Monday, February 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 67

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 67 “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson

OK. Business first. “Man in the Mirror” was really written by Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett, not Mike, but this matters only for accuracy and posterity today.

Last Tuesday night, I had a bolt of inspiration about a way for anybody to write songs easily. Alas, building computer programs and marketing them to a mass audience are not on my list of special skills, so I did the next best thing, which was write 12 tunes at once, one in each key. And I documented the whole two-hour writing ceremony, also for posterity and accuracy, incidentally.

I’ve grown to quite like the 12 tunes. I typed up all the cords and lyrics and I even recorded them all into a cute, little EP called “Welcome.” How is 12 tunes an EP, you ask? When the whole thing adds up to 19.24, I think it’s an EP. See what happens when you take out all the solos and whatnot. Anyway, I am about ready to share these tunes and the revelations that came with their creation. Almost.

So I thought to myself, what cover tune would go well with the message of the first tune on the list, “Find Myself?” I answered myself, “Man in the Mirror.” So I found a good version on line chord version and got down to it. Side note: I’ve got to do a Zappa song some time soon. Dinah-Moe Hum, anyone?

And that’s what happened. Stay tuned to the end for some quality facial expressions and high-pitched chipmunk chanting. Peace. Make that change.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 67 “Leap Year” by Jefferson Jay

So, as I mentioned, I was already to blast out “Find Myself” today and welcome in the sharing of my 12 tune-EP “Welcome” that I wrote last Tuesday night, but reality intervened as it is so wont to do and I remembered. It’s Leap Day. Now, Leap Day might not seem very special to you, but imagine your birthday was February 29, then how would you feel? You could be 80, but you’d only be 20. As much as you gain with youth, you lose it back getting burnt on birthday bashes. It is not OK.

So, today, “Find Myself” and “Welcome” wait as I salute the special sect of human beings who only get a true birthday as often as they get a Winter Olympics. May your birthdays bring you more you than the Winter Olympics*

*Unless you’re an Olympian.

Maybe I’ll wait a few days more before starting the “Welcome” share, as I have a little something planned for March 4th.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 67 “Are You a Monkey?”

Who isn’t? This isn’t some Creation/Evolution debate or anything of the sort. It is the simple rhetorical question, answered “Yes.” We all copy each other endlessly. It’s all we know. How do I know what do say or how to make my face look when I say it without looking at you? I can’t. We copy each others clothes, hobbies, habits, everything really. 

So today, we salute each other with this moment of consideration. While that may not see like much of a tribute compared mimicking each other endlessly, at least, in this case, we can say we did it with awareness and intention.

That’s why it matters who presidentially elect. One Donald Trump* is enough.

* No offense, Donald. That’s in case he wins. It seems he’s quite vindictive. He even went after The Pope. To this, I say nope. I love this Pope

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 66

 Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 66 “Puffy Hair”

Decided to start today with some fashion tips for the casual 365er. Focused largely on the hair and its relative puffiness, I offered some cutting insight as to what it takes to really deliver the handsome for 365 straight days. Ultimately though, I felt I had an even stronger and more profound statement to make with today’s “Words” segment, so if you want to watch this video, you will have to stick around to the very end of today’s actual “Words” video, “Buy Everything.” Word.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 66 “Poop on Your Nose” by Jefferson Jay

Alas, “Poop on Your Nose” is based on a true story. With a nod to sycophants and metaphors, this song is largely literal. A few weeks back we had El Nino for three days. The city stopped, trees fell and everywhere flooded. I was visiting one of my favorite places and one thing led to another. A chicken coop and some cat crap were intimately involved and unfortunately, shot happened. And even more unfortunately, it happened on me. I was inspired by it though. Some say that if a bird craps on you its good luck. I wonder if that applies to cat crap that has fallen out of a tree on to a chicken coop roof. One can only hope.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 66 “What D’Ya Know?” by Thomas Ratzin

“What D’Ya Know?” is one of the more meaningful covers I’ll be playing during this 365, I imagine. In 1990, “What D’Ya Know?” was the first good theater production I was ever in. I had a small role, but learned a ton about what goes into to performing and working well in a group. I learned a million other things too. For instance, “There are no small parts, only small actors,” “the show comes first,” and that there is no reason to be afraid of gay people. What can I tell you? I was 15 and had a lot to learn, I am grateful someone taught me. That’s what teachers are for.

Mr. Ratzin was far more than a teacher though. He was a visionary and a great director, leading the Masques of Fair Lawn High School for decades. Numerous actors and actresses went on to successful careers as performing artists after emerging from Mr. Ratzin’s watchful tutelage. I wonder how Mr. Ratzin would have managed in the modern politically correct world of today. He was magically old school. He did things the old-fashioned way and it worked. Sometimes, he had to scream at us. We survived.

For “What D’Ya Know?” Mr. Ratzin wrote an original song called “What D’Ya Know?” I never forgot when Mr. Ratzin’s equally legendary set designer, Arnold Hruska told then sophomore/now Sirius Fox News personality Jared Max to “mouth the words” to this tune. I never forgot the tune at all. Here it is, from my memory, from 26 years ago.

“What D’Ya Know?” was an original show about what people know. I still wonder about that. What do we know? I don’t know. I guess that’s the point of the question. Hail Mr. Ratzin. Thank you for everything. It’s all eternal.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 66 “Always Buy Everything”

Folks, I was going to do an exposé on puffy hair but I shifted to something much more monumental. Stay o the very end, if you’re dying to watch the “puffy hair” piece.

Today, we meditate on why it is crucial, for all of us Americans, to come together and buy everything, always. I am glad to offer some suggestions on what to purchase and explanations of why it is so essential that we buy everything anyone is trying to sell us, even if we have no use for it whatsoever. It is our duty as Americans to consume and be materialistic. Why do you think only rich folks run for president? (And Bernie Sanders.)

How else are we to prove are superiority to everybody else? Duh. If you can’t have every single thing whenever you want it always, what’s the point of democracy? Exactly, there is none. Buy things now or move to somewhere where other things are more important than buying stuff. But remember this, unless you’re going to move to Canada or Mexico, you’re going to likely need a plane ticket to move there and if you’re buying expensive fancy things like plane tickets, you’re doing just fine as an American, and you may be best-suited to stay here after all. God Bless America*

*And people from other places too. I guess…

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 65

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 65 “What You Gonna Do”

Why does anybody do anything? Why am I doing this for example? Well, it is not for the massive response, no offense. It is not to prove I can do it ‘cause I already did that five years ago. I guess it is about growth for me. Occasionally, an artist might wish to be received with something other than the thunderous whisper of a million mute critics, but one can not do something with expectations that they will receive something in return. The only thing that gets you is disappointed. So I soldier on in a desert of love and activity with three more videos on this our 65th day. 300 to go. Yay.

I ranted briefly in my beloved WWE-style about the 365 and it’s far-reaching prowess. My wife just came home and now she’s sicker than me. Sad. Let’s wrap this on up quickish here today. Feel better, darling.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 65 “The Power of 365” by Jefferson Jay

There’s something to be said for doing something every day. This 365 has got me in a way more productive and connected mode with the world around me. I am pretty happy to mind my own business and enjoy my life. It seems likely the rest of the world was pretty intro that arrangement too, but alas, we don’t always get to decide what happens. To the contrary in a 365, we do. Every day, representing for all the 365-aholics out there who truly find their days enhanced by knowing I, Jefferson Jay, am here for them with my spunk, my videos, and my love. God bless. Oh brother.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 65 “Got My Mind Set on You” by George Harrison

I was pretty in to this jam when it came out 30 years ago. Sure loved my some TV and radio back then. I guess not much has changed except the people enjoying that stuff now are the same age I was then, and I have moved on, or perhaps not moved on to other things. No matter.

I tried to bust out a little “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” for ya today, but our crack 365 research team discovered that this tune too had already been brought to the people on the 4th of July in 2011, Day 222 of the inaugural 365. Hope my lovely, lovely wife feels better soon. Sorry she be illin.’ Here is an a capella chunk of this jam in the name of some cheesy fun and moving it down the line.

Update: Rudy Clark wrote this jam, not George. Enjoy your day.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 64

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 64 “Who Cares” by Jefferson Jay

My friend Dan, here, pictured, lower right, said the name of this song reminded him of “So What,” by Miles Davis. I like that. In an attempt to keep it fresh here today on the 365 and keep attention away from my stuffed nose, I went banjo. I’m a tad rusty, but it was fun and I was able to play songs, so that is a victory.

“Who Cares” is a tune I wrote in 2012, I believe. I wrote a lot of tunes with a feel like this then. What can I tell ya? I was happy. Life’s pretty neat.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 64 “Bob” by NOFX

As I mention almost daily, I do music with special needs adults a few days a week. It is quite enjoyable. It has been a few years now, but when I started the previous lady gave me the lay of the land. There was this one fellow who loved this tune “Bob.” Couldn’t get enough of it. You pretty much HAD to play it or he would request it the whole time and even say “Pleeeeease.” So she learned it, so she could get through her classes and she suggested I learn it too. She let me know that some words were inappropriate so I’d need to clean it up some. I did this. Dude was psyched. So psyched. He’d request it every time and I’d play it every time. He’d request it again after I played it, but hew understood that wasn’t going to happen.

The guy doesn’t go there any more so I haven’t played “Bob” in a long time. Oddly, I missed it. I’m not really a punk guy, I wasn’t used to actually singing the dirty words, much less, playing it on banjo. Previously, I’d only guitared it. OK. So cheers to m y old friend whose name I shall protect for his privacy, but I miss him and hope the universe brings him this video and the immeasurable joy that would come with it. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 64 “Always Pros”

The bright side, folks. Traveling light. It’s the only way to fly. Copyright Widespread Panic. Wanted Phish tickets today. They went on sale for July 23. They were $72.00 each plus a $16.75 service charge. What kind of service am I getting exactly for that $16.75? I get some emails saying because I bought tickets from Ticketmaster years ago, I have money coming to me, but I’ve never seen any of it. If I buy these, will I get those two $16.75s back in ten years? Who cares? I chose pros, as in the pros of still have two hundred dollars. If the universe wills it, I’ll be there. Right now, it’s February and then it’s July, so who cares.

In other news, and news far more germane to his video, incidentally, I look lovely in my wife’s gray headband. Words.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 63

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 63 “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” by Silento

I discovered this lovely number one day subbing for the 5th grade. The kids sure like this jam and were literally breaking into song and dance as they showed it to me. It was a chorus class so it was actually fairly appropriate. I after another visit with these kids, looked up the tune and it is catchy. Silly, yes, but so what? I like silly. The video was neat too. So, this song is only as one or two chords according to the Internet. I made up my own chord progression that follows the melody somewhat and makes it so it’s much more fun to play on guitar.

I did two versions and I haven’t decided which one to post yet. The second one was even sillier than the first one so that may win. Maybe these covers will make me a hero to the youngsters of the world. If so, youngsters, be kind to your fellow man and woman and it will take you further than you’ll ever know. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 63 “The Second Amendment” by Jefferson Jay

I can’t say I have a seriously strong opinion about the Second Amendment, but I DO now have a song about it. I obviously agree that is not great that people are going around shooting up public places so often. I am also highly uncertain that regular people need automatic weapons sitting around. That said, like many other pressing issues, I have not idea what the proper solution would be on that. I can only imagine like on most other issues there are heated passionate opinions on both sides of the matter and for good reason. Americans need guns to protect themselves but who’s protecting Americans, or anyone for that matter, from lunatics with military weapons all over.

I don’t know and that’s at least part of the reason why, my song offers no insight or solutions whatsoever on this pertinent and polarizing issue. Thank you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 63 “The Extra Mile”

Today's riveting "Words" segment looks a little bit at what goes in to making a 365 exist. It also touches on "going the extra mile," and what that means to different folks out there in the universe. For some it takes more than others. I may be here in the middle somewhere, but I'm here every day. Thrice.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 62

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 62 “Black and Blue” by Jefferson Jay

My dear friend, American hero, Dylan Avery released the trailer for his next feature film, “Black and Blue” earlier this week. “Black and Blue” takes an up-close look at police brutality and specifically recent events in Ferguson, MO and elsewhere in America. Dylan is best known professionally for his movie “Loose Change” about the hidden story behind the toppling of the Twin Towers on 9/11/01. He is best known, by me for being an awesome and courageous person.

When he started working on this project awhile back, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek theme song for his future film. I had done this with an equally upbeat earlier project of his called “Olson.” “Olson” may have even been part of the first 365. I don’t recall. Right around this same time I wrote this I thought Padres skipper Bud Black was about to get fired. He eventually did. So, there is a teensy amount about Bud Black buried deep in there too. I meant initially to write this song about Bud, but it wound up being about police brutality instead.

Even though, my “Black and blue” tune was not utilized in his motion picture, I wish Dylan great luck with his film and I wish everyone great luck not getting shot by police. I was going to say something else and I forgot. I hope I remember. Here is a link to the trailer. Enjoy.


I remember. Tonight we are celebrating the life of another courageous human who never shied away from taking on the powers of society with his artful words. We are having a memorial/fundraiser for my friend Dave Sparling, who I addressed in detail at the outset of Operation 365 2. His wife and kids will be there, I believe and we will auction off his classic beat-up old bike, among other things. Dave rhymed The News of the Week and a poem every Wednesday at my Open Mic (Winston’s Wednesday 6-9) for three years before he got sick at the end of 2014. We missed him all 2015 and hoped he would heal and return but alas, the Lord he never believed in had other plans.

So a Bud Lite cheers to you, Dave. He loved that stuff. He may have lost his prostate and its powers to cancer, but he had the biggest little balls of anyone I knew and I didn’t even realize it ‘til he was gone. I’ve heard of penile implants, but do they have an operation to give you bigger balls. Operation Giant Scrote, perhaps… We love you, Dave and it will be honor to tell stories and toast you all night.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 62 “Let Her Cry” by Hootie and the Blowfish

Are blowfish fish who blow? Does anybody know this? “Let Her Cry” was a direct request from my wife, as I began to search my brain for a cover for today. I had it handy here at my personal home work station and busted it out lickety-split. Love knows no bounds. Especially when it comes to Hootie and the Blowfish, unfortunately.

So, I did it. Justin Bieber yesterday. Hootie today. This 2nd 365 is truly making some dreams come true.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 62 “Behind the Scenes”

Seconds before I started recording my wife politely informed me that I looked “slobbish.” That is where today’s video begins. Prior to tonight’s big Open Mic, we can be seen in our natural habitat. Rummaging around with guitars, preparing to perform for the world.  Hail Dave. I love this life.

I just watched this video and it’s boring. I’ll have to conjure something else verbose.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 62 “Brad Shit”

Today’s replacement “Word” video is about embracing being ourselves and everything that encompasses. I believe it was “The Greatest Love of All” that said, “Learning to love yourself is The Greatest Love of All. Amen, Whitney. Someday, if we’re blessed to live long enough, we may not look as fancy as we did at our physical peak. I suggest this as a means for finding a deeper, more substantial and satisfying cause for happiness beyond how gosh-darn fancy you think you are.

I also rate myself physically on a scale of 1-10 in this vid, for those in search of additional incentive to click. Smooch!!!! Love you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 61

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 61 “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber

I’ve never heard this song before. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard any Justin Bieber song before. I do music with special needs adults for a living and popular tunes come up often, so I discover them that way. I learned of “Hello” by Adele, “Uptown Funk You Up” by Bruno Mars and “Watch Me (Whip It/Nae/Nae)” from folks I work with. Those are the only current songs I know at all, and it’s four more than I usually know. I stopped following long ago.

One of the ladies’ I work with said this is her favorite song. I guess it’s very hip-hoppy. Makes sense. She said she hated my version and that everyone song is not country. I understand. It is much easier to do country on an acoustic guitar then hip-hop and I’ve never even heard the tune, so I was not offended.

I admit. I think the lyrics are hilarious and at a few point s, I had to bite my lip to contain my laughter. God bless these kids, but hat’s what the lyrics sound like to me, the kind of stuff one might write in 5th grade. No offense. I’m older. I guess I’m at a different part in my life, but what my mom thinks of my girlfriend is not that urgent and certainly nothing I would write a dong about because… I’m a grown man.

No offense, Justin, and Ed Sheeran (who co-wrote this and I also know nothing about) congratulations on all you’ve accomplished. If you can be as rich in kindness and generosity as you are in fans and cash, you will have accomplished something truly great.
Peace. Hope you enjoy my version of this song I’ve never heard.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 61 “Roger Maris” by Jefferson Jay

Today is Day 61 of Operation 365 2. A 365 project really gets you thinking about numbers in a deep way, so I was thinking about the number 61 and it’s significance. I decided it would be a worthy expenditure of my time to write a song about Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle’s legendary 1961 single-season home run record chase. Maris ultimately claimed the crown with 61 blasts, but not before enduring heaps of undeserved scrutiny from media and fans, who simply liked Mantle better.

Billy Crystal wrote a move about all this called 61*, but nobody had ever written a song about it that I knew of, so now humans can scratch that off the checklist of things that need to be done in human history. Here it is, alive and part of the 2nd 365.

Little did I know when I penned this gem, (It was actually far from gemmy when I wrote it. It needed some serious souping-up this afternoon) that it would be the first of a baker’s dozen of songs I wrote yesterday. NOTE: That depends how seriously you take the whole midnight = end of the day thing. I was walking Nigel the Pooch and I had an idea for a way anybody could write songs easily. It is sort of computer and app-y though and such things are not my specialty. Neither is business or marketing frankly. So because I couldn’t do my initial idea, I decided instead to do a little project instead to remind me that this can be done and why it is important for people to write songs.

So at about 10:39, I began. My goal – to write 12 songs at once, immediately. It took two hours. I wrote one in each key, as per my plan, which I stated and then executed before the camera on this very computer I type at right now. 12 tunes.  Talk soon.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 61 “Hopefully”

Appreciate everything now, while you can, cause ya never know… Ideally we’ll all be here years from now rejoicing... hopefully…

Anything Can Happen. Peace. Everything happens for a reason. Love. We are all one.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 60

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 60 “I Love” by Jefferson Jay

Hi. I think I wrote this tune in 2015. Can’t say I have the clearest recollection of that.  It is also possible that some time in 2015 I found this song in some old stuff I wrote and just typed it out and finished it up. I don’t especially remember. Either way, “I Love” is a nice, short, mantra of a song with messages one can repeat for more positive ands enriching days. The lyric “Om Shanti” is interchangeable with “I see” in the second verse in case that more suits your mantric needs. I don’t know if mantric is a word, but if tantric is, why not, I say. Something mantric, is mantra-esque, at least that’s how I mean it when I use it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 60 “Get Back” by The Beatles

Folks, here’s hoping you never get any back problems… and for that matter any front or side problems either. I am not here to kvetch. I am here to entertain and inspire with my unending production, even in the eyes if discomfort and whatnot.

So, in honor of overcoming problems, back problems or any other kind of problems, I offer “Get Back,” as in “Get back to where you once belonged,” which is without problems. I offer “Get Back” as in “Don’t Get Back… Problems…”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 60 “The World Needs You”

Folks, once or twice in your life you may find yourself faced with some sort of adversity or other unpleasant matter. This brief talk offers you words of inspiration and encouragement in the event that you find yourself in need of such things now or in the future.

And regardless of whatever you may need, the world has needs too. And what the world needs is you. It needs you and all of us to overcome, rise up, endure, flourish and to come together with the rest of the world. You can do it. I believe. We can do it. It is our destiny.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 59

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 59 “Watching the Wheels” by John Lennon

It’s not easy on a Sunday morning to be a 365er sometimes. You wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy a full day of relaxation but duty beckons and there are videos that need to be done. Lately, I have been trying to do things first thing in the morning when I don’t have to work to create a free slate of sorts for the duration of the day.

So, today, I grabbed the first piece of paper I could find with a song on it and it was this one. I tried a few versions and reacquainted myself with the jamboree and then I out my head down and got to work, literally.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 59 “The Days of the Week” by Jefferson Jay

Without necessarily meaning to, I have been making original songs/videos with kids in mind these days. Foreshadowing? Who knows? Not I. I’ve been making up songs on the spot and lately, I find myself singing about Sesame Street staples such as counting to 20, ort like here the days of the week. Shout out to Cookie Monster, who may have influenced the voice I’m using here, mere decades before Tom Waits did.

If you’re kid needs to learn the days of the week and this helps ‘em, hallelujah!, may wonders never cease. I’ve been writing songs about months for years so I guess it was only a matter of time until I got to “The Days of the Week.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 59 “Creative Solutions”

Advice for anybody pursuing a 365 on a Sunday. It is no walk in the park… unless you take your camera and film your videos while walking in the park, in which case, it IS a walk in the park. Thank you. Have a swell weekend a week full of bulging, bombastic freeness.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 58

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 58 “Chicken Bone” by Matt Reischling

February 20 is a pretty big day in the Jefferson Jay world. It is my second birthday, mainly because my best friend, Tony Russo, passed away via highly questionable circumstances on this day in 1992. A big hunk of my former self died that day and this guy here posting videos, thrice a day, emerged in his place. I like this guy. I feel he has a big heart, cares about people, and would do whatever he could to he make the world a better place for all the folks living here. It is the least I can do, because it’s what Tony would have done.

I think I was always pretty loyal at my heart. Before Tony died, we had a very tight friendship, He had problems at home (understatement of the 20th century) so he lived with us on my couch in my room. We hung a lot and never fought or tired of each other. It is bliss and it was ignorant bliss because it seemed it would go on forever. Of course it did. We were 17 years old.

Well, I am still loyal and Tony and I are still close and as time passes more friends join the club and I do all I can do, which is stay loving, open, communicative and as helpful as I can be. Love those who have passed and stay here to help those who love them. It works. In a way, it’s my life.

So this is always a heavy day, but now 24 years later, I’m more or less used to it. It’s amazing, You’d never think it when these things first happen, but eventually, you do get used to it.  So, in honor of Tony and all my graduated family and friends, I bring you a song by one of my dearest friends, Matt Resichling.

Matt and I met at Open Mic at Twiggs Coffee House, probably in 2001. We were fast friends in a way that grows rarer as we age. We went back to my house and invented Bock Rock. That is classic rock songs sung with the lyrics of a chicken. Hence, bock. We were bonded for life. Many more things happened and now it’s 2016. “Chicken Bone” is one of his old songs and oddly, has not connection to Bock Rock.

It is an honor to play it for you and for him. Cherish every instant. That’s’ the reason we’re here.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 58 “Friendship and Loyalty”

Friendship and loyalty is the answer to the question, “What’s the best way to spend your time in this life? Love is the answer, actually, the friendship and loyalty are two beautiful faces of love. If you are unhappy, and I hope you’re not, it’s cause you need more of these three things in your life, most likely.  They will take you real, real far. I am deeply grateful

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 58 “My Angel of Everything” by Jefferson Jay

In August, my beloved pup and best friend, Angel, passed. It was hard, not only cause I love her so much and we’d been together for fifteen and a half years, but because all of the other sorrow it brought to the forefront of my mind. I struggled to manage all the deep dark feelings I had sequestered so deeply in my soul. All of a sudden all these feelings from my childhood and losing my best friend then re-emerged and I was helpless to put them back where they belonged.

I am very glad that passed and very glad I have music to help me process such complex and divisive feelings. I wrote “My Angel of Everything” about Angel at the end of 2012 when I was writing tunes about every member of our humble little clan. It’s a nice one and I cried a few times while playing it during Angels’ final months and after.

Friendship and loyalty know no end. Like matter, once they exist, they always exist and I cherish that. I feel as close to Angel and Tony and my grandparents too of course, the legendary Don Truesdail, as ever. It is the most important thing in my spirit’s existence and today for better and for worse, we celebrate and honor it, every year. We can’t help it. History matters and anniversaries can hurt, but this too we should celebrate, for when we don’t feel anything anymore, it is only then that we have truly lost.

I love you.


Onward and Upward.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 57

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 57 “Colorado Trail”

This is how we do it, baby. You get the book. You turn to the page. You play the piano and you sing in three languages. I played “Colorado Trail,” which I’ve never heard before. I added that in as a bonus. Could have used it as a cover another day, I suppose, but I’m feeling frisky. What can I tell ya?

I was going to name this t6rack, “Music Teacher Style” as a shout out to my man Psy and the Gangam Style-tune, but I thought that would be disrespectful to Colorado Trail.”
There a couple states I might consider disrespecting, if faced with no alternative. Colorado is not one of them. Now I got to look up who wrote this hit.

“collected and published in 1927 by Carl Sandburg in his American Songbag.” Thanks ‘Peed. That’s my pet name for Wikipedia. Songbag. I love that. Songbag. I may try that out as a musician insult… or Open Mic banter. “Our next songbag…!”

More from the ‘Peed. “Sandburg says that he learned the song from Dr. T. L. Chapman, of Duluth, Minnesota, who heard it from a badly injured cowboy being treated in his hospital. The cowboy sang it, and many others, to an audience of patients in his ward.[2]”

OK, ‘Peed. Whatever you say, Dr. T.L. Chapman wrote it. Fine.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 57 “Tzena, Tzena” by Issachar Miron and Jehiel Hagges

OK. So here’s another I busted out of the songbook. It is so hack, it may be classic, or it may just be hack. No matter. “Tzena, Tzena” is written in three languages, Hebrew, Arabic and English. Two of those languages I don’t know and one, Arabic, I’ve never even tried to speak before. So, I apologize in advance for the butchering of all these words in all these languages.

Quite the opposite of butchering though is the multi-cultural ideal this song represents.  Apparently the Smothers Brothers did a humorous version in the 60s. Maybe this is humorous. Who knows? Sure is an awful lot of subjectivity when it comes to that sort of thing.

Congratulations (seems as fitting a place as any to say so) to Jesse Egan, a colleague of mine at Winston’s who earned the gig as host of the talk show Tonight in San Diego. I auditioned. You may recall a few weeks back. Even in my audition, I told them the best thing about the show (they asked) was Jesse’s monologue when he hosted and I think he’ll do an excellent job. I guarantee he will improve that show immensely. Check it out at if you’re so inclined. New episodes begin April 11, or so I read.

Anyway, back on task. I never heard “Tzena, Tzena” in my life and I hacked my way through it in the name of trying new things, overcoming adversity, expanding myself culturally, and all that jazz. I grabbed the book and I tried to play it. The rest is, well, simple, the rest. Tzena, Tzena!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 57 “Pizza” by Jefferson Jay

Who’s to say what makes a great song? Nobody? Everybody? Essentially. It is all a matter of opinion and personal preference. It is nice that way. There is no right or wrong with a song any more than there is with a sunset. They are both colorful, natural and unique. That is what makes them.

Yesterday, I discovered that a tune I’d had in my head for months was called “Walk, Don’t Run” by The Ventures. Big thanks to Tom Pearl for the wisdom there. Then I checked out a million other Ventures tunes. Oh my God! They are awesome. Blown mind big time. “Sleep Walk.” They did “Wipe Out,” “Hawaii Five-O.” Amazing stuff. This particular original tune “Pizza” was written on the spot today and was inspired largely by another Ventures jam, “Tequila” You see, The Ventures weren’t too big on overburdening songs with lyrics. Their music is brilliantly sparse, groovy and extremely interesting and soothing.

So I figured if they can have a classic with “Tequila,” basically playing some cool music and saying “Tequila,” I should at least go for it with “Pizza,” which people like a lot as well. I might even go so far as to say that youngsters and even some older-sters perhaps, prefer pizza to tequila. So with that being said and acknowledgements to Hillcrest’s Bronx Pizza, where I ate today, maybe I’ll have a surprise hit. Or maybe at least after The Ventures get a hold of it. “Pizza!”

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 56

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 56 “The Counting Song” by Jefferson Jay

“The Counting Song” is a little ditty I made up at work today for my some of my special folks. It involves counting and rhyming and gets as high as 28, if I remember correctly. Seemed like a decent little tune, so here it is and if it helps you (or your kid) learn to rhyme or count to 28, even better,

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 56 “Bad” by Michael Jackson

I was getting ready for cover time and I dialed up this Michael Jackson classic, “Bad.” As I was starting, post-nap, Leanne showed up with our overnight houseguest, the corgi puppy, Ashton. Ashton is a handful. He has already discouraged little Nigel from wanting to play with him due to his over exuberant puppy zest. He started barking and being “Bad” during my filming, which seemed fairly appropriate considering. Wish us luck.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 56 – “Avoid Dying”

Some helpful advice. Don’t be like my February flowers I bought Leanne and be bringing everybody down, slowly dying in living room for all to see. It’s inconsiderate and depressing. Kindly, stay alive instead. Thank you for watching Operation 365 2.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 55

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 55 “The Kitchen Sink” by Jefferson Jay

So one day, we were hanging out the former apartment of our friend Kristina Henry. While trying to relax. I got the whole inspiration fore this song and had to take an hour or whatever it was to figure it out and write. Thanks to Kristina for the pen and paper.  I like the hook. The whole song pretty much supports it. “Doing kitchen sink things in a bathroom sink world.” What can I tell ya? It’s quirky.

Let’s face it though. Things have gotten quite down and dirty these last few centuries and now’s as good a time as any to spit blood less and steam organic veggies more. I don’t know. It’s a song. Do with it what you will. Kisses.

P.S. If you’re sticking around for the surprise I usually stick at the end of each of these videos, uhhhh…. I forgot. Luckily there’s 310 more days.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 55 “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler

Who wrote this song anyway? Great work, Jeff Silbar and Larry Henley. Probably good you had Bette sing it though. No offense. I’ve had my mentor and former director, Thomas Ratzin on the mind this week. I guess I have him on the mind lots, but closer to the front of the ol’ brain space this week. Side note: Know what’s funny? Political Correctness. Ha!

Anyway, Mr. Ratzin, legendary teacher/director at Fair Lawn High loved this tune and it was played it his memorial so many years ago. So once again, I would like to dedicate this to him for the decades of inspiration he so naturally provide and lifetimes of wisdom he managed to share with so many of us in just a few years.

Mr. Ratzin always said,  and I never forgot, “The show comes first,” so I’m going to stop typing and edit this vid up and post it. I have Open Mic to host tonight at 6. Talk about an ensemble show. Winston’s Wednesdays and all 21 and over are welcome. More Mr. Ratzin coming soon. I’ve got a little idea about covering one of his tunes.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 55 – “July” 2-6-16 – JJB at Mother’s Saloon

Not feeling super wordy once again. Fortunately, songs have words and even if they didn’t, words mainly exist to aid with communication and songs communicate just fine.   I wrote “July” in 2011 for the first 365 and this was our second live performance of the whole band. It is just a little taste of the tune, but I felt like sharing so here it goes. Thanks to Daniel Diaz, who appears at the beginning and end of the video and recorded it for us and to Mike Bumba who lent me his GoPro. Righteous

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 54

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 54 “Before You Accuse Me” by Bo Diddley

The 365 was a bit of a odyssey today. I try to keep it not that way, but it happened. Earlier today, I improvised a little tune at work and played a version of “Johnny B. Goode” that was decent. I’m not sure if I’ve ever done “Johnny B. Goode” but I decided to go elsewhere largely due to looking schwaggerly. It’s not ideal…

So, then some motivation and a hop in my step I decided to learn, transcribe and do my dear friend Matt Reischling’s classic tune, “Chicken Bone.” It was cool cause we got to chat a little on line and catch up some while I was learning the tune. Alas, in a million tries I never got close to satisfied with my performance of it. I love the tune too much to play it sub-par. So, it was emerge another day, I ‘m sure. Somewhere in the middle of this, I busted my finger open with a rock and bled on my guitar. #Blowski

So, needless to say, I was becoming a tad frustrated. I then switched up and decided to play “Wind Beneath My Wings.” That was going OK, except my strap snapped off on one take and only my complete lack of trust for guitar straps saved my Gibson from smashing into the concrete. Gotta figure that becomes the “Words” video here in a bit. “Never Trust Anything.”

At that point, that song was burned out for me also for today and I went back to the drawing board once again. Hours are passing. What can ya play when you’re frustrated and still have it sound OK? The Blues. And that’s what happened.

I pulled up this “Before You Accuse Me” because I had fun singing it with Israel Maldonado and some friends at the Jam at Winston’s on a Thursday  (6-9) a couple weeks back. It went pretty well. I think my wife, pictured reading was second-guessing the lyrics and why I was singing them, i.e. ”I´m spending my money on other women.”

I think I’m gonna post the one where she got a beer instead of the one she glared through, because I sang a little better, but that is the one that lead to this…

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 54 “Me School” by Jefferson Jay

So I was singing me some blues and my wife was looking at me funny because of lyrics I didn’t write such as ”I´m spending my money on other women.” So to reassure her and stay in my chosen genre of the day, blues, I made her up a little blues song I’m calling “Me School.” It seemed to change the subject and do the job. It got me through another 365 to boot. XOXO. Peace to you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 54 – “Never Trust Anything”

I don’t really mean that, but as it pertains to guitar straps, I most entirely do. I shoulda named it “Never Trust Guitar Straps,” but I wanted to relate to more people. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 54 – “Nobody Said It Was Easy”

In honor of the trials and tribulations, especially the bleeding, that went into today’s 365, I’ve decided to share the trials and tribulations that went into today’s 365. It’s dinner time.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 53

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 53 “Bo-Bo-Ski-Watten-Totten” by Unknown

I’m not sure what pseudo-random mechanism in my mind puts “cover tunes” in there first thing in the AM, but this is how it played out today. You can see I still have my morning dishevel on. So, this mysterious hit from childhood is what happened. The girls used to slap hands and sing this in grade school and now I go it alone. Wikipedia has no idea who wrote this when it started or what it means. I’m going to double check that now.

Wikipedia, “The page "Bo bo ski watten totten" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created.”

No thanks, Peed’. Have fun slapping this one around on a Monday.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 53 Face” by Jefferson Jay

“Face” is a pretty cool tune I wrote last year. Here I am playing it last week, after our dodge ball conquests. I was shooting for an upbeat, major, feel-good kind of song and”Face” is what came out. I like this one. Might be cool with harmonies. Or Mike Patton singing. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 53 – “Introducing The Jefferson Jay Band” 12-31-15

This is my band and these are my friends. It is quite a lovely state of affairs, and here, I chose to share. This is brief pause between tunes at our New Year’s Eve Mother’s Saloon gig in 2015, a very fun night indeed. Six swell folks. I didn’t have a whole great deal I felt like saying today, so here instead, I say the names, of five people who mean the world to me. How blessed I am to have them as friends, etc…

Shout-out to Cory Wilkins, Laura Wilkins and The Cory Wilkins Band, whose “chick drummer” intro I borrowed. We play Mother’s with them on March 27, 2016, 3-7 PM.

Time to go get stuck with needles by Aquilino Soriano. Outski. Hail the JJB!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 52

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 52 “Check on You” by Jefferson Jay

I’m a little sad today. I hope that doesn’t bring anybody down.  I don’t particularly care for Valentine’s Day. It’s safe to say there’s people who’ve had better ones historically. Whatever. This 365 is not about moping or rehashing old sad stories, but it is always about being real. It’s hard to avoid such a fate when sharing a slice of your soul every day for a year. Anyway, I was having trouble getting through even a few tunes due to my mental discombobulation, but I somehow managed to squeeze a couple out.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I guess so. So I went with the sorrow motif and played one of the emotional songs I wrote about my beloved pooch Angel who passed away in August 2015 but lives forever in my heart. “Check on You” is a song I wrote in the final months of her life and it is pretty self-explanatory in that context. I hope it does something for someone somehow someday and winds up being more than just a sad song I put on the Internet.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 52 “Turn Turn Turn” by Pete Seeger

I guess God wrote the lyrics, depending who you ask. I don’t read the Bible, but I’ve been meaning to dip in to this Ecclesiastes for some time. It keeps coming back around and apparently it has been for some time, as my main recollection of this tune personally goes back a long ways.

As a freshman in High School I tried out for a play called “What D’Ya Know.” It was an original thematic show about what people know. It was a coming out party for me in terms of being in a good show and doing a decent job. I learned a ton. In one of the number we performed this song both with singing and with only sign language. It was really awesome. And I forever revere our director and mentor the late Thomas Ratzin for doing so much with our fragile clay-like minds. It has propelled many people into pursuing careers in entertainment for decades.

Thanks Mr. Ratzin and all my fellow Masques for the tremendous indelible imprint you’ve left on my life and soul. This is for you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 52 “Don’t Kill Your Children”

Maybe I shouldn’t have posted this, but it IS very based on a true story. Not to make light of awful things, but frankly that is how we survive. If you are still angry and devastated about terrible things from years ago, (I admit it. I am, little) hopefully, a little laughter and trying to make something positive out of it can somehow help.

Anyway, what I said in here is true. Shit is going to go bad sometimes raising a kid. Did you think it was going to be easy? Nothing worth anything is. That is no solution. You know who you are. I’m glad I don’t have to walk a day in your slippers. Killing’s wrong.

I think I’ve decided this is too dark to post. It makes me feel good a little but to put it on people, but they don’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing how I feel or anything. So… I’m on the fence. Vacillating. F it. Karma and the universe will work it out. I’ll stay out of it. For today. No sense spreading any more poison on a dark and burned up piece of toast. I’m hungry. Guess I need a new words video.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 52 “A Message of Hope”

I have made a conscious decision to turn my frown upside down and spread a message of hope on this, the most Hallmarky of all holidays. No matter. We are the masters of our destinies and it is up to us to decide how we are going to handle whatever gifts and challenges life lay before us.

We are resilient beyond our wildest imaginations and we can rise up and overcome even the post debilitating of circumstances. I stand beside you, brothers and sisters, and offer encouragement, hope and my strong shoulders to lean on, if you ever need an extra little bit of support in life’s darkest hours. Peace and love and triumph over adversity. Excelsior!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 51

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 51 “Safety Dance” by Men Without Hats

A few days, I was all fired up doing my videos and I recorded a while bunch of stuff that, at the time, I thought was OK. Well, days have passed and as it turns out I’ve decided to post almost every bit if it. Maybe the idea of playing “Safety Dance” in a pile of balls wasn’t as disastrous as I thought. Yes, I love this song and it IS possible that I could have played it “better” (as if there even is such a thing. It’s quite subjective.) had I not been perched on a pile of balls, but it was meant to be and we’re here.

Sometimes finishing old work is just a lot more doable and fun than starting new work. I believe now is one of those times. Someone’s gotta play on a pile of balls. Apparently, today, that someone is me.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 51 “A Clean Mind (Paradise Found)” by Jefferson Jay

I wrote “A Clean Mind (Paradise Found)” in 2012, I believe. I had a whole collection of happy, lovey songs I wrote then that hasn’t really been heard by anyone. Part of the reason I wanted to do this 365 was to share some of the songs I wrote since the last one that I may never have shared otherwise. From some reason that’s important to me. It’s like the old maxim, “if a tree fall is the forest an no one is around, does any one hear it?” If a song sits in my brain and my computer, will anyone hear it? No is the answer.

Will anyone hear it here? I don’t know that either, but that’s a question for someone other than me to answer. A clean mind is paradise found. It’s a nice message for a song if I say so myself, which I just did, so I do.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 51 “Porn vs. Prostitution”

It occurred to me, as it doesn’t from time to time that there are just some things I don’t understand, particularly as it pertains to the law. For instance, the one that’s had me apoplectic today is the idea that there’s any difference between porn and prostitution. It seems to me the only difference is that, there is video proof that people got paid to have sex in porn while there is not in standard “prostitution” whatever that means.

If I didn’t know better, and I don’t, it would appear the porno movie provides evidence that people had sex for money. There are tax records too, I imagine. I just don’t get it. I’m not stating anything for or against either of these things as much as I’m pointing out the absurd imaginary lines between what’s legal and what isn’t. I love our Bizzaro World despite all it conundrums and peccadillos.

One final example to just slightly overdo it:

“According to Gawker’s Adam Weinstein and his very helpful map, you may not have anal or oral sex of any sort — even if you are in a good, old fashioned, hetero marriage — but you may engage in sexual intercourse with a corpse in Louisiana and North Carolina.

Louisiana (whose politicians are ALWAYS pillars of the moral community) recently upheld its ban on sodomy, even though the law was ruled to be unconstitutional.”

Just a teensy tad difficult to take laws seriously when laws like this still exist in the 21st Century. Maybe it’s time for an overhaul legal review…

It has been brought to my attention this week, for the first time, through the Trump and Sanders campaign and media coverage of them that people are outraged with the status quo. Well, it’s about damn time, Where ya been all these years?  Maybe ya been there all along and it’s just that the media can’t conceal it any longer with it’s reality TV and nonsense, which incidentally, is how we got into this whole Trump situation in the first place, but that’s another story for another non-today day on Operation 365 2.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 50

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 50 “Words on Balls and Goals”

So yesterday, I was having fun talking in a funny voice and saying odd things. Here is the conclusion of that performance. It is very important to have both balls and goals, particularly if you are a soccer coach, as my wifehead is. Enjoy the depth and the Mr. Bean/Inspector Clouseau aloofness of my new as yet unnamed, character.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 50 “Balls and Goals” by Jefferson Jay

I wasn’t going to post this yesterday when I made it and then I changed my mind. Wouldn’t life be rough if you couldn’t change your mind. I say yes. It’s a big part of freedom, actually. Wouldn’t be so free if we had to stick by all our bad ideas forever. Maybe posting this is one of those bad ideas, but probably not. It was fun sitting on a chair improvising this song on “Balls and Goals.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 50 “Tutti Frutti” by Little Richard

So this morning, when I woke, I took a few short steps from bed when “Tutti Frutti” popped into my head. It was more then name of the song that appeared suddenly, not so much the infectious cacophonies of Mister Little Richard. But moments later, I was busting it out. I even went and got the purple boa I wore at my wedding.

I just confirmed. Little Richard is still alive. Yes! Or yassssss, as I was told millenials say. Microsoft Word doesn’t even know millennials is a word yet. Is it? I guess. Would it be millennia? … Well, Little Richard lives so a major “Hail!” to him. Did I mention I’ve dabbled in a dodge ball team named Richard? It’s true. Loving you!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 49

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 49 “Can’t Buy Me Love” by The Beatles

I recorded a bunch of decent videos today. Only I wasn’t feeling ‘em all so much. I did one where I played “Safety Dance” laying in a pile of balls, completing a make-believe life-long dream of playing laying in balls. I did one detailing “The Making of…” that one. I did one called “Balls and Goals” where I sat in the chair and detailed how important it is to have those in your life. I was very inspired apparently by Leanne’s soccer gear. I doubt I’ll be posting those ever. Maybe…

I did one where I talked about Nigel with an accent. And then I got over to these. Maybe I ought to reconsider posting the one with the accent. Looking back, I think it loosened me up. Not as comfy playing on balls as you might think.

I was having fun playing “Can’t Buy Me Love” today at work for my special needs folks and I had fun playing it here today for you. I liked the movie of the same name too when I was a kid. People were eating up the tunes today at work. Got one group all kinds of fired up with a “Friends in Low Places” like I’ve never seen before. I love my job. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 49 “Up Close with Nigel”

Upon further review, I’ve decided to air my Crocodile Hunter/National Geographic-type piece with Nigel in its entirety. If I’m ever on Saturday Night Live, perhaps this guy will be one of my characters. I love Nigel. You may too after you get “Up Close with Nigel”.

Shout out to Roy Firestone. And Art Rust Jr. while I’m at it. Hail.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 49 “How” by Jefferson Jay

I didn’t even really mean to play this song. I was relaxing after a long-feeling few days and it took me some time to finally loosen up. Next thing I know, I find myself playing this groove and feeling it. So, here it is, in its’ entirety. I meant it, at most, as a little intro to a different tune, but alas, it’s a tune of it’s own. Maybe I’ll post that tune tomorrow.

I like the idea of a song that asks questions. When? What? How? A lot of us need to answer these and we need to answer them all as a society. How will we solve our problems? How will we get along well enough to implement a great plan, if we were to make one. I believe we can and I believe the most important question is,” How?”

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 48

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 48 “Rain” by Jefferson Jay

This morning, one of the special needs adults I work with asked me to sing a song about rain. So I said ,”OK,” and penned this little rain hit. Props to whoever wrote the nursery rhyme I borrowed the lyrics form. Cheers to my friend Blowski for singing a different “Little Johnny” song. Wikipedia tells me someone else had this idea so shout out to the Bobby Vinton-recorded song, I’ve never heard. Gosh, I hope it doesn’t sound exactly the same.

Shout out to El Nino, allegedly making a comeback next week.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 48 “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac

I had fun playing this song a number of years back when a lady and I split up and I knew it was for the best. I truly did wish her the best, going her own way and I played this song a bunch back then as a reflection of sorts. I must have been very moved on to me new relationship during that first 365 because I never looked back and shared my “Go Your Own Way” cover then. Now, it’s just “Go Your Own Way” again to me and it is still another fun Fleetwood Mac song to share on a Wednesday.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 48 “Can You Spot the Black Panther?”

Today, in absurd controversies…Well, apparently some folks are outraged because Beyonce had her dancers dress like Black Panthers during the super Bowl halftime show. First of all, if she paid to play, (as sources report), it serves them right, her doing whatever she feels like. That is not the part that bothers me today. It is the huge amount of ignorance people have regarding the Black Panthers. Did anybody notice what was on the helmet of the team that lost the Super Bowl? A black panther. How about their name? Panthers. This stuff is so stupid you couldn’t make it up. I guess some white folks need to pretend to be victims of racism somehow. Oh, brother. 

This song postulates that we all could stand to learn a thing or two more about the Black Panthers and history overall.

Finally, congratulations to Bernie Sanders, the first Jewish person ever to win a primary in the history of The United States of America. Hope he’s elected so he can overturn nonsense like this article.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 47

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 47 “The Power of Words” by Jefferson Jay

“The Power of Words” is a number I wrote three or four years back. It is the most Incubus-sy song I’ve ever written. I can’t say they’re a huge influence of mine. I don’t know any of their songs really, but I do like most of what I’ve heard. It just goes to show ya we all rub off on each other somehow in the whole scheme of things. Hint: It’s cause we’re all one. I am Incubus. And so are you. And we are also an elephant

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 47 “Do-Re-Mi” by Rodgers and Hammerstein

Hello, I’m not as full of ideas as I usually am today. Fortunately, I know me some “Do-Re-Mi.” Some of the elementary school students I teach from time to time sing this song. I also sang it in 5th grade in my first music experience. I was in the chorus for “The Sound of Music”. For some reason, I didn’t show up for the performance. I highly doubt I was missed.

Heaven forbid my dulled brain bore anyone, so to make sure it doesn’t, I bring you, “Do-Re-Mi” as sung by Billy Bob Thornton’s character in the classic film, “Sling Blade.”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 47 “Shows I Like”

It’s not as easy I thought it was be, coming up with deep profound things to say every day. It’s not so much that I don’t have stuff to say as that it takes a lot of energy to say something meaningful and eloquent. Plus, you never know what kind of a rat’s nest that is going to stir up. I’m glad there’s 365 days because I’d like to say deep meaningful stuff, but today, I sang a little groove about current shows I like.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 46

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 46 “Everything Alright” by Jefferson Jay

A sleepy post Super Bowl Monday. Told ya so about that Peyton Manning. Won't be hosting that talk show. Hmmm... What else ya know? I banged my ring finger on a busted chair. I'm ok. Saturday afternoon, after our dodgeball contests, I played some tunes. Tired but fired up. "Everything Alright" is the first song I wrote for this here Operation 365 2 a few weeks back. Wrote it then, but didn't play it til the other day. Enjoy. It's a neat tune about what we can do to make the world the way we want it. We, in this case, means love-intentioned, reasonable people.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 46 “Musicians Should Pay for the Super Bowl”

A friend said the musical acts paid to play the Super Bowl yesterday. Sad that that's an option and sadder they said yes. I guess the NFL doesn't believe music is worth paying for. Nice message that sends. A nice message was sent though at the end of the performance when the audience, who also paid to be there incidentally, held at their arms and it read " Believe in love." This is translated from NFL to English to mean "please disregard concussions." Classy stuff as always, NFL.

Day 46 Shout Out to Buddy Ryan's "46" Defense and the Champion Super Bowl Shuffle Bears of '85.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 46 “7th Heaven” by Dan Foliart

I've never watched an episode of 7th Heaven and I've never heard the song, but Leanne and Dan are much younger then me and watched family shows in the 90's when that was out. I did not. So, Leanne said she'd sing this jam but then she ran an errand so I busted it out, sound unheard. Thanks to Dan for the coaching so I at least had an idea how it went. Hope it takes you to 7th Heaven whatever that means.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 45

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 45 “A Richard Retrospective”

Saturday afternoon, my dodgeball team of bad-ass individuals, Richard, participated in The Innocence Project’s Fundraiser/Dodgeball Tournament. We competed fiercely and won five games. Alas, The Average Jews took us out in the quarterfinals. Here, a worn and weathered me offers some post-game words of reflection on our experience as Richard. We were deliberately the bad guys of the tournament. Gamesmanship. It helped us win. I like wrestling. It’s fun to be the villain sometimes. Makes for a more exciting adventure. As we yell, “RICHARD, RICHARD RICHARD RICHARD!” Hail!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 45 “My Super Bowl Prediction” by Jefferson Jay

Today is the Big Game. I’m not sure I’m legally allowed to make videos about it. I know the NFL is highly protective or their property. Regardless, I make my pick here, officially, 90 minutes before game time. Spoiler: I pick Peyton Manning to ride off into the sunset on a Bronco. Upset victory faw the Denvuh Broncos. Ya hurd it hea first. Supuh Bowl.

NOTE: The Mass accent comes courtesy of Massachusetts, The Funny State.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 45 “The KKK Took My Baby Away” by Ramones

I love The Ramones. Sadly, The KKK took my baby away once. Once. It was very upsetting. I have overcome that loss though and still managed to hold deep love for this song. Pleasant Dreams.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 44

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 44 “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” by Pat Benatar

Today is fun and games day on the 365 and it’s about time. Too much serious stuff lately. Missing guitars, traumatic head injuries. Time for us to lighten up a little and what better way to do that than by a day of whipping balls at other people in hopes that you’ll hit them. Yes, friends, it’s that time of the every few years when our old dodgeball team of intimidators gets it together and defends our title as the Oakland Raiders of semi-annual dodgeball. Does that clear things up at all?

So our friend Charlotte recently became a lawyer and on her road to doing so, she got involved with this project that helps wrongly convicted innocent folks get their convictions overturned. It’s called The Innocence Project or something like that. So this dodgeball tournament is a fund-raiser for them and even though, I’d never even played dodgeball since youth, our team, Richard, finished third at the first one of these we played in some years ago. Richard wears all black and screams our motto, “RICHARD, RICHARD, RICHARD, RICHARD,” loudly at every opportunity. Using gamesmanship to defeat lawyers sounds just to me.

Today, I am slightly conflicted as our Jefferson Jay Band takes the stage at Mother’s for three hours of music at ten. If we lost right away, it will be a short of dodgeball for us at the Rec center. If we win a bunch like we did last time, we can be there for hours. Ouch. So please wish us luck, but not really.

“Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” I learned today, was written by Eddie Schwartz, a.k.a. E. Schwartz. Does that sound less Jewish? Not really. Pat Benatar made it a hit though and today I intend to make hits, on the faces, of lawyers, with dodgeballs. Here’s hoping nobody gets sued… or hurt.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 44 “You Can’t Blame Elvis”

Been a lot of talk about TV around here lately. Not so much watching it, but more being on it in some sort of host/entertainer capacity. I auditioned to be the new host of a local Internet talk show call “Tonight In San Diego” on Thursday. I did very well if I may say so myself. It is a significant time commitment and not so much dough, but it sounds like great experience and a wonderfully motivating challenge, so we’ll see if that’s the direction they want to go. Either way, I’m cool. Up to them. Not me.

I’m also developing another TV project. With my friend Blair who writes, produces and voices and the legendary KGB Sky Show, the first Rock N’ Roll Fireworks show ever, I believe. It is awesome. We’re talking about making a music TV show and today we went out with our new little camera and began to do some practice runs for our filming which will begin later. Here, we explored a new bit called “Made Up San Diego,” where I detail incredible historical events from San Diego music history that never actually took place. It’s not Elvis’ fault he didn’t really live here. You can’t blame Elvis.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 44 “The Name of the Game” by Jefferson Jay

I wrote “The Name of the Game” the other day for my special needs adults that I work with to perform. I find it very satisfying to bring the perspective of other people into my songwriting as best as I can. Especially when the songs are meant for them to sing. It feels nice to give people words who may not have them on the tip of their tongue. This song is also nice in the context of The Super Bowl, which will be played tomorrow and our dodgeball tournament which starts fairly soon.

So I like this song, I’ve imagined a few different versions of it, funky, minor blues, but I came back to the upbeat happy funky rhythm I wrote it with here. I can hear cool back up vocals and I would have liked to put them on here with the dodgeball team coming over, but time is sparse today with our gig tonight and the dodgeball battle, so maybe we’ll try that out another time. Included here are explicit instructions on how to get yourself into the Human Hall of Fame. Shout out to Nigel, who we’ve had for five years this week and Reggie Jackson and Hank Aaron for doing wonders with the number 44 on the Operation 365 2’s 44th day.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 43

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 43 “Harper Lee” by Jefferson Jay

Today’s 365 is all about the birthday. One of my favorite humans is turning two today. I wrote this song the day she was born. What a wonderful adventure it has been. So love and salutations to Harper. Happy Birthday.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 43 “Get Up, Stand Up” by Bob Marley

Bob Marley would have been 71 tomorrow. Can you imagine that? Bob Marley still alive at 71. How awesome would that have been? What a great man. His songwriting and social contributions are matched by few in music history. Dylan? The Beatles? Maybe.

Bob Marley encouraged people and society to reach out and be the best they could be. We need more of that. Fortunately, his music survives to preach that message. Stand up for your rights.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 43 “Chanting for Beginners”

Don’t have too much to say this week. Feel like I’ve said enough with “Death is Not a Game” and “The Story of the Found Guitar” and the rest of this week’s funfests. So, here we embark upon some basic chanting with hopes that I accidentally said something really deep and profound in some other language. Seeya tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 42

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 42 “Death Is Not a Game” by Jefferson Jay

This is the hardest video I’ve ever had to post. It’s because a song like this should not need to exist. Eleven high school boys were killed in 2015 through being involved with high school football. That means at practice and in games. To me, that is beyond unacceptable. No game is worth even a fraction of that damage. School is where you go to learn, not die.

If well-paid adults, wish to take these risks with their bodies in college and the NFL, it is their adult right to make that call. Children rely on parents and school systems to protect them and in these cases, and countless others, they have not. I believe high school football should be banned completely now. The price is far too great.

I deliberated about whether I should post this video and share this song. I wanted viewers to realize these are real people and that is why I mentioned them by name. The last thing I want to do is further traumatize the families, school and communities that have been devastated by these losses. What I want less than that though is for these boys lives to be lost for nothing. I want their deaths to potentially save others and they can, if people see “high school football” for what it is, an epidemic, not a game at all. Checkers is a game. It is safe for kids to play.

I sought counsel on whether to post this from the ultimate authority on this topic, Dr. Bennet Omalu. Dr. Omalu discovered CTE, (chronic brain injuries caused by repeated collisions) and was the subject of the feature film, “Concussion.” Will Smith played him in the movie. Dr. Omalu is a hero and a large part of his heroism, beyond his great work in medicine, has been his courage to step up and share unpopular views about a beloved national institution, the NFL. I tweeted him my video from earlier this week where I debated with myself the merits of posting this. He retweeted it and I interpreted that to mean I should post it.

Most importantly, my deepest condolences go out to the loved ones of these 11 boys. Every person involved in these matters is traumatized. It is impossible to know what to say or do when these things happen. No parent can be prepared to skillfully handle the loss of a young child. I hope in time they will all agree that non of these deaths are accidents. Football kills children. I hope that they can all eventually step forward and become powerful voices leading the charge to protect our young people.  It is not our fault if we don’t know bad things will happen and we let them. It is our fault when we find out they are happening and we fail to act. The world needs leadership, not just on the football field. In this case, it needs leadership keeping children off the football field. I am so sorry for you loss and I hope no one else has to suffer like you have. No game is worth it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 42 “Who Let the Dogs Out” by Baha Men

Today’s “Who Let the Dogs Out” is a little leftover from yesterday. Here, one of my favorite friends from work is featured yet unseen and she leads us through one of her classroom favorites. Huge props to her!

Some trivia on this tune, Wikipedia says Anslem Douglas wrote it and the Baha Men wanted n part of covering it but were convinced. It also says,

“In a poll conducted in 2007, by Rolling Stone to identify the 20 most annoying songs, this song was ranked third.[3] It was also ranked first on Spinner's 2008 list of "Top 20 Worst Songs Ever".[4] Rolling Stone also ranked it at No. 8 on a poll to identify the worst songs of the 1990s.[5]”

Haha. Haters. I don’t even know how the verse goes and it doesn’t really matter. I’m sure Amslem and the Baha dudes are not concerned.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 42 “The Story of the Found Guitar”

It brings me great joy to share this story, as much joy as I’ve gotten from posting any videos in this 365 so far. Long story short (watch the video if you want long story, long) a friend of mine found an amazing Taylor guitar Monday. He asked for my advice. I helped him find the guy who had it stolen out of his trunk. Today, we found him and my friend returned the guitar to its owner.

My friend was disappointed that the fellow who got his guitar back wasn’t as friendly or thankful as he’d hoped. I know I would have been. I am super impressed by the way my friend handled it. Of course, he only did the right thing, but many others would have kept the $2500 guitar they found for themselves and not looked back. He didn’t. In case the guy who got his guitar back didn’t realize, that if my friend had stole it, he wouldn’t have given it back. Haha.

In fairness, I am sure he was very emotional and went through all kinds of feelings since his guitar was stolen. There is no textbook on how to handle matters like this. Now that the nicest Taylor I’ve ever seen is back in hands of its owner where it belongs, I hope he takes a minute to thank not only his friends, Facebook, and all his lucky stars, but the guy who actually found his guitar and gave it back to him immediately when he found out who owned it. Meanwhile, I’m going to try to make sure my friend has a guitar to play. He’s been looking for some time. He deserves one.