Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 146

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 146 “Tabling Why” by Jefferson Jay

Over a given 365-day period, most folks are going to have days where they don’t feel like being seen. Today, I had to get creative to meet my mandate. Fortunately yesterday, I was on a little roll writing tunes and I conjured this piece as my special needs folks were coming in for their time with me. You know you might be on to something when someone is singing along before you even finished playing the tune the first time. Granted, this friend is extremely enthusiastic, as star, in fact, but I’m always searching for the signs. Everything means something and beyond that, everything means everything, so it’s very important and such to do this…

I like the name “Tabling Why” and the little catchy hook there at the end my friend sang on. She even does her imitation of what she thinks it sounds like when I sing at the end there.  Pretty humorous. I like the thought of it. Maybe I’ll revisit this tune and write it all the way through. Like remembering the words and such… Wait. It just came back to me. D A E. It was meant to represent day, which I believe I sang in the first line. It was supposed to be about a day. Somehow it wound up about everything. It always does.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay– Covers - 146 “Plantman” by Gary Young

A classic early 90s fun thing for me to do was sit around with my friends on our breaks form college and watch Beavis and Butthead and laugh our asses off.  It was great. We cried. Those guys ripped this tune up good one day and like most of the stuff they did back then, it cracked us up. The song stuck with me. I even thought I wrote it by accident once. I was bummed. When I “learned” it just now, I realized I never wrote it. My song was slightly different. Maybe it’s not too late for it to come back to life. Hey. Worked for Jon Snow.

My new favorite thing to do is speed things up and slow things down. Movie magic. Why not? Well, it takes more time when your computer is as old as mine, but otherwise, it’s fine. So I’m writing this while I wait for this video to catch up and allow me to play with my pitch. It’s time.

It’s amazing what you’ve got to do these days to get maximum entertainment out of something. See Miley Cyrus, Donald J., Trump, and every reality show.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 146 “TCB”

I am trying to take care of my business. Have to head to host Open Mic at Winston’s shortly. I’m shaggy. Need to shower. Nigel has been trying to take care of business himself lately. Breaking out. Destroying shit. Leaping on to counters. All kinds of insane shenanigans. And everything we do to attempt to curtail these behaviors, he outsmarts. It is no fun. He is sleepy himself. I’m pretty sure that moment of “grooming” captured here is the only time he’s moved in quite awhile. It’s quite exhausting, being free, apparently.

I hope this resolves itself shortly. Nigey has been a good boy for a long time. This sudden departure from his norm has grown alarming. He has gotten out on the streets many times as of late. I guess it’s good to know he has survival instinct. We’re launching a new hashtag where folks can follow this story up to the minute and share their wise words in the discussion regarding Nigel. #prayforstay

Maybe he wants to go and find his mama. If this was a Disney movie, that would definitely be the reason. That or spaghetti.

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