Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 369

So, the adrenaline is finally subsiding. Yesterday, it hit me. No additional responsibilities, no extra work, no videos, nothing. And what I realized what this. I was tired. It takes a certain amount of extra spunk, gusto, if you will, to make it through so much work. The first couple days after, Christmas and Christmas Eve, I awoke fired form the cannon. I was ready to go. I was so motivated for this 365 that when I got home from work, I ran to the computer. I wasn't going to be slave to this Operation. I was going to bust it out and go on my merry way. Since then, I've been fatigued. Call it the end of the year, or whatever, but I just needed to rest. I slept a lot. No matter. I just took a nap after work. Now, I'm yawning. What can I tell ya? Whatever energy it is that a 365 brings into your world, mine is finally gone. It was a good, long run. Now I'm crashing

This isn't to say, I don't hear cover songs, and think, "How did I not do that one in two 365s." That isn't to say, I haven't cracked open the iPad and made up a song from scratch once or twice. These habits die hard, even as I put new ones in their place. New ones such as, hanging out with my wife, for instance. We spent the day together yesterday and while I managed to find a few minutes to collate my blogs into groups of 40, (long story), I did not find the time or energy to do this, reflect in writing. Well, I'm back.

I printed out some notes I took on one of the closing essays of the 365. I will fetch that now and share those thoughts and feelings.

In a section called, "Revolution of the Mind - Ideas for a Brighter Tomorrow," I expressed satisfaction that some long-awaited, much need social change appeared to b eon the horizon, while lamenting the price folks paid to get it. It almost seems like things paused after that moment in time, the end of 2011. It almost seems like they paused until right now. The election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency has some stoked, other alarmed, and some ready for action. I am one of the latter. Us social change lovers have spent decades in the closet, wondering why we weren't born in 1950, or whenever one would have needed to be born to participate in the activity of the late 1960's. It feels,, finally, that things are about to happen, that the world is ripe for change and I, for one, have been ready and waiting. I am not the only one. There are others. My rant ended in this essential truth, a fact I think we all should take a lot more seriously. "There are more than enough resources for everyone to survive."

Too many people in this world are only worried about themselves. The rich should consider how many people starve to death so they can have ten yachts, fourteen mansions, eight helicopters and a million cars. It is morally wrong and and not entirely unrelated to murder. Sharing is caring is how I'd put it if I was trying to say it nicely, which I hope to be when the time comes that folks are listening. People can have plenty without idealizing or having millions more than they need. That is just wrong. Americans, and probably some other have a grand misconception about this and I hope to help remedy this imbalance. We are all one. I resume quoting myself from five years ago, "It is an illusion that we are separated. You’ve heard of this, it’s conquer and divide."

It's simple. We pretend we're not "them," in this case, the people starving, and then we pretend to remove the need for us to care about how they are. The truth is they are you and you are starving and you don't even know it. Are all billionaires blissful? No chance. Money doesn't bring happiness. That we can only find deep within ourselves. Five years ago, I finished this section with this, " I ditched my TV two years February... We work together. It takes time." Seven years and going strong now. No regrets. Unplug and let the healing begin.. or at least recognize that it's an option. It takes time.

I then asked myself, "Why do an Operation 365?" My answers are very different this time than the first. I would like to return tot his question later.

Living history - A Breathing Art Project

I explained the roots of this 365 in this section five years and won't recant it here. Click below if you wish to read that

I will share one small quote from it though and some reaction, "when you do something each day, you become more likely to do it the next day. It becomes a part of what you do." That, I learned is true. It is why it was hard for me stop in a way, like I stated before. I want to thank Wes Davis, Dylan Avery, the 365 itself, and life, which gave me this opportunity to create and death which gives me another source of inspiration from beyond. I have many great friends, Wes and Dylan are just two of them, who are great artists and struggle to make a living on their art. To me, that is outrageous. I include myself in this category. "Great" is obviously subjective, but worth of making a living to me, is a no-brainer. Look at all the things I can do. To me, that's what the Operation 365 proves more than anything else. My point is art needs to be valued a lot more on our society and when folks have a ton to give and all they want to do is give it and survive, they should not have to resort to making 1100 videos and hoping people notice.

I will answer that "Why do an Operation 365?" question now. the first time. I had videos to share, and a history to tell, the history of my friends and I during an incredible era at a place called Portugalia. I wanted to reach more people. I had many many songs I had written but no place or reason to share them. Even though, I know, all kinds of people weren't  going to be receiving these videos all at once, barring some unlikely viral scenario, I like the thought that I had done what I could to keep them from living and dying in obscurity in my computer. The Covers served and continued to serve as a mechanism to bring more folks to the rest of it, a piece that people already love.

This time, the motivation was totally different. The videos had been shared to my satisfaction. They story has been told. Most of the tunes I had written got shared and many more got written. A CD containing the "best" of those, should be out in early 2017. Let's expand on my point of a moment ago in answering fully.

"The Operation 365 doubles as strange resume of some kind. It shows I can do a lot of entertainment things. I can write songs quickly. I can produce content prolifically with the best of ‘em. I can be incredibly consistent. I can do what I want to do, if I set my mind. Alright, it’s enough already with the “I.” It shows I do things differently. That’s a challenging task in this time. I can’t stop. I’m sorry."

When I reread that the other day, I thought this, the old expression misremembered by our 'ole President G.W. Bush. In this case, I reappropriate it, for Operation 365s, "Do me once, good for you. Do me twice, good for me."I laughed after I wrote that and not just cause of the silly sexual, (yet no less relevant) connotations. What that meant to me was the first 365 was for other people, to show them what I could do, to tell them my story, to share their story. This one was for me. To find my voice in the words, to sharpen my skills playing daily, to force myself to me prolific again. It worked. Not once did I look back, I looked forward. The first time was to see if I could do it. This time I knew I could do it. My confidence rose and now it may be at an all-time high. Maybe that's why I'm so tired, breathing that thin air up here. Who knows? A lot of people can do something once. When you've done something twice, you know how to do it. You're doing it with knowledge and purpose. It is over. I am still loaded with knowledge and purpose. I have energy to work and things to do. Am I coming of age? If so, it's right on time.

What's next for me? I aim to reach for something more. I want to empower people, help them realize how powerful, wonderful, valuable and unique, each one of us are. It is a crucial step on the journey to universal love and respect, which we need more than ever. I have written several musicals with a core of characters that I love called "The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree." I directed "Episode 4" of this "saga," ten days or so ago and I would like to do far more with that future franchises. Yes, I want to do big things with that and that's just the beginning. "Episode 4" was a coming of age story for the young girl in the family. We are all one. So I am her ( and all the other characters in the all the stories) and it feels great. I managed to find time to write eight more episodes of this lovely musical quietly in the background of the 365 2, in June and July. Yes, I wrote eight musical in about 8 weeks on the side of these 3 videos a day and I didn't share almost any of it. Maybe two songs.

Maybe one. And I wrote the musical named after this one after I wrote and recorded this song. In fact, it may have helped inspired the whole push. I want HBO. Not a premium network, as an employer, as the people I'm meeting with, discussing this. Yes, I am fired up. In the last one, I wrote about how I was poor and how it was OK. I am graduating from poor. It is enough. With this 365, I am finished with all that. It is time to reach more people and do far more. I am pumped. Can you tell?

A few final notes for today.

"I want to spend more time with my girlfriend, Leanne." I wrote that five years ago. We've been married two and a half year now. "Although, she never asked me to, I told her I would not undertake a project of this magnitude without asking her, next time." I did. She said, "yes," and then quietly counted the seconds 'til it was over. I can;t prove that last part, but women like attention. Who doesn't? She threw a big surprise party for me at the ned of the first 365. This time, she didn't even know it was the last day. I can't blame her. It's a lot. My plan remains to spend more time with her and I had the pleasure of doing that, and not this, yesterday. I love this, but sometimes, one must choose.

"That was kind of tongue-in-cheek when I said it ‘cause I never intend to attempt a project of this magnitude again." Haha.

"For some reason. Some folks expect me to do another 365. I can’t blame them I guess. There’s truly no precedent for this. It’s never been done before and never will be again, most likely. That fact kind humbles me. I like being that kind of guy. It’s the same reason I’ve hosted “24 Hours of Free Music,” four times." Hahahaha.

I asked myself why folks were sitting outside, day after day, as part of that Occupy Movement in 2011. I answered, "It’s because we want change and it’s because we have something to say." Here'a few other things I am into that I wrote. Time is running out. Open Mic is soon and my pal, the greta Paul Ruiz, just showed up, so let's finish. Here's some final thoughts I wrote in 2011 about why I'm here and what I'm all about. I'll leave it at those for today. Much more finishing to come,

"Helping people find happiness in themselves.... As long as the message gets delivered... Each precious moment is a cause for celebration. Everything you have to offer is precious, unique and divine..."

That's the reason of the season to me. Believe that. This thing's over and we're just getting started.

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