Saturday, October 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 310

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 310 “October Is the Whole Halloween”

Just found out a close friend from college, Shannon Corwin passed away. Takes a bit of the gusto out of my fun posts for today. A friend, recently, said “October Is the Whole Halloween,” on the eve of October, when I suggested Halloween wasn't for a month still. I thought it was cute and cathy so I wrote a song about it. Since then, her young daughter has had surgery for a brain tumor and is OK. Thank God. There is no way to understand what happens in the world. Faith can get you through, but through tough times... that's why they call it a leap.

So, nobody knows how Shannon died. I am too upset to do much but wonder. I have this responsibility though so I will bust it out so can let my brain go where it needs to on this suddenly dark day. It was very recently when I called Shannon to tell her another friend of ours from college had died. We talked a couple times then and shared our love for our fallen friend, caught up a little and agreed to talk more. We didn't, but who know how fleeting our opportunity would be. So sad.

Folks, do stuff today... if you really want to do it. There may be no tomorrow. Love can't wait.

Shannon, you shined so brightly, it couldn't be missed. We were beyond fortunate to welcome you into our little male-dominated world in 1993. You shook it up and radiated while you did so. It came naturally to you. You continued to glow as an adult and every time I spoke to you I was so soothed to see you had found your way with your husband, your art and your digs in what we all know is a labyrinth of a world that we share. Rest in peace, Shannon. I miss you.

Extreme condolences to your family and friends who got to enjoy experiencing your zest far more frequently that I.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 310 “Your Time Is Gonna Come” by Led Zeppelin

I guess all of our time comes. We never like to think of it that way. Of course. Who would? No matter how "great" death may be. we don't now and life is pretty great too. Most of us would just assume stay. We can't. Savor those special times, because they may need to last forever. I planned to sing this song with a heavy Jewish accent for fun, for a goof. I couldn't conjure it when it came time to play, so I did it sort of straight. Here it is. Cranked a lot of Zeppelin back in the day. College and stuff...

Hail Shannon Corwin. God rest her soul. If there's someone you want to talk to. If there's someone you want to tell that you love them, do it today. Do it every day you can, because one day, perhaps when you least expect it, it's gone.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 310 “Do It Today”

Circumstances lead me to finishing today's post with a brief and serious message. Facebook informed me a dear friend from college passed on. No answer yet on how, why or when, but in reality, I guess it doesn't matter that much how, or why or when. What does matter is "if." If you told someone you love them. If you took the time to make time when you had the chance. If you did or if you didn't most likely, thank God, you still can. But don't wait, 'cause we don't get to now when the "most likely" stops and the "too late" begins.

So, if there's someone you cherish, however you know them, wherever they are, chase 'em down right now and talk to 'em. Share that air. Feel that love. Rest in peace, Shannon. I feel honored to know you. So many excellent times. 

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