Friday, December 30, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 371

Seated out in front of my house by the lemon tree, what a glorious place to me! I feel humble and blessed here on the penultimate day of 2016. Sitting around all over this little yard and filming little bits of life to share has enhanced my appreciation for my immediate surroundings. Yes, I know the beach is right down the street, but I am here and here is where I’m meant to be. Next? Who knows?

It is a sweet subtle thrill to sit down and pull letters off this laptop, the same one I used to record CDs, a darling decade ago. The familiar planes. A lingering raindrop hanging off a green limonito. I am tickled to have quiet and space. It’s a great time in Southern California. The Portugalia sign, my trophy, my momento, representing proudly in the corner. You want it? It’s yours. Doing an all-out reboot. Everything must go. Want an Elvis costume? I got one of those for ya. Some Heely’s. Men’s 9. Only slightly used.

The cool, fresh air, a homeless man recycling in an adjacent alley. The church mercifully silent across the street. It’s not a religious statement. It’s more about their pre-school. My cold nose and the tranquility, the only reminders that’s it’s December 30th. Allow me to open my blog and return to the year 2011. Let us see what recollections await us in the future past, only a few clicks away,

Chrome shined on “Greased Lightning.” Now its just another button you push. Another anonymous window for the things we ant to know. What do they want to know? I try not to wonder. I’m sure I’m glad I think that they’re anonymous, those Google gangsters. They know about me and you, than either you or I will ever know. I wonder how much they make to know all that. Actually, I’d rather not wonder about money. It’s the opposite of the direction of the answers. Answers about it may well lead to truths, deeply disturbing truths, but the solution is not disturbing. Quite the contrary, it is aloe. It is salve. It is penicillin to infection. It is a mother’s love. It is a soft place to finally land. Solutions. Begat by discussions, Group humbly seeking answers to how we can best live and share our home, this planet. Let the corporate demagogues battle for the spoils. Let’s get about the dirty work of finding out what’s wrong and fixing it.

A few humble steps to start. It’s never about you. It’s always about everyone. We are all one. We share this planet. The sun gives us all life daily. So does the air. This is my proof. We all share a profound and common best interest, yet we learn to live like we’re completely unconnected. It’s nonsense. Stopping that is the beginning. Anyone who has ever worked in a team or thrived in a friendship or relationship knows the crucial nature of sharing, kindness, love and basic respect. These ideals are essential to thrive.

Instead, folks battle for pennies, step on each other’s heads on Black Friday, often times acting like a boatful of dopes. We are far from dopes. We are amazing, perfect, gifted empowered creatures with no limits to who we are and what we accomplish. That is way I am sitting here typing this right now. It is important for us to realize who we really are and to realize it is great. We are all precious jewels, each an individual and unlike any other, like a snowflake. That is the true beauty in who we are. It has nothing to do with how we physically appear. This is why we all age, to make that obvious. Still, some people feel the need to fight the effects of aging and try to be something that they’re not. Hat’s their freeness. I respect it, but it not necessary. They are perfect just they way they are .Always have been, always will be

This does not mean we can’t improve. Far from it actually, the opposite. It means it is our chance, our opportunity, our golden moment to shine. As a species, we’ve been underachieving severely in this way. Who is looking for the answers, Where is the public discussion held? On the floors of Congress? Please. We have an entire Internet. Where are we actively in search of answers? When? Why not now? I wanna know. It’s time. What the problems are, which solutions we seek… we decide. Bells are ringing in our collective mind. May we heed the call and actively seek answers in pursuit of the ideal world, one in which we all work together to be greater than we are, for the benefit of everyone existing. We can disagree on the way. With respect. That is what males the discussion. This is how we find those answers. I am pumped. Can you tell?

OK, Let’s give this 2011 time travel another try.

NOTE:. Thank you Google. I am well-aware you own YouTube, Chrome and a bunch of other stuff. There would be no Operation 365 to do without you and I am grateful, regardless whom you’re selling all my data to, with no regard for how I feel about it. I give you the benefit of the doubt, because I have just about no choice. Be gentle, please… and thank you.

Even though I only read a few words of this blog. It loves here. Hopefully this link works better than I one from yesterday. I aim to fix that one here in a few. Rivetting, huh?

So upon reading a few words of this blog, I realized I wish I read these essays before I started Operation 365 2 instead of just as I’m finishing them. It really brings me back there. Upon further review, it appears my essay from last time was that there was no essay. I told many a tale of friends of mine in the premiere Operation 365. Well, my friends told the tale themselves in the “Archives” and I narrated it in the blog. Apparently, I wanted to tell everyone what happens to everyone and decided against it. In retrospect, seems like a great call. Life changes every day anyway. The blog ends, “Nahhh, maybe next 365.” See? I told you I should have read it first.

Behind the Scenes

So, one can not live one’s entire life on screen. Reality television, be damned. So, what else did I do in 2016 when I was not sharing or working on this, which for these keeping score took an entire month straight, with on sleeping or rest. I’m glad I spaced it out though. Would have been a scarring month. So what else did I do?

I was married. My wife, Leanne, decided against participating on this 365 for the most part. She tolerated it and supported it fully from an arm’s length away, but decided against appearing often. I can’t blame her. I respected it. It made each appearance of hers that much more special, even for me. It’s too bad we never did our duet, “Life Provides,” but this happened,

Despite this, she was somehow not crowned champ. She is champ of me. I finished 5th.

What else? I enjoyed many relaxing hours playing a fun card game called Palace with my friends. One day, I was kind enough to let you in.

Be real.

Somehow, in June or July, if I correctly recall, I got the impetus to write eight musicals, Episodes 9-16 of the ongoing saga of “The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree.” I am jst now finding the time to reacquaint myself with them. Directing these original musicals with the special needs adults at my work has become and an annual highlight for me. They are amazing to work with and know. That project is rapidly ascending my priority list as I think staging the first ever TV show with all special needs actors is a project whose time is now, if not many moons ago. Regardless, it hasn’t happened yet, and as the kind of guy who enjoys doing things no one’s ever done before, this seems to jive perfectly with my brand. Thanks to President –elect Trump, who finally, after allthese years, crystallized for me, what branding really means. It’s who you are, It’s what you do, as least as far as the public knows it at as an immediate response to thinking of you. I am down to represent those maligned in our society: Peace has been plundered. Love has been laundered. Every awesome people have been sold for the right to sell them more things. It’s insane. We need to flip the page and Make Humans Great Again. It is much bigger than a nation. It is species-wide. We’ve got to reclaim love. If they need a face or voice for that, I’m down. Might not get me elected President, but I’ entirely OK with that. I just want to help make life more meaningful and rewarding for every day awesome folks, us. Anyone who’s down really…

So that’s what I’m excited about. If you do the math, each musical has about five songs, so that’s about 40 additional songs I wrote that I did not use for this except this one. I couldn’t resist. I like what it says about work.

I had some fun doing stuff with speeding up and slowing down videos. Here’s a couple of them. Then I think I gotta go, but XOXOXOXOXO

Imagine that was my real voice. I guess some people might think that. That’s OK with me.

This parting gift pre-dates the 365, but one of my special friends told me she thinks this is my funniest video. She called it “Richard Dawson.” I knew what she meant. Enjoy until tomorrow. I will be finishing this transmission soon. Only another day or two of blogging, I believe. I love you.

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