook and picked up where I left off. This guy was the first one up. I wrote about 6 songs late one night. I embraced the first couple and ignored the rest. I think I have cleared the deck now and I have tunes recorded for a couple of days. There is nothing wrong with these tunes. Three is nothing wrong with any of us. We are all perfectly fine. That’s what my friend Happy Bear says. I say, “Everything happens for a reason.” I can’t wait to find out what it is.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words - 341 “Well, That Was Fun”

Well, my friends. All great things must come to an end. We rarely choose when. Some ends are just well-disguised beginnings. You just never know what anything is really. Time tells us that. All you can do is bring your best intentions and your love with you where you go and trust it will work out. Otherwise, we need to be where we are wanted, doing what we are meant to do. That’s what I want to do. Contribute what I capable of and help as many people as possible doing it. That and have fun. That was fun.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 340

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals – 340 “For Cheryl”

Another great day on this blessed planet. Working on my next CD, number 7, The Best of Operation 365, it shall be called. It includes 12 of the finest songs out the 211 I wrote for Operation 365 1. I have been working on it for some time. I dream of a day when I put out the songs I write in a year, the next year. Until then, I’ll be satisfied putting out my songs from 2011 in 2017. I’m glad I even have songs, much less a place to put them out. I’m aiming to take nothing for granted.

So I took a break from working on that to work in this. I wrote hits song a million moons ago, it feels like, back when I only knew a few chords. I put them all into this number. “For Cheryl, Grateful Dead Always, Eating Brownies. The chords line up with the words, mostly. It makes it easy to remember – F C, G D A, B E, I flipped this chords for “Eating Brownies” from E B to B E. I liked the idea of BE I guess, plus it sounds better. This one went and still goes out to my long lost friend, Cheryl Horvath and her man Ryan, two of the first cool people I met when I became a Californian, just as I was learning guitar 21 years ago.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 340 “I Am the Cosmos” by Chris Bell

I dabbled with a few covers today before settling on "I Am the Cosmos” by Chris Bell. I would have no idea this song existed if not for my musically hip friend Scott Baslaw. He requested this number and I think I even listened to it once before I tried to play it. So I have no idea if it really sounds like it much. What I do know is it doesn’t say the F-word a few times like the other song I finished decently today, “I Could’ve Lied” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Kinder gentler me says the F –word more in private, less on the Internet for all prolonged prosperity. Moderation. Gotta pick one’s spots. I chose not today.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words - 340 “The Best of Today”

Folks, every day lots of exciting things happen, far more than one can possibly share or reflect on. Today, instead of choosing one inspiring patch of verbiage, I chose to quilt pastiche and give you a little bit of a lot of this and that on a Monday. What better day to share than a Monday. So I’m not even exactly sure all the parts that are in there. I know I did an acceptance speech for an imaginary Internet award I deserve, but doesn’t exist. There is some dog, a tad of wife, and my favorite of all 365 bits, a snoring section. Folks, don’t believe for a second that I’m not exciting to hang out with. The incontrovertible proof lies right there at the end of this video. Me = Excitement squared. It’s the new math, folks, the new math indeed.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 339

 Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 339 “Nigel Vision”

So many networks these days, so little time. So many shows... So I propose “Nigel Vision,” a network devoted 24/7, 365 days a year to broadcasting the cuteness of this adorable beast. I believe it may be just what we need to turn the tides and make television great again.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 339 “Drawing Dead”

While playing a little for-amusement only poker with some friends last night, I became aware of the profundity of one of the many delightful axioms that colors this enigmatic card game. The hand was still going, but one of the players, probably me going by my luck yesterday, was “drawing dead.” That means they had no chance to win.

I have long liked trying to take words, phrases and concepts and trying to understand and grow from them in different contexts. If we are all one and everything is one thing, there can be no ONE right way to take anything. So I try to glean whatever knowledge and perspective I can from whatever I’m checking out even if it’s far from its original intention.

So I took this little metaphor and ran another way with it. Here I picked “D” the first letter in “Drawing” and “Dead” and I hatched a little alternate reality where a lady spends her whole life doing what she loves, drawing. In my little made up story, she dies doing what she loves with no regrets. It’s a nice little idea and begs the question is there even any difference between winning and losing. It’s only a matter of perspective. You can’t have winning without losing. They need each other. Then again, maybe we don’t need wither. Life is. Winning and losing in life, is nothing more than how you feel in your mind. May as well feel like a winner I say. This lady drew her whole life, lived over a hundred and felt like a winner doing what she loved. God bless her.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 339 “Only a Fool Would Say That” by Steely Dan

I love Steely Dan. I would have played all of their songs in this project if they were easier. I have been working on this fun little number for a hot minute, trying to get it passable for your pleasure. Played it a few times this morning. I love Steely Dan. They are funky, jazzy, witty, and I learn all kinds of cool musical stuff every time I try to dig deeper into the method to their melodic madness. Donald Fagen and I, both like to play with words.

Maybe I’ll have a kid some day. People seem to really enjoy having them. You never know what is going to happen. To plan or to follow the wind, pretending that’s a plan. Either way, what is meant to be will be. Save yourself the headache of pretending you control it. That said, the dichotomy of it all is you can do whatever you choose. Balance those biscuits, Buster. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 338

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 338 “Rocky Raccoon” by The Beatles

I had some cover I was going to do that tied into all of this I think. I believe the point was going to someplace in your mind. Transporting, if you will. I considered “Puff the Magic Dragon” and “Xanadu,” both already done by me, before shifting my attention to work on this “Original” below. The point was we can go anywhere in our mind and with our bodies any time we like. It is just a matter of setting a course and… go!

So just now, I went back in time to the early 2000’s when… no matter, what cover was I going to do? Hmmmm…. You can go some other place in your mind. What song says that? Where was I going to go? Whatever it was, it led me to “Poetry.” Babylon? A-ha. I remember. It was no cove at all. It was an original. I was going to go to “Encinitas.” Dear amigo, Travis Oliver requested that number ‘cause he wants to go there, musically, by inventing a bluegrass version. So the cover was in fact, no cover at all. Square One! Alas, I did not need an original at all and I still need a cover. And what to do about “Encinitas” now that I just spent an hour preparing “Poetry?” I’m glad I have the “day off.”

So much for a day off. Now I’m thinking I still need to do “Encinitas” and I legitimately considering doubling up on ye’ ole 365 today. Ironically, that would mean I’d need to do another cover. Hold. Reconsidering… Reconsidered. Tomorrow. “Nigel Vision” Encinitas”… Yes, tomorrow.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 338 “Babylon & Poetry”

Lest anybody think for a second that I don’t have WAYYYYY more stuff to share, even when Operation 365 2 is over, fear no more! I many be the world’s unsung Content King. It is possible. Here is a little treasure I dug up from the early 2000’s after I moved to San Diego. Today’s point was about how we can travel forward and back through time in our minds. Just now, I went everywhere, back to the late 90’s when Spencer Katzman and I wrote this song. I went, with the aid of pictures, back to high school, college, and many stations beyond those early outposts. Thanks to everyone added to life at that time, whether they enjoyed it or not. We were learning. We all had our moments. Still are.

Special salutations to Charles Johnson, drums, Joannes Berque, bass, Sadi, sax and keys for joining Spencer and I for on that humble day long ago when we recorded “Babylon and Poetry.”

Folks, I have a lot more to give. 16 Christmas musicals, countless pages of written words, poetry and otherwise, limitless love, tons of tunes not touched in the 730 songs of these two 365s. Hit me up. I’m down to collab, or score your movie or co-write your musical, or star in it, Heck, you need a swell band. We are here for you. XOXOXOXOXO.

Most of these images were from the Elin Tea Era. Elin Tea (pronounced Tay-Uh) was the name of the band I shared with Spencer and Derek Speredelozzi. If you were around then, you may be featured here too. Special shout-out to my curmudgeonly poetry professor at Humboldt State, Jim Dodge. He inspired these lyrics with his stubborn insistence that there was only one was to write poetry, explicitly so audiences could understand your exact message. No room for interpretations or double meanings in Jim Dodge’s school. I objected. I love to play with words and embrace the fact that everything means something different everyone. I’m glad I made the opportunity to express these misgivings to him directly. No need to be carrying that around so many years later. Now what cover was I going to do again? Probably something that didn’t require much playing, I gather.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words– 338 “Quick, I Need Your Help”

I’m fairly certain this is the most serious video I’ve posted thus far in ye ol’ 365. I am in really dire need of your help here. Any aid would be greatly appreciated. I just have no idea whatsoever what is happening. I am stupefied. Stupefying Jones…. They called me that in high school. Thank you so much for your help. It means everything and that’s no bull…

I was going to use the “Poetry” song to set up me reading some poetry here in the “Words” section. Somehow, my extensive depth as a human got me sidetracked down this tangential road. I was going to write about how poetry” is another place we can go in our minds. Like “Encinitas” and the old days. Sometimes, things just don’t go the way you had planned. 

NOTE: Had deeply dabbled with the notion of doubling up today and doing 6 videos instead of 3. I sort of am still doing that, as I believe I will make 6 today, and take more time to relax tomorrow.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 337

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words– 337 “Behind the Scenes”

I am constantly inundated with correspondence from folks begging me, “Please Jefferson, pull back the curtain. We need to know what goes on “Behind the Scenes” at the Operation 365. We need to know what makes you tick. Today is your lucky day, folks. Thanksgiving isn’t just a November holiday. It’s way of life. While we may be what we eat, let’s not be turkeys, by overlooking that fact that thanks, giving and taking are vital elements to a square day. Square as in square mean not, as in hip to be square. I love facts. This makes me old school. These days are ours. Share them with me. “Happy Days” said that first.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 337 “The Best Song Ever” by One Direction

So, if you went "Behind the Scenes," you know how we arrived at “The Best Song Ever.”  Who knew? I thought there were many directions, but I was wrong. There is one. Wherever we go. That's the one direction. North , south, east, west... those things don't exist. They're like adjectives. Does happy exist? Another day... decide.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 337 “Fleas”

A time I'm glad's not now is early August 2014. My beloved dog Angel passed away and when we returned home from New Jersey and from the birth of my nephew Luke, our house had been captured by fleas. They were vicious. They ate my wife and then I battled them an entire week, while we nursed our physical and emotional wounds in Lakeside. I wrote this song 'cause that's how we songwriters cope with awful chunks of life. Hail now. Hail to the fleas. They died, but not before wielding ferocious fight. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 336

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals  - 336 “Thanksgiving Raga”

So I wanted to do something  a little different and special today for Thanksgiving, something to make things a little more interesting for you and me. So I busted out my sitar. I long to live a life where I play this way more. Welcome to Day One of that life. That fits right along with everything that I have been thinking lately. Life is a board game. Existence patiently awaits our next move. It doesn't know what it is any better than we do. Every day, we decide. It is empowering to think like that. There are no limitations, no boundaries, You can do whatever you see fit to do. Empowering independence. Hallelujah. Feels great.

So in Indian music, they play ragas. I wish I knew more about exactly what that entailed. In lieu of actual knowledge I did my own little  “Thanksgiving Raga” and if you know as little about Indian music as I do or less, it might even whisk you away to that special sacred sitar place. Stranger things have happened. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 336 “Beast of Burden” by The Rolling Stones

So I was on this sitar tip, here, Thanksgiving morning and I figured, I should try to do a sitar cover. What did that leave? A couple Beatles classics and anything in C more or less. The sitar, at least my sitar, the way it is tuned resonated in C so tunes in C, I figured would work. Anyway, I worked on The Beatles' "Within Without You" for a bit 'cause it has sitar and I'd messed around with it a couple times before, but to no avail. The song is too classic. I would love to play it some day, but I was not feeling like butchering it here on this holiday. It is not a turkey.

So, somehow sweet destiny, led me to "Beast of Burden." Love this Stones classic. It was fun messing around with it today. It is an interpretative expedition on this hit as you might have guessed due to the whole instrumental sitar situation I'm a working with. I eschewed the chorus as that part wasn't so clicking with my groove, but I added some other stuff, most notably sitar. So I hope you have fun, love and all kinds of relaxing excitement with loved ones on this most gorge-ous of celebrations, Thanksgiving. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words– 336 “The Knife of Decision”

So yesterday I was doing one of my J-O-B things, hosting Open Mic at Winston's. Inspiration cares not for the 5 W's. Who where, when what why, It comes when it does and we are always fortunate to have it at those times. I shuffle the schedule. All else waits , if you're me, when inspiration comes. So I sat down and started jotting this words, ideas, concepts, foundations of beliefs on my white lined-paper in my seminal composition books. I am real attached to them, What can I say? 

I started writing about, the millions of alternate universe usses who could just as easily have existed if we'd turned down different roads. It really fascinates me. So I got into it, asked a bunch of questions and wondered silently aloud about how different life could be, not only now, but any of the glorious tomorrows ahead. 

We are so much powerful that we realize. We can do anything. Some folks realize this in life and accomplish amazing things. So many others sit home paralyzed with fear, afraid to act. It doesn't have to be that way. Things can change every day. They do change, when we decide they change. It is very empowering if you think about it. So today, I chose to motivate to bust out a tune my sitar. I recorded some music I was feeling and then I decided to dictate the poetry I wrote about Open Mc last night, about these ideas expressed here. Sure beats sitting home and baking bread.. but wait, I did that this morning too. Sweet pumpkin bread, a family tradition. Mmmmmmm...

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 335

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals  - 335 “We’re Going to See”

One month left. Thirty Days. It’s November 23. On December 23, this ships sails. For 2017 and beyond. I am excited.

I am also pressed for time. Wednesdays are my busy day and this Thanksgiving Eve is no exception. I worked, directing my special needs Christmas musical earlier. Then I was so tired. Even though, I only had a few hours before my next job, hosting Open Mic from 6-9 at Winston’s in Ocean Beach, I napped. Now, it is 4”55PM. My wife woke me up. Thanks babe. I have whatever amount of seconds there is between now and 6PM to do all my videos, eat, shower, head over and set up for Open Mic. Gonna be a close one. Gonna have to get real creative.

Oh, sweet ubiquitous key of C, you are always so handy and co-operative when I need you, which is often. I love the way you get along so beautifully with D and G. E minor and A minor too. I love the way I can use your name as a word with double-meaning like here with this song “We’re Going to See.” You are a true friend and some day I just hope to live long enough for everyone to see that. XOXO. Kisses.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 335 “Suzie Q” by Credence Clearwater Revival

Here, by request, is “Suzie Q” by Credence Clearwater Revival. There are a bunch of senior citizen special needs ladies at my work named Susan. Apparently, it was a pretty aces name 70 or so years back. That’s my new adjective “aces.” I hope you like it. So, the Susans get pretty stoked when I bust this one out for them. I wasn’t so much planning on sharing this here version, but it’s Wednesday and I gotta run. Open Mic starts soon and I still need to shower…

What there is time for and what there is always time for is thanks. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving ad I am deeply grateful for everything and everyone. We are alone. We are all crucial and without every single one of us the world wouldn’t be the marvy place it is today. For that I am deeply grateful. I am thankful there is no war here and that I haven’t had to live in a war-torn nation. That would suck real bad. My deepest sympathies for those enduring that, this November. Peace. Thanks to those I love (all of you) and thanks to those who love me… and my dog Nigel too.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words– 335 “Never Hurry”

Folks, this may be the most important advice I ever give you. Folks, no matter what, I don’t care if you’re a couple minutes late for work, or a party, or anything else. It’s not worth it. People don’t think about what danger they’re willing to put themselves and others pain just to try to save one or two minutes. People die hurrying and I am not overstating it. I know that may seem silly, but is it worth risking everything for one or two minutes. It is not. Take it easy. Deep breaths. Relax. Do something recreational if you need to. I love you and I want to be having this same talk Monday. So a nice slow, soothing Thanksgiving to everyone out there from the Operation 365. Love.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 334

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 334 “Sri Chinmoy”

364 days out of 365 I have better things to do than read boring stuff to you. Today (actually yesterday) I got myself a little caught off track in the pursuit of delivering you some actual facts. That’s right, folks. While the fact officially went extinct in 2041, here in the Pre-Post-facts Era, I aim to deliver you some truth, as if there even is such a thing. Ha ha!!!! So here’s a little bit about an interesting fella named Sri.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 334 “This is My 333rd Song”

That there Sri Chinmoy fella, was a proud dude, proud of prolific poetry and proud of his physical fitness. When I went to one of his “events” they boasted he had written 333 songs. They asked us not to clap. It was weird. I was tickled by this fact and "wrote my “333rd” song and if I correctly recall, it sounded a lot like this.

Those of you who pay close attention may recall I said I did two days worth of fun during a productive stint yesterday. So, I’m figuring, hey what the heck. Let’s share what we got. Why don’t we? So this is sort of Day 333, Part 2, but to keep things simple we’ll call it. Day 334.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 334 “Alma Mater” by Unknown

Folks be loving to be part of something. A political party, a favorite sports team, a fraternity or a sorority. Even if the group does dumb stuff, folks a re thrilled to identify with some others and really get their bond on. I’m a big fan of having friends and working in groups, but that’s about where I draw the line. I ain’t looking to be anyone’s Gestapo. Nosiree.

That said, I am an alumnus, of Humboldt State and San Diego State University. Fair Lawn High to, so hail those places for tolerating and nurturing me some. Onward and upward. Yes, yes ya’ll. And ya don’t stop.

For the record, I never understood what the words to this tune meant, and with that said, I only bothered singing a few of them. Hail.

Well, I was under this distinct misimpression that there was only one “Alma Mater” song and every school sung it with the name of their school subbed in. Wrong. In fact, I have no idea what song this is, except it is the first line of whatever “Alma Mater” we sang in High School. Ironic, it is, because I don’t care at all about any of this stuff, yet I find myself here researching nonetheless.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 333

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 333 “First Grade Lessons”

Been having me some fun today so far. Went out to Alpine to work with a friend on my aspiring radio career. I think I can be great. I am feeling some serious confidence in this arena right now. Working on it and hearing where it’s going makes me want to drive further down the path. Hooray Inspiration!

I was talking about how people teach children to be kind and share and not hit and then somewhere between there and adulthood, we learn a while different thing. Everyone is trying to crush everyone everywhere and get as much as they can for themselves. There’s a reason we don’t teach children this. It’s wrong on a huge number of levels. If empowered to do so, I would speak out against that in an enormous way. How about sharing, folks? How about the things we teach our children? How about leading by example? I’ve never too late… to remember what we teach our kids each day. A world of kindness and love and respect is a world in which problems can be identified and solved. It’s a world we’ll need to live in eventually. I’m ready. Let’s go. Who’s game to share and be kind and play nice? Meeeee.

So I wrote this song and recorded and it made it part of my practice broadcast.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 333 “The Fire Inside ” by Bob Seger

I quite did this Bob Seger tune from way back when. Well, not way back when, like “Katmadu” way back when, but back when enough. Remember “Mask?” Well, I had some fun playing this one, doing the 365 today. I think I did two whole days of fun, by accident here.

I may have to use, “This is my 333rd Song” on Day 334. That’s how you know you’ve got it going on. Lots and lots to share. “Share is to easy to misspell. Welcomes all kinds of dirty demons into one’s world. We make the truth we see. John Calipari was talking about it on the Mike Francesa show earlier. Don’t be defined by your surroundings. Everything changes every day. Big changes will come. Huge things will happen. We make the world we live in. Fate, destiny, reality, they all live together in a cozy apartment deep inside our mind.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 333 “Our Precious Space”

I’ve been feeling really close with you, my friends of The Internet, lately. So I aimed to reassure you that while Operation 365 2 has only 32 left, I am not going anywhere. This precious space we have created is our eternal love bond. Like all matter and everything that matters, it can not be created or destroyed. So dig it, slip in to something comfortable and hunker down, ‘cause it’s Day 333 and I’m just getting started. Big things on the horizon. Big things. I can smell ‘em, and not just ‘cause of my pronounced proboscis neither now. It is imminent. Ride on!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Years In Phoenix!

Friday 12/30 at The Dubliner
3841 E Thunderbird Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Phone: (602) 867-0984
Facebook Event

New Years

Saturday at Cactus Jack's
4747 E Elliot Rd #2
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Phone:(480) 753-4733
Buy Tickets Online
Facebook Event

Operation 365 2... Blog 332

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 332 “No Rain” by Blind Melon

So I live in San Diego, a place where it never rains. Even when it looks like it's going to rain, it rarely does. Last night, I was driving home from the zone of our dear friends, The Hunseys, flipping through the radio station and I heard a song by Blind Melon. I had no plans for the next day's (today's)365, and I recalled my long-time, New Jersey hometown amigo, Jason Patterson, had requested “No Rain.” It was in my head when I woke up, aiming to recall my thoughts for the day.

So, I toyed with a few version. Back when this song came out, around 1993, I played it some with my friend Deek, at UMASS-Amherst, The Zoo. That was a long time ago. The Hunseys went to the zoo yesterday. Hippos, Tigers, Gorillas, oh my. Back then, I didn't play guitar. I just sang. and I sang in that higher register with no hesitation. I practiced a lot then. I had to. Now I play. I work and I play. This is both. Vote Both. So we sail in small circles, always returning home, again and again. The sky opened up some while I prepared this video, and it's rained a bit more as I'm writing this right now. The church bells nearby announce that it is noon. High noon.

Rain on, Great Sky. Go Cowboys. Dez gets the touchdown. I started Golden Tate instead. Life is a fantasy. Love is real. Hail.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 332 “Leaving Bakersfield”

One time, I was visiting my wife's home zone of Ridgecrest, California. She was my girlfriend at the time. I was kicking it with her Dad some, all-time cool dude, Tom Pearl, and next thing you know I was putting music to these words he'd written down awhile ago. I had ben hanging on to this one, hoping to do wit with him on trumpet, but today its number was called. I may have waited but a few days more, til Thanksgiving. We'll be here. We coulda done it, but alas, we'll need another song for Turkey Day, 'cause today I'm “Leaving Bakersfield” all by myself. Only 33 days left. Tomorrow is Day 333. It's time to go. It's go time.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 332 “The Meanings of Words”

Folks, so much is in question lately. So much questioning, but there could be so much more respect. So much Internet battling, but so few face-to-face discussion between folks of differing opinion, leading greater understanding. This can happen, folks it's never too late. In fact, I believe we're just getting started, One particular bit of confusion from last week involved NBA star LeBron James, legendary NBA coach Phil Jackson and a dispute over the word posse. I think Phil and LeBron are from different places and times and words can change meanings. Words can have different meanings to different people. It happens every day. Let's relax and stop bickering. Let us common ground. It is far too easy to find ways in which we disagree. That brings us no closer together. Shall we see the big picture. Let's all be a posse, one big peace-seeking posse, the reveals the world for what it truly is, ONE place with ONE people, US. Praise be. Hallelujah! Sweet Sunday!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 331

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 331 “Moondance” by Van Morrison

Another day, another fresh slate. Even if you have plans, you never know what is going to happen. One must be flexible and fleet on one’s feet to keep up with the changes that any one day has to offer. So, today I sat down to video, and destiny led me to “Moo…”

Some semblances of order, little bits of alphabetism here and there… Moo, not as in what the cow says, but as in “Moondance,” “Moonshadow,” “Moondrop” and probably not too far away, “Moon River.” Shout-out to the Supermoon earlier this week, the closest the moon’s been in 68 years, they said. Big waves. High tides.

So, I had fun and did this one a bunch of times in my front yard on a gray November Saturday mornings. So much freeness, so little time. So much blessings. Giving thanks.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 331 “The Middle of the Road”

If memory serves me right, I wrote this song in 1999. It was a time of great tumult in my life. I was discovering who I was in a lot of ways but I didn’t realize that then. So I did what songwriters do. I wrote a song about it. We’re always about to make a big decision, whether we realize it or not. So this song is about that. We make it through these times. I hope you feel great.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 331 “Now Is the Time, My Friends”

I have been feeling the optimism in a big way lately, folks. I think the world is ready for some positive change. Hallelujah, I say. I’m down. It is so much simpler than people think. Subjugating our egos and recognizing the greater good that is achieved when we treat one another with respect. It’s not rocket science, folks. More like 1st grade, common core. I think that’s what they call that. Common core.

If we as humans, inhabitants of this planet, would break it down to the common core. When we break it down to the fact that we’re all people sharing this planet and the world is a brighter truer place when we act like that, we can begin to maximize the joy that should be living. Too much hoarding, too much aggrandizing our individual selves. It’s time to recognize we are one. When we realize stealing from each other is only stealing from ourselves, Sharing is caring. Are we daring? I accidentally JUST WROTE SHARTING IS CARING. I GOTTA GO. NOW CAPS DILEMMA. XOXO. ASTA MANANA.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 330

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 330 “Burgeoning Blues”

Today is an interesting day on the 365. I actually have energy and things to say, but am deciding anyway to use some of these videos I have in the can. Ya know, I’m all kinds of fired up I’m feeling the love. I’m feeling the time is right to get off my keest and reach some folks, truly make a difference in a grander way. But all of this is a process. There are 345 days left of this project alone and that’s just when the real work gets started.

Yes, I want to emerge and engage in all the activity there is and see if I can make a difference. Now, I know some folks want to dismiss peace and love and pie in the sky or “pablum” if you will, but enthusiastically differ. People coming together and unifying based on our shred circumstances, our shared benefit when things go good, we can do amazing things. In fact, there is no limit to what we can do. We only need to think it and make it so. I’m finally coming to terms with this.

So, everyone needs a day of rest and for me, working as I am right now is a way to do it. So I’ll be energetic tomorrow also, plus we have this blip (aka shared space) right now.

“Burgeoning Blues” is just that, a little blues number I didn’t deem quite worthy of “Original” status, but it is nothing if not another undercover, original, diamond in the rough, full of “Words” courtesy of yours truly, Mr. Day Off, (HA!) Jefferson Jay. I like Mr. 365 a lot better. #everyday

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 330 “Hello” by Adele

I’m more of Lionel Richie, “Hello” guy myself, in fact I’m making it my phone ring as we speak, but much respect for the present, or whenever this jam came out. Hail Adele, I read at Vons, she got married. Here’s hoping that leads to her stopping writing all these sad, sappy songs that make everybody think it’s great to pout and feel sorry for yourself. Love songs, anyone? No offense, Canada.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 330 “Thanksgiving Song”

I am on a binge of writing Thanksgiving songs. It seems there should be a huge one, no? Yes. Of course there should. Or six. We’ll see, if people live long enough. We’ve only been at this connected media, America, Internet, chunk of the world a short time. The blues is a baby compared to a lot of things, like the sun, stars… You know this.

So here is another “Thanksgiving Song” for you to chew on. Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 329

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 329 “Happy Days” by Norman Gimbel & Charles Fox

Hope your having “Happy Days.” I am. Feeling fired up lately. Way fired up. After many years of operating locally, well below the radar, I think I am ready to reach more people and contribute whatever I can toward entertaining folks and making the world a way better place. I love my local life and I have enough money to get by, but I know I can do much much more. I have some special talents and I want to press ahead with my special needs Christmas musicals and whatever the future holds for me in radio. I am ready to get in the mix. After decades, it’s finally time. Should be exciting. I know I have a great deal to offer.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 329 “A Modern-Day Guide to Getting By”

Lots of tumult these days, no? Yes, so here is a little spontaneous ditty I conjured that touches on a lot of survival techniques that exist. Hope it helps. Oh, complicated world, will you ever relent? If not, we must be ready to adapt. That’s life for ya. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. “A Modern-Day Guide to Getting By.” Hope it helps.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 329 “Tafolla”

Feeling less than loquacious this afternoon. This is ironic because I am thinking big thoughts and feeling like a million bucks. It’s a quiet content. Content… Some say content is king. I head The Sports Pope, Mike Francesa say it today. Well, I have content. Essentially limitless content. That is why I do this every day. To demonstrate. To represent what I’m capable of and what I’m all about. It’s just a microcosm. 1100 videos in 365 days. OK, maybe it’s a macrocosm. Today is the 50th anniversary of the San Diego Sports Arena. I would like to play there some day.

As confident as I’m feeling this instance, my DNA is community, loyalty, friendship, giving back, sharing in the glory and the groove. That’s why in this department during the first 365 in 2011 “Archives” of my friends stood in the place of this here “Words” chunk. So, today, we go backwards to go forward once again.

Warming up before his gig at La Jolla’s Athenaeum Music & Arts Library October 28, was John Tafolla. John is an institution in this city and as friendly a guy as you’ll ever meet. Here, I captured him candidly for a quick minute, soaking up the vibes in that venerable and historic room. Sharing is caring. Hallelujah.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 328

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 328 “True Colors” by Cyndi Lauper

So, in the first 365, I was real interested in accuracy and who wrote all these songs I was covering. I would look it up and explain it like it was vital. At the time, it seemed so. This time, I decided to have my mind occupied with other elements of 365 life instead. During the first 365 was “Occupy,” incidentally. So this time, I have written the name of the person who popularized the number, more often than not and left it at that. Cyndi didn’t write this one. Professional songwriter people did, I believe. I guess I should check. Hate to be a fountain of misinformation over here. I looked it up. It is the only song on her album” True Colors, that she didn’t write. I prefer “She Bop” anyway. She wrote that one.

Speaking of “True Colors,” I first became a big fan of Cyndi Lauper’s around 1983 or so, when she was at the forefront of the pivotal Rock ‘N Wrestling movement. Alas, you think I jest, but President-elect Donald Trump has battled at Wrestlemania and is a WWE Hall of Famer. So, I was all about Operation Give President Trump a chance, and still am, I guess… I mean he’s not even president yet. But… not super stoked about the hiring of the guy they say is a white supremacist. That’s not swell. Mr. Bretibard man, Steve Something… and today, during the briefest of visits to Facebook, I read some article in the British news, that Trump was going to make Muslim people sign a registry. Well, that sounds awful on more levels than I can count. I think I need to get more active. It is finally time. How? When? We’ll see. Step One: Now. Step Two: Open Mic tonight, at Winston’s. One day at time. Hail Schneider.

So, here’s hoping that is misinformation and that Donald Trump will be a million times better than it blatantly seems… Please.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 328 “Happy Thanksgiving”

So, I may have jumped the gun a wee tad with this one here today. The folks at my song are suckers for a good holiday song. Who isn't, right? So here, in November the Christmas song requests are already flying fast and furious. I'm resisting. Even got a few calls for my "Happy Halloween" song. So I couldn't wait. I feel the world is long overdue for a proper Thanksgiving song anyway. A friend today, tried to explain that "Jingle Bells" is a Thanksgiving. I can confirm or deny said report. Well i guess I could... 

So toyed with the notion of tinkering with this one and unleashing it with Thanksgiving dinner a week from Thursday, but I'll haver to crasft another one for then. I like the idea of a Thanksgiving song from the turkey's perspective... or maybe one about Thankstaking and how that's needed to keep the world balanced. Can't have everybody giving, someone's got to take... and don't told tell the The Trump Administration will do it. I'm still managing, pretending they won't. Nothing like a generous billionaire. President Working Class.

"Riiiiight." - ... Nipsey Russell's Wikipedia page doesn't mention "Wildcats." That's messed up.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 328 “Feast”

Who doesn't love a feast? People who don't know what one is, I suppose... Apparently, if you believe what people say, there was oner today at my work. I missed it. Shucks. Either way, I'm glad it happened, even if it didn't. Hail a Feast.

In unrelated news, a friend at my work argues plants have love and can feel feelings. He argued they grow when you talk to them or play music and that they feel pain. I'm not sure if this should make me feel better or worse, as far as it relates to my carnivorous status. Everything happens for a reason. Hail Peace.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 327

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 327 “The Island Princess Song”

Was great to be back at work today. Always is when you love your job. Got to play a whole bunch of music. Lots of requests. Even conjured a few numbers from thin air. So I made 25 chunks of video here and when they all load into my ancient iMovie program I will start going through them picking a few out for you.

This 365 is almost over, folks. Can you believe it? What now? 38 days left? Yep. Perty neat. It has been a fun experience so far. I have improved on guitar from playing every day. Wrote a couple hundred songs bout. Shared a whole bunch of stuff from my library of songs that may never have been shared otherwise. Got to open up my life to the people for 11 months about, through all the wild changes the world has in a year. It’s nice to be less alone. It’s nice to feel like you’re contributing something to life as a whole. Sharing is caring. That should be the mantra of 365 life.

Someone suggested I sing a song about an “Island Princess.” She may have wanted some Disney song I didn’t know. So I made one up. Maybe I can license it to those suckas someday.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 327 “Sunny, Please”

Now, I do whatever I can to bring joy to the special people I work with. Now, I may have raised the bar too high, because I received a request today that may exceed my pay grade by a significant margin. One of my friends, asked if I would make it sunny… pleeeeeeease. I discussed this with her, honored by her faith in my abilities. Why not embrace optimism, I say? So I figured, I may as well take credit, in case sunny happened. Sunny happens. May as well play into the legend, right? Worked for our next president. Right…?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 327 “White Bird” by It’s a Beautiful Day

Here’s another number that was brought into my sphere of existence by a special friend, today at work. I assumed it was some newer song because many songs I don’t know are. Seconds ago I learned it was from a San Francisco band in 1969. Pretty neat. Thanks to my friend for the cool tune and the duet. I thanked her after class and she asked me why. Did I say I love my job?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 326

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 326 “When I’m Hungry”

What would you say if I told you today is the greatest day of your life? What would you say if I told you today is the greatest day of your life because you get to be here with me? What if I told you this is because I am great, awesome, amazing, and all other things woo-hoo. But I am better than no one. We are all great, awesome, amazing, and all other things woo-hoo. Now one can wake up in the morning and decide the day is stinky, they are stinky and this room full of children are stinky, but then how is the day going to be? Stinky. It can just as easily be the greatest day of your life.

Paraphrased, that is how I started my day in the classroom. I had fun challenging the children to think critically and teaching them something that no one else is ever going to teach them most likely. There are a lot of important things that never get touched n the classroom, like how to pay your taxes, what health insurance is and why you need it, how to get a job, how to have a happy relationship. These are all things that can enhance children’s educations to make them more complete. Add songwriting to the list.

So I used ABCs and 1234s and the next thing you know, I was in a room full of songwriters. The 4th graders at Kumeyaay Elementary School and I wrote “When I’m Hungry” and I think it’s a pretty neat tune. We had fun too. Nice kids at school today. L’chiem.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 326 “Rocky Mountain High” by John Denver

Overshadowed by Donald Trump’s dramatic victory in the presidential election last Tuesday, was California legalizing recreational marijuana. Now I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never tried the stuff, but you have to figure great states like Colorado and California wouldn’t be changing laws and voting on stuff if there wasn’t something pretty darn decent about the stuff. So when it becomes available for recreational purposes in 2018, I very well may have to give the stuff a try. Sounds recreational…

Shout-out to John Denver. I wasn’t going to post this version of “Rocky Mountain High” that I recorded a few weeks back, but today, I have band practice and I subbed earlier, so there’s no time in my mind. I hunted for a missing “Locomotive Breath” to no avail. So I hope you like it. It was a request a couple of Tuesdays ago from one of my Seniors.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 326 “Bee Kind”

Toyed hard with the notion of naming this number "President Bee" as it does exist to offer congratulations to President Bee congratulations on his election as the 45th President of the United States. Now while that is a big story, it should not obscure all the other ideals that people can exhibit daily to make life and living as fulfilling as possible. Folks like to complain online and I can understand why. It is easy, much easier than doing something to make things better for getting personally involved outside your house in any way.

Here, we offer sage wisdom alongside our well-wishes to America's first "bee" president. There is a profound lesson than can be gleaned from these foreign bee characters, different in so many ways from an actual human. The lesson is this. Bee kind. Yes, a simple lesson, usually left in childhood, but equally important very single day. Bee kind. You can learn a lot from someone different, even a bee, even someone who speaks a language you don't understand, even someone who flies and is always buzzing. Hail President Bee. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 325

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 325 “Fresh as a Sweet Sunday Morning” by Bert Jansch

I love the mystery of life. I love how it takes you places daily you never could have imagined going otherwise. This phenomenon is as obvious as ever these days. #TrumpWorld

A project like the 365 forces the hand of fate. It creates circumstances in which you must expand your horizons: discovering music, connecting with others, playing more music. So, today, Sunday, the hardest of all 365 days, beckoned. It did just beckon. It Odell Beckoned… Junior. OK, I’m watching football. It’s a guilty pleasure, like eating delicious meats in a way. I love them and I grew up with them. That’s what makes it so much harder to not eat cows and not support concussion devastation ballgames. Like I said, life is complicated and full of mysteries. Be happy. Love life.

Lots of folks are fighting with each other and having fits about the election. I’m not sure how that’s constructive. There would be such things as tangents if we weren’t all ONE.

So… where I’m really going with this is, I’m a nostalgia guy. I guess we all are. #TrumpWorld. I wonder how reality televisions and real estate prepare one for running the largest military in the world. Consider this wondering aloud. 58,600,000 people or so thought that was fine. I imagine/hope it will be. So history guy me went looking this Sunday morning for a song from the Flower Drum Song soundtrack, which if I correctly recall, was titles, “Sweet Sunday.” Surprising it isn’t that the chords for this pertinent piece of popular music (maybe 50 years ago) were not easily available.

I was in this play in high school, sophomore year. A curious choice it was, a play full of Asian characters in a pretty white town. The only actual Asian in it, the director made the bad guy. I covered “Oh, Happy Day” from this musical in the first 365. That was the number I was in. Small part.

So what I found instead was this. “Fresh as a Sweet Sunday Morning” by Bert Jansch. What is this song? Who is Bert Jansch? How does it really sound? I have no clue. But I played it anyway. Twice. By the second time, I even had a feel for how it goes, well for how my version goes anyway. My wife even liked the tune. Nice tune, Bert Jansch, whoever you are. No offense if you’re really famous and I just never heard of you. I don’t know any Kanye West or Jay-Z songs either, so you’re in good company. I just pay attention to my life more these days, and other people’s lives, less.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 325 “The Parents’ Theme”

So, in case you didn’t know, I work with special needs adults a few days a week. It is a fabulous, deeply gratifying and rewarding job. One of my jobs is a write and direct the Christmas musical. It is a huge bunch of fun. I initially intended to fill the last months of this project with songs from the various volumes of “The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree.” Ultimately, I changed my mind. I decided to not give everything I’ve ever done away for free, which is what I’m doing here daily, in a way.

So I saved those numbers instead, with only an exception or two. “The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree” is a feel-good, positive, snow-forest set musical. It features a family, The Pearls, and a set of colorful snow characters, who sing songs, learn lessons, and love life. “The Parents’ Theme” plays at the beginning of each episode and before the final scene. It sets us near the fireplace in the living room of the family home on Christmas Eve. All episodes take place on Christmas Eve. That’s it for today. This is a taste spoon, essentially, a teaser. I’d love to make these Christmas musicals the first TV show ever, featuring exclusively special needs actors. If you’re interested in knowing more, or helping out, hit me up. The time is now to make our drams come true.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 325 “Sum Cords”

Here’s sone Sunday chords, I was feeling today. More than any words, riddle, riffs or other rhythms, I felt this, and I would be remise to not share this here with you. Keeping it real. Loving it true. Sunday and smooth. Hail Conor McGregor and Dave Chappelle, the stars of yesterday, literally.

Hail Dak Prescott, hopefully the star of today. The lone star.

Oh, note, I was feeling like changing it up for today and keeping my head and opinions to myself, so I went headless for today’s videos. See me tomorrow.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 324

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 324 “Don’t Laugh (I Love You)” by Ween

Here's a little request action, the second Ween request of this 365 so far. Both granted. Both Ween tunes are fun and fun to play. I may have to become a bigger fan of theirs some day. Should be easy, being that I think I have some Ween music on stand-by. Finding the moment, that's mostly all it is in life. Glad I found this moment to do this. 'Twas fun. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 324 “Original Days”

 Fun time, these days, huh? It ain't boring. Here, I conjure a British kids's how anthem from thin air. Trump world. We can do this. It's going to be great. It's going to be huge, the best ever. Everybody is going to love it. So how easy that was. I'm one of them untapped potential folks Trump was talking about and I went full zany British kids's show here. Thanks world! 

Shout out to everybody on the Internet going off, in honor of electoral events, including the Greek purple gal who screamed she would kill herself (please don't), the African- American gentleman cracking up in HRC supporters' faces as he drove down the street or Michael Pie( or whatever his name is) and his engaging 11-minute rant on everybody needing to participate in the world they want to share. Do it or sit idly by and cry in your living room. It's up to you. Choose "Both" if you want. As of this moment, it's still free country. I feel free. Big freeness, actually. Yooge. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 324 “Trump World”

Folks, I talk a lot here. About a lot of things. The world. Trump. Whatnot. It's extensive. I'm issuing every one of you the #Day324challenge. I dare you to watch every minute of all three of these videos and read this whole blog and then publicly pressure your friends into doing it too, so you're not the only sucker who actually did it. It's for a good cause. Our salvation or our survival. Whichever one. You pick. Choose Both. I don't care. I just issue the challenges. "Trump World." #whosbuying


Friday, November 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 323

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 323 “Tractor Dancer Lunch Friend”

Sometimes, it’s just time for a quiet reflective moment musically. Today, to me was one of those times. Fortunately I had this little piece on retainer, ready to go. It has it’s dark moments. It’s much like life in that way ,but comes back around to soft and soothing, which we all need occasionally. Regular life goes on around and behind this number. Construction, lunch plans, general friendliness. I like to believe the world is more that than all that other acrimony, folks have been focused on.

So back in the basic pleasures of life, your next meal, the sunshine, someone you love. Listen to a song and let it soothe you. A shower is always nice to. A fresh start is there for you, like this song, it’s right there waiting for you to name its time and go it’s way. Peace is always waiting

Note: To anyone who think this universal love stuff is all hippie nonsense, I’m sorry for you. The truth is what you make it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 323 “Hello I Love You” by The Doors

From Los Angeles, California, The Doors! Gotta say old Jim made The Golden State look pretty wild and cool to an east coast youth like me in college. Incendiary, revolutionary, no f’s given, Jim Morrison was all that. It’s dangerous element was strangely refreshing, like if he has nothing to lose, what about me?

My dear friend Shannon, passed away a week or so ago. I continue to reflect on her one-of-a-kind energy. She lit life up like a firework. I can see why she loved The Lizard King. Hanging in her UMASS dorm room, may have been as close as I got to living in the 1960’s, That an a couple odd music festivals here and there way back when. She was a bad ass on a whole variety of levels. You couldn’t miss her. She was shiny and electric. I don’t think I’d describe anyone else I’ve ever known in hat manner. I could go on for days reveling in her buzzing energy and endlessly interesting perspective. Hail Shannon. This Jim jam’s is for you. Onward and upward, my sweet friend.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 323 “How Everybody Feels Right Now”

Day 323. 11-11. Veteran’s Day. Yes, it all means something precious. If a picture’s worth a thousand words, what is a moving picture worth? Are there advanced metrics for this? There must be. Some sophomore at Harvard knows the answer. He’ll be running the Chargers in a few years, but that won’t help them win more football games.

Fatigue cuts the frivolity in the masses, right now, like a drug dealer cuts heroin. There are mountains of both. Hot, heaving, steaming, stinking both. It’s all right. We are resilient animals. Hope is enigmatic warrior. You never know what it’s planning, even when it’s pressed against your chest.

So this is what I have to say and as I “said” I had this sensation that it was strangely poignant at this moment in time. And that is was universal. We are all human. It’s time to gather common ground, unite in love, ideally. There’s plenty of time to battle your brother some other angry afternoon.

Peace, love, kisses and Nigel.   

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 322

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 322 “Dear Wylder”

There is a ton to be grateful for. So grateful. Each breath… way more things than lifetimes leaves the time to list. Many folks are mourning after this presidential election. I understand how they feel, but I think may have mourned too much already in this election cycle. My pessimism tank is empty and optimism is all I have left. So I’ll think positive thought and pray President Trump wants the history books to refer to him fondly. Anything is possible. If you didn’t know that before this November, you should surely know that now. Cubs, Trump…

There are a million reasons to celebrate, a million reasons to temper our tears of sadness with waterfalls of joy. My dear amigos Nate and Jade had a baby some weeks ago. I didn’t find out ‘til two months passed and that is why my song about their son, Wylder did not arrive sooner. It is probably not even entirely done right here, but I needed a cause, something inspirational to slap my focus on, so this was it. I played it for awhile today. I think it still needs some new words, but maybe these ones I made up on the fly for some of this, are gold. I’ll give them a chance. Kind of like my motto, for that other guy, the one who won the election.

Hail Nate, Jade and my newest friend, Wylder. I look forward to singing you this some time. Maybe even after I picked all the lyrics. It’s close. The music is there. Maybe it’s perfect. It must be.

CORRECTION: Nate, upon listening to this, assures me that Wylder is his daughter. Proof I have not been adequately included in the loop. Birth announcement anyone? Well, it doesn't change the song. Just the spelling of the word "son." Now it's "Sun," "won't you come out, Sun?"

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 322 “Dear Prudence” by The Beatles

So a couple weeks ago, I learned my friends Nate and Jade had had a child. They had this child ten weeks ago now, but that is OK. When I did find out, it was tied into to some "please help us move" text that included a picture of this child. Happy to help them move, I picked up the moving gauntlet, knowing nothing about how old it was or even if it was a boy or a girl. It had pink pants in the picture so I thought it was a girl, a brand new baby girl named Wylder. 

Now, while Wylder is a risque name for a girl, if anyone would be unaffected by this, it would be Nate and Jade. They do things their way, "The Nate and Jade Way," but no, Wylder is a boy, an adorable, happy, bouncing, baby boy... named Wylder. In the course of all this talk of Wylder boys and girls, my brain began to ruminate on how to musically tribute this new being's existence. I thought about "Wylder" and his, at least relative to me, mysterious arrival. "Dear Prudence" popped into my brain. While not a straight antonym, I recognized some parallels between "Prudence" and "Wylder" so I allowed that Beatles classic to inspire me to write this lovely song about my baby boy friend, Wylder. 

For yuks, I offer both tracks here today, Day 322, two days after the election, a great day to celebrate a boy to young to know what's going on. Someone said "ignorance is bliss." I'm not sure how you'd argue with that. Hail Wylder, and for the heck of it, hail Gene Wilder too.

CORRECTION: Nate, upon listening to this, assures me that Wylder is his daughter. Proof I have not been adequately included in the loop. Birth announcement anyone? Well, it doesn't change the song. Just the spelling of the word "son." Now it's "Sun," "won't you come out, Sun?"

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 322 “73; A Great Time for Fun”

I must have more songs with the world "Time" in them than anyone else ever. Today, I was feeling the need for some optimism and I was feeling the need to to share some optimism as well. So, I wasn't feeling "Words" in the traditional definition as sitting or standing, saying stuff, making points and that ilk, so instead I offer this. “73; A Great Time for Fun” easily meets our definition for an original song, but it has words and even if it didn't for me" Words" means communication and this is what I want to communicate here now. Optimism injection commence.

So, one of the ridiculously nice senior special needs ladies I work with is turning 73 on Sunday. She told me. we saluted, I sang, and we discussed how quickly time passes and I answered with how young she looked and seemed and how I would love to be 73 some day. I would. So here, I offer additional insight as to what that might be like and essentially effort to uplift my friends there, That is pretty much my job. I love it. That's what I do. Relate, connect, share joy, go home, do this, repeat. Life is grand. Don't be sad. There are too many mountains and mysteries for that. Everything will be alright. I promise. I believe.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 321

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 321 “President Trump”

Day 3...2...1... Contact, yes it happened. The whole nation deliberately jumped the shark. Now what...? Hope and optimism double down. It's the only way I can see. Can't spend another four years crying and fretting. GWB wasn't that long ago. Gotta hope for the best and believe... at least until he's actually president and some bad things happen... Maybe they won;t. Gotta hope. Gotta believe. What else it there? Sorrow? Fear? I had enough of those in the election, thanks.

So , her I offer a song of healing, one with only a few jokes. It is reflective of how I feel deep down. Hope for the best. I liked Donald trump's acceptance speech last night. I have to see the cup as half full at least until hot coffee spills all over my dwango. Here's a hopeful thought that it won't.

That said, my grace guide us. Congratulations to President-elect Donald J. Trump. I never watched "The Apprentice" or "The Celebrity Apprentice" but apparently they were REALLY good. I did hear you on Howard Stern a bunch though and I DID watch you in Wrestlemania in The Battle of the Billionaires versus Vince McMahon... I wish you and all of us, and the whole world, actually, everything awesome. God bless America... please.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 321 “Nights In White Satin” by The Moody Blues

I'm not exactly sure how “Nights In White Satin” by The Moody Blues relates to our presidential election that just ended, (tough one, HillDawg...) but I have a strong suspicion it somehow does. " I love you... Maybe... 

I forgot the "cool" poem part mostly, but I did remember a few lines from it and I stuck them at the end. The ones I remembered were the first ones...

Breath deep 
The gathering gloom
Watch lights fade 

And the last ones...

But we decide
Which is right 
Which is an Illusion

We do... Maybe that's how it relates.

Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore...

or maybe it's that.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 321 “Nigel Relief”

Even though, I'm engineering Operation Optimism here today, I ain't overlookin' the fact that some folks are upset. I would be too, if I thought there was any point. I am worn down, stomach-punched slightly, but I've been around long enough... and some things need to change. Hillary Clinton wasn't changing any of 'em. She was 'em... apparently, or so said the electorate. I wish her the beast in whatever she ideas in her post-politic life. 

Who am I to offer employment suggestions to a woman as accomplished as Hillary Clinton? That said, there'a slightly above average chance, that Donald Trump won;t be doing any Wrestlemania gigs for the next four years. Folks have been doing great pursuing unlikely job opportunities recently. Just saying. Keep your minds and ideas open. That last message was for everyone. Not just HillDawg. Dawg... huh? Not sure I'd want my nickname to be "dawg" if I was trying to be the first female president. Just sayin'... Now may I never discuss Hillary Clinton again. 

Here is some Nigel relief, 'cause cuteness is unaffected by elections and unsavory circumstances. Pray. Maybe Trump will do great. Anything is possible. Ask the Cubs. Ask... well ask anyone, at this point, actually.