Monday, February 1, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 39

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 39 “Say You Love Me” – by Fleetwood Mac

I’m not ashamed to say I’m out of touch with popular culture. Maybe I should be but I’m not. Perhaps I’ve chucked the baby with the bathwater and perhaps that expression is as old as the music I’m familiar with. Maybe older. It’s hard for me to imagine too many millennials using the ol’ “baby with the bathwater” expression. Whatever.

So suffice it to say, I was less than enthused when I typed in “Say You Love Me,”
And found some other song with the same name by someone I never heard of that is more popular. Jesse Ware or something. Has it come to this that we can’t come up with original song names anymore. Maybe he’s never heard of Fleetwood Mac. Maybe he wasn’t born when Rumors came out. I don’t know. First “Just the Way You Are,” and now this.

I noticed while I was playing it that the version I downloaded left the bridge/solo part out. I remembered it more or less but I’m not sure I stuck it in the right place. Hey, it’s 365. I tried. I like this tune. If you love someone, tell ‘em. Tomorrow is no guarantee. Love you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 39 “Good Gratefulness” by Jefferson Jay

Yesterday, I posted one of the songs I wrote when my pooch Angel died. “Sending Love Letters to the Moon (My Love),” it’s called. Moments after I posted it, I received an email notifying my I got a comment on the video. This is not always as good news as you might imagine. More than half the time, people write really mean things. I can take it, but my point is, I don’t just assume it will be nice. It was from a man I don’t believe I know who wrote, “moved to tears.. great song !”

I was moved, so much so, that it may even be my personal highlight of 365 2 so far. You just never know who you’re reaching with any of this and it is very rewarding to be received and feel like you’re making a positive contribution to someone. I wonder how he even found the song. It said it had one view. I guess it was him. Wow! Thanks. Dennis.

This is another song I wrote, a little earlier in my grieving the loss of Angel. In fact, writing it is right about when I felt a change and the return of some optimism. It was rough. You’d think when a dog who lived a full 15 and-a-half-year life it would be easier to take, but it’s not. You love ‘em. You miss ‘em. And that’s how it goes. I am thankful for songs to help us through.

Good Gratefulness, many moons ago, was a workaround/euphemism we came up with to celebrate Thanksgiving even though as a Jehovah’s Witness (at the time) he was not allowed to celebrate holidays. I borrowed that phrase for this tune. It seemed fitting. I love you Angel.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 39 “Lotsa Love”

A local friend passed away Sunday while driving her car. Big winds from a storm knocked a tree down on it as she was driving to her gig. She played drums. Deep condolences.

Every day is the perfect day to share your love. Peace

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