Monday, August 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 249

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 249 “My Favorite Thing in the World”

What better way to start the conventional workweek than with my “My Favorite Thing in the World.” It is, without question, this sign. How much more glamorous can it get? You know you give no f-words when you can’t even be bothered to spell the name of your own business correctly on the signs you put up on your work. Classic.

These are in my neighborhood and they bring me boundless joy every time I walk past them. God bless and all hail The Construnction Frence Rental, Inc. company… or whatever your real name is.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 249 “Bleed Light”

One night, a few weeks back, I went through my most recent notebook and took all the spiels I wrote and wrote music for them. A lot of the words already had melodies in my head. In those cases, it’s just a matter of figuring out the chords that fit the rest of it.

“Bleed Light” was one of the more fun ones to write. It was a little different than those others. I had a bit of a breakthrough that day. I was watching a show on one metaphorical hand and literally, fingering out the chords on the keyboard with my left hand. It was neat. I’d never done anything like that before. Then I wrote the words to this one and it’s sister song, “Do What You Got to Do,” and felt productivity/relaxation-soothed.

I’m not exactly sure what “Bleed Light” means. And that’s about all I have to say right now. Greetings. Salutations. Hallelujah. Hope you dig.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 249 “Sentimental Lady” by Bob Welsh

“Sentimental Lady” is a song I’ve admired since I was first exposed to it, by my long time amigo, Chris Scelzo, aka Chris Rex. He is one my musical daddies. He was one of the first to make me see playing guitar as cool. Then we became friends and he turned me on to all kinds of neat nuggets from the wide world of Seventies songage. I remain deeply grateful for his friendship and all the wisdom he shared. The Kinks were his favorite, but old Fleetwood Mac, Ian Hunter, Mott the Hoople, ELO and all kinds of other folks got cranked hard too.

So, cheers to Bob Welsh, in the great beyond. Cheers to Chris Rex and his magic wand. Cheers to you all and your fabulous lives. Cheers to and peace and freedom. Put down all those knives.

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