Monday, October 31, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 312

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 312 “All Hollow’s Eve”

Folks, here we go again, it’s Halloween. Hooray. How much else is there to say? I’ve said “Happy Halloween.” I’ve said, “October Is the Whole Halloween.” Yet, oddly, I remain compelled to sing something Halloween-y on this uniquely spooky celebration situation. So, what else tyo do but improvise? That I did. Through a verse, a chorus, and then some. All here for you. All on Halloween. Maybe this song could even be sweller with a little time and revision, but alas, ye ole 365 makes no such allowances. Onward, we rise. Shout-out to all the homey ghosts and goblins. Represent yourselves.

I don’t even know what “All Hollow’s Eve.” IT DOESN’T MATTER what “All Hollow’s Eve” MEANS… or does it….???? HAHAHAHAhahahahSHASHHSHSHShsh

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 312 “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” by The Georgia Satellites

As a lad, I did when many 80's ridden lads and lasses did, and that was watch MTV. That was back when the "M" in MTV really meant something. I remember the video for “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” and it spooked ma a little. Oh yes. Happy Halloween. All those talk of hugging, kissing and wedding rings. It was provocative. It even had a little of that rural Halloween hayride feel to it. 

I didn't have a great feel for what was and wasn't bad words back then, but I knew something sexy was lurking somewhere in the  shadows of this song and it titillated little me. Here we are, years later, on Halloween, lurking in the shadows ourselves, putting this little video back on the new MTV, Youtube, where folks watch music videos. “Keep Your Hands to Yourself.” Well, what if I don't want to keep my hands to myself. I think that's what I thought back then that seemed salacious. If Donald Trump doesn't keep his hands to himself, why should I have to? That's the obnoxious little kid in me. Glad to know he's still hiding in there somewhere. Maybe I'll dress up as him for Halloween. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 312 “Needles Bad, Candy Good”

Folks, nasty rumors hit the scene some decades back that psychopaths were putting needles into kid's candy. Now, I am not here to embroil the 365 in any sorts of controversies, but I feel we can say, sans trepidation, that we, the Operation 365, are whole-heartedly against this kind of deplorable behavior. Folks, that's not what needles are for. Let;s leave them in the hands of professionals, doctors, seamsters and the like. Thank you. I'm Jefferson Jay and I approved this message. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 311

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 311 “Colorado”

Not sure I’ve mentioned this but I love Colorado. Not enough to leave California, but definitely enough to visit any chance I get. In fact, I wish I could go visit ASAP. It is amazing there. I love my cousins Bevy and Art and the great Chase Livingston. I also respect their progressive laws, enabling adults to decide for themselves what to put in their body. Respect for adults, I love it. And now, California with Election Day just over a week away, may be following in their footsteps. I support freeness.

I was in Colorado a few years ago and was profoundly feeling this power the state and emboldened me with and I wrote an EP, about 6 songs about that great state. Hail Colorado. Here is one of those songs. Hope to see you all again soon.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 311 “Country Roads” by John Denver

Folks, please be careful flying. I was reading some details today on the historic and stately political career of Hillary and Bill Clinton. Poor folks have been cursed by losing dozens of people they worked closely with on unfortunate and ill-timed plane and car crashes, and shootings. My condolences to them on their extensive losses.

Further condolences also go out to John Denver, also the victim of a fatal plane situation. Today, we salute Colorado and Denver and their forward thinking ways on the 365. SO hail John Denver. Hail everyone who died too soon. Hail all the Clinton’s ex-colleagues. God rest their souls. And hail my dear friend Shannon, who passed away this weekend under what can only be described as confusing circumstances. Hail.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 311 “Wife Wisdom”

So, I was struggling to get my music groove on a sleepy Sunday. I tried and tried and fumbled and floundered. I have been mostly saving my selection of songs written for my Christmas plays. Did you know I direct and write Christmas plays for special needs adults? I do. It’s very gratifying.

I wrote this tune “Swiss Cheese” for one of those plays. I almost even shared it today. My wife had a few thoughts on that. Here, I share those thoughts with you..

Shout-out to 311, whose songs I did not cover, on Day 311.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 310

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 310 “October Is the Whole Halloween”

Just found out a close friend from college, Shannon Corwin passed away. Takes a bit of the gusto out of my fun posts for today. A friend, recently, said “October Is the Whole Halloween,” on the eve of October, when I suggested Halloween wasn't for a month still. I thought it was cute and cathy so I wrote a song about it. Since then, her young daughter has had surgery for a brain tumor and is OK. Thank God. There is no way to understand what happens in the world. Faith can get you through, but through tough times... that's why they call it a leap.

So, nobody knows how Shannon died. I am too upset to do much but wonder. I have this responsibility though so I will bust it out so can let my brain go where it needs to on this suddenly dark day. It was very recently when I called Shannon to tell her another friend of ours from college had died. We talked a couple times then and shared our love for our fallen friend, caught up a little and agreed to talk more. We didn't, but who know how fleeting our opportunity would be. So sad.

Folks, do stuff today... if you really want to do it. There may be no tomorrow. Love can't wait.

Shannon, you shined so brightly, it couldn't be missed. We were beyond fortunate to welcome you into our little male-dominated world in 1993. You shook it up and radiated while you did so. It came naturally to you. You continued to glow as an adult and every time I spoke to you I was so soothed to see you had found your way with your husband, your art and your digs in what we all know is a labyrinth of a world that we share. Rest in peace, Shannon. I miss you.

Extreme condolences to your family and friends who got to enjoy experiencing your zest far more frequently that I.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 310 “Your Time Is Gonna Come” by Led Zeppelin

I guess all of our time comes. We never like to think of it that way. Of course. Who would? No matter how "great" death may be. we don't now and life is pretty great too. Most of us would just assume stay. We can't. Savor those special times, because they may need to last forever. I planned to sing this song with a heavy Jewish accent for fun, for a goof. I couldn't conjure it when it came time to play, so I did it sort of straight. Here it is. Cranked a lot of Zeppelin back in the day. College and stuff...

Hail Shannon Corwin. God rest her soul. If there's someone you want to talk to. If there's someone you want to tell that you love them, do it today. Do it every day you can, because one day, perhaps when you least expect it, it's gone.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 310 “Do It Today”

Circumstances lead me to finishing today's post with a brief and serious message. Facebook informed me a dear friend from college passed on. No answer yet on how, why or when, but in reality, I guess it doesn't matter that much how, or why or when. What does matter is "if." If you told someone you love them. If you took the time to make time when you had the chance. If you did or if you didn't most likely, thank God, you still can. But don't wait, 'cause we don't get to now when the "most likely" stops and the "too late" begins.

So, if there's someone you cherish, however you know them, wherever they are, chase 'em down right now and talk to 'em. Share that air. Feel that love. Rest in peace, Shannon. I feel honored to know you. So many excellent times. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 309

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 309 “Shifting Views”

Hi there. A few weeks back, some of you may recall, that I was going through a little crisis trying to get a car I had just bought on the road. It was trials and tribulations, but I have been thrilled this last week or so to put it behind me. So now, that we are back to even roughly. I have a car. It is on the road legally. It works. 

So now what? I am interested in building a positive future with this vehicle. Although we started with a rough few weeks, my interest lies in making a life, depending daily on my new ride. So how and where to begin becomes the question. I wrote “Shifting Views” yesterday expressly to explore this idea. I need to shift my views and move forward in love. I thought writing this song could only be a step in the proper direction. So the point of this is that, essentially. Wish us well. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 309 “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett

Big week for zombie programs. Nothing more appealing than some mortifying fun on a Sunday night. This is why I chose to pass on The Walking Dead, No thanks. I'm sure it;s great, but there are more than enough disgusting brain-scarring things in life without zombies, bat smashing and brain-eating. Now don't get my wrong. I enjoy spooky Halloween fun as much as the next guy. Nobody respects spooky Halloween fun as much as me. So here is a little zombie homage, spontaneously acted out by some talented friends of mine. No troubadours were mortally wounded in the making of this "Monster Mash" video. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 309 “Is it Food”

Folks be eating a lots a things these days that hardly qualify as food. Anything gummy or sour patch. Step into a Slim Jim? Who knows? Here I touch on this nutritional mystery and a number of other elements which add to a perfectly delightful rant on a fabulous Friday? Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? More importantly, is it edible?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 308

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 308 “Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog

Sometimes I am a guest on the Mighty 1090's Scott and BR show. We have a great time. Another member of the show is the lovely and talented Linda Welby. Her husband is also a musician here in San Diego. His band is called Temple of the Dad. That is clearly a play on the name of the Seattle supergroup, Temple of the Dog. I can't prove it, but it's clear. I went so far in my homage that the Credits panel accidentally says "Temple of the Dad" instead of " Temple of the Dog."

Are there accidents or just on purposes we've yet to understand? Who could say? So here is my Eddie Vedder and my Chris Cornell, all in one sweet, fell swoop. Dig it. Life is fun. Ain't it?

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 308 “The Middle of Maze”

Been having a blast lately making songs up for you. Tunes that would otherwise never exist, brought to creation expressly for the purpose of sharing them with you. There are so many things we can lose sight of in the traffic in madness of daily life. We can forget to write songs. We can forget we even wrote songs. That’s how many things go down.

So this was a fun rollick through the key of C with some lyrics improvised all to celebrate life, liberty, happiness and you. Peace

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 308 “Pushing the Conversation Forward”

So, capping up some rants from radio practice Monday, here I chat about the type of things I'd aim to accomplish heading into these sorts of shenanigans. I want to look a little deeper into the real role of sports in our lives and how we can all get the most possible out of our lives here together.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 307

To improvise is to be alive.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 307 “Meaning to Scream”

I was feeling good n' fired up the other day, making up some pretty neat ditties. It was fun. I sat and I saw a sign. It was the on the monitor behinds me. I felt the vibe and created. So this song is wung and by that I mean I winged it. So, I hope you feel the fun dark vibe in this one. Groovy.

Got gigs the next three nights; Open Mic tonight and Open jam tomorrow. Both hosting gigs. Both at Winston's, 1921 Bacon St. SD, CA 92107. Both from 6 to 9. Much love. Great times. Then Friday, an awesome and inspiring year of Acoustic Evenings at The Athenaeum concludes. Both Spring and Fall sessions were beyond my wildest expectations. Incredible experiences, honestly. John Tafolla, Lena Evans, and Justin Werner deliver the goods Friday night at 7:30, 1008 Wall Street. La Jolla, CA. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 307 “Landslide” by Stevie Nicks

So, I've talked a bit here about my work and much I dig doing it. In case you don't know I do much with special needs people. We do all kinds of musical things. I write songs for them to perform. I work with them on other songs that we play out from time to time. "Landslide" was one I thought my friend, Chelse here could sing beautifully. We worked hard on it for a long time and now I am delighted to be able to share that work here with you.

I also write and direct really fun Christmas musicals and our early work on "The Hunt for The Great Christmas Tree 4: One for the Ladies" couldn't be going more smoothly. It is deeply gratifying. I hope you enjoy this taste of what we do. It truly is a gift to live it and to get to pass that gift along is more rewarding than my ability to express it in words allows me to express. It is a profound and humble joy.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 307 “Powerful Women & Why Sports Matter”

Not the catchiest name I could have come up with for this. I've been practicing my radio rap a bit as of late. I mentioned this yesterday. Here's another all-over-the-place rant from my Monday talking work-out. Here. I hit a million topics in a few minutes. I talk about why women are powerful, what makes a great team, why we love sports, teams that embarrass, things I'm not responsible for and a different tact for Chargers coach Mike McCoy to consider. Honestly, there's probably 15 more things in there too, but you'll have to watch if youwanna know, I know Arnold Schwarzenegger and his second family came up, Daryl Boston, Bartolo Colon, shields...

We are all one. I try to prove it, by talking about every single thing each time I get going into a microphone. We have limited time to talk. Let's make sure we don't miss anything. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 306

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 306 “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)” by Ylvis

“The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)” is a song I would likely have never done for this here 365, if one of the special needs gals at my work wasn’t so into it. Maybe if it were a few years ago… She literally wears this cute little paper fox hat she made every day. So eventually, it would have downright non-sporty of me, to not give the tune a go for her, so I did. Here, using movie magic, I even made this version here interesting. Hooray interesting!   

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 306 “Outside”

This here latest "Originals" is a tribute to one of my all-time favorite places, "Outside." Yes, inside is great. No offense to inside. In fact, I just realized I already have a song called "Inside." How neat. I think it may be the first time I have two songs whose names are opposites. The "Inside" song is about managing in prison, so it's not a perfect opposite, but and "in" and out," well, they're just plain different unless you're talking California's popular and ubiquitous burger chain, in which case, like the rest of us, they're all one.

No, this song salutes the first place Adam and Eve hung out. The place where they got in all that trouble with the snake, "Outside." I dig outside. The air tends to be freshest there. That's where I go see most sports games. Bed isn't there, but most other awesome things are. Sun, trees, ocean, mountains, I could go on and on. Now, I don't wish to be hearing from any hermitish, homebody naysayers mentioning all kinds of natural disasters, tsunamis, tornados and the like. Volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes... quicksand!!! They exist. They're petrifying. 

 Let's move on. Outside rocks and if you don't think so, you likely best be getting out there more. Dogs love it. Case closed. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 306 “Sports Radio Practice”

Folks, you just never know what opportunities will arise in this incredible little thing we call life. I for one, have no idea what will happen ever, therefore, all you can do is be prepared in the event that events occur. So I gotta stay sharp. I have been volleying some ideas in my brain and now I'm taking it one step further by putting literally putting some of these ideas into practice. I hope to "make perfect" some day and I think we all know quite well that practice is the only way to approach that destination. 

So that's it. Here's a few thoughts, recorded on a Monday about the weekend int eh NFL, my fantasy football showdown with my wife and whatever other words escaped my list during these few moments of practice for whatever opportunities await.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 305

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 305 “Me and Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin

So when it says by “Janis Joplin” up there, that doesn’t mean I think Janis Joplin wrote “Me and Bobby McGee.” She didn’t. Kris Kristofferson did. But she made it famous. Essentially, it should say “made popular by Janis Joplin.” Oh well. In the first 365, I was much more fascinated with facts and figures, like who wrote what song and when and why. That was fun and I was into the interestingness of it all, somewhat, but for this here 365, I have just had other priorities creatively than talking all about exactly who wrote all these songs. So Hail Kris, Hail Janis and Hail Bobby. I don’t sing low song about just anyone you know.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 305 “Daily Persevere”

I made up this little rhythm n’ melody the other day while working with my peeps. Much fun, it was. A simple song, “Daily Persevere” asks questions about where we’re going and what we’ll find when we get there. What we can do to stay in the game when the moments happen is to “Daily Persevere.” Keep on truckin’ with your chin up and your mind wide open.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 305 “2016 World Series Prediction”

Long day. lots of work. So excited. Psyched to interview Phil Rivers. Until then, here's my World Series Prediction. Earlier on the 365, I correctly predicted Peyton Manning and the Broncos to upset the whoever-they-played. Enjoy what may some day be "The Best Show You Ever Heard.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 304

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 304 “The Gun Powder Blues”

Welcome to another glorious Sunday, full of football, couch time, and many other American mainstays. Some years back, now this may shock you, but The Chargers were polarizing the local community with their unparalleled ability to rip defeat from the jaws of victory. I was doing my semi-regular bit as a contributor to The Scott and BR Radio Show on 1090AM in San Diego from 3-6PM PST or

The Chargers sometimes wear their slick-looking "powder blue" jerseys. This song plays on that phrase, by adding the combustible nature of their play to this song's moniker. So, enjoy this Philly Rivs (aka Phillip Rivers) inspired classic and go Chargers. Two in a row? The impossible dream? If anyone has miracle access, (how ironic is that) it's got to be Jesus-BFF, Phil Rivs.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 304 “Neighbor Rock”

Yesterday, I headed into my front yard, by my slick sign, to make some melodic magic for you. This band down the street was rocking out hard. They played for hours. As I sat and began to jam, I was loudly feeling the tune these dudes were playing, so I went with it. I ascertained the chord structure. (Ha!) It was D-A-G-A, I believe. and  rocked out and sang about them. 

I thin I accidentally slipped into some pop song from whenever that I don't know. Credit to whoever wrote "Doot-doot-doot. Doo-doo-doot-doo", or whatever it's really called. I meant to cut that part out but I forgot. Hail Nigel the Wonder Dog. We are so proud of him. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - BONUS – 304 “So Much Things To Say” by Bob Marley

I was feeling that I had a lot to say, but few words with which to say it yesterday. That naturally led me back to “So Much Things To Say.” I was feeling, it, playing it, right up until the screen that has the words on it faded to black. Battery death. At least they reincarnate, right? So I played the chunk of it I could and then I realized during the posting part of this effervescent exercise, that I'd done this tune about 100 days ago. Oh well. Here it is as a buns, because I can. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 304 “Johnny B. Goode” by Chuck Berry

Can't get much more classic rock n' roll-wise than “Johnny B. Goode.” I cut my rock n' roll teeth as a high school student. My school had a unique "club" called The Boptones. The Boptones were a student/teacher rock band. We practiced classic rock tunes on Sunday afternoons and in May we played a sold-out 800-seat auditorium. Talk about an intoxicating way to launch one's rock career. It made a profound impact on me. Honestly.

Every year, they would change the "setlist" for the show, with one exception, “Johnny B. Goode.” Everybody would play on this one. Solos galore. Verses for each of the main senior singers in the group. Seminal stuff. I'd been saving this one, all the way through the first 365 in 2011. Tuesday, a new friend requested it and I knew the time had come. Cheers and thanks to my new friend, The Boptones, and everyone who ever spent a second in that influential act.

More relevance. “Johnny B. Goode” made an impression on another generation of humans with it's inclusion in the 1985 film, "Back to the Future." In that motion picture's sequel, the future found The Chicago Cubs as World Champions. Well, congratulations to the long-time "lovable losers" on making their first World Series since before my parents were born. 

Finally, a last congratulations is in order to none other that the Father of Rock n' Roll himself, Chuck Berry. Earlier this week I nervously clicked on his name as I saw he was "trending" on Yahoo or some other average website. I clicked with my metaphorical fingers crossed, hoping to not to learn of his passing. Delighted I was, to see that was "merely" releasing his first new CD in 35 or so years at the age tender age of 90. Another terrific accomplishment. I am proud to live in a world where a a man can not only "invent" rock n'roll but then live another 60 years, watching it grow before jumping right back in and lengthening his legacy.  Hail everybody over 90. 

There are few universal goals. People disagree on a multitude of things, quite obviously, evidenced in part by our trainwreck of an election that will mercifully conclude soon. One thing, I would hope we could all agree on is a desire to live a happy healthy productive life into out ninth decade. While it seems that would be nice, I believe, everything happens for a reason, so hail it all. Hail everything. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 303

Victory is in the eyes of the victor.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 303 “Ventura Highway” by America

Earlier this week at work, a new person showed up and joined the party. She has a magnetic personality and we were singing along in no time. A truly charming young lady, she is. So she requested "Ventura Highway." She sang it actually, which only helped a little, 'cause even though it is a classic rock hit, I don't really know it. I was able to figure out what song it was though. I think she said "America," or something and I came up with it. Here we have a little song along on this classic, that for whatever reason, I hardly know. It is a pretty song... I think, so I may have to check it out for reals some time. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 303 “Floating in the Sublime”

Later that same work day I believe it was Tuesday, I went to a different room and conjured this melodic contribution extemporaneously. Ahh, fun syllabic words. I did this today a couple times too actually, but those I'll save those for another day soon. I was really feeling it today. This other day, well, to be honest, I don't really remember that happening so much, so... I really can't say. That said, it sounded cool and share-worthy, so here we are. I guess I'll listen to it some now, at least enough to gather it a name. If I have more thought on this after that. I'll share them here. I promise.

Glad I stuck with this one, 'cause I few minutes in, something resembling a hook happened. Hooray. Whew. This song was almost called "Where We Go." That was close. Not that that's a terrible song name. It's OK. But it could be any song. I prefer “Floating in the Sublime.” Strongly.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 303 “On Naysayers and Nonsensers”

Why say "Nay" when you can say "Hey" or Yeah?"
Both perfectly fun things to say. Hooray.

Why be a nonsenser denfenser?
I like human beings named Spencer.

Dogs too. 
Hail Spencer.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 302

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 302 “Horrors Hush Me”

Hello. Here’s a little Halloween time of the year type song. I can’t remember exactly how I wrote it, but I think it was in a school teaching some kids how to write songs. Probably in October.

Tonight, The Jefferson Jay Band once again, takes it to the streets, Bacon Street,  Mother’s Saloon, specifically for another one of our much-beloved music concerts. That’s right. Come grab your tricks and treats for a Friday night with us… if you dare. Hahahahaha.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 302 “Don’t Let It Bring You Down” by Neil Young

I love this Neil Young tune. I did not have the time or patience to put my guitar in the awesome alternate tuning he plays “Don’t Let It Bring You Down” in, but please, “Don’t Let It Bring You Down.” It’s different and sometimes, that’s just the way things need to be. We must embrace it. I know an entire political party is based on trying to slow change and/or keep things the way they are, but in my opinion that is a foolish quest, destined to fail.

Now, don’t get me wrong, love traditional things, I do. Unfortunately, the traditional things some people love are racism, misogyny, chauvinism, inequality, ethnocentrism, anti-Semitism and a million other –isms that had outlasted their usefulness forever ago.

Folks, change is a part of life. Otherwise we’d all still be babies pooping in our Pampers. Now I don’t know about you, as great as I’m sure that was, I don’t miss it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 302 “Lou Da Man”

Are you the man? You may be. Even if you’re a gal, you may be the man. It’s possible, actually it’s possible in a while litany of ways, none of which I intend to get into right now. Today, for the purposes of this here 365, Lou is the man. “Lou Da Man.” technically, he is a dog man. Shout-out to King’s X. See you tomorrow. Thanks.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 301

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 301 “The Edginess of Youth”

Some years back I found myself at a college football game. Free tickets I believe. My friend produces the KGB Sky Show, a local annual event where they blow up awesome fireworks along with some rockin’ music. Because it was college football, many youths surrounded us on all sides and I couldn’t help but hear their collegiate conversations. Let’s just say they weren’t super scholarly. I could hardly take it honestly, after awhile. So I diverted myself by writing this song, right there at my seat, about “The Edginess of Youth.” It’s a song and it helped me make it through the 4th quarter, so hooray it. College seems so long ago when I think back on the day I wrote this song.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 301 “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” by Jackie DeShannon

Some of the folks I work with were getting pumped up to do a singing/sign language version of this jam recently. I had fun playing it with them and here we are. I never heard of  Jackie DeShannon, but that doesn't mean she's not amazing. She wrote this jam with her brother. Isn't that nice. Hail Jackie and feel the love. That's what its all about.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 301 “Happy Birthday Don”

Today would be the 42nd birthday of one of my main men of all-time, Don Truesdail. Here, I share a few thoughts on the impact he had in my life and how grateful I am for our continuing connection. Don was a big part of the original Operation 365. This "Words" section was an "Archives" section where I shared many performances from some of my fine friends, filmed at shows I put on back then. I made a point to share all the video I have of Don, aka "The Parlor City Bard." I covered his music, told our story in the blogs and essentially did everything in my power to see to it that his legacy lives on.

Just last week, friends and family of Don's, tributed the man and his music at an event called Don Fest. I wish I could have been there but I am so thrilled they did that and all got to experience and celebrate Don's life's work. Well, I'll leave it at that for now. So much has already been said, but hail, my brother, and if you want to know a little more real quick, just click, 'cause I tell a story or two in this little homage to my friend, “Happy Birthday Don.”

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 300

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 300 “Too Far Gone”

Folks, few days are more red-letter in a 365 than Day 300. That means you are pretty far along, far too far along to abandon ship. Yes, we are approaching consummation of a second 365. Who else in the world does this? Who else can? Nobody. Am I bragging? I don't think so. I think it is fact. 

Now another fair question is, so what? Big deal. I wouldn't want to do that, one might argue. That is fair, I say, but that does not change the fact that I did and no one else has and being the only one on the planet who knows what goes into it, I'm not predicting anyone else ever will. Is it healthy? Absolutely. A little work every day, Some creativity, some productivity, Absolutely. How about doing stuff on days you don't want to? It builds character. It doesn't kill you, therefore, it makes you stronger. I feel stronger because of it. It just goes to show how far you've got to go to do something no one else has done at this point in the world's existence.  

So, this song is not about 365ing. In fact it's about something that's equally illogical though, falling in love. If you fall in love, you're already too far gone, There's no easy way out. Someone may get hurt. That is love. I'm predicting no one takes on an injury in the final 65 days of this intellectual exercise, but you'll have to stay tuned to see for sure. That's life for ya. Unpredictable. Like why would you even do a second 365. Because I can. That's why. Maybe I'm just "Too Far Gone."

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 300 “A Higher Place” by Tom Petty

Heard a band playing some Tom Petty song I never here bands play live the other day. It wasn’t this one. It was one from the “Wildflowers.” It was “Cabin Down Below.” I love that record. That cover of theirs inspired me to seek out this cover of mine. I may do that “Cabin Down Below” number some time soon as well. I think every day is a gift and if you are able to enjoy those gifts, you will indeed matriculate to a higher place.

Great music can aid you on your way. Accomplishments are the gateway. Creativity. Productivity. Day 300 is nice. I am taking a moment to reflect and appreciate what I’ve done here with you so far. Thanks for existing. May we all graduate to “A Higher Place.” That is the reason for the season. God bless.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 300 “The Meaning of 300”

Here, we take a final minute on Day 300 to reflect on the historic significance of this number. In some sports, bowling and baseball, for instance, the number 300 is a symbol of greatness, excellence if you will, even, dare I say, perfection. That’s right. Here, we bask and examine, just a little bit, what it means to have traveled so far down this unique creative avenue. I love you. Thanks for your support and if you make it back some time in the last 65 days ‘round here, we’ll leave the light on for ya. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 299

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 299 “Bee Interrupt This Program”

The Operation 365 brings you exclusive continuing coverage of the bee discovered yesterday. While our sleuth units have been digging 24-7 into the bee’s past, we have yet to uncover answers to the hard-hitting questions that are out there. Who is this bee? Will he be claiming the Republican nomination for President some time in the future. Is the bee even male? No one knows yet, but we at O365 are committed to getting you accurate answers and fast. Here is additional footage that we have acquired. It was filmed yesterday we believe and definitively shows that this bee may or not not be up to some serious shenanigans.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 299 “Bee”

Folks, Bee mania has swept the nation. Songs are popping up from all fifty states saluting this pioneer, this hero, this bee. To bee, folks? The answer can only be a resounding, “Yes!” Please enjoy Operation 365’s contribution to the story that’s taking the nation by storm, this mysterious and magnificent bee.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 299 “Free to Be You and Me” by The New Seekers

So, when I was a youngster, we had the record for “Free to Be You and Me.” I think a lot of people did. It was quite popular. I dug it. It was hip, as in hippie, more than hipster. Mel Brooks, "It's Alright to Cry," and the seminal title classic. Here it goes. No, banjo, but lots of love and soul. 

Shout-out to the bee that's taken over the news cycle and thew airwaves. I think what folks love most about the bee is it's freeness to be whatever it needs to be. No one will put it in a box, or a hive, as they case may be. No, this be is free, just like you and me, long to be. We love the bee for it's giant freeness, but will that be enough to lead it to the election in 2020? It's not to late to clearly see the power of the be.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 298

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 298 “Yankees Vs. A’s”

“Yankees Vs. A’s” was written as the disclaimer to al my other songs. I wrote it many years ago and am surprised it didn’t make it into the 365. I wrote it in the 90’s. 98 sounds right. In Denver. While watching a Yankees-A’s game. I think I may have a Yankee’s vs. Rangers” song somewhere too, but it wasn’t as significant or memorable as this one. It’s in a notebook in there. I like this tune and had fun playing it today.

Very very briefly, I was in a band called JJ & The Hustlers. It was the first band I fronted with my tunes really. It was only together for two gigs but it was fun. We played “Yankees Vs. A’s” heavy in that band. I hadn’t really imagined it that way I was thinking more cheesy and loungey… smarmy. But it was fun. Sounded really Primus-y. Maybe I’ll share that one of these years, Hail all my friends form way back then in JJ & The Hustlers. Positive memories.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 298 “Wonderwall” by Oasis

I don't really have too many serious thoughts about Oasis or "Wonderwall" I know they are polarizing, but I am nonplussed. I wonder if I used that word right. Probably not. I don't care right now. I know they have an album called "What's the Story, Morning Glory?" and I know morning glory is pretty hard core stuff. I think it attacked me. Well, maybe I attacked it first. I'm not sure. More at 11. 

I do know its great when you can love your brother... 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 298 “BEE 2016”

BREAKING STORY: Folks, we have a huge exclusive here on the 365. It is going to trump all other stories in 2016 and we’re the first network on the scene with this bee. There is still a great deal of intrigue and mystery as to the details of who this bee really is. We can not say for certain what organizations he may be linked to. We can’t even say for certain that it is a he. What is certain is that we will be covering this story with the gravitas and journalistic integrity that a story of this nature demands. The public demands and deserves answers and The Operation 365 is your #1 for sure source into the news that matters most. We will now return to our regular programming, but we will be braking in with updates as this situation unfolds.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 297

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - BONUS – 297 “I Am... I Said” by Neil Diamond

Neil Diamond is just about the funniest guy when it goes to being way serious about your music making. I love his delivery and it is almost impossible to not have fun while sing Neil's songs. I was feeling. I let it roll. I even checked to make sure I hadn't done “I Am... I Said” in the first 365. It seemed to pass that test, but as I was preparing it for postage, I checked one more time. I had a funny feeling... Yep. In the last week of the first 365 in 2011, I “I Am... I Said"-ed hard. So back to the drawing board. A little extra work on a Sunday. I decided to post it anyway. Why not? What the heck.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 297 “Zsa Zsa Gabor”

I was being silly and started singing a song about Zsa Zsa Gabor. I said she is 94. Let me check and me see if that is true. Wow. It turns out she is 99. My friend Dan cast aspersion on her noble character, joking I'm sure but I censored it, 'cause I think censorship is great.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 297 “A Little from the Love Fest”

We went to an incredible party last night celebrating the marriage of our friends Laura and Dan. It was exactly as special as a party of that nature should be. Inspiring. Great music. Fine beverages. A cheese truck and some long-time friends. Great people. They called the party "The Love Fest" and it was a fitting moniker indeed. This song is a little happy hangover from the Fest. I brought a couple of the images that linger to life and then sang about love, because that is the reason for the season, every season. Cheers to Laura and Dan. We wish you a life of love and more of the excellence to exhibit each day you exist, Thanks for including us. We love you. Hope to hang again real soon.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 297 “1968” by Turnpike Troubadours

So, I thought I had a cover ready to go before I realized I already did “I Am... I Said” five years ago. So I thought, what should I do? Maybe I'll play the #1 song in the country, whatever that is. Well, miraculously I already did that tune, "Closer" by The Chainsmokers. I've still never heard it, but I did do it a couple weeks back.

Then, I thought, there's 68 days left in this 365. 1968 was one of the most interesting years in American history, so I wondered if there was a tune called "1968." I typed "1968" and "chords" into Google and found this tune by another group I've never heard of, "Turnpike Troubadours." Pretty straight forward and fun song to play. Sounds like it was written about a friend of theirs who died in 1968. I'm not sure. Hope you like it. Have a great day. Peace

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 296

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 296 “69”

Every day’s a cause to celebrate. They’re all red-letter days if you let ‘em be. Today, I’m a whoopin’ and hollerin’ ‘cause there’s only 69 days left in this here 365. This little numerical fact had me all inspired so I did what I do. I busted out my unnamed guitar and let the creative juices flow. When it was sang and done, a new tune was born and it sounded a whole heck of a lot like this.

Last night, I’d be remise to not mention, was another incredible evening of music at La Jolla’s Athenaeum Music & Arts Library. I am proud to produce what is truly becoming one San Diego’s finest music series, Acoustic Evenings at The Athenaeum with Jefferson Jay. Every night in this city, fabulous acts, national, international and local take to stages and do amazing. Honestly, far more than our million or so constituents can take in. Regardless, Jimmy Patton, Enrique Platas, Danielle Summerville, Case Ainley, Jimmy Dugan and George Narvaez joined me to put on a show for the ages for those blessed to be a part of it.

I have not been in a room where so many minds were blown in many years. Everybody played brilliantly, beautifully, but what Jimmy and Enrique do is so far beyond what can be believed. Even seeing it, does very little to remove the mysticism from their magic. Wow. Compliments were flying in all directions. Special things are happening here in this city. If the world were ever to find out, they’ be enraged with us for hoarding these sublime talents and allowing them to remain in obscurity in a world so desperately in need of proper inspiration. In the meantime, we musically, spiritually, and creatively soldier on, making our own personally epiphanies in lieu of any meaningful response from the public-at-large.

That said, I am not complaining, quite the contrary in fact. In a world where so many long for authenticity, organic experiences and art and experiences that are meaningful and true, we have more of these that we know what do with. We are blessed in this regard and we remain open, available and interested and sharing what makes our space and our selves so special with the rest of the waiting world. I hope when they discover us, we’re still around to share our sentient nature with their souls. Thanks to all who came and/or played at the show. That’s truly what living and sharing spiritually rewarding moments on Earth is all about.

Last night the theme of our show was “thinking outside the box.” I shared the fact that producing CDs forced me to find “outside the box” solutions to the types of technical problems that invariably pop up in the course of making a record. I talked about how our afore-mentioned musicals built “outside the box thinking” into their approach to doing what they do. Then to match my words with actions, I improvised a song for the audience to start the show. I even let them pick the tropics. Would you believe they had me sing about “Trump” and “Hillary…” and “gardening.” So I did, I think I even managed to avoid alienating anyone entirely. Hooray! So, here I did it again today, this time choosing my own topic of interest, the fact that as of today only 69 days remain in this labor of life, known as the Operation 365 2.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 296 “Oh, Brett Walling”

It was a Sunday night, about an era ago. A select group of us were hanging out enjoying the regular Sunday night  act at the venue I called home for years, Portugalia. Things commonly got crazy at The Port, which was one of the things that made it such a fun and interesting place to be. Our act this night was duo from the rock outfit, Chimney Fish, singer/songwriter Brett Walling and guitarist Jeff Shaefer.  Those two really knew how to whoop it up and some of these unsung Sundays were among the most memorable nights of the whole thing for those fortunate enough to be in attendance.

One night Brett was really on fire. He broke a string, “borrowed” Jeff’s guitar to finish the set, which he did but not before I encouraged him to sing this little song I wrote at that moment. That song is this song, “Oh, Brett Walling,” which I reproduce here under far more sedate circumstances. Best wishes, Brett. I, for one, will be marking out at the Chimney Fish reunion, whenever the universe deems it time.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 296 “Destruction Device” by Justin Mills

“Destruction Device” is a song I intended to play as soon as I began this second 365. Justin Mills is a friend of mine, formerly of Open Mic. I even enjoyed the pleasure of backing him on bass for a piece of time. I sang a song I wrote for he and his new wife Raquel, some months earlier in this endeavor. I love Justin’s songwriting. Even though, for most intents and purposes, he is retired as a musician, I can’t allow his incredible body of work to completely fade into the past. I love it far too much. And I am not the only one. Justin made quite a musical impression on many of talented folks who were gathered back in the Portugalia Era.

I love this song. Who knows what details Justin had in his head with this metaphor of a “Destruction Device.” There are so many dysfunctional parts of the world, it’s hard to guess and that number has only multiplied since he wrote this song years ago. It sure resonated to me in regards to our current 2016 presidential election. I don’t know what could be more destructive than the empty rhetoric and transparent corruption that illustrates this battle from all sides.

In any case, I tried to bring some of the snide spirit Justin brought his satire and I hope you all enjoy his brilliance as much as I do. Justin, if you read this, I am hereby issuing the first invitation to the ten-year anniversary show of our 2008 “24 Hours of Free Music” masterpiece of a concert/day. I have no idea exactly where or when it will be. I guess there’s a chance it won’t even happen, but I hope it does and I hope if it does, you decide to unretire once again and honor us with your array of incredible songs. Unsung humans everywhere folks. What a gift to exist in these cosmos, surrounded by millions of anonymous stars.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 295

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 295 “Paul Revere” by The Beastie Boys

Today’s theme is “thinking outside the box.” I am hosting a concert tonight at The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library in La Jolla. It is going to be awesome. It is all musicians who do things a little differently. That is a valuable skill to have and share in the world today. I’m excited to hear some George Narvaez, Danielle Sumerville and to meet local legend Jimmy Patton. Woo hoo.

I first became “officially” aware of this phenomena “thinking outside the box” while working on Pro Tools on my first few CDs. CDs 2, 3, 4 in my discography were3 called “Primary Colors,” individually “Red,” “Yellow,” and “Blue; A Kid’s Album.” Anyway, on the road to making this music, there were many dilemmas and pitfalls that required workarounds. Sometimes, it took hours. We learned the art of uncovering creative solutions a.k.a. “thinking outside the box.” It applies, obviously, in many other ways as well, for instance in the music-making stylings of my performers at The Athenaeum show tonight. Jimmy Patton literally plays two guitars at the same time.

Today, my dear friend and long-time trumpeter, Paul Ruiz, came over to lay some tracks on our upcoming “The Best of Operation 365” CD. There were some workarounds needed. We had to take a different track if we wanted to accomplish our goals for the session. We did exactly this and it worked. Then I stepped out into the living room on a break and recorded this “outside the box” version of Paul Revere. Paul ate Jack in the Box on the way over. Yet another box it’s best to stay outside. Hail The Beastie Boys and the guys who did that cool cover of “Gin and Juice.”

Best wishes to his future endeavors to former Padres President and CEO and Beasties-namesake, Mike Dee, who was relieved of his duties earlier this week. Seems last-place and industry-wide shameful behavior do have consequences after all. Now speaking of relief from one’s duties…

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 295 “The Ballad of the Unsung Vegetables”

Some of us don’t get enough credit no matter how incredibly awesome we are. Take my brother, turnips, for instance. Parsnips, rutabagas, artichokes deserve more love too. Where the hell would we be in this world without radishes. We are all one and therefore, I’m a doozer and so are you. Now, lets dooze and appreciate whatever it is we gotta dooze to sees to it that these veggies receive their just dooze.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 295 “Some Odds and Ends”

Occasionally, there are but a few bits of housekeeping that remain in an eventful week. These are those. Here I pick them up with my metaphorical dustpan and say what needed to be said. Words.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 294

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 294 “Maggie May” by Rod Stewart

What a tune. It is an honor to play it. A dear friend of mine, Rich “Brother” Robbin was a DJ during a great era for radio here in Southern California. He was the first guy to ever play “Maggie May” on the radio. I have heard him tell the story of it numerous times. He loves radio so much that he literally tears up when he tells the story. That is the extent of his passion. That is how much he was moved by “Maggie May.

It was fun playing the iconic mandolin part on my guitar. I think I sang it an octave lower than ol’ Rod, but that’s OK, .We are all different and we are all one. I love this life. Thank you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 294 “The Nursery Rhyme Blues”

A couple years back, the nice folks in El Cajon invited some of my special needs superstars to play at their Thanksgiving event. I think it was called Mother Goose Fest or something like that. So I thought I’d write something appropriate for that event and I penned this number, “The Nursery Rhyme Blues.” They wound up being unable to play that show, but we had the song and we used it at some other events.

I’m not gonna lie. It’s way neater when they play it. They each get a verse and trade off some of the lines in the chorus and other spots. There’s even a Spanish verse that one of my Spanish-speaking superstars sings. It is for them I share this number.

I am currently directing Episode 4 of my ‘The Hunt For The Great Christmas Tree” series, ‘The Hunt For The Great Christmas Tree 4: One For the Ladies.” They are Christmas musicals. My special needs team does an amazing job bringing my words and their characters to life. It is deeply gratifying to share this experience with them. I think and hope that this will be the best one yet. Humble and happy. It feels great to be whole again.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 294 “The Key to Life”

Once again, here we are, answering life’s constant questions. What is “The Key to Life?” Lucky for you, you have the Operation 365 2 to call a friend and here, we never let you down. In fact, the more questions you conjure, the more answers we administer. That is the reason for the season, my friends. Embrace and celebrate this gift. “The Key to Life,” here for you. No charge.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 293

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 293 “Encinitas”

“Encinitas” was a tune I had hoped to do with my band for this effort, but it’s been hard to get the band altogether in a place with a camera for that sort of thing, unfortunately. No matter. I am happy and renewed for the positive. Yes, less than ideal things occur occasionally, but we can’t let that bring us down for long.

No, “Encinitas” was written about an event we played called The Love Fest at The Bazaar in Encinitas. It was fun and this tune states, “When living is a Love Fest, you go far.” No doubt. So I am turning the page back to the Love Fest and away from all the chicanery and shenanigans that has marked my last few weeks. Renewed, refreshed and grateful. Enjoy “Encinitas.”

Hail Nancy Truesdail, born in Encintias. Enjoy Don Fest, happening in New York to celebrate the birthday of the great Don Truesdail next week. Hail. Peace and love to everyone participating in this special event. With you in spirit. Onward and upward.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 293 “Born To Be Wild” by Steppenwolf

I wish everybody the best. A fresh new year. A Clean slate, whenever you want. Every year, every day, however much clean slate you can handle. I wish this for you. Only love. I believe Miss Swift said the haters are gonna hate. Well it goes both ways. Lovers gotta love. There must be a balance. For every wild, domesticated…? I don’t know. This theory needs work. Another day. Open Mic starts in 51 minutes and I still gotta shower.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 293 “The Other Brothers”

We are all one. We are related. My man Kip was telling me some cool stuff yesterday about Isaiah and the Messianic Era. About people waking up and embracing something larger than themselves. I love that stuff. I am all about it.  I love. It we are missing link. The link between that and whatever it is we have now. It can’t be Kardashian forever. At some point, folks gotta realize there’s a whole lot more going on that whatever the televisions; saying. Bernie Sanders was part of this and we are “The Other Brothers” and sisters, here to help get this done. Sure beats chasing green paper in a vacuum.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 293 “Bungle in the Jungle” by Jethro Tull

Well, gosh, I’m glad I checked that. On a whim, I wondered if I’d done “Born To Be Wild” before. Well, what d’ya know, I had. Glad I checked. Here’s something else. instead. Peace. Can't find “Bungle in the Jungle.” Darn. Desperation time. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 293 “Puttin' on the Ritz" by Irving Berlin

Loved me some Ritz crackers as a yute.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 292

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 292 “Running”

Gosh. Life ain’t getting any easier. Gotta be grateful it hasn’t been harder or worse and hope the hardest part’s behind us. Youch. I wish I could tell you everything, but how deeply sidetracked do I really wish to get? Less than this far, I assure. You. I am here to uplift and not depress, but at the same time, one must keep it real, especially in an endeavor of this nature.

Some years back, I collaborated with a choreographer and young girl on an adaptation of “Little Red Riding Hood.” It was a two-woman show I believe, a fun project. I think I shared one of the tunes from it previously here in the 365 2. “Just Friends” I believe it was called. That song was from when the Wolf and The girl decide it’s easier just to be friends than to fight all the time. This song, “Running” was from one of the many pursuit/chase scenes as the Wolf is on the scent of Little Red. Symbolism, anyone? Double meaning? I need a rest.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 292 “Take This Bottle” by Faith No More

I had fun playing Faith No More’s “Take This Bottle.’ I sort of half remember messing up once or twice, but with the shenanigans I’ve been managing these last few days, I am going to have to go with it just like the van I bought, as is. At least you were notified before you bought it.

Ahhh, to all the fun time 199-1995 in and around UMASS-Amherst with all my delightful angst-filed friends and the perfect soundtrack to serenade us through out. Off the great album “King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime.” To this day, I continue to gain greater of understanding of what that title means. Thanks for your support.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 292 “You Gave Me a Tape?”

Gotta love unexpected generosity. Now what to do with this terrific cassette tape? Crank it up? First world problems. Thanks.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 291

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 291 “F”

Van misery cascasded into its second week today, unfortunately. What an unwanted kick in the teeth this has been. Trusting strangers, It should be great, but it ain’t. Nosiree. I bought a van. This fella lied about every single thing. I have been paying out the nose for weeks and no relief. Hemorrhaging. It’s not what I want to talk about.


Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 291 “The Twilight Zone Main Title Theme” by Marius Constant

It’s been a wild week. Murphy’d be stoked. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful. There’s plenty to be glad about, but my attempts to buy a decent van have gone horribly awry. The world is having a kicking me in the jimmy frenzy in this regard and it is less than fun. So in honor, of this unfitness, here is “The Twilight Zone Main Title Theme” I hopes that my fortunes turn around shortly and I can return to more of the happiness and interesting banter that makes life and Operation 365 to do. Reviewing my mishaps/getting swindled is tough enough without the entertaining updates my quest here has me ply.

Me ply.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 291 “Knock Sensor”

I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a “Knock Sensor.” Now I’m spending more money than I have for a pair. Hooray. Could be much worse. Alive and breathing. Just ripped off bad on an old van. Anyone wanna buy a 1999 Sienna. Everything recently fixed. I need another new start AAP, I’m afraid. A lotta damage been done, but that’s my problem. Who wants a Toyota minivan?!? It actually works now, more or less. It’s sweet… I miss my ’83 Monte Carlo…

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 290

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 290 “Do Not Trust a Shyster”

My ego and bank account continue to hemorrhage here in a Sunday. Really sucks when you trust the wrong person, especially when you can't afford it. Oh well. Con men are out there. Theres your helpful Sunday reminder. Two weeks ago today, I bought a van. It was a metal box of lies. Every day, I think the disappointment discover and every day, lately, it finds a new way to disappoint me more. Nothing actually happened today per se. It's just a life hangover for the draining of all my funds and two weeks of daily bad news. All we can do is try to learn from our mistakes and help others to not be thick-headed idealist suckers, like me. I hate to think like that, but if I don't how am I going to learn to not fall victim again? I don't know. I am still processing. By midday and I got a late start today, I tend to feel more like myself, and less like a dumb-ass who trusted a morality-deprived stranger. Oh well. I hate to share shit like this, but it's got to get out somehow. Maybe it can help someone not get taken advantage of, like me. If it seems too good to be true, it possibly is. Strangers, don't trust 'em.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 290 “Less Than Enthused”

So, I guess this creative process is part of my healing and dealing with the fact that I got swindled by a con man on my new van. I am disappointed in humanity for bringing me this vile piece of living trash and I am disappointed in myself for falling prey. If we're all one, which I believe, than I guess I am a vile piece of living trash too. No wonder I'm disappointed in myself. Oh well, there's lots of day and life left, so I have to put this behind me, hope this van only sucks money out of me and not actual life and put my best foot forward. You know it's bad when all I've got are cliches to get me through. That and this venting here with you. Thanks for listening. 

So, while I'm less than enthused, I'm gonna go and save the day and have fun despite the disappointment. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 290 “San Diego Super Chargers” by Captain Q.B. and the Big Boys

Speaking of disappointment... Chargers charge! Phillip Rivers interception. That's what I call it when the Chargers slip and fall face first in a puddle of their own vomit. It's Sunday tradition her in "America's Finest City." Every week, we get to watch the innovative ways they find to disappoint and devastate their legions of fans. Fear not, this is just an opening act, for when they abandon their fans and move somewhere, where no one loves them. Here, they're loved because they're from here. That's the only reason, 'cause they've done next to nothing to earn the affection of anybody, honestly. They're a disgrace and so are the Padres. They kind of remind me of the guy who sold me that van. Clueless, hapless, and always paying on a karma credit card, many many months overdue. 

To charge - To rip defeat from the jaws of victory in a heart-breaking manner. That's the definition of "charge" in this context, if you ask me. That's why they're the Chargers. Captain Q.B. and the Big Boys are not a real band. Maybe that's most fitting 'cause the “San Diego Super Chargers” are not a real team.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 289

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 289 “A Fond Farewell”

Ahhh. When vans were vans. I got ripped off by a shyster on craigslist. Yes, it’s unfortunate. He lied about every single thing and now I’ve already doubled what I initially spent on my new van, I was duped. Doh! No sign of clearance yet either. Failed smog today. Learned that the plates, like the registration sticker, was fake. Fear not. I called the cops immediately. My car’s not stolen. Hooray… Boo…

In news from brighter days, my old van was a loyal soldier, passed on to me for a song. Even with all the repairs, it always felt like I was ahead, essentially the opposite of my current van matter. I’m OK now. Thank God for resiliency. Please God help with my Van nightmare. I rarely pray in public but…

I loved The Tealmobile. Still do. Savored our final drive, if this was that. I shared a minute or so before my phone filled up, just like the lifespan of the auto we’re saluting. I love you. You were my first stick shift. My wife taught me to drive in you. Eagle Tiger Tour April 2011. A loyal soldier through the end. Thanks Tealmobile. To a Great Beyond, Excelsior!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 289 “Tall Tall Tales”

I wrote “Tall Tall Tales” awhile back. Maybe not too long after the end of the first 365. It’s a song about life as if it was a tall tale. I loved these things when I was a kid. Paul Bunyan. John Henry. I suppose I still do. It’s just been a long hiatus since I read one.

So here’s this song. I hope this is a good version. A weary Saturday and a long week. I long to finish my duties and kick back. Don’t we all. Donald Trump said some dumb things in 2005. That’s the big news of the day. It is randy. Really dirty randy.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 289 “You Light Up My Life” by Debby Boone

I was hungry. Now I’m not. I ate this sandwich and sang this song. I looked it up. I learned it won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1977. Wow. This is a sick cover and a world-class video. It is really real. Yes, it’s really real. Eating attractively has never been my strong suit. Thanks God. For everything.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 288

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 288 “Captain Comeback”

Been a zany few days. At some point, each one of us needs to bounce back. Now who knows from what? Shockingly, some slight semblance of secrecy still survives. Enjoy it. Here, I share, but I like the fact that I don't have to. I choose to. Been climbing the hill that is getting my new car registered and my old car sold. Just took The Tealmobile (my teal Eurovan) for my final drive in it, most likely. It was nice to have that last ride. My long time mechanic friend Marcelino confirmed the inevitable. It was a good ride. A great ride. Tomorrow, my "Words" section will feature a final good-bye.

Whew. What a busy day. Exciting and busy. That's especially impressive considering I spent almost three hours in or around DMV.So i play this really fun card game called Palace with my friends. I devoted a day of the 365 2 to it some months ago. We play these series. No money. All fun. I have earned quite a reputation as a guy who fights to the end. I fall behind some games, and then magically “Captain Comeback” appears and me fortunes sail. I dominate.

So this is the theme song the marching band I hired played, (a very stripped down version of it,). They marched from miles away. Their sounds crescendoed just as I completed my tremendous comeback. It was magical. Paled in comparison to the whole comeback I did with "Kashmir" at the end, but that's a story for another.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 288 “Humble”

It's great when great things happen. Hooray. But if you play it cool, that's the way. Folks rarely want to hear about your tired sorrow, and they also often would rather skip your tales of your heroics. There are plenty of other topics to discuss. I teach some folks some things like in the course of my occupation occasionally. That, in itself, is humbling. Who am I to teach anyone anything? I like getting to learn. 

My friend once wrote a book called "Be Cool." The only words on the only page were." Be cool." It's an easy read. It's a harder live. Trying's fun. It leads ya right back home. And ya get much more humble than home. And home is wherever you are. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 288 “Closer” by The Chainsmokers

So I had no idea what cover tune to play today. I've been pulling from videos I recorded earlier in the week for a couple days. Had a bunch of original stuff, but no covers I liked. You never know where you'll wind up when you wield an open mind. So I typed in popular songs. That didn't work. Then I added "chords" to my Google and that led me here.

01. Elvis Presley - Cant Help Falling In Love With You         

Did that one a long time ago.

02. Justin Bieber - Love Yourself   

Actually even did this one. 

03. The Chainsmokers            Closer
04. The Chainsmokers            Closer

Now, I only got to number three, so I didn't know it was also Number 4. Now, how about that? This song must be great to be the 3rd and 4th best tune on a website. Wow. I went for it. I think it's a duet. Either that, or a schizophrenic situation it seemed. In either case, it was fun to play and it had no changes. Probably no time to write changes, chainsmoking and all, like these guys do, or so they claim. And on life went, still no more informed what The actual Chainsmokers sound like. Maybe I'm a little "Closer" to knowing. Or perhaps I'm no "Closer" at all. Bless you, perspective. God bless you.