Sunday, August 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 234

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 234 “More On” by Jefferson Jay

Late last night, I was falling asleep and then I got an idea for a song. “More On.” Get it? That’s usually where it starts. Seconds later, the whole verse had written itself in my head. Complicating thing still more, I was finally comfortable. It is hot in my house. It was sweaty in my bedroom last night and that was just lying there. So, I had to seize the opportunity for sleep and hope I’d still have some of it in the morning. I tried to memorize in my final thoughts for the day as an awake person.

Fortunate I was to remember these moments today when I awoke. I had it pretty clear I thought, until the paper was near. The song flowed easily. I wrote in twenty minutes or so while hanging out with friends after breakfast. The only line I struggled to remember I was the last line I wrote before I fell asleep. The one that began with “cunning.” Any way, thanks to the commercial I hear when I listen to WFAN on the Tune In app for partial inspiration. I think it’s about some thing dental. Have a pun on this glorious Sunday

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 234 “The Last Tango on 16th Street” by Boz Scaggs

My father-in-law is one of the coolest people in the world. His name is Tom Pearl and if you know him, then you know. No sense in regaling you with Tom Pearl stories. It IS one of those had to be there things. Well, you can still be there. He remains in his prime and he’s a septuagenarian, SAG card holding, motor bike racing stuntman. And frankly, that’s not the half of it. Not even close.

He told me once he’d like to hear me play this “The Last Tango on 16th Street.” We listened. And learned it. Figured out it was a blues in some key. Maybe E. It is not offered on the Internet for easy access. I found some lyrics but as I sang them I found that they were flawed too. Shock. Some of the words weren’t even conceivable like “beronnes” and “spachings” and “flores” and “paise to be descrese.” I wish I’d used, instead of

Oh well. Cheers Tom. I needed a tune and thought of you. I don’t really recall if it sounds like this, but hopefully it will do. I went for it, took it adventurous and made it my own. In essence, I did it like you. Thanks. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 234 “Corn Muffins”

Sunday. Silliness. It’s got to stop somewhere. There is only so much something you can have in each day. Sharing or otherwise. So listen to a little licking, then stand by. Tomorrow, we rise again. My friends.

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