Today is a deep dark day on the 365 2. Why, you ask? I’ll
tell you. I don’t look forward to too many things. Yes, the sun coming up every
day. Yes, the loving embrace of my fabulous wife. Yes, doing this here 365 for
you daily. But besides that, I try to take things pretty well in stride. I try.
Well, today, that flew by the wayside. I am devastated, as in without pride.
Why? I’ll tell ya why…
I thought my 39-39 Yankees, on only their third visit to San
Diego since 2004 would be ready to battle the last-place Fathers, but no. Quite
to the contrary. I have sat in there and watched in person while the Yanks
disgraced generations of Yankee fans with their dismal performances this
weekend. Shame!
So today, I have to gut out the third game of this three
game series at Petco Park and pray that the most ignominious of outcomes, the
sweep, does not befall us. I slept as late as I could, hoping I could dream
away the embarrassment, but I could not. So, once again, I pulled myself up my
the bootstraps and gutted out three sad, forlorn videos on dismal Day 192.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 192 "The Boy
From New York City" by The Ad-Libs
So, I managed to muster up the strength in the face of the
Yankees shameful ballplay, to attempt to bolster their sagging play with song.
Yes, "The Boy From New York City," in a perfect world, should lead
the Yankees to salvage at least one game from Los Padres in their three-game
series here in San Diego at Petco Park. It has been rough. I detest losing and
losing to the ‘Dres, that’s like ten times worse. Only losing to a team of
tired children would be worse than that.
So here, I desperately try to summon a Yankee win from The
Baseball Gods. Make no mistake. There are Baseball Gods. Here I beg them for a
Sunday win, with this song about the boys from the New York City. Go Bronx
Jimmy Valiant!
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 192 "Woe
is Them" by Jefferson Jay
Wow, it’s been tough. Yanks lose Friday. I see it. I pay to
see it. Yanks lose Saturday. Same. Wife gloats. I have to go back today, for
what may be the ultimate shaming possible in sports, a three-game sweep at the
hands of the last-place San Diego Padres. You can feel by woe. It is tangible.
I don’t know how I even mustered the strength through my profound
disappointment to say anything, much less sing and make songs. Well, here is a
song I made. I hope it makes you cry, like sad songs do. Please God, make the
Yankees win today.
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