Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 236

I’ve been writing songs like a songwriting banshee lately, though I can’t say I’m certain for a banshee would write songs. I don’t even know what a banshee is, I just realized. I’ve been writing every which way you can: solo, with friends, in bunches, with lyrics form the notebook, from scratch on a whim. All of ‘em and then some. Now I’m writing this, holding on with the IRS. 24:15 and counting.

So, it’s been fun. When it comes to time to share, it’s hard to settle on one. Or perhaps my thinking is impaired due to the sweat and responsibility. At leasy I have my paper towel to dry me. I could use a fan. It always seems just a room or two away. In this case, it literally is.

No idea what this video will be when there is one. I recorded tons today. Not sure what to share and what’s OK. 42:54 now, took a rest. Loaded videos in to computer friend.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 236 “She’s Leaving Home” by The Beatles

So, is this the greatest version ever of “She’s Leaving Home?” How about this? Is today’s the world’s most beautiful day. It’s pretty beautiful out there… The sun is shining. The sky is welcoming and blue. The breeze breathes sweet relief. So I don’t know, but I do know that it doesn’t matter. Greatest. Worst. These terms are overrated and overused. Capitalism. The Olympics. Battles make us forget the essence of everything excellent. It was never winning or losing. It was playing the game. It’s the simple fact that we exist. I’m not saying you deserve a trophy for it. I’m saying a day breathing air and loving and I’ll leave the trophies for the capitalist champions and the Olympics.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 236 “Just Now” by Jefferson Jay

Life is short. There’s hardly time to climb all the mountains we dream of, or to sing off every stage, We do what we can. We breathe. We create. We live. It’s great, far greater than we realize. Chasing invisible accomplishments, we overlook our greatest step, existing here alive each day. Thank you my friends, for welcoming this song into your life, this song that I wrote here, just for you, “Just Now.” Love on, my friends.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 236 “ Sigh Young”

So at the end of this part of today’s musical adventure, I made up a song for you called “Just Now,” which is when I wrote and what it’s all about. Then I ranted and raved awhile about what the meaning of the whole thing was. The meaning is enjoy it, ‘cause it’s all great and then it’s all gone. “Wrong” notes… there’s no such thing.

“We are all perfectly fine.” – Happy Bear

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