Sunday, July 31, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 220

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 220 "I Got Nothing"

Some days we just have more spunk than others. On those days, we often need to come up with clever creative solutions to find a way to get done whatever we need to do. I find this to be especially challenging on Sundays. Sundays are the official day of hanging and doing whatever you feel like. That is, unless you have overriding responsibilities, like so many of us do. For me, these are those responsibilities, so I cleaned myself up so I’d look half decent for ya, and here we go.

It doesn’t always happen instantly. Sometimes we must take a multi-step approach. A shower, A shave, whatever else you do, that’s like that. And then I was ready to try. Trying, always the first step. Alas, I had nothing. I tried. I even concocted this little song about how little I had and lo and behold, it ends up being my words, or lack thereof for today. Can’t always have stuff to say, I suppose, unless you could “nothing” as “something” to say, an argument one could make. Well, I kept going and eventually got something. What that is, I’ll leave it to you to decide.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 220 "The Sunday Blues" by Jefferson Jay

When energy is low and there are few ideas on how to proceed, the blues are always a great way to go. If they don’t connect with the emotion and music hidden deep within one’s should, perhaps their cause is lost, at least for the day. As we know, this is not an option here, so I sang some blues about something that I already forgot. Can’t wait to remember what just happened 15 minutes ago. Ah, life… What is there to do besides love and appreciate. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 220 "I Love You" by Lee Bernstein

I was too old to catch any episodes of Barney ever. I know they kids love him though. I was looking for an easy way out of my 365 duties for today and Barney provided. Hail Barney. In researching this tune I learned Barney is an imaginary dinosaur. Really? OK. The tune is from “This Old Man” and some Internet sources actually claim Barney wrote this tune. Oh brother. Happy Sunday, my friends.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 219

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 219 "Slate"

Today, we take a closer look into one of nature’s less understood creatures, slate. California Slate is hard, but can be flaky, like many other Golden State inhabitants. The marvel and majesty of the slate can appear understated, but if one places one’s ear directly up against the enigmatic rock, one can hear the dinosaurs screaming. That is how ancient these semi-precious, front yard raptors are. Please delight in diving into the miraculous world of our most shy and mysterious neighbor, slate.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 219 "One Thing" by One Direction

A testament to how out of touch I am with popular culture is that to me, “One Thing” is a “new” song. Now for the hammer to drop. Ouch. 2011. So not so new. What’s next? “Gangnam Style.” Maybe. I somehow ran across this tune awhile back. It’s decent. I’ve had fun playing it. Made a few connections with the younger generation a few years ago, playing it. Now here we are. Operation 365 2. Live from my outside. Not too shabby.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 219 "Later, Bud" by Jefferson Jay

In part, inspired by one of God’s most soaring creations, slate, “Later, Bud,” leads us on a journey through friendship, parting and reunion. Much like a mouse or a rat in a Disney, “Bud,” as he is known in this musical movement, has the world at his fingertips is on the precipice of full immersion. What will “Bud” find on this cathartic quest? Will he return the same man or will we find this “Bud” transformed, by life, liberty, experience, and exquisite divinity. Holy Hallelujah manifesto equilibrium adventure, dance party voodoo golf squirrel. Pizza.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 218

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 218 “It Don’t Mean a Thing” by Duke Ellington

Here we go again, motivating through the summer heat. Woo hoo! I went outside this time. Got a little wind factor going. I grabbed a music teacher book and yanked “It Don’t Mean a Thing” out of it. I realized I played it like I play a lot of the rest of my tunes. It was fun, perked me up a touch. XOXOXO.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 218 “Let It All Be” by Jefferson Jay

It’s conceivable that I could have come up with a better name for this song. I guess I still could. It wouldn’t be the first time I changed a new song’s name, I suppose. We may as well enjoy life. Some days are easier than others, but it’s best to enjoy them all as much as we can. There is a lot of love out there. Focusing on that will lead to happiness. Happiness is cool.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 218 “Perfection”

Perhaps, everything is as it should be already. I believe that, I believe everything happens for a reason. And I believe we are all one. So, a little faith can take you a long way. I know many a folk always staring at a glass and trying to discern how empty it is. Even a glass with a sip of something in it is some percent full. That’s how I choose to view it. Dig. Peace.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 217

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 217 “Not Much to Say” by Jefferson Jay

Once in a while, it can be very challenging to find the proper motivation to record three videos and produce them here for you. The prime detractor from just stepping up and busting these out is the intense summer heat. Yes, I live near the beach. There is an ocean breeze but that stays outside unfortunately. And here either you sit in front of the fan or you bake in sweat. It's not as glamorous as it sounds. But here, we overcome. So this is a song I made up about how some days you just don't have that much to say. Take it from me. I know these things.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 217 “One” by U2

Having access to 2 iPads has been a huge help to taking care of these 365 responsibilities on a daily basis. One of the household iPads is on a vacation away from me for a few days, so I have to find other ways to be creative. I usually read the words and chords of one iPad while I film with the other. It's a nice system. Today, I ran off to a large and lonely pile of paper and grabbed the first sheet that came out. Well, the second sheet after a chunk of Christmas tunes. I wish you a Merry Christmas but not badly enough to sing you that song today. 

Today, that led me to "One." Some of my special needs folks request U2 tunes from time to time. I always try to oblige. Today, that approach led to me  playing some Spanish tunes I'd never heard and even though I'd never heard them and I can't speak Spanish, it made some folks real happy and that never gets old. I covered Roberto Carlos and Paulo Sergio. It is fun learning about new music (to me) and expanding the old horizons. Without, learning life would be a bore. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 217 “Stay Cool”
Some helpful hits on handling the heat wave here. It's been hot all over. From the hills to the heartland, people bees sweating. Do bees sweat? I wonder. Yes, holy heat. Here, I offer some suggestions and a statement of support. If we pull together, those of us without air conditioning, will hopefully survive. Only three or four months more, and I'll be documenting every single day of it. Maybe I should try outside next time. Maybe I will. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 216

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 216 “Incredible and Amazing”

The folks I work with are “Incredible and Amazing” and I’m quite delighted to be able to them that from time to time. This was precisely one of those occurrences, captured for posterity and perhaps, eventually, nostalgia. It is a mutual appreciation reciprocation situation. There’s a lot of love in the room…

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 216  “L Is For Love” by Jefferson Jay

So much so that someone suggested that I sing a song about love, spelling it out and I was obliged. This was actually take two at the tune. The first one was a just a wee tad more all over the place, but I included a chunk of it anyway at the end of this video. Lots of fun. Love is everywhere. People, you can feel it.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 216 “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce

Surprisingly, I believe this is my first Jim Croce song in these here 365s. It’s about time. I feel an unusual closeness to Jim Croce. He was local to SD. I met one of my best pals, The Soul Man, age 98, at Croce’s downtown. Croce’s was owned and operated by Jim’s widow, Ingrid Croce. It still is, actually, at a different location. I’ve yet to visit that one.

One of my best friends was a songwriter who died and his widow’s another of my best friends so I empathize with Ingrid Croce far more than your average stranger who’s been through such a loss. I hope to meet here some day and maybe we’ll be friends. She follows me on Twitter. Maybe she’ll see this. I don’t how feelings are after so many years. I can’t imagine. I just hope, if she does run across it, that it makes her feel more happy than sad. Peace to all. Every day is precious. Never forget it. Beautiful song, Jim. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 215

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 215 “I’m on Fire” by Bruce Springsteen

When I was a kid in New Jersey, people loved The Boss. His “Born in the USA” record is when I finally got Boss Fever. Never got it bad enough to actually see him but that made me a minority in North Jersey. “I’m on Fire” is a nice quiet, little jam from the CD. My stepdad once made my mom a wood burning thing with these lyrics on it for a present. I made me mom a wood burning thing with a poem I wrote on it for her for her 50th birthday. I wonder where that thing is right now.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 215  “It’s Magical” by Jefferson Jay

“It’s Magical” is a really nice song I wrote awhile back. We were on a boat. That’s reflected in a lot of the lyrics. If I recall correctly, it was only shortly after I got together with my future wife. Before we first got together, she told me, “You need more magic in your life. You need more Leanne in your life.” I heard those words and paid notice.

So some time later, I wrote this tune. I like it a lot and had hoped to play the greatest version of it ever here for you. I’m not sure I reached that lofty standard. I have a lot of tunes and haven’t played this one in a hot minute. But here it is a passable version of “It’s Magical,” decent enough that if someone stumbled upon this tune so e time in the future and they wanted to learn it and play it they could. And that’s what it’s all about. Sharing is caring my friends.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 215 “Guardian Angels”

Do we have “Guardian Angels?” I like to think we do. Apparently, I’m not the only one as some folks here initiated this little chat about their presence, immediately after I concluded my “It’s Magical” song. Seems magical to me. Deeply grateful for all the angels and everything they do for us each day. Peace.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 214

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 214 "Father and Son" by Cat Stevens

I know a lot of people who are going through a lot of changes right now. Change is a constant yet it still manages to be one of the most traumatic things folks put themselves through. We get so attached to what we’re used to. We feel like we are losing when we’re really just adjusting to something different or new.

“Father and Son” popped into my head just now. It jumped in at the verse so I had to look up the line to remind myself which song it was. I even played it all right, though I’d never played it before. Adjusting can be tough. People are often far more comfortable being harsh on themselves than they would be on other people. Then again, maybe that’s better than taking it all out on other people too.

Anyway I was feeling the words to this tune as I sang it today. We all do what we can to feel all right. It may not always be glamorous, but it is always important.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 214 "Sports Song of the Week 2: The Chapman Trade" by Jefferson Jay

I love me some sports, especially baseball. An enterprising friend of mine, Wes Davis, strongly suggested we link up on a world-shaking podcast. Then he went to Maryland to have a Ukrainian wedding. He’s still there, but in an attempt to keep the momentum rolling (and unravel my own complicated emotions on the sports story of the day), here is the second installment of “Sports Song of the Week,” Aroldis, I hardly knew ye.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words - 214 "Unmasking the DNC"

Earlier on in this 365, I issued a few impassioned pleas on behalf of my man, Bernie Sanders. Now it was clear as FOX NEWS’ agenda that shenanigans were afoot. What kind of “liberal” media would ignore stadiums full of people screaming on a presidential hopeful. How is that democracy at all. Democrazy is what it is. “Liberal” media? Should be called “Bought and paid for” media, ‘because that is what it is. When did honor and fair play get so emasculated? When did exhibiting them become like shame. Shame on the DNC. Shame on our media and our democracy, lying to us willfully. Long live The American Dream. Enough already with The American Scheme.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 213

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 213  “Find Myself 2” by Jefferson Jay

Sundays are nice days for sitting around. Especially, nice sluggish summer Sundays. And that’s mostly what I have planned. I look a little shaggy and there are plenty things to do, but many of them can be moved. What can’t be moved is a daily responsibility. We all have these do ourselves, ideally. Eating, sleeping, eliminating. My daily duties are a bit more extensive as a 365er, but here we go. Ironically, when I finish I’ll probably do more work. I really like to do creative work. I’m binge-writing musicals lately. For what remains to be seen. I need a business-savvy best friend. Got musicals?

I came up with this progression that transports me back in time. Maybe to Europe a couple of hundred years ago. Ireland, anybody? I don’t know. I even had my wife harmonize with me on it a tad. Words popped into my head from a song I’d written a few months ago, “Find Myself.” So I guess I’ll call this “Find Myself 2” These words were the first I wrote when I started binge songwriting early in this project.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 213 “Into the Groove” by Madonna

Sometimes I’m feeling a bit of lethargy when I get myself started on the 365 for the day. Many times, just playing a few tunes will brighten my mood immeasurably. Doing the whole chunk of 365 work often leaves me feeling far more energetic then I was before when I was just sitting around doing nothing. So I’m glad for that. I often feel the same way at my job. I show up tired and then interacting with the excited special folks fills me with enthusiasm and spunk almost instantly. I am very grateful for all of this inspiration and its many glorious shapes and forms.

It is hard to be sleepy or bored if Madonna comes on and you’re from the 80’s. One of my special friend repeatedly requested “Madonna Old-School.” I, of course, obliged. What a hoot! We had a Block Party. “Material Girl,” “Borderline,” “Dress You Up,” “Crazy For You.” And this one, which I thought was called “Get Into the Groove.’ Close. Neighboring staffers came in and thanked me for the walk down Memory Lane. Where is that located exactly? GPS? In our minds. That’s where it’s located. There’s probably a Pokemon rooting around in the there too. Exit me, Intruder!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 213 “The Greatest Day Ever”

Today’s “Words” segment is a bit of a before and after for what the 365 can do to a mood or a day. I was feeling lazy, unproductive, I was watching Yankee baseball. Then I the Yanks built a solid lead and I switched gears. My first stab a “Words” chunk was like me, watching baseball, slightly more useful than useless. Then, I finished recording videos. I had accomplished something, I was invigorated. I had made something. Now I just had an hour left of dumping, editing, posting and writing this, oh yeah, and a little social media. It’s cool. Well, it’s hot. I’m sweating. I feel great. Maybe I’ll even go to the beach. Dare to dream. It’s getting closer every second. You can do it too! Make today the greatest day ever. It’s our option. Whatcha gonna do?   

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 212

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 212  “Rune’s Birthday Tune” by Jefferson Jay

Hello, and a fun-filled, exciting, summer day to everyone out in There-Land. Today, the day is full of things to do. I must fit this in too, so that will happen too. My pals from Vermont, Phish, are coming to SD tonight. I’d love to go, but we will see what the immediate future holds as the day begins to blossom.

I woke up trying to bust this out ASAP so I could delight in the other issues of the day. Somehow this led me to my bathroom for a change of pace. Either that or I haven’t brushed my teeth yet and it’s time.

I made up a couple of original tunes but they were roughly on the level of yesterday’s “Comic-Con” tune and I decided to go elsewhere for my daily original song. I dipped into ye ole archives and pulled out a birthday song I write for a young friend at his parent’s request for his second birthday a few years back. This young man’s folks are festival/Burning Man superstars and they are both mentioned by name in the lyrics.

I enjoy writing and playing songs for people, like this one. It’s a unique gift, I suppose. So hooray for Rune at 2. I think he may be 6 now. Or 5. Hallelujah! Happy ones to you, Rune!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 212 “Running Down A Dream” by Tom Petty

I love this tune. Who doesn’t? I’m pretty sure Tom Petty’s “Full Moon Fever” tape yes, it was a tape) was one of the first times I got into legitimately cool tunes. No offense to Billy Joel, who was practically required reading, growing up where and when I did, but “Full Moon Fever” was different. Tom Petty, his videos, they were just cool.

Tom sings a line in this tune. It is “I was so blind” He was talking about how he was “blind to what was going on around him. This term is commonly used this way in lyrics and I probably have done it myself on occasion. I think it was a less than ideal term, even though I understand it. I am fortunate to know some truly inspiring blind folks, who are “blind” to very little, despite the fact that they can’t see. I do not intend to get all PC about it, but I’m just saying… It is not the greatest or most accurate way to describe stuff. But my blind friends say “See you later” and respond” to that too, so I’ll just say it’s an expression in this context and leave it at that.

Tom, great tune. I bet it would be cool to meet you.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 212 “Bathroom Rules”

Folks there’s a few different rules when you start coming to people direct from your bathroom, even if it is just for a change of pace for a day, like it is here with me. For instance, clothes on. This is a classy program and we’re not here to titillate with scandal or anything of that ilk. Also, you do not want to be showing anyone your toilet and whatever unfortunate remnants may be lingering in it. Let’s face it. Some folks follow too closely. And not just on the highways, I tell ya. That’s right, folks. Keep it decent in the bathroom and you should be OK. It can be splendid acoustics and there are fewer places where one is more at ease nude than in the room with the porcelain throne. Use it wisely, Share carefully, and enjoy summer love. Peace. Trump have mercy. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 211

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 211 “Jefferson in San Diego”

I went out and had some fun last night and when I got home, am man I’d never heard of took over the airwaves. Joe Giglio was doing overnights on WFAN, the first sports radio station ever. I am more interested in New York sports than other sports so I am a frequent listener via the Tune In app. What I don’t tend to do is call in. I called Joe though and we had a nice chat about the Yankees, the Padres and other bits of personal business. Enjoy.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 211 “Batman” by Neal Hefti

The rest of today’s funfest is ummm… well… Comic-Con comes to San Diego this weekend. People dress up and have fun. I had a hard drive pretend to die earlier. Now I am backing it up. It has consumed a large chunk of my dayness. Due to this, these two videos check the box and arguably, that’s about all. Then again, you never know in this world. You just never know…

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 211  “Comic-Com” by Jefferson Jay

This is a jamboree inspired by Comic-Con, which is in San Diego right now. Hot. It’s not amazing. Unless, you think it is. Then it is amazing.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 210

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 210 “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis

Lately, it feels like my house is a “Great Ball of Fire.” We’re just a little low on the air circulation and pretty much any and all cool feelings. I just took a little sweat nap after work. It was as refreshing as a sweat nap can be, except when I dreamt my chest exploded. I didn’t like that so much, but it didn’t stop me from going back to napping more.

Well, “Great Balls of Fire” is a fun song to play. Here’s wishing you a really nice day.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 210 “And It’s Hot”

You may have heard me mention that it’s hot. I have a dire need to go out and buy copious amounts of fans from Home Depot immediately. But, no, buying fans is not the 365 way. Making videos and hoping that that somehow gets you fans is more my method. So here I talk about how hot it was yesterday, when I made this video. But fear not my fiends, fear not, it is hotter today.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 210  “We Planted a Garden” by Jefferson Jay

The universe smiled on me just now. Thank you Universe. I am overwhelmed by hotness, in case you hadn’t read. I just a took a shower and I’m already sweating. I was not so much wanting to record an original for today. I started looking back at recent videos I had not used. I was looking for one I could not find. I cracked open the special list of original songs I have not used yet, made for expressly this occasion, and there it was like a bottle of water in the desert, calling to me. “Do me! Use me!,” it cried.

 Here, I oblige. “We Planted a Garden” was written two years ago, when we did just that. What a satisfying feeling. This song is based very much on a true story, even down to the details. Haven’t gone back tot garden life yet, but I eagerly await doing so. Perhaps when it’s not so gosh-darn hot. I believe there is also a careful consideration of vegetarianism in here, something I consider often and so on and so forth…

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 209

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 209 “Grease” by Frankie Valli

I saw a picture of Frankie Valli on the cover of the L.A. Times Arts Section Sunday. He’s 82. He was looking sharp as heck. I’ve always loved this tune. I love “Grease.” I may have missed the window, but I always hoped to be Danny Zuco some day. I watched this the most of any movie as a small kid. Thank you “Grease” makers. You’ve really done the world a solid. I played it a little different.

I think this is where I first learned a love for musicals. Now I am writing them like it’s going out of style.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 209  “She’s Complete” by Jefferson Jay

My great friends, Scott Kaplan and Billy Ray Smith, of the Scott and BR Radio Show on The Mighty 1090 own a horse named “She’s Complete.” They own her with the other members of The Great Friends stable. The horse racing season just opened at Del Mar last Friday, so in honor of that time of the year and my bros, Scott and BR, here is the song I wrote about their fine equine, “She’s Complete.”

Over the years, I have been a regular guest on their awesome radio show. You can catch Scott and BR in San Diego on 1090AM, from 3-6 PST, or at or on the Tune In app. I sing funny songs about local sports stories including the biggest “hit” of the 365 so far, “Don’t Make Fun of The San Diego Gay Men’s Choir.”

It is very hot in my house.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 209 “Senseless Violence”

Here, Nigel (the dog) and I get serious examining some of the senseless violence that’s got on and exploring what can be done about it. These issues are highly nuanced, extremely complex. I can’t say with confidence that we completely got to the bottom of it in this brief exploration, butt I can say with confidence, that Nigel did.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 208

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 208 “I Like Peace”

Is there any clearer statement as to how far we’ve fallen from reason as a society that a comment like “I Like Peace” is outlandish. Rampant with misunderstanding, our world has grown, intolerant and fearful even of our allies, like words. If the language serves to limit us and divide us more than enable us to express ourselves fully, how is it serving us. If we can’t use our tools, none of which is greater than language, what do we have left? If we can’t discuss our way through things together, we have betrayed language. It’s not language’s fault if our hyper-sensitivity has eclipsed it. There is almost no statement left that can made without the knowledge that someone somewhere would take it personally. Sad.

“I Like Peace.” That should be as placid a statement as there is, but people invent imply the inverse and read negative silence into positive comments. Respect to all the brave soldiers and officers everywhere. Ideally, that would go without saying. Ideally, we’d all like peace. Peace sells shirts and little else these days. I’m sticking by it. I’m doubling down on hope and going all in on love. Do what you want, including considering all this despite the world around us. If it was good enough for Gandhi…

I actually love peace. I was diluting the statement, just to minimize the chance of offending someone. Ha. If you lead your life that way, trying not to offend anyone, you're living at the wrong time. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 208  “Weight of the World” by Ringo Starr

I enjoyed briefly working in a record store my senior year in high school. It was at the Garden State Plaza Mall in Paramus, New Jersey. Record World. I became familiar with a large amount of the music that came out during this short time. I somehow wound up with a cassette single for this cool song that Ringo Starr did, “Weight of the World.”

I loved it and still do, There were some cool other parts that aren’t here, but I still like that tune. It’s amazing Ringo Starr manages to remain underrated despite being a friggin’ Beatle. It just proves once again no matter how much you do, no matter how great you are, you better appreciate yourself, that’s the support you’ll need if you want to really love your life. Peace.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 208 “You Have a Nice Day”

I am wordless for the moment. I had wanted to say what I wrote in the "I Like Peace" blog but it's not very fun to say that. It's not funny or fun. So instead I sit here and sweat, thinking of what I can say that's worth saying. Maybe I can suck some pre-written words out of the compu-box or otherwise, procure inspiration. Instead I want to lay down. So I will. 

OK. I costumed. I conjured words. I't's largely absurdist bounty. Dig it if you will. Do with it what you may. Everybody's welcome to have a truly awesome day. I'm done. Hooray.

Shout out to Route 208 in Jersey.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 207

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals– 207 “Sports Song of the Week 1”

My friend Wes was over yesterday and when we hang out, the business ideas fly fast and furious. There were way more than you could possibly count, from selling blow dryers to rental trucks to artsy toilet paper and everything in between. Ultimately, we did “sign on” to a new podcast about sports. This tune was improvised and recorded as a sample of the kind of thing we may do.

I follow the sports. Pretty closely. I had an epiphany yesterday. For while, I’ve felt that old analog sports were the only games worth watching. I watched a video of basketball legend Bill Walton, waxing enthusiastically about the video game championships held last weekend in Las Vegas. I went for a walk later and I realized video games are the direction the world is going and I finally got why. The only reason “real sports” seem “real” to me and video games seem like kid’s stuff, is because that’s how it was when I was a kid. We are all most comfortable reliving the way things were when they were a kid. I think it’s the main reason I eat meat too. It’s the main reason I’m able to 365. I’m used to it.

So what’s the difference between a physically gifted athlete playing a game and a regular guy playing a video age? Not much really. In fact, anyone can play a video game. Not anyone can ski jump. That makes it so anyone can relate and understand what goes in to being successful at the highest level. It’s still not for me, but I broke thought and finally got a decent grasp on why video games are the wave of the future and football, hockey, boxing, UFC, all these games in which people get their bodies destroyed are probably more in the past than we even know. Computers are the new everything. It’s not even that new anymore. Resistance is futile. Screw free time. Play video games. People are winning thousands of dollars playing them. And people love them. I guess that’s what matters most. Even if it doesn’t matter at all to me. From the last leg of the analog world, I’m glad I got to see what it was like.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 207 “Personal Business”

So, I was feeling very ambitious today. I wanted to provide some high level entertainment for you, but I also wanted to resolve some lingering issues with my Verizon Wireless service in my home. So I tried to do both. It was tricky. It's really hot in my house. I don't like to record with the fan on 'cause it makes noise. So you get to see the Jefferson who takes care of his personal business juggled with the one on the 365. I've been told by neighbors and friends on several occasions that personal business Jefferson is a lot of fun. My representative said I made her day. Watch to see how. I don't think I want to buy the bubble. The invisible bubble they want to put around my house for 100 dollars. I think that part   got cut off but that's what she said. They sell that. For real. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 207  “Lady” by Kenny Rogers

First of all, I'm pretty sure "Lady" was written by Lionel Richie. Second, I'm singing it here with my chest hair hanging out in a Mexican wrestling mask and a matching ring robe type thing. Why? It's anybody's guess. Entertainment? But it's gotten harder and harder to be noticed over here. So, let's once make sure everybody realized how much we're doing something no one's ever done before. Again. Hail the 365. Every day. Alive.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 206

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 206 “So Much Things To Say”

So I woke up this morning and I thought I’d save some time on the 365. I’d record the whole thing on my phone. It doesn’t have much space.

I made three short videos and then I dictated this into my phone.

“So I decided here on Sunday to change it up a little bit. I don't have much space on my phone and I'm trying to bust this out lickety-split so I can have a day that I don't spend an hour and a half sitting and sweating in front of my computer.

So I thought that maybe I’d film stuff and even dictate my little blog here and save myself some time to socialize and relax on a spectacular San Diego summer Sunday. I thought I try to make each video one minute or less so I didn't run out of space. I featured Nigel because he's adorable and irresistible effortlessly. Then I set about the talking. And then I had to figure out a little song or two so I did a Sweet Sunday from Flower Drum Song that I had the dubious pleasure of being in as a high school sophomore. It's amazing how these things stick with you. I also improvised a clever song about the imminently inspiring and photogenic Nigel a.k.a. Schmendrick.

Last night I stay up late and watched Norm McDonald's I think he's funny. He was talking about how he doesn't really want to pander to laughter and applause and just likes to stay relaxed. I think I would be same type of "funny man” but I don't know. Maybe I'll have to try and see some time. I'm not begging anyone to laugh for me I don't even know if I would try to make people laugh, but it works for Norm.  If you're funny, you're funny. If you're not, you're not. I guess I just have to give myself the challenge sometimes stand up onstage there see what happens. You never know where life is going to take you who you have laughing in the audience. Saturday Night Live here I come. ha ha ha ha.”

That was fine. The videos were fine. Whatever.

Then I went and socialized with my longtime pal Wes Davis. We talked and watched the trailer for the 2016 Rio Paralympics. It is amazing.

I was inspired, just like I was yesterday when I saw it. All of a sudden, what I had before wasn’t worthy. So now I’m sweating and typing and loading and editing, et cetera. Let’s do this. It’s 3:18.

I have a fan. His name is Lasko. Here is an exhaustive array of comments touching on all these thoughts of the hour.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 206 “Our Time Is Now”

I just named this song “Our Time Is Now” in honor of the 2006 Demarests album of the same name. 2006? It is also the end part of a poem I wrote called “3D Room” for some years that has now blossomed into a couple tunes, this one and “Mango and Dango,” so far.  There may be some words in there still. I’ll check. There’s some, including this line, “I’m the mix of everybody that u’ve ever seen | Woody Allen and Bruce Lee |
Donna Summer and Marion Barber 3, “ and this one too, “The moment we’ve been chose to celebrate | The blessed merging of destiny and fate | Hope’s real | From it you never can escape.” The year was 2008.

So I grabbed the part that came after that and came up with some chords for it. It was hard to sing the rhythmic melody while I played, so last Sunday, I dove into Garage band and made this little beat to sing on. Here, now, inspired, I went out tot he front yard and gave it the old dance n’ go.

This is the time. We can do anything. Yes we can.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 206  “Before Your Time” by Conway Twitty

I don’t even know what this song is or who sang it. I have no idea how it goes whatever. I was trying to do some creative stuff to keep me on my toes and meet my musical mandate here on the 365. I decided a capella sing the first song I found that I could get through and hadn’t done before. It was this song that I think is called “Before Our Time.” I looked at the chords, put on a pretty voice and guessed how it goes. I probably won’t even check. I  hope you like it and I hope I didn’t desecrate your favorite, song, whoever it’s by. How did it get in my iPad.

The only song I could find called “ Before Our Time” was some song by Jon Foreman. I’ve never heard of him. I scanned the lyrics so see if it was this tune. It’s not, but in one of those moments of synergy that seem to emerge every time you’re open to them, his tune has the lyric, “Our time is now.” I was spontaneously inspired to name today’s “Original” song that just moment sago when time to name it, came. I saw the gal who owns The Lazy Hummingbird on my walk home just now. It says “hummingbird in there now. My friend Wes and I had been discussing that spot in our chat this morning. Now I wonder what the song’s really called. I’ll check as soon as iMovie stops bouncing my long ramble. I am curious whose song this is. I’m guessing some country guy and that someone at work led me to it. Suspense on the Sunday 365. And less sweat, thanks to Lasko. Maybe I need to go buy more fans. OK, it’s done. Oh, it’s “Before Your Time.” Close. And it seems either Loretta Lynn or Conway Twitty wrote it. I don’t pay much attention ‘cause its’ too depressing, but I think somehow Loretta Lynn is the United States’ District Attorney now. OK, Twitty and Tommy Markham wrote it and it came out on Lynn and Twitty’s 1973 album, “Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man.” Now that that’s all cleared up… Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and everything else too.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 205

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 205  “The Weight” by The Band

What a great tune. I can’t believe it’s taken 570 days (counting both 365s) for me to get to it. Speaks to the depth of quality songs in the universe. Thanks Universe. I am stunned by the Pokemon phenomenon. A video game is more of a reason to leave your house than nature itself? Perhaps that means I’m old and the sun and beach just aren’t as exciting to folks who have had Internet their whole lives. I am not here to criticize. I am a firm believer that whatever makes you happy is great as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. It does blow my mind though. Perhaps I am out of touch some. No perhaps there.

That being said, my wife and friends are at the beach right now and I am here typing, videoing, editing, and loading. So have fun chasing imaginary creatures. Watch out for dead bodies and cliffs as I’ve read people are stumbling over both of these things in the course of playing this awesome game. What d'ya know? Maybe there's some hidden in my video.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 205 “Technologolitis”

Here, I offer a few words of caution and experience to folks who have been finally lured from their living rooms by the video game craze of the day. I admit it. I don’t get it, but it seems to me that people like staring at their phones a lot more than staring at anything else. Maybe that’s great. Maybe it’s like my wife says and people felt the same way about books once. I don’t know. How do you get educated in this game? Well, I guess you go out and see that surrounding all these imaginary creatures, are trees, water, sunshine and other stuff, I guess they overlooked. It’s not too late. Connect with a human. Enjoy peace and quiet. Please step away from the phone…. Says the man who has spent roughly 90 minutes a day for the last 205 days working/playing on the computer for you. He who knows nothing and says much. I love him. He is me. You love you. That is what to do.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 205 “Imaginary Men”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 205 “Opus In J Minor”

I just wrote an incredibly snarky song called “Imaginary Men.” I expounded further on my inability to understand the Pokemon craze that has helped people to discover outside. I sang a bunch of catty rhymes while playing my keyboard. I speculated that there may be some who are “imaginary hers.” I questioned aloud as to whether there are gay Pokemon and whether any live in the toilet. I once again offered insight to folks who may not know outside has cliffs and other potential pitfalls. And for the second time in three days the universe has conspired to help me not put out videos that either incriminated me  (“Road Snuggles”) or in this case alienate a huge chunk of my potential viewer posse.

I can’t help it. Maybe I’m old. I speculated on that in my lost song too. I must be, because to me outside was plenty worth checking out before this game came out last week. So, I’m a tad dethoozed (less enthusiastic) ‘cause it was funny and I’m a sucker for humor, but it’s probably for the best that “Imaginary Men” remains an imaginary song. Accept in lieu, direct from my icky, sticky music room, this musically ambitious  “Opus in J Minor,” meant to be reproduced note for note… if you’re into piano music.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 204

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 204 “Deep Gratitude”

I had a moment of appreciation at work earlier today. I am always appreciative when I working with the special folks, but I had another level of how very fortunate I was to be able to interact with these folks and enhance each other’s lives, like we do. So I decided, I was going to put that sensation into song. It came to me right away at that point. “Deep Gratitude.”  D for Deep. G for Gratitude. That oughtta work, I figured. I even felt the groove in my brainplace.

So I start my class and we’re grooving out on some standard classics of our group ands then we hit some Christmas play tunes for a bit. I write (and direct) Christmas plays for special needs adults. It’s something I expect will play a much larger role in this Operation as we wind toward our December completion.

I think I may have stumbled on to a good one, because before I could even get going playing it, the friendly folks were singing along, “Deep Gratitude.” I love my job. I love life. Perspective. That’s really all it is. Life is half full, and then some. I’ll say!

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 204 “We Need a Change”

After we finished rocking out on the inaugural edition of my newest cult hit, “Deep Gratitude.” I was blessed by some clever commentary by my singing friends. One particularly insightful friend mentioned that “Deep Gratitude” definitely does not change. She’s right. Maybe it needs to. Change is healthy. So is “Deep Gratitude” and singing with your peeps. Blessed life. SO nice.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers – 204  “I Am the Walrus” by The Beatles

Them Beatles and is and was pretty good. I likes ‘em so I played ‘em some today. They were requested later in the day by a fella with an Abbey Road shirt on and when I got home my lady was making bread and what did she have one? Absolutely nothing. OK, I’m just kidding. The Beatles, she had on. Lots of wisdom in those guys’ jams. I am highly grateful.

When I saw the Grateful Dead with Trey last June in Santa Clara, I had an epiphany. If we are alone, which I believe we are then I guess we all are the walrus. And that’s what I think they meant when they said “I Am the Walrus.” With that in mind, I am a Beatle. Heck, I’m all of The Beatles. So are you. All we need is love. Amen. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 203

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 203 “Who Let the Thooze Out”

Today was one of those days. Had multiple missteps before I even got to work. We weathered those storms only to come home in dire need of a nap. I took that nap and awoke only slightly less sleepy than before. Lethargy was on to me.

But then a magical thing happened. I went outside. Strapped with #retrieveNigel, my wife launched me into a recovery mission was hardly as harrowing as it may seem. No, in fact, it was highly exhilarating. The fresh air filled my lungs and a smile was born where moments earlier, little expression lingered.

It was another source that bolstered my spirits most though. It was you. Yep. Talking to you here, like this, like I do, it brightened my spirits immeasurably and the next thing you know. Traffic light neighbors became Thursday friends. We socialized, as captured her, for your entertainment and the ‘thus (or thooze) short of enthusiasm was infectious indeed. Before long, the hard-cores at the light between Nimitz and W. Point Loma were smiling, laughing, and lifting each other up, because that’s what people can do. And now I’m filled with thooze.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 203 “Road Snuggles”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 203 “Hee Hoo Haa”

So what d’ya do when you’re loaded up with thooze? Pass it on. Share it, grow it, build, set it free and let it fly. Having retrieved the lovable terrier, Nigel, we did all that was left to be done. We snuggled. Road snuggled, to be specific. Highly uplifting experience. There is trouble in the world, but with love and snuggles and ample thooze, we can weather this storm too. We’re humans. We’re resilient. It’s what we do. “Road Snuggles.”

For some tragic reason, something is very wrong with my “Road Snuggles” video. No sound. Even the video won’t work. Maybe it’s trying to 5th amendment me, as I imagine driving around snuggling with your dog on your lap and singing is legally frowned upon. And with good reason. So… That is sad. It was cute. Still trying to manage what to do.

Ouch. Well, that video is corrupted somehow. The sound and sights on it and permanently impaired I’m sad to report. So in lieu of my cute pooch video, here is a song perhaps best suited for a big band or a theme to a hip TV show. If you want to arrange it, be my guest. “Hee Hoo Haa”

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 203 “We Are the World” by USA for Africa

I’ve always dreamed of doing a show-stopping version of “We Are the World” where I sing all the parts in all the voices. I think some comedian might have already done that awhile ago, but I don’t care. Alas, like my dream of playing Danny Zuco in “Grease,” this dream may not be destined for Broadway. So, we’ll let that sit idly by and in the meantime, I once3 again wish to reiterate my claim from yesterday and a million other days that we are all one and the sooner we can embrace each other thusly, the sooner we can emerge from so much of the darkness that plagues our times. I believe. Optimism is not extinct and all people are God’s children. How ever you wish to word it, we are all precious jewels worthy of love for and from everybody, every day., as long as we all shall live. I believe that.

I used to listen to “We Are the World” when it came out. I had the cassette. My grandma would cry when she heard this song. It was that beautiful and moving. I may have cried too. Only got the first verse through, not even, before the space on my iPhone expired, but the point remains the same. It’s a simple point. “We Are the World.” We may as well be a loving world. Hope and prayer and love will get us through. I love you and thanks for getting me on the proper path, thooze-wise, earlier. There’s a lot more gained then what napping all day would do. And I needed to do this for you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 202

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 202 “Water”

I was extremely thirsty this morning. I wanted water. I was dreaming of it. When lunch came, I finally ate water. Technically, I drank it, but the food was the enhancement (barely) and the water was the main course. So I was feeling profound appreciation and even, dare I say brotherhood, with water. We are water. We are one.

So enjoy this tribute with 2 H’s and 1 O. Ahhhhhhhh….

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 202 “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge

There seems to be some question about this these days. I believe we are all one and I love everybody. I believe humanity would be best served by everybody following suit, in that regard. This puts me in a peculiar spot when it comes to what loves you can say matter these days. I am a huge supporter of African-American folks and believe everyone deserves equality. These killings of black men are centuries beyond unacceptable. That said, the only thing more annoying and everywhere than Pokemon, to me at this point is the fact that you can no longer say that all lives matter. 

I have read a bunch of well-written reasons as to how it allegedly takes away from black people and their struggle, with law enforcement, specifically to say "all lives matter." Fine, I guess I won't say it any more, but I'm sure as hell going to still think it. Sensitivity has encroached on the language, in my opinion, at this instant. What do we need more than to all be seen as equals and to all unify in agreement that all our lives matter. I don't agree that that takes away from anybody. I do respect though and I won't be the guy perceived as ignorant and unsupportive who says that. 

What I do believe, and this has been expounded upon in hundreds of legendary songs, is that, “We Are Family.” Black, white, yellow, red, every color, every religion, every creed, both sexes, whoever you choose to sleep with, everyone, everywhere. It is time to move past these arbitrary divisions. We are all humans. Beyond that, we are all truly one. There where we can find the most hope and room for growth though it believe is here though. In the awareness and loving truth that “We Are Family.” And we always will be. There's only one life. And it matters.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 202 “Nate Colbert”

In today's "Words" segment, I use the fact that the Major League Baseball All-Star Game was played in San Diego last night to rip on the perennially pathetic Padres. It's embarrassing. I could probably fill an entire 365 with their inept missteps, but thankfully, there's a million better things to talk about. So here is but a taste spoon of my disgust with their decades of flailing. Go Pads....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 201

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 201 "America the Beautiful” by Katharine Lee Bates and Samuel A. Ward

I attended a military memorial service at Fort Rosecrans earlier today. Dave Sparling was an institution at my Open Mic our first three years at Winston’s. He brought five characters (at least) to life, The Old Hermit Named Dave, Reverend Dave, Sacrilegious Dave, The Cowboy Wordsmith, and Guantanamo Dave. He recited The News of the Week and a poem each week during my show and he was very grateful. He let me know each week, looked me right in the eyes and said so. He was as far left as you can be. So left he butted up against right. His family invited me to this service. Today was his first birthday since his passing. My wife and I were humbled and flattered to be included.

While I was there the bugler played taps and they did the folding of the flag ceremony. It was deeply moving. I was profoundly sad, not for Dave and his family, as much as for the generations and generations of people who sacrificed their lives and all the pain and suffering they all battled through in life. I wish there was more I could do to help diminish the wars that plague the world. I am keenly that aware that wars have saved the world many times from genocide, slavery and other atrocities. I like to believe that one day we can outgrow these methods of settling strife and evolve to something less physically and emotionally destructive to those whose lives it envelops. Defending the country is extremely honorable. Service people deserve beautiful lives too. One could argue they deserve them the most. Whenever this is possible, it should be so. This too, has a domino effect.

That’s part of my American Dream. Food for all. Kindness. Sharing. Teamwork. Peace. Respect. Unity. Love.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 201 “Army Dave” by Jefferson Jay and Dave Sparling

So I came home from this Memorial Service at Cabrillo National Monument highly inspired. I was moved by some words Dave’s wife, Peggi, his brother, Jim and his sister, Janice read in their eulogy. They said he truly found his passion late in life, performing at programs like my own. I know it meant a lot to him. That’s why I was invited to this event in the first place, but to hear it there and then in the surroundings of all these spirits in the military ceremony… It made me want to do something more. So I did.

Immediately upon returning home, I scrounged around for the first Dave poem I could find. He’d given me some over the years after his performances. The one I found was “Army Dave.” I picked a key. I made it D. For Dave. And the song, like Dave’s performances, was history. Current living breathing history, like all the love for Dave, from his friends and family, at Fort Rosecrans, earlier today. Like all that stuff every day.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 201 “Cherish”

I think I’m transforming into a self-help preacher. I don’t know, a Positivist. I don’t know what’s come over me, but it’s happening. So, now I give nice words of “wisdom” every day, pep talks. How-I-se—it rap sessions….

I assumed I’d crack jokes a lot. I do sometimes. I guess viewing this, is viewing me.  The 365 is a window into my world and a lot of what’s on my mind just comes out of me. There’s little time to choose. It takes all the time for this, just to do. There’s a wonderful life to live, too.

With this in mind, cherish, everything, everyone, everywhere, everywhy you do. It all matters. Boo.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 200

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 200 "Alright For Now" by Tom Petty

I am very boring to hang out with. Consider this Exhibit A. I suppose one could counter-argue that I am just so mellow and it so relaxing to be around me, one can’t help but snore a little. I’m not sure I’m buying that one though. Yes, so it’s midday and it is a chill lazy summer day. Day 200. An accomplishment. I’m a little humbled by it.

Well, Dan is swell. Thanks to him for tolerating me doing this for countless hours over the last 200 days. He hangs with me the most and I am very boring to hang out with. Not always, but often. Rest, Mobil shirt friend. Sleep deep.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 200 “Lazy Days of Summer” by Jefferson Jay

There’s a lot of chilling in these parts, especially on Mondays. It’s a fun days around here. Great times. Some beer. Well, not today, yet. Here’s a little jam I pulled straight from my cerebral cortex or some other chunk of my brainstem. All for your enhancement on an amazing Monday, Day 200. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 200 “The Solution to Your Problems”

In honor of completing Day 200 here, I thought I ought to do a little something special for you, the audience of this here Operation 365 2. I didn’t know what kind of gift would be in order for such an occasion so I decided to offer you a little something I’m calling, “The Solution to Your Problems.” 

Now I don’t know actually what YOUR problems are per se. Maybe you have none. To that, I say, “Excelsior.” May that be the case for each and every one of us some day. This is for those of you experiencing lethargy or possibly some sort of depression. I heard this new video game Pokemon is yanking folks out of their malaise these days. Now I don’t know about this video game, but here’s a helpful hint or two of what you can do to make the day, “Hooray.” Hit the button. Flip the switch. Turn darkness into light. Every day’s another chance awaken. Again and again and again if you so choose. For more info, choose views.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 199

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 199 “Two Towers” by Jefferson Jay

“Two Towers” is a song wrote based on a concept I had. The concept was about relationships. The metaphorical “Two Towers” are the tower of being in a committed monogamous relationship and the tower of the world of dating. They are two separate worlds than there is no crossover. For many, it is tempting to try to traverse the towers and be on the top of both at once. But there is no bridge, and when the greedy can’t resist the temptation of trying to simultaneously sit at the top of each tower, they fall to the ground and have to work their way up one of those towers once again.

Fighter Brock Lesnar is attempting a similar sort of straddle in his attempts to star in real fighting in UFC and fake fighting in the WWE. Ironically, “Two Towers” itself has developed in two different directions. I wrote this as a regular guitar song, but awhile back I went through a phase of wanting to see what I could to with some rapier tracks. I had just written this so it found itself in the mix. Next thing you know I had a song that sounded like The Pet Shop Boys. I didn’t see that coming.

So the other day, I bust this “Two Towers” and I did it with a nice melody and it sounded like an OK song, nothing like The Pet Shop Boys. (No offense, Boys). It sounded decent with more melody, but I played the change funny. It was fine, but not how it was written. This version is fairly similar to the one I recorded without all the betas and other electronic-y fun stuff.

The moral of this story is, be happy with what you have. It may be much greater than you think.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 199 "Pledge of Allegiance" by Colonel George Balch

I occasionally have some misgivings about certain actions undertaken by the US government. That being said, as I’ve gotten older my appreciations has skyrocketed for the all the incredible ways of life we get to enjoy being Americans. I doubt I’ll ever be as blindly patriotic as I was as a small child who recite this poem every day. You can’t unknow history once you’ve learned it. Slavery, genocide, perma-war, these things make me feel less than rosy, honestly, but the sky, the sea, the sun, the trees, these are all part of American life too.

And while there is a lot of room for growth and understanding ahead of us in accepting that we are people worthy of love, I am very appreciative for the firemen and the police and the military and all he folks who sacrifice so much, so we can continue to live in the manner we’ve grown accustomed to. Ironically, very little is black and white. It is rarely that easy to see. What is always true, is that we are all people, all of us. Each worthy of love, life and affection. When we can all see each other that way and look past out petty differences, then we can once again lead the world like America did 60 years ago. In the meantime, here’s my allegiance pledge, but to music. They added God to it and made it official on Flag Day 1954, in case you were wondering.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 199 “Nigel Speaks”

Our lovable super-pooch indicated we had something to say to you today so we handed him the floor, or in this case, the couch, and let him rip. Brace yourself for bombshells. This little cutie is making waves and taking no prisoners, as only The Terrible Terrier can. That’s my new nickname I conjured for him on the heels of his scathing diatribe. Not for the faint-hearted. Consider yourself forewarned.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 198

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 198 “Golden Moments” by Jefferson Jay

It is early Saturday morning. It is quiet and peaceful. My wife is still asleep and I am trying to bust out ye’ ol’ videos before she gets up. Like so many things, it’s a race against time. All we can do is not hurry and see if we win anyway. I believe.

I am clearing out the closet of all the tunes I wrote a month or two back when I was binging on songwriting. Most of them, have found a home here in this 365, but a few haven’t yet, so I am catching them up with their musical siblings. “Golden Moments” was written with the concept of treating music like a church. A place for reflection and meditation. Something sacred. Many times, music is listened to in rooms where it’s only function as to serve as a nice soft bed for all the overwhelming chatter to rest upon. That’s fine, some days, some times, but this is about reconnecting with out music on a far more deep and spiritual level. That’s what music was for, for centuries. I imagine. And Thank God we can still do that.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 198 "Be As You Are" by Kenny Chesney

Today, we’re doing a little “Avatar” thing on the 365. How have they not made a sequel to that yet? I think I look swell in blue. The special folks I work with have a large number of favorite singers. I work in a country-ish area, so these circumstances led to me covering, by request, Kenny Chesney. I have never heard any of his tunes. I read there was some violence in a convert of his in Pittsburgh last week. I saw in the coffee shop he was appearing on Good Morning America. Maybe that’s passed. Either way, that is the complete set of facts I know about Kenney Chesney.

That did not stop me, though, from trying. My people make a request and I do what I can to bring it to ‘em. The internet helps. Thanks Internet I even played a song from “Miss Saigon” later in the hour. These may be hack versions of these songs, but hey, I never heard ‘em. What is real is the voluptuous smiling joyfulness on my friends’ faces after they hear the songs they like.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 198 “Question”

I was interviewed for the Huffington Post regarding the 365. This should be interesting. Will folks finally learn that I exist? Either way, I’m OK. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I’m on it. I am a patriot. I am a global patriot, who believes we all deserve love and that nature exists to lead by example, showing us the beauty we’re made of at our core. We are all one. Thanks for watching, Ocean.

Here, I read my first answer to the first question of the afore-mentioned interview. I had to quiet talk because my wife is still snoozing. Hope you can hear it. If not, it’s OK. Tomorrow’s another day. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 197

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 197 "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie

For some reason, I was thinking of this classic a few days ago. I practiced it a couple times so I could rap for you. Hooray! I rap some, but I do not always rap. I save it for special occasions. In a way, that’s what makes them special, not dong it all the time.

So, here’s our special occasion, Day 197. Word up. Peace. Folks. All lives matter.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 197 “Times in Horse’s Lives” by Jefferson Jay

I was hanging with one of my main amigos awhile back, Mike Bumba. I recorded and produced a couple CDs of his original music. Very interesting stuff. I dig it. I had this idea that he could be the voice of a cool animated horse, or maybe even voice a Mr. Ed type situation. So I wrote this song, imagining his voice singing it. I’ve yet to have the chance to make that dream come to fruition, so for now, here we go. I’ll sing the horse song. This song is written from the perspective of your average, every day, happy horse.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 197 “Something Deep to Say”

Searching for “Something Deep to Say,” I stumbled on a second song to share. Here. And now there. There are heavy goings-on in the world right now. Murders and such… Every human life is valuable.

I need rest though and couldn’t find anything more poignant to say than this. I think this video tells that story slightly. Maybe tomorrow… Thanks for watching. At least, it’s music. Music can soothe and heal and it is clear we need a lot of that right now. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 196

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 196 "Crazy" by Willie Nelson

One of my special folks asked me to play "Crazy" not too long ago. I was happy to oblige. I've always enjoyed this tune. That happened again today so "Crazy," I played. I knew it as Patsy Cline's signature song. When I looked up who actually wrote it, I was surprised to learn it was Willie Nelson. That is the beauty of forgetting things. When you find out, it's like you learned something new. Maybe I never knew it before. Sure feels like that. Off Willie's debut album in 1962. I wonder what Willie looked like then. 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 196 “The Wind” by Jefferson Jay

For awhile, I was posting tunes, day after day, that I'd written during what I called my "songwriting binges." First I wrote 12 tunes at once, then 24, and then I did 24 again. "The Wind" was one of the stragglers from the last 24, I forgot to post. If you don't play the tunes relatively soon after writing them, it can be hard to remember how they go. That's what happened with this one. The knowledge comes and goes, kind of like "The Wind" this song was named for. I was glad to remember how it went after paying it a few times. It's actually a nice song. Now I just wonder what it's about. Maybe I'll learn that soon. Great gratitude.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 196 “Fun Is Not Sleep”

So, I'm not complaining. Life is swell, but it's been a long week or two. I am hosting the Open Jam at Winston's tonight from 6 to 9. It will be my third straight night working at Winston's. I worked all three days at my other job too. So that's six jobs in three days for those of you keeping score at home. That, after the 4th of July long weekend and the OB Street Fair weekend. It's been a blast, but I'm bushed. I keep taking naps in the middle of 365ing, and that's just enough to keep the train a rolling. So, I am beyond enthused for a few days with a little extra time for creative things to do. And to catch up on that precious rest too. Sleep can be fun... Sleep can not be fun, but fun is not sleep. If that makes on sense, watch the video for context. XOXOXO.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 195

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 195 “Mango and Dango” by Jefferson Jay

I used to go these incredible parties at this awesome place called The House of the Future. People would dress-up. Spectacle was everywhere. Often times they would have all kinds of mind-blowing 3D art installations. There were tons of interesting people all under the watchful eye of Her Majesty Ian Ashley. Two of the cool people who frequented these fests were an acrobatic couple known as Mango and Dango.

The first time I went there I was solo. I stayed until the last people left, probably about 3:00AM at which point, Mango was doing a stirringly poetic hula-hoop dance in the living room where there had been a crowded party, moments earlier. I was the only other person in the room. I sat with my book writing. I was probably thinking of leaving, but instead I went for one last stroll through the shockingly colorful 3D exhibits. I wrote, inspired, until I literally passed out. Mercifully, I awoke shortly after. Maybe someone woke me. I don’t remember.

I called the thing I wrote “3D Room” and it became one of those things I wrote that I liked that sat around hoping to one day have a chance for use. One day, years later, a few years ago, I went back to it and quickly wrote the tune “Mango and Dango.” I went back to it again recently and came up with music for a later part of the words, but I have been behind on things. I have many chunks of tunes I wish to finish or refine, but I haven’t had the time. Lots of Freeness celebration around the 4th of July. Before that was the OB Street Fair. Exciting wonderful times. I have this music on my mind though and another CD I wish to finish soon. And there’s these videos to do. I am amused. I love this life. We choose what we do. I wrote another Christmas musical earlier today too. Number Nine.

Best wishes Mango and Dango, wherever you are today. India? Right nearby? I love what you do. Hope you didn’t mind being my muse.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 195 "Come Together" by The Beatles

One can forgive one’s self quite quickly for playing a relatively average version of the Motel 6 theme song for the Internet world for all virtual eternity. When covering The Beatles, the sense of guilt piques slightly. It would be nice to at least do the Beatles tune solid. That being said, I’m sure it’s fine. It’s respectable to what to do well, just not at the expense of enjoying life. Overall big picture, not just momentary jollies, but in terms of what we really want from our lives. Yuck it up. Bounce back. Whatever. But ultimately, we only have so much time.

Come together. Unity is fun folks. Polarity (quick, let me check I used that word right)…

po·lar·i·ty n
1.         a situation in which two individuals or groups have qualities, ideas, or principles that are diametrically opposed to each other

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Yes. That’s doesn’t sound fun. Feeling opposed to other individuals and groups. Let’s look at what we have in common, our mutual needs. Food, air, love, kindness. These are basic things. Come together right now over these things.

Thanks Beatles for all you done. If we are all one, and I believe we are, then thanks to you and me, ‘cause we’re the Beatles too.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 195 “It's About That Time ”

Gotta work on my stealthiness as we get into the hot part of the summer on the 365. Maybe I should grab a fan and keep it cool. Maybe before I’m dripping sweat. Sometimes it’s hard for us to do this things we know are best for us. I call that The Human Condition.

So let’s see if we can survive this and make it to the next milestone in one piece. Now it’s hot. Schvitzing badly. I’m not sure that’s how you spell that, but it’s Yiddish, so… What words could I possibly say on such a hot day?

Every so often, you just got to say, "Thank you." And it's about that time. May the birds fly and the people applaud you doing what you do. God bless you. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 194

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 194 "All Apologies" by Nirvana

So, it’s got to catch up with you at some point, I suppose. May as well be on the 5th of July. 3 days in a row of Yankees-Padres, parties and fireworks for the 4th of July, a poor night’s sleep and we play Winston’s tonight from 10PM-1AM. Don’t get me wrong. I’m psyched. Just tired and very hot.

So let’s see if we can survive this and make it to the next milestone in one piece. Might not be the #1, most awesome day ever on the 365. "All Apologies." 

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 194 “The Little Red Riding Hood Something”

So, I’ve written a few plays. A screenplay, a bunch of special needs Christmas Musicals, and a few plays. One I worked on was an adaptation of  “The Little Red Riding Hood” for two ladies, including one who was a young girl. I wrote some tunes and here I try to explain what the one called “Just Friends” is about.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 194 “Just Friends” by Jefferson Jay

Now it’s been a hot minute since I wrote some tunes for this adaptation of “The Little Red Riding Hood” for a job I used to have. If memory serves me correct, which it very well may or may not. I think The Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf used to be friends abut then they went in different directions until here in the end of the play, they both come around to the realization that even if they don’t agree on everything, it easier just to be friends. It would be easier for me, if I just had an air conditioner.