What a heaping bunch of celebration. Anniversary, Tuesday.
Wife’s birthday, today. Hallelujah! What a bunch of revelry. Here is a love song
I wrote for Leanne some time ago. I was going to play it for her at our
wedding, but due to a time crunch I cut myself. It’s not as grisly as it
sounds. I promise. Instead, I offer it to her here today and her 30th
anniversary of life. What a tremendous accomplishment. People don’t necessarily
think of things like that when they’re younger, but as we age, we tend to
realize each day is an accomplishment, and a year, 365 days surviving and thriving,
that is a great achievement indeed. Congrats and I love and every word sang in
this song is true. XOXOX. Muah! Smooch!
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 231 “Crazy for
You” by Madonna
Moved by a recent request at work for old school Madonna, I
have been busting these out left and right lately. I am crazy for my wife,
Leanne, and it is her birthday, so today, we celebrate her and this Madonna jamboree
is right on time to the fiesta. “Crazy for You” is so unlike all the other
Madonna hits from back in the day. Cheers to her versatility. I wonder if
Madonna is happy. I have no idea what it would be like to be her, obviously, so
I couldn’t even venture a guess, but I hope she is. I hope we all is. Yes.
Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 231 “Drunk on Life
and Love”
So, sometimes, I like to get a little silly at my work.
Maybe I’ll play my The Noisy, Little, Wooden Thing or whatever it’s called. Sometimes,
I sing silly songs about food or just go all in on a performance and make sure
we’re all having a fun time. It works pretty well, and everybody gets that I am
playing aroundand entertaining. Until today, well… she was probably joking too.
I heard
a distant voice from the back of the large room say something. I thought I heard
what, but wasn’t positive so I issued a hefty New Jersey, “Hehhhh?” in reply.
She repeated the question, “Are you drunk?” Ha! Haven’t been asked that before.
Enjoy my answer. Enjoy life. That’s the whole point.
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