Thursday, June 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 168

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 168 “Somebody Like You” by Keith Urban

So a big part of my job doing music with special needs adults is doing things that will make them feel comfortable, happy, important, ecstatic, whatever the situation calls for, really. Sometimes I have to venture into unknown realms to get it done. It can be a challenge and it is always fun and rewarding somehow. Tuesday morning, one of my friends requested “Somebody Like You” by Keith Urban. I have never heard that song. I can’t say for sure I’ve ever heard any Keith Urban song, but I looked it up on the old magical internet and I gave it a good go.

I have no idea if my version sounds anything like his, but it’s a fun tune to play.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 168 “Pretending Minnesota”

So I had a brief moment at work this morning. I was feeling frisky and fun and tried out my Minnesota accent for ya. It was not premeditated. I just kind of launched my self into the endeavor. I think I slipped into some sort of New York accent something. Then I’m tuning. Who really knows? But it’s my pleasure to share a joyous moment from my day with my friend, you.   

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 168 “How It Is”

I made up a couple of improvised tunes in the course of doing my job earlier today. Maybe I’ll share the first one today and second one tomorrow. Sounds linear, logical. This first one is pretty funky. I am just listening to it for the first time. What name should I give it? It says “How It Is” in there somewhere. I think that’s a cool name for a tune so I’m gonna go with it. I hope this moment finds you massively awesome and I love you. I really mean it. Without love, what else is there? Nothing I want any part of. Peace.

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