Monday, October 31, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 312

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 312 “All Hollow’s Eve”

Folks, here we go again, it’s Halloween. Hooray. How much else is there to say? I’ve said “Happy Halloween.” I’ve said, “October Is the Whole Halloween.” Yet, oddly, I remain compelled to sing something Halloween-y on this uniquely spooky celebration situation. So, what else tyo do but improvise? That I did. Through a verse, a chorus, and then some. All here for you. All on Halloween. Maybe this song could even be sweller with a little time and revision, but alas, ye ole 365 makes no such allowances. Onward, we rise. Shout-out to all the homey ghosts and goblins. Represent yourselves.

I don’t even know what “All Hollow’s Eve.” IT DOESN’T MATTER what “All Hollow’s Eve” MEANS… or does it….???? HAHAHAHAhahahahSHASHHSHSHShsh

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 312 “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” by The Georgia Satellites

As a lad, I did when many 80's ridden lads and lasses did, and that was watch MTV. That was back when the "M" in MTV really meant something. I remember the video for “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” and it spooked ma a little. Oh yes. Happy Halloween. All those talk of hugging, kissing and wedding rings. It was provocative. It even had a little of that rural Halloween hayride feel to it. 

I didn't have a great feel for what was and wasn't bad words back then, but I knew something sexy was lurking somewhere in the  shadows of this song and it titillated little me. Here we are, years later, on Halloween, lurking in the shadows ourselves, putting this little video back on the new MTV, Youtube, where folks watch music videos. “Keep Your Hands to Yourself.” Well, what if I don't want to keep my hands to myself. I think that's what I thought back then that seemed salacious. If Donald Trump doesn't keep his hands to himself, why should I have to? That's the obnoxious little kid in me. Glad to know he's still hiding in there somewhere. Maybe I'll dress up as him for Halloween. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 312 “Needles Bad, Candy Good”

Folks, nasty rumors hit the scene some decades back that psychopaths were putting needles into kid's candy. Now, I am not here to embroil the 365 in any sorts of controversies, but I feel we can say, sans trepidation, that we, the Operation 365, are whole-heartedly against this kind of deplorable behavior. Folks, that's not what needles are for. Let;s leave them in the hands of professionals, doctors, seamsters and the like. Thank you. I'm Jefferson Jay and I approved this message. 

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