Monday, May 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 137

Operation  365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 137 “The Thrill Is Gone” by B.B . King

I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster as it pertains to the 365 lately. I still find the words of my friend Pam resonating in my ears from a week ago, questioning the impact of people searching for me and finding countless videos of me in my living room. She suggested that putting my picturesque and talented, diverse, love-filled band, The Jefferson Jay Band, at the forefront of my web presence could be largely. Since then, I’ve spent much of 365 trying to find outside places to make my videos and keeping them somewhat brief as I think about when my next move should be.

When I think about it as to how doing the 365 affects me, I feel good about it. I get to play music every day, which helps me grow as a musician. I create more, I produce content. I feel like I am doing my part to be connected with the world, putting all this out there like I am, when I could just as easily do nothing and keep mall my thoughts, feelings, op[inions, etc.. to myself.

Now, my soul is divided on this, but I trudge forward, debating internally, as quitting, and not following through are not things I strive for. In the meantime, onward. I am in an impressionable state, I suppose, as evidenced by the fact that I am still stuck on what Pam said last Sunday. Maybe you can help me see clarity. One thing I do know is this. When I started my videos today, I felt bleh, uninspired. The thrill is, literally, gone. But then, I played a few tunes and I had fun playing music and now I feel a lot better. So that’s what I learned this morning. How about you? The quest continues.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay -  Originals  - 137 “Love and Feel Fine” by Jefferson Jay

So I was feeling a little warmed up, a little liberated from the guilt in life that insists you should be doing more. That guilt is misinformed. We are all doing what we are meant to be doing always. I forget that occasionally. I’ll keep trying. So after I played B.B.’s blues, and a couple other tunes, I was ready to unleash my soul and croon some. Thanks to the key of C, whose always so friendly to me. Thanks to music for helping me let me be. Good advice in this improvised jam this time, “Love and Feel Fine.”

In other news… My prayers were answered. My wallet returned home. I missed you baby. We want to thank all the 365-aholics out there for eating their vitamins and keeping ol’ wallet in their prayers, and ultimately bringing him home. Love is everywhere, my friends.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 137 “The Answer Is Yet to Be Determined"

So, where are we going with all this stuff? Life, society, the 365..? Where is any of it headed and will we reach our destination. Better still, are we already there? I say yes. Shocking, huh? Disappointing? Maybe. If you let it be, I suppose. Deep gratitude keeps he ship afloat. It keeps the moments crucial and it keeps the beating heart crucial. Where we are going no one knows, Where we are, though, believe it or not, is the destination. W have already arrived.

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