Friday, November 4, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 339

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 345 Angel Loves Children - February 2011

My pooch, Angel, loves kids. Perhaps in a slightly more than friends sort of way. Does show know anything form any of this? I doubt it. She was spayed when she was very young and ever since has had amorous feelings on the strangest of occasions, often when small children are around. Now she doesn't actually touch them, save for the sweet, soft kisses behind the ears. She doesn't enjoy humping the air around them though. Now, where did she learn that, I wonder?

Yes, it's been this way quite awhile. What can I say? They're innocent, loving, and not really looking for anything too physical or involved. Occasionally, Angel will throw some of her love an adult's way. When Leanne and I are real lucky, she'll point some at us. We take it as a compliment when she does, a gesture of how much she loves us. Unusual, yes, but we think it's very sweet.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 345 "Watching the Detectives" by Elvis Costello

What's not to love about "Watching the Detectives?" I think Elvis Costello is hugely underrated. I really wanted to include this jamboree in the 365 and now it's done. I hope I did ya' all right, Elvis.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 345 "Finding Forest Through The Family"

Life is amazing, interesting, delightful, and baffling. One moment things are going great and the same moment, there's 12 things that are upsetting. You have to do what you can to focus on the bigger things, although it is perfectly natural for upsetting things to be upsetting. Balance. Perspective. Appreciation. These things lead to relief.

Our families and friendships are where we find the relief that we seek, if we are smart enough to seek it. You can always pout, you know, and hide yourself in distractions like drugs or TV. That is not a life so much though. More like hiding form the things that upset us in life. We ned to charge through those things and move beyond. It is the only way.

John Lennon sang "Imagine," one of us his many wisdom-packed tunes. We can make things however we can imagine them. Things don't need to be upsetting. At least they need not upset us very long. No matter how awful the circumstances are, they could always be much worse. Thats' why it's best not to focus on that side of it, until you absolutely have to. There'll be plenty of time then to consider it.

Yes, our friends and family are like our sun and trees. They bring us light. They give us oxygen. They demonstrate a consistant way of life, reaching toward each other. There for us, every day. Always doing their part to keep us alive. Never complaining. Not expecting anything but day and night. Nature provides then shows us how to survive. It shows us to appreciate life.

Helps us to find answers and our needs.

Always shed light. Breathe life.

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