Sunday, July 31, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 220

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 220 "I Got Nothing"

Some days we just have more spunk than others. On those days, we often need to come up with clever creative solutions to find a way to get done whatever we need to do. I find this to be especially challenging on Sundays. Sundays are the official day of hanging and doing whatever you feel like. That is, unless you have overriding responsibilities, like so many of us do. For me, these are those responsibilities, so I cleaned myself up so I’d look half decent for ya, and here we go.

It doesn’t always happen instantly. Sometimes we must take a multi-step approach. A shower, A shave, whatever else you do, that’s like that. And then I was ready to try. Trying, always the first step. Alas, I had nothing. I tried. I even concocted this little song about how little I had and lo and behold, it ends up being my words, or lack thereof for today. Can’t always have stuff to say, I suppose, unless you could “nothing” as “something” to say, an argument one could make. Well, I kept going and eventually got something. What that is, I’ll leave it to you to decide.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 220 "The Sunday Blues" by Jefferson Jay

When energy is low and there are few ideas on how to proceed, the blues are always a great way to go. If they don’t connect with the emotion and music hidden deep within one’s should, perhaps their cause is lost, at least for the day. As we know, this is not an option here, so I sang some blues about something that I already forgot. Can’t wait to remember what just happened 15 minutes ago. Ah, life… What is there to do besides love and appreciate. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 220 "I Love You" by Lee Bernstein

I was too old to catch any episodes of Barney ever. I know they kids love him though. I was looking for an easy way out of my 365 duties for today and Barney provided. Hail Barney. In researching this tune I learned Barney is an imaginary dinosaur. Really? OK. The tune is from “This Old Man” and some Internet sources actually claim Barney wrote this tune. Oh brother. Happy Sunday, my friends.


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