Thursday, June 30, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 189

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 189 "To Be the Fool" by Jefferson Jay

So I’ve improvising so many tunes these days, I sometimes forget I even did some. "To Be the Fool" is an example of one of those. A few days ago or so, I was improvising jams. I forgot about this one. Reviewing some things, I found "To Be the Fool" and thought it was OK. Not bad for pulled from thin air for you. So yesterday, I got a bit ahead and bounced it down for ya, and here it is, once again, a new tune. Hallelujah!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 189 "Tears on My Pillow" by Little Anthony & The Imperials

Yesterday, I was playing the music for some of the special folks I work with and somehow, "Tears on My Pillow" came out. I loved “Grease” as a kid and "Tears on My Pillow" was one of the many awesome tunes and that seminal musical. I mentioned "Tears on My Pillow" to my wife today and she busted into song. Gal sure loves her musicals. Old hits as well. So, who knows where this ranks on the all-time great versions of "Tears on My Pillow?" It’s been around since 1958 and played many a time so I’m glad it’s not my job to figure that out. Love you, fellow humans.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 189 "Trading Licks"

All kinds of interesting creative things happen at my work. I was playing some “licks” of some sort and one time, one of my peeps started responding. Next thing you know, we have a little call and response thing going, punctuated by laughter and other assorted good feelings. Yesterday, it happened again and it was a fine enough example of this yukking it up that I decided to share it here with you.

One last thing, what is perfect? Are any of us perfect? Yes and no, in my opinion. We are exactly what we’re meant to be. If we can embrace ourselves as such, we can really enjoy life. When we are occupied with perceived slights and feelings of superiority to others, we miss out on a lot of the love that life has to offer. Each bit of it is precious. Love, learning and light. What it’s all about on the road to happiness and truth.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 188

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 188 "Spiderman" by Paul Francis Webster and Robert “Bob” Harris

I love my job working with the special needs folks. I have a particularly fun time with the seniors. They regularly school me on stuff that was popular when they were kids, during the 1950s and 60s. It’s pretty cool. YouTube enables me to take them on a walk down memory lane while I get exposed to some black and white hits for the very first time. I have discovered many cool tunes during this process.

Occasionally, we find common ground, often in the theme song of TV shows that remained on the air in syndication when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s. The fellas in my group have a love for superheroes and this is how we wound up at “Spiderman” today, a song I always loved.

Another old friend, Ryan Smith, played a cool jazzy guitar version of this tune, long ago, I recall. I’ve been missing some of the folks I haven’t seen in ages, lately. I’ve had some folks we went to school with die in the not-too-distant past. Maybe that is why. Cheers Ryan. Thanks for the continuing inspiration. Hope to see ya soon. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 188 "Fifty Dollar Song" by Jefferson Jay

From time to time, I get a big business idea. Some are better than others and few are acted upon. Even less are followed all the way through. There are too many jobs. I don’t know what to do. I’m an idea guy. A partner or two away from a true entrepreneur. At least that’s how it seems. So much so, that I’ve sort of stopped cultivating these ideas. They tended to rest in a folder anyway. There’s no dust in a folder…

One or two of my great ideas have become successful led by other people in no way connected to me. Healthy fast food. That’s one that still could be huge. It will. Some day. A lot of my ideas are like that. Unused. I own domain names for some. I have “resting creative projects too. A screenplay about steroids in baseball. A musical about a revolution of the mind that goes along with my last CD, “Hallelujah Expressway.” I have probably close to 1000 tunes. What does it all do? Little. That’s why I’m compelled to share it here with you. At least it doesn’t die on the vine then. Some day I hope to share much more with you. Maybe even make some money too.

One idea I had awhile back was that I’d write and record personalized songs for people for fifty dollars a tune.  On second thought, that seems way too low. I still never sold any. This song was the example type tune for the idea. I think I even owned for awhile. I’ve since heard of a guy who charges hundreds of dollars to write “custom songs.” I hear he sells a lot of them too. What are you gonna do? Call for back-up? Call who?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 188 "The Soul Man on His Birthday Party"

Today is The Soul Man's birthday party, at my Winston's Open Mic from 6-9. I have been to more Soul Man birthday parties than I can count. Some time, long ago, I started hosting 'em. Soul Man is one of my oldest friends and not just cause he's turning 98 on July 1. No, he and I go back a long ways, to Croce's right around the year 2000. He was in my wedding. Said it was the first wedding he was in 50 years. We've been to ballgames, played L.A., lots and lots and lots of stuff. The Soul Man stays young through love, family, music, and faith. i've seen it. Imagine how much a person goes through in 98 years. It's amazing. He's a veteran of WWII and Korea and has as fun-loving and positive an attitude about life as you possibly can. He's one moth younger than my grandpa would be if...

Nobody loves their birthday more than The Soul Man. He'll start thinking about the next one next week some time. When you're The Soul Man, that's what you do. I'm sure it helps to have goals at that age. I know he's aiming for 100. He'll make it if he wants. I was going to say a few words about his birthday and I guess I did here, but I decided to share his birthday enthusiasm with you directly. It rings through. Hail you, brother. Love you. See you in a few. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 187

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 187 “Love and Pray”

I wish there was something I could do. I made a video. One close friend made a comment. It was late and not real nice. Another close friend received the not nice comment and decided to blame me. He wasn’t very nice about it either. I do these videos. I try to entertain people and make folks happy but it just goes to show once again, you can’t make everyone happy. In fact, no matter how hard you try, you’re still going to make some people mad. It sucks, especially when it’s some one you love. Love includes acceptance. This is a lot of work to make friends angry. I guess I just have to trust that the positive in this outweighs my sorrow in this moment. Speechless, sadly. 

I am learning not to repress my feelings. That is why I am expressing them here and moving on as best I can, I hope. Otherwise, I would just stuff them in and have back pain. Thanks Dr. John Sarno, for helping me heal. Love heals. I don’t know much, but I know that.

So the point of all this is, no matter who you are, no matter what you do, all you can do is hope and pray that the people you care most about respect that and each other and that you’re able to enjoy you’re friendships with these loved ones as much as you can for as long as you can. You can’t really control that that, but you can love and pray that nothing muddies up these love-filled simple goals you care so much about. “Love and Pray.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 187 “Last Train to Clarksville” by The Monkees

I don’t know if The Monkees wrote this and I don’t care. It’s a catchy number. Hope you dig.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 187 “The Love Bus”

All we can do is love and learn in this life. Yes, it would be great if we were born knowing everything and it was all easy-peezy from then on, but no, that’s not how it goes. On second thought, maybe it wouldn’t be so great. You’d never learn anything. You’d never have any break-throughs. You’d never grow or improve. You’d just know everything always and die. I guess some people are OK trying to live life like that. I am freed by my humble nature. I can be wrong and then I can learn and be right. If it takes me longer than I might like I can choose to accept myself and love myself, or I can cry and fight. Acceptance is love. Without acceptance, there can be no love.

Live and learn and love. Accept and embrace what is. Humble truths I work to live by. Every day. With varying degrees of success. Tomorrow is a chance to try again.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 186

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 186 “The Ground”

Car repairs. One of the many so so fun things in life. But, like always, it's what we do with these challenges that determines what they really are. For instance, I could have sat in the dingy mechanic office and impatiently waited for some info on my Tealmobile... OR... Walk the super dog Nigel over to the nearby Balboa Park, cuddle up on some shady grass and get cracking on today's 365. That's having fun. That's using your times wisely. I feel good. I knew that I would now.

So here we are. I recorded my videos. I talked about the ground, Thanks ground. without you I do to know what I'd be sitting on. Be good to the ground folks. You never you got it til you're in it, and by then it's too late.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 186 “When a Man Loves a Woman” by Percy Sledge

I love a woman, my wife, Leanne, She is swell, the bees' knees. I could endlessly express that, but I'll let my guitar fingers do the talking. Here's some Percy Sledge, live from Balboa Park. Thanks universe for soul music. Soul needs music too.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 186 “What is Real (and Does Tomorrow Matter?)” by Jefferson Jay

I am a nostalgic fellow. I didn't study all that graduate history for nothing, I am interested in what's happening and one way to enjoy that is to reflect on what's already occurred. I am sitting in a special spot right now as I type this, I have too many memories to mention. I'll name a few though.

I am here with my pooch Nigel, but I used to come here often with my old dog, Angel. She was so great. I am sitting right besides the bocce ball court I used to play at with my old pal Zach, my ex, Lisa, and a bunch of other folks over a decade ago. I fondly recall hucking bocce balls into the tree near here, with Zach. One went in there by accident when I was trying my "Elway" method of bocce toss. Then, before you know it,  all the rest of the balls were in there too, our efforts to get the first one out backfiring majestically.

Zach and I dubbed the public restroom behind me the George Michael Rest Area, due to the number of single men who loitered nearby and disappeared in there for extended periods of time. 

Once, Angel split from near here and sprinted across the street. She came back, proud to give me the little baby chipmunk she'd caught. I made her put it down and gave her guilt about it so she'd never do that again. She didn't. I miss her.

I wrote this song with that gal I mention in it, Amber, in 1999. I remember the moment. It was after I'd moved back to Hunboldt after a short stint living in San Francisco. Must have been just a bit before that Y2K I think. My dear friends' band, Jumbo, was coming to to play that weekend and I was stoked. I think I even threw together a band and played before them, unless that was a different trip. Maybe this was even in the very first days of 2000, almost the exact same time I got Angel. I needed more in my life as this song suggests and Angel provided just that, more to live for than just myself. It made a sea change of difference for me. And now here I am, with my dog, less than a year after Angel's passing, quite close to one of the dog parks we visited all the time.

I love my friends, the ones I have now. But I have a different kind of special feeling for my long lost amigos, those whom I was once closest with but now mostly live on as memories from long ago. So I'll take just a sec here to salute and send love to Zach, Lisa, Juliet, all the dudes from Jumbo, the Horvaths, Al and Andy near Amherst, all the Boomshanka fellas, my old bassist Damon, Josh, Jon, Jesse and the other guys from my JJ and the Hustlers band, the only group that ever played this song live and my dear, sweet, beloved, Angel. Love lives forever and I've loved all of you. I still do. Peace.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 185

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 185 “Autoharp Danger”

Yesterday the Ocean Beach Street Fair was amazing. What a huge fun time. I don't even know where to start. What a testament to the power of community and how that creates joy in a huge way. Thousands of folks converged here in our zone and it was a great time. Personal highlights included once again getting to feel the amazing sensation of playing your music on stage with your friends outside for psyched partying people. The profound and kind feedback I received from some of those folks was equally awesome.

Emceeing on the Mainstage is always a blast. This was my third year in a row volunteering for my community in that role. Connecting with so many folks and putting words to fun we all share is humbling and delightful. The Hodad's hamburger eating contest was high entertainment and I gave it my best Al Michaels, calling the action from within the potential puke radius. Dangerous work, emceeing is. Better still, my boy Adam, took it, eating 8 big burgers in 7 minutes. He even tipped me five bucks for the fine, albeit rushed, meal. Classy.

I was sitting at the bar at Winston's early in the day, to sip a brew and take a break from the sun. A friendly fellow to my right asked if he could take a picture with me. It turns out he was the sitar player for the next band. His name is Indrajit Banerjee. We hit it off. I dabble on the sitar, slightly. His phone was being difficult and it led to some laughter. I saw it said Fareed Haque on his Facebook. And I said I know him, meaning I'd seen him play a couple times fifteen years ago or so. Indrajit answers, "Oh, he's right here." He was two seats away at the bar. He looked a bit different since I'd last seen him. I had no idea. So these guys and their band, Atash were scheduled to be one of the several bands that played inside Winston's during the Street Fair, which itself sports five stages. LOTS of live music. Atash was unbelievable, the most inspiring and enjoyable musical experience I've witnessed in a long time. I got to talk to them all and share my appreciation. We exchanged CDs, even had some stuff in common, universal music stuff, I guess. It ain't easy, but it sure is fun. Even had a few friends in town from Texas who know these guys from back there. Wild. Love this life.

So, perhaps I was inspired by Atash's array of interesting instruments. I decided to buts out my Autoharp. Then I tuned it. Several sweaty minutes later, I was ready to play, Then I tuned it again. One more while later, I busted out some jams, but not before a very serious warning about the potential dangers of tinkering with an Autoharp. Please us caution, folks, and never, under any circumstances, ever, go willy-nilly with the shiznazz or you'll be regretting it mucho. I'm glad we understand each other.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 185 “New Spain” by Jefferson Jay

I'd been looking forward to playing "New Spain" for you for awhile. It's one of those many songs that inspired Operation 365 2, songs I had no idea how I'd ever share otherwise. So here we are. I'd tried it other times. With a capo. Faster. On the keys. But destiny decides and I wound up with an autoharp in my hands playin' "New Spain" for you.

What's “New Spain” about, Jefferson? Why, I'm glad you asked. Well, for a time, swell European folks were conquering everything from Natives and calling it theirs, because they could. The Spanish made their way up the West Coast through Mexico, spreading "Christianity" with Father Juniper Serra. Eventually they made their way to San Diego, building Missions and converting folks to their religious ways and they continued North from there. They held the land with a giant navy which stayed out in the bay, right near where I am right now. The Spanish Padres called this land of theirs "New Spain."

That didn't last all that long. Eventually, Mexico defeated Spain and later the United States  of America took the land from Mexico in another war. When this was alls aid and done for reasons unclear to all, they named our local baseball squad the San Diego Padres. Oh, those great days where religion and weaponry was enough to steal a country. Play ball!

"New Spain" was written on a trip to the old Mission, which was relocated to Mission Gorge many years ago. Now it is a historical site that I wandered with my dogs, Nigel and Angel, who has since passed. Love you Ainge. I was moved as I thought about all the tumult this space had experienced through the centuries and how I now sat in an empty grass patch where the altar once was, writing this historical song. Hope you like "New Spain," and I wouldn't mind if they changed the Padres' name. The San Diego Bags sounds nice to me. They could wear their brown, play boring ball and it would make a lot more sense than Padres. At least, it's in English. How about San Diego Dads. That's nice. San Diego Dudes would be cool too. Yeah, dude.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 185 “Can't Let Go” by Randy Weeks

Many years ago, a close friend suggested a play this song. She said it was by Randy Weeks. I knew of it through Lucinda Williams. I played it. It was fun to play. It was ironic in a way, because the lyrics of this song applied to her and a situation she seemed unable to get herself out of. Eventually, it got so ugly, she moved away and changed her name and I haven't seen or heard from her in over a decade. No one I know has. She was a great friend to me and I miss her. If she somehow sees this, I hope it finds her well. I'd love to hear from her again some day. One can hope. 

Now years later, I have another dear friend, who is in a similarly destructive spot. It is heart-breaking to see someone struggle to get away from someone they know is poison. It seems there is no act awful enough that this person can do. Yet, things change little if it, all. It hurts to see my friend stuck in this rut. Stalking is an understatement and my friend is helpless to fight off this persons' perpetual onslaught of love bombing, lying and other tired tricks to oppress someone you're pretending to love. I just hope and pray it ends better than it did for my friend who first introduced me to the sad cultural dating epidemic, delineated here in "Can't Let Go."

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 184

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 184 “Nutshell” by Alice in Chains

I love me some Alice In Chains. Have since 1992. I was an upset, young lad at the time, going through some rough stuff back then. Alice in Chains, in particular Layne Stayley, blessed me with one of God’s greatest gifts, perspective. However bad I had it, Layne had it worse. I found some sort of salvation in his pain, proving once again nothing is for naught. Love to my main man, MJW, who first turned me on to these great jams. Hail him. I still owe him an “Am I Inside?” and a “Love Hate Love.” Soon come. Those ones gotta be special for him. For today, for all of you, here’s a “Nutshell.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 184 “Vegetarian Lifestyle” by Jefferson Jay

I have to admit. It’s something I have been considering. One thing the 365 proves is that if you do something every day, it becomes what you do, every day. In other words, we are creatures of habit and if we want to change our behaviors, the main thing we have to do is change them. Once they’re changed, it’s far easier to maintain momentum.

To simplify things yet further, we all are creatures. While there are many reasonable reasons to eat beasts, I can’t help but feel somewhere deep down, it’s wrong. It’s kind of like how you shouldn’t really say anything about anyone that you wouldn’t be willing to say to their face. I can’t see myself hacking up farm animals, and as long as that’s the case, I should probably not eat them. The main reason I do, is its what I’m used to. I recognize that that’s not a great reason.

So here’s a little bossa nova tune I improvisationally penned with the gifted guitarist friend, Dan Porter Ratcliffe, in which I give this matter some serious, and some less serious, consideration.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 184 “Gesticulating Wildly”

Here I am sharing my copious amounts of enthusiasm with you on a Saturday. Not just any Saturday but THEE Saturday of the 37th Annual Ocean Beach Street Fair, right here in our cozy nook of Ocean Beach. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm and I unleashed just a little bit of it for you here before the great bash gets going. So I waved my arms and raised my voice just to share a little glimmer with of what is the greatest day year in and year out in OB, Street Fair Day. And that’s what’s going down.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 183

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 183 “Enigmatic Thrust” by Jefferson Jay

Had a little fun moment or two construing this little instrumental passage out of thin air. Is there a connection between mental and instrumental. Probably. I wonder.

Shout out to my dear friend Dick, whose funeral service, I attended earlier today. What a great guy. The city mourns you. So much love for you out there today. Onward and upward, my good man. Only great times. Thanks.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 183 “Kings” by Steely Dan

I’ll dedicate this to my friend Dick Van Ransom–Magana, who was laid to rest today at a church in Normal Heights. His ice cream shop, Mariposa Ice Cream was there. He and his dear wife, Anna, were always the best friends they could possibly be to me. We only had amazing times. And my heart hurts for her so. Dick is, was and will always be a king. A king of ice cream, fun, wisdom, and living life to its fullest. Love you man. To Kings. Humble, colorful, love-filled, peaceful kings. Every day. Hail.

Shoutouts to Dan Porter Ratcliffe, my man, with my back on the guitar here. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 183 “Friendship First”

That’s right, folks. With this post, this here Operation 365 2 is half-done. So far, survived. Hooray! Love to my friend Dick and all my other friends. Honorable mention to family. Love you. Peace

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 182

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 182 “Aged” by Jefferson Jay

Welcome to Day 1 of this “Halfway Done with 365 Celebration” Yes, 365 does not split evenly in two, therefore, Day 182 and Day 183 are halfway twins as we turn the corner and head for home, some 550 videos in. I wish I had something more spectacular to share today, but I must remind myself, it’s not about that. Nope, it’s about doing it every day. Showing you can. Always being there for folks, whether they want you there or not.  It’s about a creative journey, a productive journey. What is great art? I explored this theme a lot in 365 1. It is entirely subjective. You can never please everyone. Please yourself. Be kind to all, but please yourself. It’s one way of life, anyway. I guess some people out there still prefer to be dicks. That’s another way. It’s all subjective. Well, more so with art. Less so with dickheadedness. Opinions everywhere. Look out! I’m not even sure what I’ve done today Tie to find out, I suppose.

OK, “Aged” is a tune I improvised earlier. It is this process of recording and sharing these songs that separates them from simply being lost thoughts from my mind. These are tunes. I can go back and edit them later. Every tune I wrote form the first 365. There were 211, I went back and checked. The ones I liked, many of which were improvised, I learned, right off of the video. I transcribed the words, I figured out the chords. They’re tunes. You can change them later if you want to. Or not. That’s the beauty of arting. It’s totally up to you and right is whatever you do.

Another unique art approach I use is present in this tune. The chords to “Aged” are A-G-E-D. Yep. It can be that simple. I remember I was talking songwriting with San Diego songwriting legend and I shared with him this method I use for writing songs from time to time. He was taken aback. He’d written tunes a million ways, but never that way. What a great guy to talk songwriting with. I am blessed. We all are. Aging is a gift. Nothing is guaranteed. Everything’s a bonus.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 182 “What Am I Gonna Do For You?”

In this brilliant piece of cinematography, I wander around my zone and try to figure out what I’m going to do for my cover this evening. It is highly enlightening. Great art begats more great art… or something.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 182 “Edelweiss” by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein

Here, destiny leads me straight to “Edelweiss.” I did what I could to make my rendition of it entertaining for you. You can decide for yourself though. In looking up who wrote this tune, (I assumed it was a Austrian anthem from centuries ago), I learned that “Edelweiss” was last song Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote together because Hammerstein died of stomach cancer months later. Whoa. For them, “Edelweiss” meant they were done. For me it is just the beginning, the beginning of the second half of your Operation 365 2.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 181

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 181 “Teaching the Gang the Blues”

I just heard a car commercial on the radio. It said,” Intelligence is the new rock n’ roll.” That’s funny. Shall we play the deconstruction game again? Briefly? First of all, intelligence is new? Oh, brother. Starting from a very low point. Let’s give them, for a second, that that’s true. How sad is that really? It’s not like people have been denied access to books. In fact, the internet makes “intelligence” extremely accessible. Alas, the whole point of commercials is to take your deepest seeded dreams from your subconscious and use them to sell you crap you don’t need.

Anyway, then part two, “the new rock n’ roll.” This presumption here is rock n’ roll used to be cutting edge, revolutionary, colorful, inspiring… or something. First of all, music, including rock still exists. For some reason, major corporations are making as much money off it any more so to them, I guess it’s just some thing from a long time ago that resonates in older peoples heads as such. Lame.

Rock n’ roll lives, folks. I know, ‘cause my Jefferson Jay Band still plays it. So do a million other bands. Heck, I write the stuff, almost daily. Gosh, car company, Have some respect. Just cause it’s not as profitable doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Maybe it was TOO revolutionary. Maybe that is why it get dismissed. It takes one band or one open-minded visionary corporate guy to change this paradigm completely. I’m here. Ready and waiting.

In the meantime, gotta work. So today, I teach an older friend of mine with some sweet raw singing talent, and my other pals, a thing or two about how to sing the blues. Love you all humans.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 181 “Thank You for Being a Friend” by Andrew Gold

My wife was in a special mood yesterday evening. I don’t know how she knows the theme to “The Golden Girls.” I was told it’s shown to this day on The Hallmark Channel. I guess that makes sense. Well, she sang, “Thank you for being a husband.” I raise her the rest of the tune, just like I did last night. All hail the Operation 365, your daily visit with a real human guy.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 181 “Splendid Time”  by Jefferson Jay

I somehow found myself staring down at the chords and lyrics to a tune I wrote for the last 365 called “180.” At that moment, I think I thought it was still Day 180, so I started singing the words to some different music, a little minor blues something. It was fun. I think I’m gonna keep it. “Splendid Time.”

Hail Dr. John Sarno, my personal Mr. 180. And I haven’t even read his book yet. I just learned about him. Soon come. “Positive.” – Rasta John

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 180

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 180 “Right on Time” by Jefferson Jay

Today is Day 180 for Operation 365 2. 180 is the unofficial number of turning things around. 180 degrees from wherever you are now is the opposite. Sort of, anyway, if you can apply math to life, it is. In a couple days, well be celebrating the halfway point of this project which is a red-letter sort of situation as well. 

I've been working on my skills making up songs on the spot and I think I'm finally making progress. I threw on the capo and hit it. Not a bad one at all. I've been practicing guitar and trying to expand my repertoire so I can do some fun things for you in the back half of this here Operation 365 2. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 180 “Ape Man” by The Kinks

The Kinks are great. My hero Chris Scelzo taught that too me as a young padawan. I have still so much to learn. Every day. Today, I strapped on the ape coat. It was a million degrees but I did for you. Then I sang the song. It was fun. What an amazing tune. I hope I play it again and again. Maybe even with The Jefferson Jay Band. There's a great video on YouTube of The Kinks playing it live in 1970.

And there it is.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 180 “Trying Too Hard Not To Be Racist Is Racist”

I was shocked and dismayed to read they don't play "Ape Man" any more on the radio because it can be construed as offensive to black people. To me that thought is offensive to black people. What?!/ It is so convoluted it pains me to even begin to deconstruct the racism that makes a ban like that a reality. What? Let's dip our toe in the deconstruction waters. Just briefly. Just the tip. 

Some some racist morons long ago trying to say black people were apes... OK. That's stupid and ignorant and we've moved past that. At least people with functioning brains have. Now, back in 1970 a British band writes a tune. It's called "Ape Man" and by my limited understanding of the tune. It's about how humans act in an unevolved manner in a myriad of ways. It's a cute, funny, and deep (in its own way) little makes-you-think and smile song. Then what happened? Some overly sensitive people thought "black people" presumably, couldn't handle hearing this song? How many black people even listen to classic rock radio? I have no idea. But whoever does, is presumably so thin-skinned and stupid that they can't get that that song is not related to old racist mentalities that led to ridiculous slurs and that they can't understand for the,selves by listening to thew actual words that the tune is not racist in any way at all. In fact, it's all about how all of us are the same, unevolved apes. When we do things like this, "Ape Man" sounds like a prophecy. Who is being protected from what exactly. It's beyond me. 

Then again, maybe the Internet lied. Maybe it's not banned form anywhere. Maybe I was baited by a stray YoutTube comment or some other We-based truth mirage. One can hope. One can dream

Accepting everyone. Loving everyone. Trusting folks enough to allow them to decide for themselves what's best. That's true freeness. Not banning things you think people can;t take. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 179

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 179 “What We Gonna Do?”

I’m hot. It’s tired. Yes, it’s been one of those days already. Eventually, I’ll get used to it being scorching, but for today, I sweat. And miss appointments. Doh! So I’m sweating, trying to throw this little thing together for you. Day 179, let’s make it through. I said some words last Monday that I didn’t use. I said some words today. I haven’t picked which will live in this space yet. Maybe I’ll use the new ones even thought it’s more work. The sweat is clogging my mind.

Screw it. I’ll use the words from last week. I was feeling optimistic that day. Those’ll do.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 179 "Who Put the Bomp?" by Barry Mann

My brain is at less than stellar status today. It’s at least partially heat related. Perhaps. Anyway, I remembered this number from high school chorus. I think High School is ending for the kids around her right about now. Congrats to the 2016 graduates. Well, at the very least this song stuck in my head from back then. So I can’t say it was a total waste of time. Gosh, JJ. So negative. Lighten up, son. Drink a smoothie. Finish this and relax. OK. I will

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 179 "The Too Hot Blues" by Jefferson Jay

It’s too hot today, folks. Some days must be rejuvenation days and I’m finding myself in a similar situation. The blues are great on days like these. Up and up and away. ‘Til ‘morrow where the official plan is to do a 180. Pun intended.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 178

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 178 “Burning For You”

Happy Father’s Day. I wanted to begin today by saying what a great honor it is for me to have the opportunity to entertain you and interact with you every day. It is a privilege and I take it very seriously. I must. Otherwise, I would have stopped banging out these here vids some months ago. I awoke this morning to some very kind words from an old friend E, Eric Dawson. Both names are his. So is Duke Tomorrow, I believe. Regardless, I am not doing this for money, so the valuable feedback I get is my return on my investment. It means a lot. It feels great and I know it’s always genuine, because who would bother lying about something like this? No one. It’s nice when your world is simple enough that you can be genuine and maintain a reasonable expectation that the folks you’re interacting with are genuine too. It is a great relief. It is the type of dependence you can have on a tree to hold you up, or the sun to rise, or the ocean to make sure those waves keep on coming. It is nature. It is natural and it is the living, breathing example of how we’re supposed to act in this life. Every day.

So today, I rummaged around trying to find the perfect place for our daily connection. Let’s see how that turned out. Shall we?

Folks, if you want to know what I’m really like, watch this video. I don’t always even watch them all. I make them, but the whole thing takes about an hour a day, or more, so I rarely watch them all the way through. I watched this one though, made sure I didn’t say anything too outlandish and in a nutshell, yeah, that’s me. I talk to myself. I go on and on. I crack jokes. I love life as best I can. Happy Father’s Day. My pleasure to share me. Thanks for keeping you all up in this business too. Happy Pop’s Day. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 178 "Bob Ross Remixed – Happy Little Clouds" by PBS Digital Studios"

I’ve been reminiscing this weekend about our majestic Hawaiian honeymoon in August 2014. It was a week like no other. Kauai is a wonderland I’ll love forever. Some dear friends are there on a honeymoon of their own right now visiting with some other dear friends, who straight up moved there cause it’s so awesome. I sense that may become a recurring theme as times moves forward. Can’t blame anyone for moving there.

On our trip, we were mostly consumed with each other and enjoying ourselves. Robin Williams tried to blow a chunk in our paradise with his untimely suicide. Come on, Mork. The only thing other element of the outside world that really penetrated our newlywed bliss was this “Bob Ross Remix,” courtesy of PBS. We cranked this video over and over again and loved it. I think my wife still claims this is her favorite song. I was so emotional and happy that week, I probably cried when I watched it once or twice, cause it’s just that moving and beautiful. Here’s a link to that vid. 

And here’s my cover of it. The first ever of it’s kind? I don’t know. I don’t care. I do things first ever, for instance this 365 and the last one. 24 Hours of Free music four times. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You really have to bust your hump or come up with some truly absurd ideas to go where no one’s ever gone before these days. Heck. Someone’s got to do it. May as well be me.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 178 "Hawaii Adventure" by Jefferson Jay

I was extremely inspired on our Hawaiian Honeymoon to Kauai in 2014. I was writing island-y tunes on a daily basis. Love will do that to ya. This one I wrote with my wife, I guess. She rarely wants credit for things of this nature. We were walking and singing this tune, making it up as we went along. Later, I figured out all the chords and wrote all the words down and here we are, years later, trying to power through this number propped up on a tree. Thanks Tree. Thanks Everybody. We are all one and that means we are all vital cogs in the wonderful world that we share each day. It’s just about learning how to contribute to the glory that is love and life.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 177

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 177 “Soul Man on the NBA Finals”

Loving life, kicking it with friends on a Saturday. Ruiz. Soul Man called in with some hot opinions on the NBA Finals. They just call it The Finals now, but I like NBA Finals better. Every sport has finals. Duh. Soul Man throwing it down, like Stephen Curry from downtown. Watch to see who Soul Man favors and why and who’s he’s pulling for in Game 7. Soul Man used to ball with Bill Walton here in San Diego. Love me some Soul Man. We’ll be celebrating his 98th birthday at Open Mic on the last Wednesday at Winston's in June from 6 to 9. He’s the best.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 177 "Closing Time" by Semisonic

Been having a fun time with my Q-Chord the last night or two. Wound up here at “Closing Time.” Does that mean it’s time to out it away again. This song makes me think of my friend Lacey and hazy nights in Humboldt long ago.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 177 "Bliss" by Jefferson Jay

“Bliss” was originally called some other thing I forget right now. "Heaven and Harmony." I wrote it on my honeymoon in the Hawaiian island style. I am reminiscing and saluting my honeymoon this weekend here in the 365. Other close friends are in Kauai on theirs and I am so happy for them. It takes me back. They are with my dear pals, the Blowskis, celebrating, and I am with them in spirit. So happy. So in a tribute to one of the greatest weeks of my life, here’s another song from my honeymoon. “Bliss.”

I love my wife. I love my life. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 176

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 176 "Wild Horses" by The Rolling Stones

I’m just as teensy tad 365-weary today, but these things will happen when you do them every day like I do. It’s not like I’m making masterpieces every day here. Then again, it’s all relative. Honestly, who’s to say? It’s like anything else. If it makes you feel good, then that’s what matters most. So, let’s bust it out and roll on with our day. It’s not like we’re planning a parade. That sounds like a lot of work, right? Permits and the like…

Well, got a head start yesterday. Recorded a little “Wild Horses,” in the course of doing what I do at the work place. Made it colorful afterwards to give ya a little more to see.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 176 "Cabana Boy" by Jefferson Jay

So, Kauai is an incredible place. Two Augusts ago, my wife, Leanne and I went there for our honeymoon. It was a magical adventure, which left us forever eagerly awaiting our return, currently slated for February. Since then, a few of our dearest friends have relocated there and multiple other couples, on our glowing recommendation, have gone there for honeymoons of their own. I just dropped a pair off at the airport this afternoon. Glorious, green Kauai.

"Cabana Boy" was originally titled “Hawaiian Honeymoon,” and it was written on one of the first days of our trip. I deliberately wrote it in the ukulele, island style. I was feeling the Aloha energy big time. I love my wife. It’s an amazing life. Love to our friends on the island. Mahalo.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 176 “Dancing with the Starfish”

Now who am I to question nature? Is “Dancing with the Stars” part of nature? How about “The Apprentice?” It’s very hard to say. Here, I spend a moment or so under a tree, pontificating. Sir Isaac Newton-style, kinda. Discussing seeds, literally and seeds for quality programming, figuratively.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 175

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 175 "With a Little Help From My Friends" by The Beatles

So I was at work today doing my music special needs thing, like I do. One of my people said, “Hey, Do you know the Wonder Years’ song?” Indeed, I do. I liked that show. The Wonder Years’ song, in case you didn’t know is Joe Cocker’s version of the Beatles’ classic, "With a Little Help From My Friends." It made her happy. That made me happy. Then I complimented her new backpack. It was colorful and sweet.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 175 "Let Freedom Ring" by Jefferson Jay 

 So I finished playing my Wonder Years' request for the nice young lady who made it. Then she requested a song she calls for almost every week, "My Country Tis of Thee." I played it and then went into a little addendum jam to that one that I made up called "Let Freedom Ring." I have done it before. It's always a little different. So even though, I'm a far bigger fan of "freeness" than free-dumb, I didn't always feel that way and here I went into my past and conjured a groovy little something. From Stone Mountain, Georgia to the Redwood forest, "Let Freedom Ring."

In honor of the US of A, I made the video red, white, and blue for you. It was the least I could do.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 175  "Good Morning to Everyone?" by ?

They may or may not be a song called "Good Morning to Everyone?" I haven't heard it, but that's not a true indicator, either way. There's many a jam I've never heard. Many of the special needs folks I work with know a million songs. Some of them never forget anything. It's pretty cool. So here she sang it and I sang along and that's it. Maybe I'll never know. Maybe I'll know tomorrow. That's what's so exciting about life. You never know what will happen next.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 174

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 174 "Destiny’s Wild"

So, experiment-style, I opened up my creative mind and said I’d play the first song I find. I typed “chords” into Google. Musical advice, but no songs. I clicked “guitar chords.” More chords followed by the inevitable onslaught of ads. Eventually, I arrived at a Beyonce song I’d never heard. Shortly thereafter, I was disturbed.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 174 "Daddy Lessons" by Beyonce Knowles

Really, Beyonce… This is your advice for your legions of adoring ladies. Go shoot your husband. Classy. Nice. Timely, too. I suppose. I would have pre-empted the playing of this jam if I knew she called for gun use on your man. And I thought she was one of the insightful, respect-worthy pop stars out there. I mean sing whatever you want. Maybe your Dad DID say that, but gosh, I hope he said some other stuff too... Geez, Louise Ruiz…

I can see why some of your admirers jumped off the bus once you traded the image you’d developed of your loving marriage for more money selling the opposite things. I guess if you didn’t have it both ways you’d make less money. At what cost? God forbid less money. Less fame. A lot of golden calves being worshipped, cosmetic surgery, extreme accumulation of excessive wealth. Love, caring and sharing is the way. I see lots of folks dancing around worshipping idols, worshipping themselves. What do we learn in this life? It’s not too late.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 174 "The Life of a Rose" by Jefferson Jay

"The Life of a Rose" was written a few weeks back as a poem in the sprit of Dave Sparling’s Open Mic segment, “Rhyming the News of the Week and a Poem.” I forgot to bring them and consequently never read them. Today after finishing that disturbing Beyonce cover, “Daddy Lessons,” some old school sense talk seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. I changed the swears cause I felt like cleaning it up.  We’re not in a bar and I felt like providing a contrast to Beyonce’s terrible-messaged but otherwise groovy number.

I made up some music for it last second. Hope you like. Come on, Beyonce. You can do a lot better than that. Is a rose a dead flower? Is it a glimpse into the majesty of life? Either way, it will die some time. What is it in the meantime? Every day, we decide.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 173

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 173 "The Golden Rule" by Jefferson Jay

A few years ago, I wrote a nice song called "The Golden Rule." Then I got asked to direct a play on work for the People First Conference and I threw this song in it. They made a big Golden Rule banner. The special folks danced around and sang it. They liked the tune it was rewarding. Ever since then, I’ve thought of them whenever I play it. I knew I’d share it somewhere here in 365 2. I did not know it would be today. I smiled when I played ‘cause it felt good. That’s what it’s all about.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 173 “Splits”

There’s all kinds of splits; demographics, election stuff, baseball analytic minutia. Today, in the wake of my "Golden Rule" song, a friend and I discuss “Splits” and some of the types of splits available in the world today.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 173 "Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire

 I was thinking of a special friend of mine. Her name is Eve. She’s one of the ones who was a big proponent of “The Golden Rule” song. I was playing for her crew today and I thought it would be cool to play a cover song with the word/name “Eve” in it. Why not? I’ve 365 of these. You’ve got to get creative to keep it interesting. Trust me. Then I forgot I thought that and played on. I recorded this tune. It came out OK. It’s Day 173.

Then I remembered I had thought about “Eve” and was reminded once more that everything happens for a reason, even the stuff that happens for a reason just so we’ll remember everything happens for a reason. Faith Hope Love. Love.

I hope it’s not the "Eve of Destruction." That’s where the faith comes in. I believe. In any case, though, I’ll dedicate today’s 365 to the folks who senselessly lost their lives in Orlando last weekend. Peace.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 172

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 172 "Monday Morning Blues" by Jefferson Jay

So I woke up this Monday morning and I got down to it. Quickly. Three videos. Some blog. Let’s go. One of my very favorite relatives is visiting today and here’s working to make sure she doesn’t have to watch me do this for hours this afternoon. Yes. That’s what’s involved. Hours. Daily.

I love Mondays. I love mellow peaceful days, full of freeness. So, this song is not a lamenting blues, more of an appreciating type blues. Dig.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 172 “The Name Issue”

I had a couple of clever rants for you today. I did this one on the name issue and then I did some intense talk about what we’re after, what life is all about. Maybe I’ll save that latter one for tomorrow. What is the reason for it all? What can we do? What do we want to do? It’s out mission, our question. It’s true.

Myself, like many of us, may have a kid some day. I’m not sure there’s any way to truly be prepared for that eventuality, but we can try. We can’t know what we will do when our child has cried all night for days on end. We can’t know how we will handle it the first time your grade school kid comes home after having been bullied by meanies. What we can do, though, is think and try to ready what we can. For instance, every person (Game of Thrones aside) has a name. We can begin to deliberate on what that might be. That is what I do here. Participate. Join the name party. What do YOU think? I wanna know.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 172 "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie

I did a little dance with the “Alabama Song,” before settling over here in the islands for some “All Night Long.” Maybe, I’m getting up there but "All Night Long?" Doesn’t that seem too long to party? I’d be tired.

I’ve looked forward to doing "All Night Long" all the way back to the first 365 five years back. What a fun tune. One thing that held me back was my fear of embarrassing myself mispronouncing all the ethnic terms that Lionel chants at the end. During some recent previous research on this topic, I learned that Lionel was just joking though and those terms are fake. Yea, that’s right. They mean nothing. Mispronounce away. I guess Lionel thought they sounds Caribbean and that was good enough. Unbelievable, right? Oh, the frenis (pronounced and defined “freeness”).

I have many dreams. Perhaps, far too many to live out in one lifetime. One of them is my dream of leading an all-female Lionel Richie cover band, Lionel Bitchy. What d’ya say? I say Coachella. L’Chiem. God bless you.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 171

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 171 "Worker’s Paradise" by Don Truesdail

 Last night, a friend had a backyard party. Old friends gathered and played music and it was a treat and a thrill to see so many folks that I care for so much all at the same time and place. I threw together a little medley of a bunch of tunes that folks wrote and played back at Portugalia several years ago. I may have to share it here some time this week. 

Still feeling the friends and family vibe on a slow Sunday, so today I went old school once again and played my way through a classic by my main man Don Truesdail. Don was a mainstay in my living room and at the old Portugalia. He passed away in 2009, but lives big time in my heart and in my mind. 

Here is his "Worker’s Paradise," written about the plight if the working person in a world where disparity has displaced decency as the economic world. Love you brother. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 171 "The Balance in Your Mind" by Jefferson Jay

Sometimes it's easier to create than to regurgitate a moment from long ago. So I did it again. Summoned from my subconscious, here is "The Balance in Your Mind." The purpose is that while folks focus so much on looks and money, we are all perfect and how we look on the inside is what matters most. Mass misconceptions have taken hold and the chambers that use greed to dare the soul.

We are all human. We are all one. We all age. We all die. No one takes their homes, boats, cars or dragons with them. What we have is who we are, how we act. How we treat others, who we choose to spend our time with, the quality of their character, that is who we are. That is what we chose to do with our lives. We can change this any time. Having more than anyone is impossible We're all born and we all die the same way. Penniless. A spiritual being. Our essence who we are. Love all others to truly love yourself.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 171 “Go Outside”

Some times I forget basic truths. Like how great it feels to be outside. Lyrics exist to remind us. 

There's a beach so nearby. I really need to go some time. I will. Let's do this. Encouraging each other that feels things to do well. It's a golden chance to thrive. Outside. Dogs like it there. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 170

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 170 "Nostalgia" by Jefferson Jay

I’m a nostalgic guy. I went and got my Master’s degree in History because I am interested in what happened in the past and what that might mean about the present and the future. Nostalgia is a special slice of history. It is transportive. It can be a melody or an old commercial but that is all it takes to take you back 30, 40 years.

Today is a friend’s annual backyard concert. Many old amigos from the matchless Portugalia Era will be on hand and it is always an honor and delight to be with those old friends. Nostalgia that takes you back is like time travel or a magic carpet ride, but to be able to sip drinks and break bread with friends from a bygone day is a truly transcendent way to celebrate “the old day.”

Some specific nostalgic bits that rear their heads in this number include an old marionette TV show from PBS called “Vegetable Soup.” I believe. The chorus is set in a giant teacup ala Alice in Wonderland or Edith Ann, perhaps. Lite-Brite, Three’s Company, it’s all there, a nostalgic soup, if you will. I’m the kind of guy who cranks all the old TV theme songs of the 70’s and 80’s in a town every few months. It never fails to take me back, finding me near tears from all those feelings and thoughts left so long ago.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 170 “Hey Baby”

I was quick to the ready for my 365 today. My wife was also preparing for her day. A shower, some seduction to lure me from my duties. She inched dangerously closer. I warned her, “We’re filming,” lest she find herself in some fappening-type of sorrow on the other side of fortune and fame. So instead, she giggled. And the band played on.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 170 "Amarillo By Morning" by George Strait

Been toying some once again this week, with playing songs I have no idea how they go. My pal, Dan was quite amused with his rendition, of "Amarillo By Morning," as he had actually heard the song before and mine sounds nothing like it. I slowed it down some just to get less speed and more country out of the moment. I still haven’t heard it. Folks request. I play. Fini.

I made it look trippy like a bad acid trip mixed with way, way, way too much Pepsi. Enjoy. If we don’t make the moment our own, and do something interesting with it, who will? I say, “Let’s not find out.” It’s our time. Let love shine. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 169

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 169 “Dick”

I love my friend Dick. He passed away last week. He and his wife Anna were as great an example to me of what love could be as anybody I’ve ever known. They are an equally excellent example of how to be consistent people, great friends, and the definition of integrity. Fun, old-school, creative, appreciative, amazing. All of these things. And all of these things they continue to be. Dick has passed now and I miss him.

This song says most of the rest of what I want to say. He lived his life hard. He enjoyed it as much as you can. It’s all any of us can hope to do. I am blessed to know him. Hail my brother. Hail Dick.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 169 “Ice Cream Man” by Van Halen

You know me. Too much is never enough. When I thought of how to fully tribute my man, Dick Van Ransom-Magana, Master of Mariposa Ice Cream on Adams Ave. in Normal Heights, San Diego, California, I realized, “I must play “Ice Cream Man.” But would that, could that, be enough, I asked myself? Of course not, I answered.

So I dressed up, as best I could, on short notice as an ice cream cone and sang the blues for Dick. It was no waffle cone. It was not Mariposa Ice Cream… Who am I kidding? It was unbelievable. The best man-dressed-up-like-an-ice-cream-cone-tribute-song-to-Dick of all time. Easily. I love you man. I love you “Ice Cream Man.” So many Great times.

It never ends. It just changes.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 169 “We, Muppets”

What are we? Are we men? Are we Muppets? It’s up to us. We decide. What do we decide? Every day, we decide.

Friends help. Love is everything. Out of darkness, there is light.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 168

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 168 “Somebody Like You” by Keith Urban

So a big part of my job doing music with special needs adults is doing things that will make them feel comfortable, happy, important, ecstatic, whatever the situation calls for, really. Sometimes I have to venture into unknown realms to get it done. It can be a challenge and it is always fun and rewarding somehow. Tuesday morning, one of my friends requested “Somebody Like You” by Keith Urban. I have never heard that song. I can’t say for sure I’ve ever heard any Keith Urban song, but I looked it up on the old magical internet and I gave it a good go.

I have no idea if my version sounds anything like his, but it’s a fun tune to play.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 168 “Pretending Minnesota”

So I had a brief moment at work this morning. I was feeling frisky and fun and tried out my Minnesota accent for ya. It was not premeditated. I just kind of launched my self into the endeavor. I think I slipped into some sort of New York accent something. Then I’m tuning. Who really knows? But it’s my pleasure to share a joyous moment from my day with my friend, you.   

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 168 “How It Is”

I made up a couple of improvised tunes in the course of doing my job earlier today. Maybe I’ll share the first one today and second one tomorrow. Sounds linear, logical. This first one is pretty funky. I am just listening to it for the first time. What name should I give it? It says “How It Is” in there somewhere. I think that’s a cool name for a tune so I’m gonna go with it. I hope this moment finds you massively awesome and I love you. I really mean it. Without love, what else is there? Nothing I want any part of. Peace.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 167

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 167 “Peaceful Easy Feeling” by Jack Tempchin

It is my delight to play the Eagles’ first hit, “Peaceful Easy Feeling” here for you today on the 365. I have had the pleasure of developing a little friendship with this song’s author. Jack Tempchin. He has played my Acoustic Evenings at The Athenaeum series a number of times and we have chilled and talked songwriting a handful of times, all of which I truly cherish. Jack is a great guy to talk with. It is probably one of the things that has made him such a fabulous songwriter.

Jack once said during one of his shows at the Athenaeum, that he used to be me. By that he meant he hosted Open Mics and events featuring many of the talented folks of his time. Nicely for him, those folks included the Eagles, Tom Waits, Jackson Browne, Joni Mitchell and a bunch of other all-time legends.

Once or twice, Jack even came down to kick it at my old haunt, Portugalia, We chilled and chatted and then he said let’s play. We went on stage after the show had wound down and he started on the “Peaceful Easy Feeling.” I was star struck the moment the song started. Jack I down to earth as heck and that was the only moment I felt that way in his company. Someone plays a song they wrote that you used to listen to with your Dad in his car as a small boy. Truly surreal. I love Jack. Hopefully, we’ll hang again son. I’ll have to hit him. Fall Acoustic Evenings Series is booking soon.

I had thought about doing this in the last week of the 365 and I kind of meant to do it as a reggae. Not sure either of those things came to pass exactly as I’d imagined, but that’s what’s so fun about life. Things rarely come to pass exactly like you’d imagined. It’s not ideal for the rigid folks out there. In this world, flexibility counts for a lot.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 167 “To Who Knows Where”

I put on my craft-a-tune-from-scratch-cap again today here for you. I’m getting a little warmed up at that finally. It’s a special skill. Projects like the 365 here keep said skills as sharp as they can be and mine is finally getting there, in my opinion.

I’ve been enjoying capos in this quest this week and this tune is groovy. Now that Bernie Sanders’ campaign appears to have lost its election hope, other folks are going to have to rise up if they want the problems of this world to find solutions. People are going to have to commit themselves to being involved as they have been during this campaign. They are going to have to continue to care and be aware. The discussion has finally begun. What will we, the free folks, do to keep the momentum alive, to keep the “revolution” charging? Where are we going as a people?

This song asks that and answers it slightly. It is time for us to converge and set about heading, as a whole, in the right direction. Towards, freeness, liberty, kindness, and I’m throwing down.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 167 “Be Careful, Folks”

Folks, any instant where you’re not entirely aware can be fatal. If not fatal, it can be costly in a variety of avoidable ways. I take a moment here to implore folks to look where they are and where they’re going, to listen and be alert and aware as much as you can as you wind through your daily life. It just takes one section staring at that phone while you drive. Or one minute without looking where you’re going to change your life in an entirely unpleasant way. I want the opposite of this for you. I want you to be uplifted and rise. We can lift ourselves. We do so when we pay attention and take our time. Love is the way. Attention is love.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 166

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 166 “Get Down On It” by Kool & The Gang

Got myself and early start today. Bounced out of bed at 7:11. Sashed down the block to get my vote on. Bern. E. Sanders. Yes,  man. Then I went to work a half hour early. It felt nice. Lots of friendly greeting out by the gazebo where today’s videos were born. It was a great day and considering how hot it can get in El Cajon that was also delightful.

So I translated that hop in my step to a soft and sweet early in the AM acoustic dance party. “Get Down On It.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 166 “Here Comes the Day”

Shortly thereafter, my team for special humans began to matriculate into the gazebo for their morning music throwdown. Greetings were exchanged, including with the fellow who always calls me Coach. In the spirit of launching into what I hoped to make another awesome experience of a day, I ripped this song from my creative subconscious and that is how “Here Comes the Day” was born. Now, all that’s left is to ensure proper anonymity exists for everyone who did not explicitly state a desire to be seen in my mooovie.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 166 “A Special Request”

Doing things that make people feel important is in large part what life is all about. Some folks may think that it’s actually all about them accumulating as much stuff for themselves as humanly possible in one lifetime, but that is a giant illusion which brings joy to no one, not even the Holy Stuff-holder Human, himself.

No, if you have the opportunity to do something that uplifts someone however slightly, it is a golden chance for you to spread your joy and make the world a more pleasant place. No favor is too miniscule, No kindness is overlooked. All gestures resonate in ways far beyond our ability to understand them. It is our blessing to be able to aid each other as we can. It is God’s work. And we can do it whenever we like. It is truly a great blessing to share in the wonder that it is. I am humble and grateful. I hope he liked his “Peaceful, East Feeling.” I like him. He has offered me valuable insight on numerous occasions. Heeding his request, it is my honor, and my destiny.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 165

 Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 165 “A Glorious Monday”

Folks, I don’t really so much believe in bad and good. It is all relative and those are subjective terms. For example. You may think Rocky 5 was a good movie. Maybe you’re from another planet, or never saw a movie before. You certainly didn’t see the first four Rockys. Another example. I liked Rocky 3 and Rocky 4 a lot. Yes I know they use roman numerals. That’s pretentious and silly. I liked them cause I was a small boy when they came out. Same thing with Star Wars movies. Adults rip the newer ones. It’s cause they‘re adults. They’ve seen thousands of movies. It’s not because the movies are worse. It’s cause they are in a different place on their journey than they were when they saw the first ones. It’s relative. No good. No bad. Ever. If you’re trying to have clear and illuminating conversation. I have to remind myself of this from time to time of some reason. You think I’d remember. It’s easy to fall back in to sloppy simple ways of thinking. There’s little pressure to be otherwise.

The passing of Muhammad Ali has brought to light that there was a famous person, a heavyweight champion no less, who made it clear that there are moral reasons to make decisions that go far beyond money, personal glory and doing whatever you’re told. Especially if what you’re being told to do is go kill people in some far off land. Ali stood up for what was right. I’m not sure who does that these days. I want to. I’m into it. Ali wasn’t perfect. Of course not. Neither was Martin Luther King, Jr., but people’s actions need to matter. It can’t be all empty rich pretend celebrities pampering themselves and having fits. These folks can not lead the way. They are not trying to. They’re just getting paid. There’s far more. So much more.

Like what…

Friendship. Being a friend to someone. Being a friend to yourself. Lifting yourself up, and thinking positive thoughts. It is always an option to covet, to complain, to want more, to feel entitled, to get greedy, to be petty, but were don’t have to do these things ever, They do not lift us up. We can defend and acquit ourselves, just fine without doing things that don’t uplift our soul. Today I went to the dog park to do my videos. It made Nigel happy. It felt good to be outside. This is one of those things. Simple. Right there before our eyes. Love.

That’s’ why I’m here each day. Earlier, after the videos, during my acupuncture, I realized we are friends. It is not your average friendship, as if there ever could be such a thing. It is personal and private. It is in your living room. And mine. It is on your phone. It is between us. I like it. I appreciate it. I am here for you. If you reach out, I will respond. You can count on me. I am here every day. Today is Day 165. I’ll be here 200 more. Welcome. It feels great to arrive.

NOTE: “Baseball Complex Dixie Mondays.” That would have been a cool name for this video, if Mondays weren’t so darn glorious. Did I mention? I love Mondays.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 165 “Whoa, Nigel”

I love my pooch. Who doesn’t? If you don’t love your pooch, I feel sorry for you, and worse for the pooch. Of course you love your pooch. Silly me. Love, folks, that’s what it’s all about. We can simplify it severely. Love everyone always as much as you possibly can and you are achieving on this plane at the highest level. I believe that. Today, Nigel got the joy and the run and the park. He was stoked. He came over by me and shared the love while I played guitar. I was inspired and created this song to honor him. In honoring him, I honor us all, cause we are all one. His greatness is our greatness. We share in the celebration and the victory. Every moment we allow ourselves to feel that vibration. It is very real. You are a desk. Be humbled, not. A desk is God. Life is truly thrilling if you let it be.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 165 “Strawberry Fields Forever” by The Beatles

This is the reason for the season. The season, being our trip to the park today. But because we are all entirely entwined that also means Nigel Dog Park Fun Day Romp/Delight. I intended to go somewhere scenic and play some songs for you. Our friend, Dan, thought this sounded fun and he came along and frolicked with The Pooch Occasionally Known as Shmendrik. It was fun. So fun, I played this tune twice and remembered why I need to come here way more. And other awesome peaceful outdoor places. Not to play  “Strawberry Fields Forever” again and again, but to get Nigel his fill of outdoor run time and to be with him delighting. That is the point. That is the reason for the seasons. That’s, like the Hokey Pokey before it, is what it’s all about.

We can take the Great Circle route to our destination. It has wind currents. It can be the way to go. Other times, when a more direct road can be an asset, run through Love. Be literal. Run. Love. Make those around you happy and find no surprise when you’re suddenly enveloped in happiness. The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” That’s great. I’m putting a spin on it. The Jefferson Postulate. "How you do unto other is how others do unto you.” It’s true. It may not be direct and transparent, but it’s karma. If you spread love, love will spread its wings around you. If you are a hater, a judger, a destroyer, an enabler, a glutton, any of those things, good news, you don’t have to be. You can be free and high. Simply choose to. Choose love. Vote love. Each day all the time and watch the winds change as you arrive swiftly, at your destination. Joy.