Saturday, December 3, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 345

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Originals - 345 “Find Myself 3”

There is a lyric that keeps coming back to me over and over. “What the time is right, I’m going to find myself” It was the first line I wrote in my 12-song burst I wrote one night early in the 365. The 12-song burst preceded two 24-song bursts, all of which wound up being central to this here Operation 365. “Find Myself 2” was the lyrics of the original “Find Myself” with different Irishier music. “Find Myself 3” is an entirely different tune that starts with that line and shares the same concept.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what comes next in my life. Finishing up this immense project in 20 days will free a chunk of me. I want to make a much bigger splash real soon and begin to make the connection and impact that I have felt was my purpose this whole time. I am feeling a strong desire to do what it takes to get it done.

L.A., anyone?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 345 “The Word” by The Beatles

The word is “love,” folks. Always has been. Always will be. Sad so many folks still don’t even know what it means. I am returning to the Taylor Swift song, “Shake It Off,” as a mantra to not be dissuaded by the bickers and belittlers. Someone must carry the torch of positivity into the dark, good night. Flame on. Hail the Beatles. They certainly did their part. Still doing it, they are.

Today I played a coffee place in La Mesa, Sheldon’s Service Station, I think that’s what it’s called. Interesting gig. I played from 8AM to 11:30AM. I recorded these tunes today, while folks were chowing down and sipping blend. The entertainment highlight of act was when the meter maid gave some guy a ticket and I gently taunted him with “Lovely Rita.” Oh, Beatles…

Last night, I did open mic for comedy. The stuff I think Is funny is often harsh and dark, especially in the stand-up context. I think I could be excellent at that. It made me wonder though how far I want to go down that dark path. Saying lots of mean things is not of contrary to my daily life. I know it’s an act, but acting is intense and I have this mad, compulsive need to not be unentertaining on stage. Ironic, isn’t it. XOXOXO. Love you. We’ll see what happens. There was tons of sadness amongst the folks at the comedy Open Mic. It was tangible. I couldn’t resist the urge to give them all a pep talk. It was interesting evening. I think I lost my Solar Shields. WalgREEEENS?!?!?!?!!!!!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Words – 345 “Knows Hare”

Been a busy day so far. I think it just cleared up a tad though. So I watched this video. It is short. It is something I often don’t do. I figure I saw it the first time when I made. My grandfather had a similar view of visiting Europe after experience World War II. He’d seen it enough. Well, when I watched this video, one thought stood out in my mind…

Until I just got note via text that he is sick in bed, I was planning on visiting my long time cohort, Destructo Bunny, The Rabbit of Recklessness, The Chinchilla of Chillaxing, The The Velveteen Varmint, The Hare of… well, you get the idea. We go back a ways, to the Portugalia Era. I love his rapping. He is my rapper of choice and artistically, we are soul brothers, our music is very different, but our message has mad overlap. It’s nice to have peers. It’s Movement:30. That’s what time it is, I’m saying.

I was going to see him, visit with his baby Juniper and listen to my upcoming CD, “The Best of Operation 365.” That disc, my 7th will feature 12 of my favorite tunes from the first Operation 365 from 2011. So I know him. “Knows Hare.” Feel better soon, James. Looking forward to seeing you. Makes me want to crank some Golden Smog, “Weird Tales.”

Deep breath.

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