I used to go these incredible parties at this awesome place
called The House of the Future. People would dress-up. Spectacle was
everywhere. Often times they would have all kinds of mind-blowing 3D art
installations. There were tons of interesting people all under the watchful eye
of Her Majesty Ian Ashley. Two of the cool people who frequented these fests
were an acrobatic couple known as Mango and Dango.
The first time I went there I was solo. I stayed until the
last people left, probably about 3:00AM at which point, Mango was doing a
stirringly poetic hula-hoop dance in the living room where there had been a
crowded party, moments earlier. I was the only other person in the room. I sat
with my book writing. I was probably thinking of leaving, but instead I went
for one last stroll through the shockingly colorful 3D exhibits. I wrote,
inspired, until I literally passed out. Mercifully, I awoke shortly after.
Maybe someone woke me. I don’t remember.
I called the thing I wrote “3D Room” and it became one of
those things I wrote that I liked that sat around hoping to one day have a
chance for use. One day, years later, a few years ago, I went back to it and
quickly wrote the tune “Mango and Dango.” I went back to it again recently and
came up with music for a later part of the words, but I have been behind on
things. I have many chunks of tunes I wish to finish or refine, but I haven’t
had the time. Lots of Freeness celebration around the 4th of July.
Before that was the OB Street Fair. Exciting wonderful times. I have this music
on my mind though and another CD I wish to finish soon. And there’s these
videos to do. I am amused. I love this life. We choose what we do. I wrote
another Christmas musical earlier today too. Number Nine.
Best wishes Mango and Dango, wherever you are today. India?
Right nearby? I love what you do. Hope you didn’t mind being my muse.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 195 "Come
Together" by The Beatles
One can forgive
one’s self quite quickly for playing a relatively average version of the Motel
6 theme song for the Internet world for all virtual eternity. When covering The
Beatles, the sense of guilt piques slightly. It would be nice to at least do
the Beatles tune solid. That being said, I’m sure it’s fine. It’s respectable
to what to do well, just not at the expense of enjoying life. Overall big
picture, not just momentary jollies, but in terms of what we really want from
our lives. Yuck it up. Bounce back. Whatever. But ultimately, we only have so
much time.
Come together. Unity is fun folks. Polarity (quick, let me
check I used that word right)…
po·lar·i·ty n
1. a
situation in which two individuals or groups have qualities, ideas, or
principles that are diametrically opposed to each other
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury
Publishing Plc.
Yes. That’s doesn’t sound fun. Feeling opposed to other
individuals and groups. Let’s look at what we have in common, our mutual needs.
Food, air, love, kindness. These are basic things. Come together right now over
these things.
Thanks Beatles for all you done. If we are all one, and I believe we are, then thanks to you and me, ‘cause we’re the Beatles too.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 195 “It's About That Time ”
Gotta work on my stealthiness as we get into the hot part of
the summer on the 365. Maybe I should grab a fan and keep it cool. Maybe before
I’m dripping sweat. Sometimes it’s hard for us to do this things we know are
best for us. I call that The Human Condition.
So let’s see if we can survive this and make it to the next
milestone in one piece. Now it’s hot. Schvitzing badly. I’m not sure that’s how
you spell that, but it’s Yiddish, so… What words could I possibly say on such a
hot day?
Every so often, you just got to say, "Thank you." And it's about that time. May the birds fly and the people applaud you doing what you do. God bless you. Thanks.
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