My ego and bank account continue to hemorrhage here in a Sunday. Really sucks when you trust the wrong person, especially when you can't afford it. Oh well. Con men are out there. Theres your helpful Sunday reminder. Two weeks ago today, I bought a van. It was a metal box of lies. Every day, I think the disappointment discover and every day, lately, it finds a new way to disappoint me more. Nothing actually happened today per se. It's just a life hangover for the draining of all my funds and two weeks of daily bad news. All we can do is try to learn from our mistakes and help others to not be thick-headed idealist suckers, like me. I hate to think like that, but if I don't how am I going to learn to not fall victim again? I don't know. I am still processing. By midday and I got a late start today, I tend to feel more like myself, and less like a dumb-ass who trusted a morality-deprived stranger. Oh well. I hate to share shit like this, but it's got to get out somehow. Maybe it can help someone not get taken advantage of, like me. If it seems too good to be true, it possibly is. Strangers, don't trust 'em.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 290 “Less Than
So, I guess this creative process is part of my healing and dealing with the fact that I got swindled by a con man on my new van. I am disappointed in humanity for bringing me this vile piece of living trash and I am disappointed in myself for falling prey. If we're all one, which I believe, than I guess I am a vile piece of living trash too. No wonder I'm disappointed in myself. Oh well, there's lots of day and life left, so I have to put this behind me, hope this van only sucks money out of me and not actual life and put my best foot forward. You know it's bad when all I've got are cliches to get me through. That and this venting here with you. Thanks for listening.
So, while I'm less than enthused, I'm gonna go and save the day and have fun despite the disappointment. Love you.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 290 “San Diego Super Chargers” by Captain Q.B. and the Big Boys
Speaking of disappointment... Chargers charge! Phillip Rivers interception. That's what I call it when the Chargers slip and fall face first in a puddle of their own vomit. It's Sunday tradition her in "America's Finest City." Every week, we get to watch the innovative ways they find to disappoint and devastate their legions of fans. Fear not, this is just an opening act, for when they abandon their fans and move somewhere, where no one loves them. Here, they're loved because they're from here. That's the only reason, 'cause they've done next to nothing to earn the affection of anybody, honestly. They're a disgrace and so are the Padres. They kind of remind me of the guy who sold me that van. Clueless, hapless, and always paying on a karma credit card, many many months overdue.
To charge - To rip defeat from the jaws of victory in a heart-breaking manner. That's the definition of "charge" in this context, if you ask me. That's why they're the Chargers. Captain Q.B. and the Big Boys are not a real band. Maybe that's most fitting 'cause the “San Diego Super Chargers” are not a real team.
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