Monday, July 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 207

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 207 “Sports Song of the Week 1”

My friend Wes was over yesterday and when we hang out, the business ideas fly fast and furious. There were way more than you could possibly count, from selling blow dryers to rental trucks to artsy toilet paper and everything in between. Ultimately, we did “sign on” to a new podcast about sports. This tune was improvised and recorded as a sample of the kind of thing we may do.

I follow the sports. Pretty closely. I had an epiphany yesterday. For while, I’ve felt that old analog sports were the only games worth watching. I watched a video of basketball legend Bill Walton, waxing enthusiastically about the video game championships held last weekend in Las Vegas. I went for a walk later and I realized video games are the direction the world is going and I finally got why. The only reason “real sports” seem “real” to me and video games seem like kid’s stuff, is because that’s how it was when I was a kid. We are all most comfortable reliving the way things were when they were a kid. I think it’s the main reason I eat meat too. It’s the main reason I’m able to 365. I’m used to it.

So what’s the difference between a physically gifted athlete playing a game and a regular guy playing a video age? Not much really. In fact, anyone can play a video game. Not anyone can ski jump. That makes it so anyone can relate and understand what goes in to being successful at the highest level. It’s still not for me, but I broke thought and finally got a decent grasp on why video games are the wave of the future and football, hockey, boxing, UFC, all these games in which people get their bodies destroyed are probably more in the past than we even know. Computers are the new everything. It’s not even that new anymore. Resistance is futile. Screw free time. Play video games. People are winning thousands of dollars playing them. And people love them. I guess that’s what matters most. Even if it doesn’t matter at all to me. From the last leg of the analog world, I’m glad I got to see what it was like.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 207 “Personal Business”

So, I was feeling very ambitious today. I wanted to provide some high level entertainment for you, but I also wanted to resolve some lingering issues with my Verizon Wireless service in my home. So I tried to do both. It was tricky. It's really hot in my house. I don't like to record with the fan on 'cause it makes noise. So you get to see the Jefferson who takes care of his personal business juggled with the one on the 365. I've been told by neighbors and friends on several occasions that personal business Jefferson is a lot of fun. My representative said I made her day. Watch to see how. I don't think I want to buy the bubble. The invisible bubble they want to put around my house for 100 dollars. I think that part   got cut off but that's what she said. They sell that. For real. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 207  “Lady” by Kenny Rogers

First of all, I'm pretty sure "Lady" was written by Lionel Richie. Second, I'm singing it here with my chest hair hanging out in a Mexican wrestling mask and a matching ring robe type thing. Why? It's anybody's guess. Entertainment? But it's gotten harder and harder to be noticed over here. So, let's once make sure everybody realized how much we're doing something no one's ever done before. Again. Hail the 365. Every day. Alive.

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