Thursday, December 1, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 343

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 343 “Let the Good Times Roll” by Shirley and Lee

Gotta bring the positivity each day. It can be a challenge, but if we don't, we leave the world to the haters. Unacceptable! It is sorry and sad state when miserable folks feel compelled to try to drag everybody down to their dark, lonely pit of a world. It doesn't have to be that way. Turn that frown upside down and be glad you get to live and breathe another day. Most of the people, staff and "consumers" at the special needs place I work, are shining examples of this philosophy. Unfortunately, there are a couple cranks on staff, who somehow in the face of all that is holy, can only focus on their own misery and complain. I try to stay out of it and above it, preaching positivity and letting the good times roll. It is not always easy, but it is always deeply rewarding.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 343 “Choose Your Own America”

In today's instance, the "Words" and "Originals" were essentially interchangeable. They both possess words and music. Did I mention Vote Both? That is so last week, but that is OK as I will here share some thoughts of mine spawned by the election. I was thinking about America and what it really is and I had all these thoughts, that it is more a pliable concept that any permanent fact of life. In this poem I wrote that I made up music for there on the spot. Hence, “Choose Your Own America” getting the words designation and the other not previously written verbiage landing in the "Originals " column for today.

So the idea was this, regardless of the outcome of the election and whether or not you were happy with its results, the definition of America is fluid. It may surprise you to learn that it has a lot more to do with what people say and think than any particular law or democratic decision. This particular chunk of land, from which I type right now has had many names. None of those names made this land what it was. They were all just adventures that occurred near here. 

It was native land. Then it was Spain. Then it was Mexico. And now for some years, it's been the United States. America was named after a guy some folks thought came here. It is way more subjective and tailored to your touch than most realize. That is why, here, I compare it to one of this classic "Choose Your Own Adventure" books that I enjoyed as a youth. Don't let an election decide for you what America is, who what or where you are. Decide that for yourself. Every day and you will find you live exactly where you're supposed to. We make the world we live in. Every day. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 343 "A Song About Love"

Earlier today, I thought it would be nice to write/make up "A Song About Love." I even thought I’d call it “Love.” I wanted my tune to be the embodiment of love. It’s a nice song, but it wound up more "A Song About Love" than love itself. That is OK. These are all steps on a journey. When it comes to Journey, I vote “Open Arms.”

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