Sunday, March 27, 2016

Operation 365 2… Blog 94

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Originals – 94 “I’m Me” by Jefferson Jay

A little shaggy and haggard I am this morning, but it’s Easter. That’s got to be OK, right? We have a big gig today, Mother’s Saloon. Every gig is a big gig, when you take these things seriously. Professionalism doesn’t take off for THIS holiday. This is my 2nd Easter in 3 years, I believe, playing at Mother’s.

So, if you follow this here 365 closely, you know I’ve been writing tunes in big bunches. I already shared all 12 I wrote at once over a month ago now. And now I’m plowing through 24 tunes I wrote at once as of late. “I’m Me” is one of those. Due to traveling, busyness and other creative projects that are ongoing, I still have yet to reflect and uncover the true meaning of these 24 tunes. It’s on the mental list of things to do. I hurry to write ‘em but I sometimes take year to figure out what they actually mean. This one no exception. Maybe it means, be yourself,” or maybe it means “accept yourself." Maybe it means “be the best you, you can be.” Maybe I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Maybe you can let me know if you figure it our first.

Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 94 “Wanted: Dead or Alive” Bon Jovi

I was thinking about a former classmate from New Jersey who passed away yesterday. His name was Greg Sadowsky. I didn’t know him well, but I knew him for years, He was one year ahead of me, growing up in the same neighborhood as kids. He seemed like a nice guy and a lot of those guys a year above us, weren’t. It’s the nature of being kids, I guess. Greg was cooler than that. That’s about what I know of him. Condolences to those who knew him far better that I.

So, I’m here this Easter morning, trying to think of a cover and this song by a Jersey fellow pops into my head. One of the special needs adults I work with, likes it, so I play when she’s around. It’s not my favorite Bon Jovi tune, but it’s a classic.

On the one day a year, we celebrate resurrection and rising from the dead, I offer this one up to Greg, his family, and his loved ones. I have friends in high places (where you’re heading) and I’ve asked them to look out for you and help you out while you find your way. They are really great friends and that way. Death doesn’t touch that. In fact, it only makes those bonds far, far stronger. Everyone could use an angel. Trust me. Onward and upward.

Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 94 “Nice Chops: Hope Lives, Part One”

There’s heavenly light in the shot today. I saw a beautiful spectacle Thursday night. I was invited to MC a launch even for a leatherworks company called “Nice Chops.” Longstory short, I used to hang out on the corner of Park and Madison in University Heights, San Diego quite a bit from 2000-2003. There, a coffeehouse called Twiggs was thriving and I was honored to be part of its thriving Open Mic scene. It’s where I eventually started hosting Open Mic. Jason Mraz sprung to stardom from this scene at this same time.

Among the young energy on the street was a hard working young man named Shantih Beeman. He would carry around and practice whatever instrument he was learning. Eventually, he began doing that same thing with leather work out and about where he could see and be seen. People saw. Lines came for repairs and some of his work and eventually, a visionary named Matt Navarro coaxed Shantih out of his shell, earned his trust and invested into what is now Nice Chops Leatherworks. Shantih has some seriously nice chops.

I was extremely inspired by this organic success story. It was a thrill to participate in something so positive, authentic and hopeful. As I sat and wrote in a rocking chair at the venue, the artistic inspiration connected yet another artist to this splendid endeavor. So here is Part One of my spiel on Nice Chops. Hope lives, I was delighted to discover. I read this part to the audience assembled and they seemed to dig it. I didn’t read Part Two, but I did write and aim to share it here tomorrow.

Congratulations Nice Chops on your vision, your courage and you faith that local art and community can also lead to profit and financial prosperity. It makes the dream that much more real for all of us. It means a lot.

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