Here's a little request action, the second Ween request of this 365 so far. Both granted. Both Ween tunes are fun and fun to play. I may have to become a bigger fan of theirs some day. Should be easy, being that I think I have some Ween music on stand-by. Finding the moment, that's mostly all it is in life. Glad I found this moment to do this. 'Twas fun.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 324 “Original
Fun time, these days, huh? It ain't boring. Here, I conjure a British kids's how anthem from thin air. Trump world. We can do this. It's going to be great. It's going to be huge, the best ever. Everybody is going to love it. So how easy that was. I'm one of them untapped potential folks Trump was talking about and I went full zany British kids's show here. Thanks world!
Shout out to everybody on the Internet going off, in honor of electoral events, including the Greek purple gal who screamed she would kill herself (please don't), the African- American gentleman cracking up in HRC supporters' faces as he drove down the street or Michael Pie( or whatever his name is) and his engaging 11-minute rant on everybody needing to participate in the world they want to share. Do it or sit idly by and cry in your living room. It's up to you. Choose "Both" if you want. As of this moment, it's still free country. I feel free. Big freeness, actually. Yooge.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 324 “Trump World”
Folks, I talk a lot here. About a lot of things. The world. Trump. Whatnot. It's extensive. I'm issuing every one of you the #Day324challenge. I dare you to watch every minute of all three of these videos and read this whole blog and then publicly pressure your friends into doing it too, so you're not the only sucker who actually did it. It's for a good cause. Our salvation or our survival. Whichever one. You pick. Choose Both. I don't care. I just issue the challenges. "Trump World." #whosbuying
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