Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 69

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 69 “Piece of Shiitake” by Jefferson Jay

We interrupt this posting of the 12 songs I wrote in two hours last Tuesday to bring you an emergency song I wrote last night. What is an emergency exactly? Well like Chris Rock said during his Oscars intro monologue Sunday night, “There are different kinds of racism.” I may have paraphrased that. Well, the same applies to emergencies. There are real emergencies, like when you’re trapped under a truck that’s about to explode and then there are other instances when time of the essence but life or death does not hang in the balance. This was one of those.

When the inspiration for a song, or any other art form  I imagine, arrives, the artist must seize it or risk not finishing said inspiration when creation time finally arrives. So, we sat down for dinner, discussed order options, and the inspiration came. I waited briefly, before finding paper, a pen, and making the magic happen. Like I do.

So, shout-out to Matt and Maggie (mentioned lyrically) and Ranchos, who fixed Matt’s shiitake for inspiring this fine future hymn, “Piece of Shiitake,” which, if you hadn’t gathered already, is based on a true story… like Fargo… and The Big Short.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 69 “Can We Handle the Truth?”

This morning, I went to take my lunch and was greeted by a sky that looked like no sky I saw as a child. I wish to give the government or whoever is scribble-scrabbling fake clouds in the air, the benefit of the doubt, regardless of how little they deserve it. I like to think that id the powers that be are going to spray the sky indiscriminately with chemicals without even acknowledging that they’re doing so, that there is some sort of good reason for it. One can hope and pray, right?

Perhaps this “geo-engineering” as its called on the rare occasion it’s publicly addressed is to actually protect us from global warming as some allege. Others, like the GOP, don’t even agree there is global warming. Still others, like those who made the YouTube hit “What in the World Are They Spraying?,” allege that these are particles of aluminum and other metals theoretically aimed at reflecting some of the sun’s rays back into space… OK…

You see, I watched that movie, and I was swayed slightly, but I acknowledge, I have no idea what’s happening. The main reason for that is the government won’t say. I’m here to say, I wish they would. I can take it. What I can’t take is looking up at a sky that looks doodled on with white puffy lines that escape a plane’s asshole and spread over the sky. So to fight that, I just stopped looking up for the most part. Great, right?  What I’d prefer is the truth. Unless this is some top secret thing, which it shouldn’t be, it’s everyone’s sky, I thought. I ‘d love to know the truth. I’m a big boy and believe, perhaps erroneously, that I can take it. I’d love to live in a world where the authorities trusted the people enough to tell them the truth and loved the people enough to now secretly poison them. That one’s more meant for our food supply and Monsanto, but who knows? We’ve maybe all been breathing poison for years. It’s hard to know when there’s smoke everywhere and all our leaders do is insist that there’s no fire.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 69 “Summer of 69” by Bryan Adams

Welcome to Day 69 of Operation 365 2, all 1, 6, 75 or 75,000,000 of you. Let’s face it. Nobody knows what’s going to happen so there’s no sense in guessing, I say. I was trying to come up with the best “69” song I could and believe it or not, I landed here.

I remember 7th grade at Memorial Junior High working up a little dance number for this tune, fake surfboards and everything as our “section, Section 7-9 battled the other 7th grade sections for some reason I can’t recall. It bonded me with this jam somewhat, as did being a child of the 80s. Bryan Adams was ubiquitous back then, Lots of Canadian folks were: John Candy, Rush, Jim Carrey, “You Can’t Do That on Television,” Rick Moranis, Alanis Morrisette, hockey dudes, Mike J. Fox, Pam Anderson… These guys crushed in Canadian-style into the 90s.

This continued through the first half of Michael Myers career. Then the 2nd half of Myers career ushered in the not-so-great Canadian superstar. Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Jim Carrey, Anthony Bennett, others I can’t be bothered to look up I think. I guess this dude Drake is trying to push it back in the other direction, Andrew Wiggins and too, but as you probably realized, I stopped paying attention ages ago.

So I just checked my work and apparently many likable stars these days are from Canada, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Rachel McAdams (whoever that is), Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Elisha Cuthbert (I like her). Then again the guy who played Anakin Skywalker is also Canadian, so I guess we’ll have to go back to judging people on their own individual merits and not by their nationality. Sorry, Donald Drumpf.

So here’s some “Summer of 69” for ya, mate, I mean ya hoser, or whatever they say in Canada.

Shout out to my 2 Canadian friends, future wrestling superstar, Nick Price and high-class executive, Hazel Valencia.

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