Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 80 “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan
I was having fun playing “Like a Rolling Stone” for some of the Senior Citizens on one of my special needs groups. I asked them who wrote this tune. A friendly staff member spoke up, “I know.” She seemed to think everyone would know that. I knew otherwise. Seated next to me was a 24-year old gal who works there and I knew she’d probably never heard of Bob Dylan. She hadn’t. The first lady was shocked. She said, even my grandson knows Bob Dylan and he’s ten.” I answered, “Well, that’s cause he has a cool grandma.”
Not so cool, more like greedy as hell, is the fact that tickets to Bob Dylan’s upcoming San Diego performances start at $165.00 and only go up from there. Obnoxious. I hope they’re calling it “Bob Dylan: The Now Only for Rich People Tour.” Et tu, Bob? Oh, and here’s a note, Bob’s folks insist I tack on any time I cover one of his tunes.
"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bobdylan."
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 80 “Build With the Beat” by
Jefferson Jay
I was beginning to notice a theme emerging, 10 tunes into writing 12 at once a few weeks ago. I surprised myself with the words I was writing. I was taken aback by my own stream of consciousness. There is something magical when you remove yourself as much as yo can from the creative process and witness what comes out. I guess I've been mentally preparing myself for some time for the challenges ahead and these 12 tunes were like an alarm clock. It's time. Get up. Do what you're put here to do. I was slightly stunned at first, but every day I wake up more ready then the day before to take on my fate and finish off my plate. I welcome all the destiny as it shines from my horizon.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 80 “Happy Birthday
“Words” turned out to be yet another song. This song salutes the birthday of a
fine fellow named Orion Boucher. He is the bassist for The Jefferson Jay Band
and an all-around swell individual who it thrills me to tribute here, all publicly
and stuff. I hope he digs this extemporaneous number I pulled out of my
creativity hole, which (with proper admissions to the fact that I am no biologist,)
I believe is just down and to the left, from your soul bone.
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