Saturday, August 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 233

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 233 “Joe’s Garage” by Frank Zappa

So, it this the greatest version ever of “Joe’s Garage?” Respecting subjectivity, I’m gonna guess no, but does that make it not worth doing or listening to? I’m going to have go with no. In assessing events, context is everything. Seeing everything in its proper perspective helps us understand what everything is. Imagine what we’d think about lightning or rainbows or the ocean if we didn’t know what they happened…. Wait a minute… Do we? I don’t actually. I wish I knew. Why we have lightning. Rainbows. I have no idea! Damn! What do I know? Not much.

I know this. I had fun playing “Joe’s Garage” for you today. I have the ultimate respect for Zappa and his family so it humbles me to finally get his work into this monolith that is the 365. I would love to meet some of the Zappa children or even Gail Zappa. I emulate and admire Frank’s fearlessness, both musically and socially. What a free spirit and amazing expressive artist. I hope you can enjoy the fun I had playing “Joe’s Garage” today. Don’t be a central scrutinizer, folks. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 233 “Friendship Tips”

Another glamorous Saturday it is, here in Ocean Beach. It is a delight to return to some semblance of normalcy after fun-filled anniversary and wife's birthday celebrations for what seems like ages now. It was fun, but ahhh... Still, things to remain though. I don't mind. We do what we can to manage our duties and balance that with celebrating life. We are quite blessed. I am grateful.

Not everybody gets friendship. I do. It goes well with appreciating, loyalty and a love for giving back and community. Those are overlapping skills. If you have talents in those areas, you are probably excellent at being friends. Now selflessness, kindness, consideration, these attributes are not for everyone. I understand this. It is unfortunate, but that's real. So for anyone, who might not be as naturally inclined to trusting and generosity, here are some helpful hints... or something.

 To summarize, friendship is best when we shelve our selfish and greedy impulses and replace them with some humble old-fashioned genuine happiness for everyone around's well-being. Ahh. Feels good like a dip in the ocean or the sea breeze. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 233 “Fruits and Vegetables” by Jefferson Jay

Sometimes, we just have to sing. Today was one of those days for me. Sometimes, it is divine inspiration that drives us. Other times, it is we have a 365 deadline or Broadway show we need to sing for. In either case, singing can lift our spirit and give us a fresh perspective on our inspiring afternoons. 

Today, I give back to the ground and trees which have shared with us fertile fruits and vegetables for some time now. Thanks ground. Thanks trees. Here, I take to tun, ala musical theater and really dig deep into the layer-lavished onion that is the magical, mystical universe of fruits and veggies. And remember this, my friends, you are what you eat. Do you want to be fruits, vegetables, or meat? God bless you. 

1 comment:

Smedly Hoosick said...

Just listened to most of this album last week while working in the wall. I don't think my neighbors appreciated "keep it greasy so it'll go down easy" as much as I did. Screw the Central Scrutinizer and all his minions! More Zappa please ��