Monday, June 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 165

 Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 165 “A Glorious Monday”

Folks, I don’t really so much believe in bad and good. It is all relative and those are subjective terms. For example. You may think Rocky 5 was a good movie. Maybe you’re from another planet, or never saw a movie before. You certainly didn’t see the first four Rockys. Another example. I liked Rocky 3 and Rocky 4 a lot. Yes I know they use roman numerals. That’s pretentious and silly. I liked them cause I was a small boy when they came out. Same thing with Star Wars movies. Adults rip the newer ones. It’s cause they‘re adults. They’ve seen thousands of movies. It’s not because the movies are worse. It’s cause they are in a different place on their journey than they were when they saw the first ones. It’s relative. No good. No bad. Ever. If you’re trying to have clear and illuminating conversation. I have to remind myself of this from time to time of some reason. You think I’d remember. It’s easy to fall back in to sloppy simple ways of thinking. There’s little pressure to be otherwise.

The passing of Muhammad Ali has brought to light that there was a famous person, a heavyweight champion no less, who made it clear that there are moral reasons to make decisions that go far beyond money, personal glory and doing whatever you’re told. Especially if what you’re being told to do is go kill people in some far off land. Ali stood up for what was right. I’m not sure who does that these days. I want to. I’m into it. Ali wasn’t perfect. Of course not. Neither was Martin Luther King, Jr., but people’s actions need to matter. It can’t be all empty rich pretend celebrities pampering themselves and having fits. These folks can not lead the way. They are not trying to. They’re just getting paid. There’s far more. So much more.

Like what…

Friendship. Being a friend to someone. Being a friend to yourself. Lifting yourself up, and thinking positive thoughts. It is always an option to covet, to complain, to want more, to feel entitled, to get greedy, to be petty, but were don’t have to do these things ever, They do not lift us up. We can defend and acquit ourselves, just fine without doing things that don’t uplift our soul. Today I went to the dog park to do my videos. It made Nigel happy. It felt good to be outside. This is one of those things. Simple. Right there before our eyes. Love.

That’s’ why I’m here each day. Earlier, after the videos, during my acupuncture, I realized we are friends. It is not your average friendship, as if there ever could be such a thing. It is personal and private. It is in your living room. And mine. It is on your phone. It is between us. I like it. I appreciate it. I am here for you. If you reach out, I will respond. You can count on me. I am here every day. Today is Day 165. I’ll be here 200 more. Welcome. It feels great to arrive.

NOTE: “Baseball Complex Dixie Mondays.” That would have been a cool name for this video, if Mondays weren’t so darn glorious. Did I mention? I love Mondays.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 165 “Whoa, Nigel”

I love my pooch. Who doesn’t? If you don’t love your pooch, I feel sorry for you, and worse for the pooch. Of course you love your pooch. Silly me. Love, folks, that’s what it’s all about. We can simplify it severely. Love everyone always as much as you possibly can and you are achieving on this plane at the highest level. I believe that. Today, Nigel got the joy and the run and the park. He was stoked. He came over by me and shared the love while I played guitar. I was inspired and created this song to honor him. In honoring him, I honor us all, cause we are all one. His greatness is our greatness. We share in the celebration and the victory. Every moment we allow ourselves to feel that vibration. It is very real. You are a desk. Be humbled, not. A desk is God. Life is truly thrilling if you let it be.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 165 “Strawberry Fields Forever” by The Beatles

This is the reason for the season. The season, being our trip to the park today. But because we are all entirely entwined that also means Nigel Dog Park Fun Day Romp/Delight. I intended to go somewhere scenic and play some songs for you. Our friend, Dan, thought this sounded fun and he came along and frolicked with The Pooch Occasionally Known as Shmendrik. It was fun. So fun, I played this tune twice and remembered why I need to come here way more. And other awesome peaceful outdoor places. Not to play  “Strawberry Fields Forever” again and again, but to get Nigel his fill of outdoor run time and to be with him delighting. That is the point. That is the reason for the seasons. That’s, like the Hokey Pokey before it, is what it’s all about.

We can take the Great Circle route to our destination. It has wind currents. It can be the way to go. Other times, when a more direct road can be an asset, run through Love. Be literal. Run. Love. Make those around you happy and find no surprise when you’re suddenly enveloped in happiness. The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” That’s great. I’m putting a spin on it. The Jefferson Postulate. "How you do unto other is how others do unto you.” It’s true. It may not be direct and transparent, but it’s karma. If you spread love, love will spread its wings around you. If you are a hater, a judger, a destroyer, an enabler, a glutton, any of those things, good news, you don’t have to be. You can be free and high. Simply choose to. Choose love. Vote love. Each day all the time and watch the winds change as you arrive swiftly, at your destination. Joy.

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