Saturday, May 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 149

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 149 “New York State of Mind” by Billy Joel

Songs can take you on a journey. Billy Joel’s songs take you on a journey to New York City and surrounding areas as well as anybody. Billy was here in San Diego a week ago today. I missed that. But he’s here with me every day. Anybody from where and when I’m from feels that way. Hope you have incredible days.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 149 “Why Billy Joel Matters to New York”

Here, I try to find words to describe the profound significance of Billy Joel to folks from my home zone and era. New York. New Jersey. Thirty, forty years ago.  No offense, Kansas

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 149 “The Train of Destiny”

So I’m finally getting around to diving into these last 24-tunes-at-once tunes. I binge tune wrote three times a few months ago, I did a 12-song batch that I named “Welcome.” Those 12 have all been posted here. Then I did a 24. I think those have all been posted. One or two may have slipped through. Them, later, I’ll get to.

Since then, I’ve improvised a bunch of tunes and “written written” a few others. Now, these tunes’ time has come. Some of them seem pretty cool. One or two, I have slightly forgotten. No fear. They’ll come back.

Great gig last night at Mother’s Saloon with the band. Fun times earlier today play at the North Park Street Fair or whatever they call it, Arts Festival or something. It was fun bantering with passer-by children on scooter, joking about the nearby Porto Potties and remarking on how we are all one. I made up a tune and everybody sang “Hooray.” Fun sharing the stage with Hummingbird Hotel and M.E. Law. The Hummingbird Hotel plays in Salt Lake City later today. That’s quite a schlep. I salute them.

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