Sunday, October 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 304

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 304 “The Gun Powder Blues”

Welcome to another glorious Sunday, full of football, couch time, and many other American mainstays. Some years back, now this may shock you, but The Chargers were polarizing the local community with their unparalleled ability to rip defeat from the jaws of victory. I was doing my semi-regular bit as a contributor to The Scott and BR Radio Show on 1090AM in San Diego from 3-6PM PST or

The Chargers sometimes wear their slick-looking "powder blue" jerseys. This song plays on that phrase, by adding the combustible nature of their play to this song's moniker. So, enjoy this Philly Rivs (aka Phillip Rivers) inspired classic and go Chargers. Two in a row? The impossible dream? If anyone has miracle access, (how ironic is that) it's got to be Jesus-BFF, Phil Rivs.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 304 “Neighbor Rock”

Yesterday, I headed into my front yard, by my slick sign, to make some melodic magic for you. This band down the street was rocking out hard. They played for hours. As I sat and began to jam, I was loudly feeling the tune these dudes were playing, so I went with it. I ascertained the chord structure. (Ha!) It was D-A-G-A, I believe. and  rocked out and sang about them. 

I thin I accidentally slipped into some pop song from whenever that I don't know. Credit to whoever wrote "Doot-doot-doot. Doo-doo-doot-doo", or whatever it's really called. I meant to cut that part out but I forgot. Hail Nigel the Wonder Dog. We are so proud of him. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - BONUS – 304 “So Much Things To Say” by Bob Marley

I was feeling that I had a lot to say, but few words with which to say it yesterday. That naturally led me back to “So Much Things To Say.” I was feeling, it, playing it, right up until the screen that has the words on it faded to black. Battery death. At least they reincarnate, right? So I played the chunk of it I could and then I realized during the posting part of this effervescent exercise, that I'd done this tune about 100 days ago. Oh well. Here it is as a buns, because I can. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 304 “Johnny B. Goode” by Chuck Berry

Can't get much more classic rock n' roll-wise than “Johnny B. Goode.” I cut my rock n' roll teeth as a high school student. My school had a unique "club" called The Boptones. The Boptones were a student/teacher rock band. We practiced classic rock tunes on Sunday afternoons and in May we played a sold-out 800-seat auditorium. Talk about an intoxicating way to launch one's rock career. It made a profound impact on me. Honestly.

Every year, they would change the "setlist" for the show, with one exception, “Johnny B. Goode.” Everybody would play on this one. Solos galore. Verses for each of the main senior singers in the group. Seminal stuff. I'd been saving this one, all the way through the first 365 in 2011. Tuesday, a new friend requested it and I knew the time had come. Cheers and thanks to my new friend, The Boptones, and everyone who ever spent a second in that influential act.

More relevance. “Johnny B. Goode” made an impression on another generation of humans with it's inclusion in the 1985 film, "Back to the Future." In that motion picture's sequel, the future found The Chicago Cubs as World Champions. Well, congratulations to the long-time "lovable losers" on making their first World Series since before my parents were born. 

Finally, a last congratulations is in order to none other that the Father of Rock n' Roll himself, Chuck Berry. Earlier this week I nervously clicked on his name as I saw he was "trending" on Yahoo or some other average website. I clicked with my metaphorical fingers crossed, hoping to not to learn of his passing. Delighted I was, to see that was "merely" releasing his first new CD in 35 or so years at the age tender age of 90. Another terrific accomplishment. I am proud to live in a world where a a man can not only "invent" rock n'roll but then live another 60 years, watching it grow before jumping right back in and lengthening his legacy.  Hail everybody over 90. 

There are few universal goals. People disagree on a multitude of things, quite obviously, evidenced in part by our trainwreck of an election that will mercifully conclude soon. One thing, I would hope we could all agree on is a desire to live a happy healthy productive life into out ninth decade. While it seems that would be nice, I believe, everything happens for a reason, so hail it all. Hail everything. 

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