So, when you write 24 tunes at once, one of the only sure
things is that you’re going to go in a bunch of directions you couldn’t
possibly expect. That is part of how I wound up writing “Abe” a few weeks back.
The other part is I admire Abe Lincoln. I am still interpreting the meaning of
this case-of-beer sized tune blast, but it clearly and introspective bunch of
tunes, undoubtedly designed for me to figure out something about myself. I am
enjoying untangling this riddle through getting to know these tunes more
intimately, as of late.
I love history, and few historical figures are more
impressive to me than Abe Lincoln. What a selfless guy and what’d he get for
it? That’s what this song asks, but I think we all know. A bullet. He got a
penny, a five-dollar bill and a ton of resentment from folks who just liked it
better when things were less equal and free. So, here’s a shot (bad choice of
expression) so here’s a salute to my old friend Abe. He’s all of all old
friend, unless you think you’d prefer a world with slaves. If you do, to you,
alas, I have nothing to say, except, I love you and you can do a while lot
better. See Abe.
Operation 365 2– Jefferson Jay – Covers – 91 “The Battle
Hymn of the Republic” by Julia Ward Howe
Welcome to what’s become Abraham Lincoln Tribute Day on the
365 2. Here, we bring you “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” direct from the
Civil War battlefield where it was born, more in spirit than in geographical
reality. This music for this tune was written as “John Brown’s Body” by soldiers
at the onset of The Civil War in 1861. Julia Ward Howe added lyrics that were
first published in Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. (Wikipedia, without you,
what would we do?)
So here it is, played through. ‘Twas a fun thing to do.
Surprised that one wasn’t in the first 365 too. Shout-outs to Stephen B. Oates,
the man who first taught me to love Lincoln and my father-in-law, Tom Pearl, ‘cause
he loves Lincoln too. So should you.
Operation 365 2 – Jefferson Jay – Words – 91 “What If Abe
Stayed Home”
To complete our trilogy of Abe-inspired videos today, I briefly wonder, what if Abraham Lincoln decided to stay home. What if he decided to not get involved and bother himself with becoming a lawyer, then president, then freeing the slaves and ultimately, getting himself killed. These are choices we all make every day. It's not as if the world couldn't use every one of our assistance. It's not like we have no stake in the game. We're lucky there was no TV then, no Netflix. Maybe Abe would've preferred HBO GO to reading casualty reports from the front lines daily of men he'd send to their slaughter in the interests of true liberty. Now, where are we? Yes, still enjoying large pieces of the dream. They just don't really seem to fit together any more. Like there used to be a reason for the things we do as a society and it's been forgotten and no one sees a point in figuring anything about why or where it went. The American Dream is just one of the many things that's become ignored while we stare off into distraction or buy ourselves more toys with which to play. Why talk about any of this? It's to remember, but more importantly remind everybody listening, it's not too late. It's never too late.
Just like 151 years later, it's not too late to thank Abe. Thanks. I'm glad we don't live like that today.
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