Thursday, July 21, 2016

Operation 365 2... Blog 210

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay – Covers – 210 “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis

Lately, it feels like my house is a “Great Ball of Fire.” We’re just a little low on the air circulation and pretty much any and all cool feelings. I just took a little sweat nap after work. It was as refreshing as a sweat nap can be, except when I dreamt my chest exploded. I didn’t like that so much, but it didn’t stop me from going back to napping more.

Well, “Great Balls of Fire” is a fun song to play. Here’s wishing you a really nice day.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Words – 210 “And It’s Hot”

You may have heard me mention that it’s hot. I have a dire need to go out and buy copious amounts of fans from Home Depot immediately. But, no, buying fans is not the 365 way. Making videos and hoping that that somehow gets you fans is more my method. So here I talk about how hot it was yesterday, when I made this video. But fear not my fiends, fear not, it is hotter today.

Operation 365 2 - Jefferson Jay - Originals – 210  “We Planted a Garden” by Jefferson Jay

The universe smiled on me just now. Thank you Universe. I am overwhelmed by hotness, in case you hadn’t read. I just a took a shower and I’m already sweating. I was not so much wanting to record an original for today. I started looking back at recent videos I had not used. I was looking for one I could not find. I cracked open the special list of original songs I have not used yet, made for expressly this occasion, and there it was like a bottle of water in the desert, calling to me. “Do me! Use me!,” it cried.

 Here, I oblige. “We Planted a Garden” was written two years ago, when we did just that. What a satisfying feeling. This song is based very much on a true story, even down to the details. Haven’t gone back tot garden life yet, but I eagerly await doing so. Perhaps when it’s not so gosh-darn hot. I believe there is also a careful consideration of vegetarianism in here, something I consider often and so on and so forth…

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