Thursday, December 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 364

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – BONUS – 364 “Deck the Halls” by Thomas Oliphant

I think this is a truly adorable video. It offers a glimpse into everything heartwarming about my job doing music with special needs adults. This is a huge part of the direction I wish to continue to go. My big goal for next year if to produce my Christmas musical as the first ever show with all special needs adults. It's about time the world gets to see who these people really are. We are all one and I think we're about to find we're a whole lot more lovable and charming than we realized.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 364 “Soul Man” by Sam and Dave

So, I was going to use "Deck the Halls" as my cover for today, but I check these to make sure I'm not just repeating the same several tunes over and over again without remembering. Well, it's good I check, 'cause I played "Deck" on Day 181 of the first 365. So, this created another opportunity to add something else to the soup that is this 365. 

My dear friend The SOul Man is 98 and he fought in World War II and The Korean War. He is a great guy. It humbles me silly each time he tells, I'm "the best friend he's ever had." It seemed incomplete to do over 700 covers and not play the song from which his nickname  comes. As legend has it, and there's nothing but legend as it pertains to The Soul Man, legend has it that Lenny Kravitz dubbed him with that moniker at Croce's in the late 90's. I met SM just a few years later at that same place. We were young men then. I was 28 and he was 82. 

Well, cheers to you, brother. I plan to come out and watch you play some tunes tonight. Peace, love and friendship. It's a wonderful world in which I get to be brothers with The Soul Man. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 364 “Berserk”

Well, this big chunk of work is about to take a backseat to the rest of my life here real soon. "Berserk" is about loving your work and taking it seriously, but not letting it make you “Berserk.” This is a song from some distant episode of my Christmas musicals, "The Hunt for the Great Christmas Tree." Although, I've been keeping those arrows in the quiver largely, I thought I'd shoot this one, as it seemed quite relevant to the tasks at hand.  

I am pleased with how this 365 has gone. Honestly, it has been far easier than the first one. It almost flew by, as much as doing 1100 videos can. The first time, in 2011, I had serious doubts if I was going to complete the marathon. This time, I never had doubts. I was resolved to not let it take over my life and not let myself spend a whole year feeling "up against it." WHo needs that pressure? Just doing all this, is enough. 

So, while I didn't let my work make my life “Berserk,” I could have. Moving forward, I plan to work even harder on all sorts of things. May this serve as my ongoing reminder to myself to keep a level head and never allow the allure of activity and occupation to interfere with what matters most. Life, love, friends and family. Life can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 364 “Hibernation”

“Hibernation” is kind of two song ideas I had jammed together into one. What can I say? Time is running out. It is clear, with all these daily BONUS videos, that I just can't get enough of this good thing. Idea One emerged in the aftermath of the election. I got this little descending melody that accompanied the lyrics, "It's recreational, oh." I hung with that one for a bit.

Then, some weeks later, I started thinking about the life of a bear. “Hibernation." How interesting is that? Huge animal, sleeps for months, wakes up refreshed. I love it. After all this work, that managed to not drive me berserk, if any human had a “Hibernation” coming, it very well may be me. Who's to say Either way, I don't want to hibernate. As I only I can, I chose bear-y chords. B  E  | B  E  A. Yes, it can be that easy. Let the songs write themselves. Hibernate. Recreate. Repeat. Like Lenny said, "Let Love Rule." Let life live. Whoa, Bears!

See you all tomorrow for Day 365!

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