Monday, August 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 235

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 235 "Ground"

One of man’s most dependable and overlooked partners is ground. Is there a more foundational friend for man than the surface that supports his toesies. Clearly, not. Imagine, if you will for a moment, a world without ground. Floating aimlessly, like in space, or worse, falling, endlessly, like in a world without ground. See?

It is a time for a moment of reflection and profound appreciation for our most frequently silent amigo. Expecting nothing, offering never-ending support, ground is our everything. Hail you, ground.

Anti shout-out to quicksand, earthquakes and tsunamis, those rare instances when ground starts free-lancing and goes rogue. All the more reason to honor traditional ground behavior, I say.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 235 "Do the Olympics Love You?" by Jefferson Jay

Welcome to Olympics Day on this here operation 365 2. It’s a bonanza of athletic excitement for two weeks every four years. But then what? It stops. Does it ask if you want it to stop? Never. It leaves you high and dry, desperate for it’s return, whenever the heck it gets around to coming back, approximately every four years. How would you feel if you mother or a lover treated you with such haphazard regard. You’d feel like that sandbox the long jumpers jump in, I bet.

Folks, Americans, especially ladies, have a rabid love affair, with these two quadrennial weeks where we devote ourselves to sports we are otherwise unaware of. It’s OK. It’s the human interest stories, like the polluted pool and the swimmer who got robbed at gunpoint that truly tug at our heart strings. Bottom line folks, is that the Olympics are the best and we are lucky to watch commercials that pay for them. Shot out to the Olivers and Cat Chengery, who really light up when discussing these athletic achievements. They inspired this song. Ask yourself, my friends, would the Olympics let you cry on their shoulder if you had a broken heart. I wonder.

Those of you keeping score at home can check the box for five straight “Sports Songs of the Week.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 235 "Bugler's Dream" by Leo Arnaud

Now I don’t know the name of The Olympic Song. That’s what I call it. I guess I’m going to have to look it up. What I do know, is I crushed it, roughly as hard as you can possibly a capella crush a magnum opus of this genre. I am the Usain Bolt of this. We are all the Usain Bolt of being ourselves. That’s a pretty awesome thing, actually.

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