Sunday, January 8, 2017

Operation 365 2... Blog 372

Hey! How’s it going? I’ve missed you. It’s been weird not being in touch every day. You get so used to it. You know what I mean. I’ve been taking my time with these final essays. I figured it was OK. If the point is to figure out how I feel after the 365, it seems like taking my time will only add to that insight. Plus, Happy New Year! Yep, it’s 2017. Weird. When it feels like you’re living in the future, you know you’ve been living for some time. I’ve thought of a few things I accidentally omitted form my last couple blogs. I have been thinking about going back and editing them, but perhaps, it’s just easier if I just add those things I forgot right here and now.

OK. Let me reflect for a few quickly before I add those little odds and ends I recalled since our last chat. OK, I listed a bunch of my friends who I enjoyed covering their tunes. I remembered someone I forgot.

Chelsea Flor

Chelsea Flor was a kind and spiritual woman who passed away in 20124 or 2015. I don’t remember. She was a deep soul and it was my humble privilege to learn my favorite song of hers, “Starry Gazer.” Playing it was emotional and an honor. Hail Chelsea. Hope you enjoyed my version of your song.

Other bits of The Best of the Rest

I love Steely Dan. I had fun playing some of their jams. Here are some.

Wow. I did four. I wanted to do “Deacon Blues,” but that will have to wait for the only-God-knows-if-it-will-happen, Operation 365 3.

I had a couple other things I’ve been trying to hold in brain to share. Let’s shake it up and see it they are there. Funny life. Of course, I can’t remember now. I played a lot of TV themes… I like nostalgia, I guess…Ahhh, I remembered…

The Best of Operation 365

Sports Song of the Week

I also want to pick where I left off, commenting form the end of first 365 blogs. It is time to prepare for Open Mic, so we will continue this conversation very soon. Peace

Soon to come Operation 365 2…By the Numbers

Sunday, January 8, 2017

How quickly our habits change. Just a few weeks back, I’d awaken every day eager to conquer the mountain of chores that is the 365. I’d be fired up to do it, and but about this time (1:15PM) most non-work days, I’d be done. Same thing, when I’d get home from work, tackle it and feel good something got done. In just a few weeks, things have reverted. Now it is hard to even finish one of these post-365 blogs and publish them. I typed the first half of this a few days ago and haven’t found time to return to it until now. So, let’s pick up where I left off Wednesday and power past that toward completion.

The Best of Operation 365

Let us not say I haven’t been working. In fact, the entire time I did this past 365, I was also working on my 7th CD, “The Best of Operation 365.” What does that mean? What is best? Well, “best” is always subjective, but I chose 12 of my favorite originals songs I wrote for the first 365, 12 I thought told to story of how it was then to some extent and that’s my next CD. It has taken some time and I have been working hard on finishing it here now that the 365 is done.

There were 211 original tunes penned for the initial 365, if memory serves correctly and I went through all of them. It was an involved process. All the ones I thought were worthy, I learned, in many cases from the spontaneous recording I had made on whichever day. I intend to initiate a similar process soon, determining how many songs I wrote and which ones are ones I wish to carry forward from here. It takes time and that’s before you even start recording. Oh yeah, last time I had to convert them all from video to audio first to help me with the learning and organization. Fortunately, I had some help with that part this time and it is ready to go. As soon as I can find the time. That type of data will be in my “Operation 365 2…By the Numbers,” which will conclude this transmission, hopefully some time in the next week or so. Here is one of those future hits from the original Operation 365.

A little chunk from the Best of the Rest I wished to mention was The Sports Song of the Week

I had a lovely chat with long-time cohort, Wes Davis, and he got all excited as he is wont to do from time to time. Moments later, we had signed a fictional and since trashed, million dollar contract for my “Sports Podcast.” Although that was about Wes’ signing off point with, I remained inspired to push the wheelbarrow up the hill some and see what happened. I am still determining what did. We figured each podcast would feature a “Sports Song of the Week,” something along the lines of what I’ve been doing as a guest on sports radio here in San Diego for some time. Hail Scott and BR and The Mighty 1090! #greatfriends

So for about seven weeks, I initiated a show within a show on Mondays, “The Sports Song of the Week.” Let me go and find one for you.

The Demarests

Back in… hmmm…. When was it March? February? March. We went to New Jersey. It was a fun hiatus. The Operation 365 rolled through the Garden State. I got to see for an instant, what having a new computer would be like. In 365 world, it saves a boatlad of time. I visited Paterson.

A highlight that went unshared was the series of tunes I wrote with my longest running musical collaborator and dear friend, Scott Baslaw. We wrote and recorded rough tracks of what we intended to call, “Our Fans Need This.” We are The Demarests and this was to be our 4th CD and first since 2006’s “Our Time Is Now.” Instead what materialized was “Our Fans Deserve This,” and I believe only two people have it. It is those rough tracks of the pretty neat songs we wrote. I made some videos and shared none of them. Maybe they’ll be deleted scenes on the Operation 365 2 Collector’s Edition. Anybody wanna buy a book of blogs?

I still aim to react to that there blog that I noted up some days ago. That is next. I will do it later today and post this. We played a fun gig last night with band at Rosie O’Grady’s. It was our first gig of the year and The Jefferson Jay Band had a lot of fun. Technically, that is not talking in the first person. It was my first time playing at Rosie’s since November 13, 2003. Crazy, right? If I was born that day, I’d be a bar-mitzvah now. It felt great to be back. Tons of rich memories from my early days as a young man in San Diego in the most ironically named neighborhood ever, Normal Heights.

Huffington Post

Some time in the middle of the 365, The Huffington Post printed a nice piece about the project. They dubbed me The King, The “‘King of Front-Facing Media.’” Some people felt this meant I’d “made it” for whatever reason and were happy that I was finally getting recognized. I don’t know about all that, but I was happy for them being happy for me. It beats a swift kick in the James. Whoaspephino!. My wife made a phat bisque.

I have more to say, but perhaps, that’s enough for today. Missed you. Love you. Thank you. God bless.

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