Thursday, March 31, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 98

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 98 “Life Is Great” by Jefferson Jay

So I’ve built up a pile of new originals. Wrote 24 more a couple of days ago and I’m getting a grasp on what those tunes are. Here’s one form the previous batch of 24. I’m noticing some of those were written like they are set or partially set in the past. “Life Is Great” sings about Roller skating in 1968. “Reruns,” which I posted yesterday hearkens Saturday Night Live in 1975. I think they were an introspective batch of tunes, but that’s an outward way to look in. Who knows? It’s fun unweaving what I wrote in a deliberate hurry. I barely even knew how these newest tunes go.

Due to the fact that we can even write tunes, life is great. Due to the fact that Open Mic was so amazing last night with so many incredible acts, life is great. I got to get the band back together at work today and enjoy them playing music together for a good while. We get to play music, have friends. Due to the fact that we can love, life is great.

There’s a million reasons life is great. The roses. The sunshine. The parrots flying over nearby. Jet planes. Doggies. Outside. Life is great. There’s a million reasons to celebrate this all the time. Flying.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 98 “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey

So sometimes even a 365er feels fatigue. Got to pick a cover, play it somewhat right. Do one I haven't done before in 460 tries. I went for "Mother," the Danzig tune. There's symbolism there. I'm certain. It wasn't happening. No (musical) Ma there for me today. A faint shot at encouraging myself, a song I fairly knew I hadn't done. That classic scene. Tony. Carmela. Meadow. AJ. We'll call the stop in the middle of this video an homage. Haha.

I've learned to love that ending. One of the better ones they've had. I also liked "Breaking Bad"'s.

So, here I do it a little different. I make it all the way through. It's not always a glorious adventure, this 365 life. Every day. It's what you do. I daydreamed briefly of calling it an Operation 100 for a moment. It was the first bit of this type of daydreaming of 365 2. It was brief, unlike my rendition of this tune. If you make it to the roses, I'm flattered. That was an awful kind thing of you to do. Let's believe. Ironically, for a few moments after I played this tune, I didn't want to. But it's better... believing. Considering the alternatives, I feel it's the only thing to do. 

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 98 “The Power of Your Head”

So, I'm tired, almost dead
It's not exactly like I said
No, am I awake
'Bout to go out
Hang at the Jam
Some beers, no doubt

My wife is home
and she says hi
I rise. We kiss. 
Says I look nice.
She starts to clean.
I am going to help her now.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 97

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 97 “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young

It’s been a bit chaotic lately, but I kind of like it. No serious tragedies, just fun busy-ness, mostly. I was going to record my vids outside today, but I have what I’ll call, a-neighbor-who-likes-Dave-Mathews-too-much problem. It’s tough. No way I was recording anything out there today, without it being all Dave-y and that was not going to fly. Last night (and the night before) I did it again. I wrote 24 tunes. Two slightly related batches of 12. I began Tuesday at about 10:30 and finished last night around 8:50. I spent most of the free seconds I had today, typing them all up. How do you turn creativity into busy work ASAP? Be me. That’s how. I love it. I’d have it no other way. I enjoy the manufactured pressure of forcing myself to write a whole bunch of tunes real quick. It’s mentally stimulating. Some how, some of these tunes, turn out OK.

Here’s a number that turned out far more that OK by a guy who’s written quite a few tunes himself. Hail Neil Young. Way to represent for the older generation but not losing one ounce of your artistic integrity ever. Impressive.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 97 “Reruns” by Jefferson Jay

“Reruns” was one of the fun ones from my (now) first batch of 24 tunes I wrote at once a few weeks back. The idea is that it would be cool if there were “Reruns” in life. This song bats that concept around a bit. It’s a fun concept and a fun tune, so I guess in that respect, this song is success. Hooray. In reality, I wonder if it would be cool if life had reruns. Knowing what’s going to happen in advance would either be real boring or real exciting. I’ll likely never know. Enjoy your “Reruns.”

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 97 “The Price of Write”

As I seem to endlessly mention, the mandate of writing a bunch of original tunes for this here 365 exercise has got me in a state of prolific hysteria. So, I wrote 24 tunes in less than 24 hours yesterday/the day before and now, today, they’re all typed up. Before you know it, a rabid audience of 365-aholics will be snorting these suckers like its going out of style. Is it? Not for me to decide. Maybe, it’s coming IN style and it’s because I’m starting it. If sock hops and pole sitting could take the country by storm in the Roaring 20’s, writing huge batches of songs could easily be next. Either way, I’m not scared to be a trend-setter.

So, after I wrote the first half of this most recent batch, I offered a few cautionary words to would-be tune-bingers. Here, a beleaguered me warns you, the 365-lover of what can truly happen when you get all zany on the songwriting tip as I have in recent week. Love you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 96

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 96 “Kumbaya” by Unknown

How I made it through an entire 365 and didn't play "Kumbaya" is beyond me. There are few more seminal acoustic songs. This is another beloved number by some of my special needs folks, so that's how I got it in the loop in recent years. So here it is.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 96 “Exactly Halfway” by Jefferson Jay

I went and met a friend, Nate, at Raglan yesterday for Flight Night. On Flight Night, flights of microbrews are discounted and one can try many of the fine brews on the market in one sitting. I like it. I get inspired around all this cleverly names tasty brew. I mooched a piece of paper from my server, Kim, and wrote this little swinging piece, which is performed a capella. Maybe if I ever get around to writing music for it, I'll share it again. Don't try this at home, folks, or on the highway.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 96 “Please Drive Carefully”

Folks, please drive carefully. Safety comes first. Thanks.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 95

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 95 “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” by The Beatles

I was doing my Music Therapy thing and one of the special needs dudes I work with knows every song from the last 60 years, more or less. He requested “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been having fun playing it since. Maxwell wasn’t giving peace a chance so much. It’s fun to write with characters. Characters, they say the darnedest things. Silver hammer, yeah.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 95 “Part of the Plan” by Jefferson Jay

Beginning to wrap my mind around these the 24 tunes I wrote a once a few weeks ago. We even played a couple of them with The Jefferson Jay Band last night. What a fun Easter gig it was at Mother’s Saloon. We played well and my van almost it the whole seven blocks to the gig. I am very psyched about the Band right. Guessing it’s all “Part of the Plan.” I guess that’s what this song means. I’m enjoying learning about what my own songs mean. Slow and steady.

Trumpeting superstar Paul Ruiz loves the wings at Mother’s. He says it’s like being in Heaven. That’s my favorite part of playing there, his joy when encountering the wings. And I LOVE the playing part. It’s just you rarely get to see some THAT happy. Yesterday was huge fun. I am grateful.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 95 “Product Placement”

So I received a special call into the Operation 365 from Leanne Pearl. It's her first day at her new job, Congrats, Leanne. She wasn't offering up very much salacious information in the interview. Fortunately, some very valuable products were nearby and I just may have innocently slipped them in naturally to the flow of today's 365. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 94

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 94 “I’m Me” by Jefferson Jay

A little shaggy and haggard I am this morning, but it’s Easter. That’s got to be OK, right? We have a big gig today, Mother’s Saloon. Every gig is a big gig, when you take these things seriously. Professionalism doesn’t take off for THIS holiday. This is my 2nd Easter in 3 years, I believe, playing at Mother’s.

So, if you follow this here 365 closely, you know I’ve been writing tunes in big bunches. I already shared all 12 I wrote at once over a month ago now. And now I’m plowing through 24 tunes I wrote at once as of late. “I’m Me” is one of those. Due to traveling, busyness and other creative projects that are ongoing, I still have yet to reflect and uncover the true meaning of these 24 tunes. It’s on the mental list of things to do. I hurry to write ‘em but I sometimes take year to figure out what they actually mean. This one no exception. Maybe it means, be yourself,” or maybe it means “accept yourself." Maybe it means “be the best you, you can be.” Maybe I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Maybe you can let me know if you figure it our first.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 94 “Wanted: Dead or Alive” Bon Jovi

I was thinking about a former classmate from New Jersey who passed away yesterday. His name was Greg Sadowsky. I didn’t know him well, but I knew him for years, He was one year ahead of me, growing up in the same neighborhood as kids. He seemed like a nice guy and a lot of those guys a year above us, weren’t. It’s the nature of being kids, I guess. Greg was cooler than that. That’s about what I know of him. Condolences to those who knew him far better that I.

So, I’m here this Easter morning, trying to think of a cover and this song by a Jersey fellow pops into my head. One of the special needs adults I work with, likes it, so I play when she’s around. It’s not my favorite Bon Jovi tune, but it’s a classic.

On the one day a year, we celebrate resurrection and rising from the dead, I offer this one up to Greg, his family, and his loved ones. I have friends in high places (where you’re heading) and I’ve asked them to look out for you and help you out while you find your way. They are really great friends and that way. Death doesn’t touch that. In fact, it only makes those bonds far, far stronger. Everyone could use an angel. Trust me. Onward and upward.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 94 “Nice Chops: Hope Lives, Part One”

There’s heavenly light in the shot today. I saw a beautiful spectacle Thursday night. I was invited to MC a launch even for a leatherworks company called “Nice Chops.” Longstory short, I used to hang out on the corner of Park and Madison in University Heights, San Diego quite a bit from 2000-2003. There, a coffeehouse called Twiggs was thriving and I was honored to be part of its thriving Open Mic scene. It’s where I eventually started hosting Open Mic. Jason Mraz sprung to stardom from this scene at this same time.

Among the young energy on the street was a hard working young man named Shantih Beeman. He would carry around and practice whatever instrument he was learning. Eventually, he began doing that same thing with leather work out and about where he could see and be seen. People saw. Lines came for repairs and some of his work and eventually, a visionary named Matt Navarro coaxed Shantih out of his shell, earned his trust and invested into what is now Nice Chops Leatherworks. Shantih has some seriously nice chops.

I was extremely inspired by this organic success story. It was a thrill to participate in something so positive, authentic and hopeful. As I sat and wrote in a rocking chair at the venue, the artistic inspiration connected yet another artist to this splendid endeavor. So here is Part One of my spiel on Nice Chops. Hope lives, I was delighted to discover. I read this part to the audience assembled and they seemed to dig it. I didn’t read Part Two, but I did write and aim to share it here tomorrow.

Congratulations Nice Chops on your vision, your courage and you faith that local art and community can also lead to profit and financial prosperity. It makes the dream that much more real for all of us. It means a lot.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 93

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 93 “Here Comes the Show” by Jefferson Jay

It was a fine practice. Great to have the band back together here. Playing some new tunes. Rehearsing our old ones. Much fun with friends. Tomorrow, we play. Easter. Mother’s Saloon. 2228 Bacon St. I believe. 4 to 8 PM with The Cory Wilkins Band. Awesome and amazing. I believe.

So here’s a tune I wrote about getting ready for a show, one of the 24. Those are turning our to be better than I would have guessed. That’s why we don’t decide too early. Nobody knows what future a tune holds. They’re names keep changing too. Strange.

Much love to my Jefferson Jay Band members: Paul Ruiz, Leanne, Pearl, Kip Forde, Orion Boucher and Daniel Ratcliffe.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 93 “Scooby–Doo, Where Are You?” by David Mook & Ben Raliegh

A few years back, I was walking down the street and there in two clear plastic bags, were two costumes. They were brand new. A Shaggy and a Daphne costume. Complete with wigs, the entire thing. And sparkling clean. Literally, new. Laying on the street near Leanne’s old apartment.

So I did what any red-blooded American would do and I took them. Then came Halloween. Leanne and I wore them. I was Daphne and she was Shaggy because it wouldn’t have been very funny the other way around. It was Open Mic at Winston’s that night. We played this tune.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 93 “Do We Come Back From the Dead?”

Easter is the best time of the year to consider whether we return form the dead. I believe we do. This, one way or the other, nobody can prove. This video features interviews with local celebrities on this matter and I offer an opinion of two too. Believe, what do you?

Shout-out to Nice Chops and their incredible story about art and community. I aim to share this in much more detail soon.

If you like this here's a link to a tune from the old 365 on this same matter, "Back from the Dead"

Friday, March 25, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 92

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 92 “Sister Golden Hair” by America

While I grew up on classic rock radio in New Jersey, I was years later when I finally became fully aware of the power of “Sister Golden Hair.” A dear friend from childhood who I graduated high school with in ’92 (Day 92) and I wrote a screenplay some years ago. We finished it right when the screenwriters struck and our query letters probably all landed in empty offices unseen. No matter. It was a film about steroids in baseball, a parody. Android Johnny Lane. It still exists. Anyway… When Frank and I wrote this, we even went so far as to choose tunes for the scenes and we suggested “Sister Golden Hair” for a scene. I listened and fell in love. What a tune. What’s not to love? The classic guitar lick. The hope. I can see the golden hair blowing in the Convertible breeze each time.

So here’s to Frank and Android Johnny Lane. Like this very video, may you reach the people some day. Peace and love. Each day. All of it. Thanks to Daniel Ratcliffe for playing, teaching me the lick and being my friend. This is why we call him President Licksin (rhymes with Nixon.) A gentleman and a scholar. He is.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 92 “Whispers” by Jefferson Jay

So a few weeks back, I set out to write 24 tunes at once. In an hour. I mostly succeeded. I wrote the music for all 24 and the words for about half. Then I went to bed. Finished the other ones later in the weekend. Just as I was mapping out my plan and getting ready to dive in, this tune dove out. It was not part of the 24 I was planning for. It just forced it’s way out of my head and into the club, charter member status in fact.

Today, I am joined for the 365, by dear pal and Jefferson Jay Band member, Daniel Ratcliffe. He is swell. We like to hang and it is nice to be home and have a day off where that is the way. Hoo-ray, I say. Next, I need to figure out what this tune even means. When you make them come out fast, it can take awhile to see what they mean.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 92 “Always Keep a Pick in Your Wallet”

More wisdom on what’s become Daniel Ratcliffe Day on the 365. Yesterday was Abraham Lincoln Day, so homeboy’s in good company. Here are some scintilla of insight from a man who knows a thing or two about a thing or two, including carpentry, cooking, and guitah picks. Listen carefully and Dan would say, “Always be kind to your niece and nephew.”

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 91

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 91 “Abe” by Jefferson Jay

So, when you write 24 tunes at once, one of the only sure things is that you’re going to go in a bunch of directions you couldn’t possibly expect. That is part of how I wound up writing “Abe” a few weeks back. The other part is I admire Abe Lincoln. I am still interpreting the meaning of this case-of-beer sized tune blast, but it clearly and introspective bunch of tunes, undoubtedly designed for me to figure out something about myself. I am enjoying untangling this riddle through getting to know these tunes more intimately, as of late.

I love history, and few historical figures are more impressive to me than Abe Lincoln. What a selfless guy and what’d he get for it? That’s what this song asks, but I think we all know. A bullet. He got a penny, a five-dollar bill and a ton of resentment from folks who just liked it better when things were less equal and free. So, here’s a shot (bad choice of expression) so here’s a salute to my old friend Abe. He’s all of all old friend, unless you think you’d prefer a world with slaves. If you do, to you, alas, I have nothing to say, except, I love you and you can do a while lot better. See Abe.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 91 “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Julia Ward Howe

Welcome to what’s become Abraham Lincoln Tribute Day on the 365 2. Here, we bring you “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” direct from the Civil War battlefield where it was born, more in spirit than in geographical reality. This music for this tune was written as “John Brown’s Body” by soldiers at the onset of The Civil War in 1861. Julia Ward Howe added lyrics that were first published in Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. (Wikipedia, without you, what would we do?)

So here it is, played through. ‘Twas a fun thing to do. Surprised that one wasn’t in the first 365 too. Shout-outs to Stephen B. Oates, the man who first taught me to love Lincoln and my father-in-law, Tom Pearl, ‘cause he loves Lincoln too. So should you.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 91 “What If Abe Stayed Home”

To complete our trilogy of Abe-inspired videos today, I briefly wonder, what if Abraham Lincoln decided to stay home. What if he decided to not get involved and bother himself with becoming a lawyer, then president, then freeing the slaves and ultimately, getting himself killed. These are choices we all make every day. It's not as if the world couldn't use every one of our assistance. It's not like we have no stake in the game. We're lucky there was no TV then, no Netflix. Maybe Abe would've preferred HBO GO to reading casualty reports from the front lines daily of men he'd send to their slaughter in the interests of true liberty. Now, where are we? Yes, still enjoying large pieces of the dream. They just don't really seem to fit together any more. Like there used to be a reason for the things we do as a society and it's been forgotten and no one sees a point in figuring anything about why or where it went. The American Dream is just one of the many things that's become ignored while we stare off into distraction or buy ourselves more toys with which to play. Why talk about any of this? It's to remember, but more importantly remind everybody listening, it's not too late. It's never too late. 

Just like 151 years later, it's not too late to thank Abe. Thanks. I'm glad we don't live like that today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 90

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 90 “Too Much to Take” by Jefferson Jay

“Too Much to Take” is the second of the 24 tunes I wrote at once, a couple weeks back,  to distinguish itself from the pack and reveal itself to me as a pretty neat song. Today, I practiced it with my special needs performers and they were practicing harmonies and call and response. It was almost a full-on hootenanny. I recorded this version yesterday. When I wrote it I thought I’d call it “Done Done,” and I still like that name, but it seems to scream to be named “Too Much to Take.”

I plan to play it at “Winston’s Welcome Wednesday Open Mic,” which I host at Winston’s in Ocean Beach, Wednesdays from 6 to 9, with a few friends. I love me some Winston’s. We, the Jefferson Jay Band, had a blast playing there last night. Thanks to Destructo Bunny for having us and to Mike Decker, Kyle, Johnny and the Almighty Bruce for being awesome to us always, as well. Unthanks to Shannon for dumping a glass of water on my head because someone lied and told her I poured water down her back. I most certainly did not. I tried to stay ‘til the end and would have made it, but doused in ice water at 12:45 at night, that was just a tad “Too Much to Take.”

No harm. An otherwise wonderful and very fun night.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 90 “Go” by Daniel Johnston.

Many wonderful folks work with me at my job working with special needs adults. They are people with loving giant hearts, almost all of them. One friend, Bruno, requested I learn “Go,” so I did. I’d never heard of Daniel Johnston before. I looked him up on Wikipedia. It said he plays avant-garde or outsider music, music that bucks convention and has no mainstream aid whatsoever. Wow. Kindred spirits.

It also said Daniel is schizophrenic and bipolar. Right on to Daniel for fighting through and contributing artistically in his own unique voice despite the difficulties life can interject. There is no willy-nilly. Everything happens for a reason. We don’t get to pick, when if ever, we find out what the reason is. To inspire? To educate? To express? To inform? Only the glory of time knows and thankfully we get let in on the secret sometimes. Cheers Daniel Johnston (and thanks Bruno). It’s a pleasure to know you.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 90 “An Anthropological Moment”

Here is a deep documentary-like blast, full of hard historical facts, about the people of the past and what their melodic messages meant. This is exclusively available here on your very own, Operation 365. Two.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 89

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 89 "Pearl" by Jefferson Jay

Here is a version of a blues tune called "Pearl" that I recorded a couple weeks back with my supreme amigo, Paul Ruiz on trumpet. Cheers to Paul. I missed him and all my friends, especially my bandmates, while visiting New Jersey this past week. It's great to be back in Ocean Beach!!!!!!!! The Jefferson Jay Band will reunite tonight on stage at Winston's as part of kindred spirit Destructo Bunny's fabulous showcase, The Meeting of the Meyends. It will be an honor to share the stage with him once again and another amigo, Israel Maldonado. Show starts at 10PM PST.

This is also a love song to my beloved wife, Leanne. We had an amazing time together in New Jersey and New York. Like she likes to say, "there is no better place to return home to than San Diego." Hail Nigel and hail the Hunsbergers for watching Nigel. While I'm at it Hail Nancy too. What the heck!

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Covers – 89 “Electric Avenue" by Eddy Grant

In 1981 (In my memory it was '81, but could just as easily have been '82 or '83. I had to check. 82.), for one of those December holidays, I got a K-Tel tape. It was called "Dancing Madness" It was sweet. It had "Come Dancing" by The Kinks, "Always Something There to Remind Me" by Naked Eyes. It took me decades to realize they didn't write that song. It had "Pass the Dutchie." My favorite was "Electric Avenue," though. I liked the way he sang it. I liked the motorcycle sounds in the end. Eddy Grant was cool.

How I forgot through an entire 365 without doing this song is beyond me. Today, that is history. Here is my "Electric Avenue" complete with going out and back in tune. Only for you. My peeps. Hail Bernie.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 89 “An Open Letter to New Jersey” 

First, I'd like to welcome Bernie Sanders to San Diego. He is here right now and about to speak. Like Bernie, I too have duties to do and today they are focused on one of our 50 states, one with a serious attitude problem. Watch the video if you really want to wallow in the nitty-gritty of it, but suffice it to say, people are pissed. Lighten up, New Jersey! It's going to be OK.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 88

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 88 “Context Is Everything” 

Happy Day 88 on the Operation 365 2. I love number 88. Double Infinite. Michael Irvin. It's one of my most beloved numbers. 

What a wonderful time it was yesterday at Spencer and Josie's wedding. It was fantastic to catch up with high school comrades, Eugene, Matt. It was a blast talking some with Yaniv and Ken and other familiar faces that I hadn't seen in eons. Amazing fun. Mazel Tov to Spence, Josie and their fabulous families, whom I also had missed very much. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm for everyone involved. Woo hoo!

I had so much fun I may have even been a teensy tad hung over this AM. Yep. So I conjured a cute little rap about my faded status, "Slightly Hung," I was going to call it. That was all well and good until I recorded it and understood the implications. So instead, I rant on context and its importance, while I deliberate in back of my ind whether I should add the cute rap to the video's end.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Covers – 88 “Lengthwise"

In line with my lethargy, I conjured  this a cappella cut of Phish's song from "Rift," "Lengthwise." Pretty deep and masterful rendition, if I say so myself. I'd be shocked if this isn't the one that gets a million hits. Big time. For authenticity's sake, this "Lengthwise is performed, who laying in bed, by myself, diagonally.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 88 "Fade" by Jefferson Jay

So I talked at some length here about my 12-songs-at-once burst from a few weeks back. Far be it for me to not try to push things further, so about a week later and about two weeks ago now, I tried to write 24 songs at once in one hour. I was somewhat successful. I finished the music for the 24 tunes in an hour and the lyrics for 12 of them or so. Then, I got too tired to write on, so I crashed. 

A couple days later, I sat down to write the rest of jams, and "Fade" is the first one that came out. "Fade" has separated itself as the early leader of the pack. I quite like this tune. It reminds of of some Justin Mills, a little Johnny Cash and a little bit of Dire Straits.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 87

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 87 “Engine Roll Call” by Ed Welsh and Robert Hartshorne

So a few years back, I received an invitation to play this tune at my friend Rune's 2-year old birthday. Seems he loves the Thomas , like so many the kids do these days and his dad, Tim Clark even went so far as to build Rune an actual ginormous Thomas for Rune and his pals to play on. Pretty cool. It was a star-studded affair. Rune's Mom, hippie chick fashion designer Maddie Moon, Dr. Bronner (roughly 5th generation) and Berkie from Vokab Company were among the local superstars in the hizzouse. Much fun was had, as you might have guessed.

So, I learned this number by ear and still play it from time to time, because you see, not only do little kids like Thomas the Train Engine but some special needs adults do too. It's a mitzvah.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 87 "Einstein Says" by Jefferson Jay

So, here we are in New Jersey. Roughly 35 degrees. One must suffer for one's art, someone said. Now I won't say I suffered, but it was a tad brisk. So, here goes Day 87.

Last week, I found myself slightly unnerved by a thing or two: the persistent lines in the sky, the candidates for presidency on the Republican side, things like that. This week, it was other things that earned my ire. I've lamented a lot, the lack of regard the 1% has for everybody else on the planet. How such greed can go unnoticed by its perpetrates is beyond me. Since arriving in New Jersey, I've realized it's worse than I thought. One needn't be a one-percenter to deem themselves worthy of the outrageous excess, previously reserved for royalty. Why everyone feels they need an enormous house with fifty more rooms than people, I have no idea. Perhaps they feel they "deserve" this or far more likely, they feel an irrational need to show everyone who important and worthy they are. Absurd nonsense, greed is.

Now I begrudge nobody the right to have whatever they want, but why does everybody need to want so much? You can only use so many things in this life. To have far more than that is wrong. People live in need. Have some consideration and respect PLEASE. Use your brains. Think about others and stop trying to prove you're a God. It won't work. You'll never convince yourself, no matter how more you buy than you need. Common decency... Respect... AWARENESS THAT FOLKS ARE STARVING. EMPATHY...? ANYONE?

This last caps were accidental, but I am going to leave them.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 87 “Josie and the Pussycat”

So, believe it or not, I didn't come to New Jersey, just for fun. Nope, my bud Spencer Katzman is tying the knot later today, to a lovely woman named Josie, or Josefa ("if you're nasty"- Janet). So, many times, in instances like these, I would write a song saluting the nuptials of my dear amigos. Alas, I am still getting to know Josie, having only met her at my own wedding and through phone conversations with the guitartist formerly known as Splendra. Ergo, I don't know enough to sing anything eloquent.

So, wanting to offer some artistic something to the soon-to-be- newlyweds, I crafted this little poem in their honor. Spence is a very sweet and tender fellow, hence, "the pussycat" and Josie... well, I needn't explain that one. Enjoy some rich friendship history here with a side order of a poem. Congrats, friends. Mazel Tov.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 86

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 86 “Spades Hearts Clubs and Diamonds” by Jefferson Jay

Welcome to Day 86 of Operation 365 2, the official day of getting thrown out of a bar for life. 

Last year, I had the pleasure of working an event with my dear friend John Warner. As a new San Diegan, in 2000, I met John at a show featuring the finest poster artists in the city at the time. We hit it off right away. Fast friends, we acme. Since then, John’s stock has skyrocketed. He moved to Austin, killed it there, started making posters fro bigger and bigger artists and now he helps run some of our country’s biggest festivals and does poster work for essentially whomever he feels like it. He did the poster for David Gilmnour’s 2016 tour. It’s an amazing poster and the work he’s now doing for moe. and Joe Russo’s Almost Dead and tons of other people is simply world-class.

So now that you know about John a little, we were driving around in his golf cart setting up the big event in San Bernardino and we met a fellow who had the same tattoo as John in the same place. It was a big one, a sleeve essentially featuring the four symbols that have lived on playing cards since the 14th century, “Spades Hearts Clubs and Diamonds.” It was a cool moment and later that night, when I was back in my hotel room, I wrote this tune. So here it is for John, a great man, whose success is hugely deserved and equally inspiring. It’s great to see an amazing artist compensated justly for his skills. Hail Bro!

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 86 “Hotline Bling” by Drake

This here "Hotline Bling" comes very special request to my brother, Some Guy. That's his stage name. His parents didn't really name him Some Guy, but who's parents really named them anything really. life happens and it can have an effect on one's name. Trust me. So I'd never hear "Hotline Bling: or any Drake song for that matter when the request rolled in, but I watched the video once or twice, played the song a couple times and the rest is now. Catchy little jam. Hail Canada. Go Drake. 

Here's hopping people love "Hotline Bling" enough for me to get more hits on this video than any of my previous 1400 some-odd videos. But, ultimately whatever, this, like so many other things, we can not control. Gotta love it any way it goes. 

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 86 “Great Things Happen”

So to finish up today's 365, I shared some heartfelt words about perspective and enjoying life. Even the little things are cause for a huge celebration: breathing fresh air, seeing the sun. Even getting up on the morning is a reason to jump up, click your heels and shout "Woo hoo!" Hooray for you!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 85

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 85 “Words of Reflection”

So, the cap on our amazing adventure to Paterson and The Great Falls was this lovely walk to the car passed the trash that distinguishes these urban New Jersey streets. Cue the police sirens nearby. Thank you Universe. So, here I read some "poetry" I wrote a few nights ago before crashing, about life, liberty, America and the Pilot V5, rolling ball red pen. 

Senator Cory Booker, apparently you're their only hope. This is a National Park for Pete's Sake., Let's trash snag and beautify. Even New Jereseyites deserve a lack of squalor in their zone. Cheers to Bobby and Leanne for making our outing so fun and productive. 

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 85 “Reunion in My Mind” by Jefferson Jay

I don't know about you but from time to time I wonder about those folks from high school from so long ago. Now, I keep in touch with my pals from those days. Thrilled to still call them pals, I am. But it's the rest of those folks. Who knows what happened to 'em? I wonder. Sometimes they make cameos in my dreams. I remember fighting Bedouins, or whatever they were, with the human formerly known as Susie Szwecki. Even though I was asleep, and it arguably never happened, the images still live formerly in my brain. I did run into her on there streets of Firenze many moons ago, but that is another story for another time. 

So while pondering high school and times gone by some months ago, I wrote this song. I have done a pretty great job keeping my Fair Lawn lineage under wraps for all these Internet years. It does not say Jefferson Jay on my high school diploma. Now, here in Operation 365 2, I am coming our of my Bergen County closet and shining my identity (not really, but close enough) with this here tune about days gone by and how we process them.

A few notes: One, Cheers to everybody I mentioned by name in this song. All real high school classmates of mine. You were on mind so cheers for that. I also add apologies in case I am blowing up any of your "spots" by mentioning you here. The good news is you'll probably never know about it and if you do find out it's like to fade quicker than everything you every learned from Gary Lausch. "Dream Big Dreams!" "Go to Chicago.!"etc... so on and so forth...

More, I say in here somewhere something about "never even friends." I wish to make a minor clarification o this line. When I mentioned "Are Dan Meyer and Laura Currie sitting on TJ hill thinking of me?" Well, they were friends of mine for a time. So they're exceptions in that regard. I wished to clarify. A wonderful example of the universe encouraging me was the day I wrote this Dan Meyer hit me up on Facebook with a friend request. I thought that was really cool. Hopefully, we'll touch base in a more personal way one of these days. Best to Laura and hers as well. Dan and I sang an original rap song or two in our 6th grade talent show, approximately 1986. So I guess that was more of a foreshadowing moment that anybody realized. Laura starred opposite me as Audrey in our Senior performance of "Little Shop of Horrors."

Two others I mentioned weren't exactly friends but were damn close at some points and though they deserved another mention here as they last thing I want to do after twenty-somethign years is hurt anyone's feelings. Jim Pelle, I knew since we were little kids and he starred as the voice of the plant in that same "Little Shop" performance. Liz Carmody was also a good acquaintance of mine for some time. So best to them in particular. I hope everybody, from all those years, is doing great and I hope this song brings you all a moment of nostalgia and positive memories of those innocent times gone by. 

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 85 “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks

So, I was doing my music job with the special needs folks, like I do, and a new gal joined the program. We were trying to meet her and engage her so we started asking her what songs she liked. She loves Garth Brooks. So, we did what we do, which was oblige and make her happy. I only know of one Garth Brooks tune and it's this one, so i looked it up and played it. It was a smash. People were stoked. I was stoked. That shit is contagious. 

So now, I play it pretty much every time I play for her group. That's the way these things tend to work. What a fun tune to play. I found myself getting arguably too into playing this version, but so what? You only live once, so let's post. I think Tom Waits might have possessed my body and swallowed my soul for those last couple chorii (That's my made up plural for "chorus"). Thanks Tom. Hope you are feeling this jam, my friends. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 84

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 84 “St. Augustine” by moe.

“God is light, Light is good. Yeah, God is good.” Amen. Especially at this glorious waterfall in Paterson, NJ. Looks like I’m heading to see the moe. guys in a small club tonight with my brother, courtesy of the legendary poster giant, my man, John Warner. It’ll be the first time since the 90’s I’m pretty sure. Well, must hurry along as I have some George Washington Bridge to deal with.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 84 “Silk City” by Jefferson Jay

A special treat today as we made our way to The USA’s second largest waterfall East of the Mississippi River. How majestic and un-New Jersey. Well… unless you want to include the tons of trash everywhere. Paterson used to be one of America’s great industrial cities, earning itself the nickname “Silk City.” Paterson was the textile city in America in the early 20th century. Sadly, since then, it’s fallen into extreme neglect, economic trouble and profound disrepair. And in the middle of this sits one of America’s most recent additions to the State Park club, there here Great Falls in Paterson. 

I was inspired enough to conjure a tune about it in the moment. Please enjoy. Don’t fall in.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 84 “Some P-Town History”

Enjoy some words of reflection with Leanne Pearl and Bobby Brown on Paterson and it’s rich history. This was filmed at The Great Falls. Great.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 83

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – “New Jersey” by Jefferson Jay

Everyone’s gotta be born somewhere, right? And it could be worse, the war-torn Congo… I heard East West Jabib ain’t particularly great. So, here’s a little it’s-not-SOOOO-bad tribute to where I’m from. You may notice that I get particularly excited looking when I sing about The Garden State.

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Covers – “Easy” by Commodores

Gotts to love this jam. The Lionel Richie-sung version, the Mike Patton-sung version and now the in-a-hurry-to-get-ready-to-go the Metropolitan Museum of Art early in the morning version. I’d say the trilogy is complete.

Operation 365 – Jefferson Jay – Words – “The Cuteness of Charlie”

Awww, Shih-Tzu. Love me this pooch. In fact. I gotts to go snuggle her right now before getting all artsy in The Big Apple. Ciao.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 82

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 82 “Baby” by Jefferson Jay

So we’ve reached the end of a small part of our long journey. “Baby” is the 12th and final tune of a little EP I penned called “Welcome” essentially available exclusively on YouTube here in ye’ ole’ 365 2. There is a point to the whole thing, above and beyond me seeing if I could write 12 tunes at once, which I did. Figuring out that point was the true beauty in it all for me. Even though, I greatly enjoy the creativity expression part also. I shant explain things that the art itself states, but there’s always something to be gleaned from any art. In this case, with proper attention, it’s just a bit more specific and discernible.

So, we’ll see what comes of any of this. Who? What? Where? When? All of it. It remains very theoretical, but that can change in an instant.  In the meantime, I intend to stay vague and as productive and prolific as I can. Read into that whatever you want. Kisses.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 82 “Be True to Your School” by The Beach Boys

Me Ma loves her some “Be True to Your School” and like so many other things she passed that love on down the line. So I aims to be seeing me Ma real soon and’s been thinking of her and such so I plays her this Beach Boys song and wishes all the love in the world to her. XOXO Ma.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 82 “Pho You”

My adorable bride, Leanne, and I were getting a little hungry towards the end of this here video burst. Here, this moment is captured. We cut loose a little. Perhaps, this video is not for the faint-hearted, for pregnant women, or for anyone with a pacemaker. Or perhaps it’s just fine if, yes IF, you’re prepared to get fetch yourself some pho, post-haste. Go!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 81

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 81 “Bright” by Jefferson Jay

“Bright” is one my newest songs, I am developing very strong personal feelings for it. I’ve been in a bit of songwriting frenzy and “Bright” stands out from the pack. I don't always fall in love with my own tunes. That would be nice though. That said, it makes it all the more special when one like "Bright" comes along, separates itself from the pack and raises the ceiling on what we're capable of. 

I had a blast jamming "Bright" with my brother-in-law Steven Pearl this past weekend.  He is an awesome drummer. We had a lovely time visiting with my wife’s family, The Pearls. Congratulations to my dad-in-law, Tom Pearl on his retirement. I find myself getting more and more excited about the future. Every day.

“Bright” is the penultimate tune in my 12-song EP “Welcome” that I’ve been trotting out over the last two weeks. Shout out to its sister song "Shine" by my brother, Trey Anastasio.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 81 "Build Me Up Buttercup" by Herman's Hermits

I've been experimenting with trying to plan out some videos in advance lately. I did "Dancing in the Moonlight" alongside my "Wrapped in the Moonlight" and I was going to post "Build Me Up, Buttercup" yesterday alongside my "Build with the Beat." Alas, I forgot, and the next thing ya know, the whole plan got "Like a Rolling Stone-d." No matter, we pick up and we go again. 

I was about to write about the unforgettable scene with this song in the original "The Naked Gun" movie. Then I did some research and realized "Build Me Up Buttercup" wasn't even in that movie and I'd been misremembering that for decades. The Herman's Hermits' tune "I'm Into Something Good" is. Ooops. That was close. So much for unforgettable. I do love this song though. It makes me feel good.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 81 “Loving the Love”

So, I’d just finished playing  “Build Me Up, Buttercup,” and one of the nice folks, Robert, from the church across the street starting talking to me. He is a very positive complimentary type dude and here he was giving me props for my “ripping.” Sweet. So, here we have friendly, kind neighborly banter and I dig it. Maybe I’ll bring this to New Jersey and use it as an instructional video for aggravated individuals. Perhaps THAT is the reason for all the 365 business.

I imagine that a hummingbird was loving the love too because upon further review, one was doing a little dart n’ jig to the left of my elbow mid-vid. Pretty neat. I’m a love lover. Thanks Robert for providing me another opportunity to demonstrate. Love represent.

Operation 365 2... Blog 80

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 80 “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan

I was having fun playing “Like a Rolling Stone” for some of the Senior Citizens on one of my special needs groups. I asked them who wrote this tune. A friendly staff member spoke up, “I know.” She seemed to think everyone would know that. I knew otherwise. Seated next to me was a 24-year old gal who works there and I knew she’d probably never heard of Bob Dylan. She hadn’t. The first lady was shocked. She said, even my grandson knows Bob Dylan and he’s ten.” I answered, “Well, that’s cause he has a cool grandma.”

Not so cool, more like greedy as hell, is the fact that tickets to Bob Dylan’s upcoming San Diego performances start at $165.00 and only go up from there. Obnoxious.  I hope they’re calling it “Bob Dylan: The Now Only for Rich People Tour.” Et tu, Bob?  Oh, and here’s a note, Bob’s folks insist I tack on any time I cover one of his tunes.

"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at"

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 80 “Build With the Beat” by Jefferson Jay

I was beginning to notice a theme emerging, 10 tunes into writing 12 at once a few weeks ago. I surprised myself with the words I was writing. I was taken aback by my own stream of consciousness. There is something magical when you remove yourself as much as yo can from the creative process and witness what comes out. I guess I've been mentally preparing myself for some time for the challenges ahead and these 12 tunes were like an alarm clock. It's time. Get up. Do what you're put here to do. I was slightly stunned at first, but every day I wake up more ready then the day before to take on my fate and finish off my plate. I welcome all the destiny as it shines from my horizon.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 80 “Happy Birthday Orion”

Today’s “Words” turned out to be yet another song. This song salutes the birthday of a fine fellow named Orion Boucher. He is the bassist for The Jefferson Jay Band and an all-around swell individual who it thrills me to tribute here, all publicly and stuff. I hope he digs this extemporaneous number I pulled out of my creativity hole, which (with proper admissions to the fact that I am no biologist,) I believe is just down and to the left, from your soul bone.

Operation 365 2... Blog 79

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 79 “Act Naturally” by Buck Owens

Here is my take on the Buck Owens’s, Beatles-covered classic, “Act Naturally.” Thanks to Mike Bumba and GoPro for their enhancement of this video. While I’m shouting out, I’ll add some love for my beloved vehicle, The Tealmobile, appearing here for the first time in this 365, I believe, at least the outside of him. Shaquille O’Teal is another moniker bandied about by my sexy van. Otto the Auto is his German name. This is lesser-known. Woo hoo. See you in Hollywood. “All I go to do is act naturally”

Cheers to Ringo too.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 79 “Bravo” by Jefferson Jay

I was starting to feel pretty pleased with myself for writing 9 tunes in a little over an hour at this point and wrote this tongue-in-cheek tune applauding me for my greatness in practically surviving another day. Hadn’t made it to bed yet. Wouldn’t want be getting ahead of ourselves, taking things for granted, like survival and all. For those of you scoring at home, “Bravo” is tune 9 of 12 in my “Welcome EP, essentially produced exclusively for this here Operation 365 2. It helped me develop a newly profound love for the letter B. “B” was my yellow brick road for this adventure and we are about to approach the Wizard’s abode. Thanks for playing the Operation 365.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 79 “Love and Care”

Love and Care
 Both every day
I freestyle
 The old fashioned way
A splash of rhymes
 Some strummed guitar
We keep it up
Then we go far

Friday, March 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 78

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 78 “Dancing in the Moonlight” by King Harvest

Some months ago, my dear pal Blowski suggested The Jefferson Jay Band play “Dancing in the Moonlight.” I listened to it a bunch on weekend morning and was moved by how beautiful a song it is. It really conjures a positive moment in King Harvest, who whoever wrote it’s, life. I was feeling it big time. Ultimately, the band did play it and I’d bet we will again at some point too.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 78 “Wrapped in the Moonlight” by Jefferson Jay

“Wrapped in the Moonlight” is the 8th of my 12-song EP “Welcome” that I wrote in a couple hours a couple weeks ago. I gave myself a 12-song at once challenge and I learned a lot about myself. I learned I could do it, but beyond that, I allowed some hiding feelings to escape and was surprised by what they revealed. I’m not going to spoil it, but the answer is in the lyrics if youwanna and we’re just getting closer to the reveal part… or something. I had been walking Nigel the pooch on an enchanting evening when I received the inspiration and I was still warmly regarding the moonlight, when the time to write lyrics to tune 8 rolled around.


Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 78 “Disappointment City”

I’ve decided to go in the direction of musical words for Day 78’s “Words” segment. I had this idea for a song to do on The Might 1090’s “The Scott and BR Show” about the Padres hopes for the upcoming 2016 season. Long story, short, there are none. They’re going to suck, barring a major miracle, and everybody knows it. They haven’t even tried to be good actually and it’s an embarrassment. This is why they are likely to spend the entire season battling to stay out of last place and that’s one of the better-case scenarios I can imagine.

It is possible that a more polished version of this ditty will appear on the “Originals” side of this ledger, but in the event that it never does, Here’s what I think about the 2016 San Diego Padres, “Disappointment City."

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 77

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 77 “Bears” by Jefferson Jay

“Bears” is a hiking and camping song and it is tune 7 in my 12-song little EP called “Welcome” that I’ve been sharing over the last two week. So. many moons ago, I was hiking with my bandmates at the time and Derek and Spencer and we kept thinking bears were going to get us so we preemptively tried to scare the bears away from us with fearful jabs. It’s hard to imagine it worked because we weren’t very scary but we also didn’t get gored by bears, so it must have worked at least a little.

I remember another night camping. It may have been with the some folks, but I don’t remember. Well, we went to sleep and bears came by and rummaged through stuff.. Fortunately, one again, no one was harmed. I don’t remember that story that well. Who knows how close the bears really were. I wasn’t getting out to look. Once, we actually laid eyes on a non-zoo bear on one of our outdoor adventure. I believe Derek actually chased the cub and we snapped a picture or two and lived. Mama Bear stayed unseen.

So this one goes out to all you outdoor enthusiasts. I miss being one of you. I have no good reason that I haven’t been recently really. Maybe these are the songs that bring me back. I hope. The moral of this number is “beware of bears out there.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 77 “A Hard Day’s Night” by The Beatles

Here's a Beatles jam. I was still dressed in my bear-suit from the first jam. Enjoy!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 77 “Almost”

Sometimes folks, it's not what you say as much as what you don't say. Sometimes, it's all about how you say it. Many times the world has changed on a statement no one made, or one that was made that was misconstrued. It gets complicated, folks, when you start opening up your mouth and letting words fly out. I dabbled in a dark arts a tad on this one, and by that I mean the better part of valor, if you know what I'm saying. 

Alas, I could only hold my tongue so long. When the Calypso needs to creep on out of ya, you can clench those butt cheeks tight, but do so at your own peril. Calypso no take "no" for an answer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 76

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 76 “Hide Away” by Jefferson Jay

So I’ve got some big plans ahead and I am going to try to get ahead on my 365 to facilitate with such. So today is tomorrow in a way and if I can make it two weeks from now by the end to the week, even better, We’ll see. I made a little plan and here is the beginning of said plan. “

Hide Away is tune 6 of the 12 song set “Welcome” I’ve been sharing. “Hide Away” is very simple and I like it very much. It is sweet. I wanted to try to do a harmonica solo on this one. It was kind of the whole idea of the solo actually, but then I realized I play this song in D# and I’m pretty certain I have no D# harp. So, I guitared. With myself. Should this count as two videos? Judges? No.

Congrats to Bernie Sanders on winning the Michigan primary and restoring hope there sanity and reason aren’t dead for millions of Americans and Earthlings in general

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 76 “Song Sung Blue” by Neil Diamond

I am fairly stunned I didn’t do “Song Sung Blue” for the first 365. I am a very nostalgic fellow. It’s why I have a Master’s degree in History. That I a refused to burn out on music by studying it cause I had to. It worked out. What I mean is I played many of the soft rock anthems of the early 80s that my Mom cranked in her Cressida on the first go around and somehow left this gem for today. Hooray.

Neil Diamond is classic, as is “Song Sung Blue.” A thrill to play this song and travel back to 1981 it is. Love you Mom. Thanks, Neil. Thanks God. For you atheists out there, thanks to the universe, the atmosphere or whatever you want to call it that allows to all stay here alive and full of joy. What it’s called is not really the point. Thanks for life.

Hey GoPro, I think my nose looks even bigger in fish-eye. Is there something we can do about this? It’s like my nose id the star and rest of me is just Best Supporting Actor. Throw me a nose bone, will ya? I could jam the whole thing up there in this shot. I’m just joking. I like joking. More or less… OK, I cropped it so my nose is less massive-seeming. “Thank you very much.” – Latka Graves

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 76 “Don't Try This at Home”

Frankly, folks, and you may have noticed this, I do things a little differently. A little Mr. Rogers. A little Howard Stern. A little Randy Savage. A little of a lot. Much of that found its way into this little spiel that I called “Don't Try This at Home.” I considered other names, like "Reverse Rogers," "Backiotomy," "It's Enough Already" but ultimately I decided, like the 365. There are some things that are best only done by me. This video is one of them. Watch it and you'll see several reason why probably. 

I used to write songs while I drove. Many. Now I film videos. So at least I'm getting slightly safer. Safer. Softer. Calmer. Getting older ain't all bad really. Now catch me in 40 years. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 75

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 75 “The Birds and the Bees” by Jefferson Jay

“The Birds and the Bees” is the 5th of 12 jams I wrote at once two weeks ago tonight. I have been sharing them daily more or less, with the only exceptions being big things that push themselves ahead, like the “March Forth” song on March 4th and the “Juniper Jean” song yesterday because Juniper Jean was born yesterday. So back again to our story, “The Birds and the Bees.”

I started to see shortly after I finished this song that my 12 songs were unwittingly leading me to a revelation I was unaware waited inside me. Bless art for allowing us to see and share who we really are. “The birds and the bees are bouncing in my brain” the song starts. I should have known right then where this was going.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 75 “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra

I recorded a decent version of “That’s Life” a little bit ago, but my iPad ran out of juice on the last night. I figured it saved it, but it didn’t so I gotta hop back outside here in a few and try again. One on hand, that’s less than ideal. On the other hand, that’s life.

Well, I went outside and did better. Ain’t that the way it usually goes? These days, it is. Not so much on the first 365. I banged my head against the wall quite a bit on that one. Trying things over and over, getting frustrated, eventually giving up and moving on to something easier to be done. Trying, it was indeed. Life is a little smoother and I’m less agro now, plus I’m five years a better guitarist and musician, so everything helps. Gotta pitch in a be part of the process I say, That’s the only way we grow. So I raise a theoretical glass to you and offer cheers and salutations to life and it’s slow daily reveal. Thanks life, you winner, for keeping more and more titillated each day. I am deeply grateful for you.

Wikipedia says, “"That's Life" is a popular song written by Dean Kay and Kelly Gordon and first recorded by Marion Montgomery. The most famous version is by Frank Sinatra,..” Thank ‘Peed. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 75 “Making Life a FunFest”

I think people’s perspective going into things has a great deal to do with that they get out of them. I guess another way of saying this is that I believe in the power of positive thinking. To this end, I say that “day” is a boring word and hear I propose replacing it in our vocabulary with “funfest” and watch good times roll. Life is a lump of clay. You can call it that or you can call it a “magic wizard’s ball of dreams coming true.” Hey it’s your life. It’s up to you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 74

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 74 “Juniper Jean” by Jefferson Jay

Woke up bright and early to some wonderful news, the arrival of my newest friend Juniper Jean Deans. She’d be a Son of a Bunny if she was a boy but she’s not, she’s a baby queen, Queen of Rabbit Castle. I could not be happier for James and Kara and baby Juniper. A few nights ago, I was feeling her pending arrival and I penned a future classic about this blessed event.  She waited to two more days, but still arrived in the middle of the night to rainfall, as my song forecast so big thanks to the universe for all their co-operation in this downpour of happiness.

I had to do a mini-partial rewrite on this jam today as I thought my new baby friend’s name was Juniper June. It is actually Juniper Jean, a pretty big difference considering Jean was James’ mom’s name and Juniper June is slightly redundant. The good news is… nicknames exist and the chances on Baby Girl being called June in her life, several thousand times by friends and loved ones is high. So I changed a couple words, a rhyme or two and I left a handful of “Juniper Junes.” What can I tell ya? June rhymes with tune, moon, soon swoon and a lot of other good songwriting syllables. Do you think there’s ever been a rapper named Sylla-Billy? I think would be a good rap name. He’d be the punniest playa in the game. Alas, I’ve lost focus. Oy.

So, HUGE CONGRATS from everybody here at the 365 (That’s me and Nigel for those keeping score at home. We’ll throw Leanne in there too. Why not?) to “Destructo Bunny” James and Kara Deans and most of all to Juniper Jean Rose. Welcome to the funfest that is life, little lady.

If one writes something and no one ever reads it, did he really write anything at all? That’s another mystery for another day, folks. Enjoy the rain and Happy Wonderful New Baby Day to all!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 74 “Mango Walk” by The In Crowd

I found “Mango Walk” in a school book. In fact, I detailed my finding of it in a “Words” video from last week called “This Book Can’t Be That Old.” While doing some research just now as to who wrote this, I found no answers, but I DID find that “Mango Walk” was most famously recorded by The In Crowd. I’ve never heard their version, or so I thought… Their version was used in the very first “Pilot” episode of “Breaking Bad.” Apparently it plays while Walter White is stealing all the chemistry equipment out of the school. I found and played “Mango Walk” in a school so I guess there’s a parallel there.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 74 “Everything Happens for A Reason”

And thank God for that!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 73

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 73 “Binj”

Food morning. That was an accident. Maybe, I’m hungry?

Good morning and welcome the glorious and glamorous event that is this moment right here, a spectacular Sunday morning in God’s year 2016, whatever that means. How blessed can we be? Songs, pants, lemons, House of Cards. God is great! It has been a prolific funfest, this life so far, and I’m rolling. Loving it all. Fired up to have this moment to share with you. Our bond is unique and like no other, personal, or as personal as you can get in this medium. I’m in your house, in your brainstem, every day for a year. Well, where I am is up to you, but that’s a quite a statement because many if not most say home, and if they’re posting videos every day, it’s probably of them playing video games. And in this day and age, there might be a million people watching, cause it’s not bad enough we’re so mortified that we kill fake computer men for endless hours as adults, but we are even willing to watch others do it, just for yucks. I don’t get it and it doesn’t matter if I get it. If it brings you joy, that’s great. I guess it’s like God in that way. I just have too much to do personally, like this for instance, to take the time to battle in the land of fake video men. Perhaps the nature of binging is that it know no boundaries, so video game on my friends, just love life while you do so. Guilt gets you nothing but gas. Stinky ones. And that’s nothing to binge on, my friends.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 73 “Boxing” by Jefferson Jay

That said, I did carve out a little fake sliver of time to watch real men, and a couple ladies, grapple and brawl last night as I took in the last two bouts of UFC 196. That is some gladiator shit there folks. Brutal and barbaric, yet captivating and adrenaline pumping just to watch. I was pulled in by the top notch, WWE-style smack talk offered by one featherweight Conor McGregor. Instead, my wife I watched him and ladies’ champ Holly Holm get choked out, Ouch. Some sport. Not sure how much more of it I’ll make the time to see. If you watch that, you’d probably watch man fight a lion if they still did that and showed it pay-per-view. I’d like to think I wouldn’t but I just watched this so, who’s to say?

 In a matter more pertinent to me, this is my 4th of the 12 tunes I wrote all at once a couple weeks back and it’s called “Boxing.” It’s about the blows life can throw and how they can leave ya spinning for a few, like they did to Ole’ Conor last night. Another “B” word song and I was beginning, as I wrote, to notice a direction was emerging in my creative adventure. Stick and move. Stay alert, stay up, keep your guard up. Always live to fight another day. Some boxing related clichés that truly play in different contexts of the day. Context is my favorite reversible outfit.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 73 “Those Were the Days” by Lee Adams and Charles Strouse

You can always count on me for some nostalgia. I am wired that way. It’s the history in me. The deep levels of appreciation for those who came before me and made it possible for me to do anything. In this case, specifically, I am speaking of my grandparents. I vividly recall “Those Were the Days” playing many times in their house as “All in the Family” began. And there something unmistakably Jean Stapleton-esque about my grandma. It wasn’t just the singing voice but that was part of it. And like Archie Bunker, while entirely intolerant of racism of any kind, he WAS the man of his house and that also entirely unmistakable. He was a man of great integrity, my grandpa. I shudder to think of who I’d be without having known them.

So this song, and the “MASH” one too and some others, really bring me back to those innocent days that seem so far away. The late 70’s. I feel so fortunate and am so grateful to have lived the life I have so far and to have known folks as great as my grandparents. I am humble and grateful. So far, it has been a truly fantastic ride. Thanks.