Thursday, May 5, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 133

Operation  365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 133 “Meet the Mets” by Ruth Roberts and Bill Katz

I’m going through what can only be described as a rough week here on the 365. I still have some words resonating in my head that a friend said last Sunday. She suggested that a bunch of videos “of me in my living room” weren’t going to strike anybody looking a particularly professional. I didn’t really disagree. But where does that leave this then on Day 133 of Operation 365 2? Super limbo. Sadly.

I enjoy doing it for me, but is that enough. I am certainly not trying to hurt myself with all this effort. It is supposed to be fun and thinking these thoughts while I do it, is not. Oh well. It will work out. One change I’ve made is, in case you hadn’t noticed. No more living room. No more music room. So what does that mean. More effort. And that’s exactly where we are right now. Thanks for hanging in with me, my friends.

I more or less have a solid state of mind otherwise, a little bit of the Mercury in Retrograde blahs but his too shall pass. As for the Mets, they’re n town for four with our home town pathetic Padres. The Pads, hoping we’ll renew our season tickets (highly unlikely) sent a few tickets over for tonight’s game. I am going to have to give those away here in a few, because we are going to use the tickets they gave us for Saturday instead. Thanks ‘Dres.

I loved this song in my high chair as a small child watching the Joe Torre-led, late 70’s, Mets in day games with my Ma. Ahhh, to a simpler time.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay -  Originals  - 133 “Lullawhy” by Jefferson Jay

Here is another song I made up for you just now. I am questioning a lot of things, not the least of which is what the future for this project holds. I am still into it, but it’s different. We only have so much effort to put forth. I am psyched to put mine into being creative, writing songs and sharing it all with you. It’s just that I want to do whatever is the most efficient use of my time and effort too. Maybe I should name this song Catch-22. That or just meeting someone who could help me get paid a little more to reach people doing what I want to do… That would work too. I just want to do what I do and ideally, share it with you. Instead’ I’ll call it “Lullawhy” and hope all the answers find themselves and all the questions put themselves to bed and don’t cry.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 133 “The Tough Questions”

Today, we wonder why, folks, why, what, where, when and why. Why we’re doing this? Where it going to go? I am a tad quandried. It doesn’t feel great. I’m not gonna lie, but the beautiful truth shall ultimately rise. That gives me solace. It is it’s destiny. What my role is that ride will clearly be revealed at another time. Oh, patience, you’re a mistress who mystifies.

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