Sunday, July 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 199

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 199 “Two Towers” by Jefferson Jay

“Two Towers” is a song wrote based on a concept I had. The concept was about relationships. The metaphorical “Two Towers” are the tower of being in a committed monogamous relationship and the tower of the world of dating. They are two separate worlds than there is no crossover. For many, it is tempting to try to traverse the towers and be on the top of both at once. But there is no bridge, and when the greedy can’t resist the temptation of trying to simultaneously sit at the top of each tower, they fall to the ground and have to work their way up one of those towers once again.

Fighter Brock Lesnar is attempting a similar sort of straddle in his attempts to star in real fighting in UFC and fake fighting in the WWE. Ironically, “Two Towers” itself has developed in two different directions. I wrote this as a regular guitar song, but awhile back I went through a phase of wanting to see what I could to with some rapier tracks. I had just written this so it found itself in the mix. Next thing you know I had a song that sounded like The Pet Shop Boys. I didn’t see that coming.

So the other day, I bust this “Two Towers” and I did it with a nice melody and it sounded like an OK song, nothing like The Pet Shop Boys. (No offense, Boys). It sounded decent with more melody, but I played the change funny. It was fine, but not how it was written. This version is fairly similar to the one I recorded without all the betas and other electronic-y fun stuff.

The moral of this story is, be happy with what you have. It may be much greater than you think.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 199 "Pledge of Allegiance" by Colonel George Balch

I occasionally have some misgivings about certain actions undertaken by the US government. That being said, as I’ve gotten older my appreciations has skyrocketed for the all the incredible ways of life we get to enjoy being Americans. I doubt I’ll ever be as blindly patriotic as I was as a small child who recite this poem every day. You can’t unknow history once you’ve learned it. Slavery, genocide, perma-war, these things make me feel less than rosy, honestly, but the sky, the sea, the sun, the trees, these are all part of American life too.

And while there is a lot of room for growth and understanding ahead of us in accepting that we are people worthy of love, I am very appreciative for the firemen and the police and the military and all he folks who sacrifice so much, so we can continue to live in the manner we’ve grown accustomed to. Ironically, very little is black and white. It is rarely that easy to see. What is always true, is that we are all people, all of us. Each worthy of love, life and affection. When we can all see each other that way and look past out petty differences, then we can once again lead the world like America did 60 years ago. In the meantime, here’s my allegiance pledge, but to music. They added God to it and made it official on Flag Day 1954, in case you were wondering.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 199 “Nigel Speaks”

Our lovable super-pooch indicated we had something to say to you today so we handed him the floor, or in this case, the couch, and let him rip. Brace yourself for bombshells. This little cutie is making waves and taking no prisoners, as only The Terrible Terrier can. That’s my new nickname I conjured for him on the heels of his scathing diatribe. Not for the faint-hearted. Consider yourself forewarned.

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