Thursday, June 30, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 212

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 218 Don Truesdail "Big City" - 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

Here is the final clip from Don Truesdail's set from 2008's "24 Hours of Free Music" concert on June 28, 200-8. It has been a great honor to be able to bring this footage to you. Don is, was and will always be a great dude. The end part of this clip turns to black. Director Dylan Avery followed me to the patio for some behind the scenes footage and the tape ended. I let it play through though, just because there isn't that much Don footage out there and I would like to share as much as I can. The visual comes back at then and you get to see Don and I palling around and hear his awesome "Waiting to Unplug" song. Consider that an exclusive.

Don makes a comment right before "Waiting to Unplug." "And here we are, three years later," he says. I think that's from the end of his first tune actually, but it wound up at the end of his set too here somehow. Everything happens for a reason, I believe. Even horrible stuff, like Don; untimely passing. Unfortunately, I do not possess the otherworldly wisdom to comprehend what and why that reason is. Maybe Don is saving some other world somewhere singlehandedly. If so, Don, thanks for staying in touch and leaving so much love behind. I'm sure, wherever you are, you are busy conjuring positive realities for those around you.

Here WE are, three years later, missing Don still. I realize not everybody can share this same perspective. There can be no true consolation for spouses, and immediate family members, when someone leaves the planet as suddenly as Don did on January 13, 2009. As a close friend, I am deeply thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know him as well as I did. Nothing is ensured in this world. Not a minute, not a day, not a second. So to have been able to spend as many great afternoons and evenings with Don is something, I am deeply thankful for, daily. I believe we will all be together again someday somehow. I cherish my time in this world and I look forward to chilling with Don again, when the universe deems it time to do so. In the meantime, Don is a part of me forever. One of my favorite parts of me, in fact. Peace.

The Soul Man, who turns 93 Friday, joins Don here, on guiro. Dylan Avery filmed this for the movie "Jefferson Jay's 24 Hours of Free Music." The movie is currently out of print. Sold out. Please contact me at if you are interested in getting a copy and maybe I'll print more. For more information on the man (Don) and his music, please visit

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 218 "Someday Someway" by Marshall Crenshaw

After I jammed the phrase "someday somehow" into my spiel about Don, found here,

I knew I had to bust out a "Someday Someway" today. I had half decided on doing "Under the Boardwalk," but if you embrace destiny, you embrace destiny and I embrace destiny, big time. "Someday Someway" was a song my mom used to listen to when I was a kid. I think she liked the Robert Gordon version. The song stuck with me. I tired it last week, but I didn't it get quite right. Today I was closer. I decided to stick with it. Close enough for government work, or the Operation 365.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Outtakes - 218 Writing "A New Song From Scratch"

So I got a wild hair. I wrote this tune, "A New Song From Scratch," right before your very eyes, from nothingness to completed tune in less than ten minutes. I kept every detail for your viewing pleasure. Takes me a second to get going but once it's on, I'm off and running. I hope you enjoy watching my creative process. This is very unique. If anyone sees this, and wants some tips and finishing tunes, feel free to drop me a line at

Lots of folks can start a song. Finishing them is another matter altogether. I think she came out all right. Managed to use the scratching metaphor a bit. This whole thing is a shout out to my buddy who scratches the guiro as well as anybody who's ever lived 93 years. That's right, Junior Fos, The Soul Man will be 93 tomorrow. Scratching that guiro shaves 30 years off your look. Happy birthday, Man of Soul.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 218 "A New Song From Scratch"

Here is a little song I wrote today called "A New Song From Scratch." I started writing it about 7 minutes before I recorded it. I have provided proof of this if anybody's interested in an outtake called "Writing "A New Song From Scratch"." Here is the link to how I wrote his song from start to finish in less than ten minutes.

It seems like a cool song. I still haven't played it a second time yet. I am looking forward to that happening soon. This one is dedicated to my dear friend and bandmate, The Soul Man, who will turn 93 tomorrow. Feel free to join us at Humphrey's Backstage Lounge, ( this Saturday, July 2, 2011, from 5-7PM, where we will celebrate the life of an American hero as well as one righteous and cool groove-loving dude, Junior Fos (I never call him that. I can't call a 93 year old dude, "Junior") I just call him, for nine years now, The Soul Man.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 211

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 217 Don Truesdail "Mr. Scratch's Lure" - 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

Be a nice person in this world, or else Don Truesdail, or some other awesome person, might go write a song like this about you. I don't feel at liberty to let the cat out of the bag as to who this one is about, but suffice it say, the target had it coming. Fortunately, he moved to Australia. Not far enough if you ask me. Is it really that hard to be kind and respectful in this world? I think not. Some people, you give 'em an inch and they become convinced they're the next King of England. Yeah, Don was a very peaceful person. I didn't find out until after he died, that he was a karate expert who could have been beating disrespectful people's butts anytime he felt like it. I did watch him scale a wall once, but that is another story...

Welcome back, once again, to three years ago, 2008. 24 Hours of Free Music was the show and it was a great day to be alive in Ocean Beach, San Diego, California. A parade of incredibly talented folks left their egos behind and took it to the stage proudly and humbly to share in an unforgettable moment in time. It was great. Don. Robin Lee, Wes Davis, Justin Mills, Destructo Bunny, Sene Africa... I could go on a long time. It WAS 24 hours long. Its' epicness cannot be overstated. I have thrown this even four times but 2008 took the cake by leaps and bounds. I've managed to sneak a few sweet cliches into this post.

Hail Don Truesdail and be nice to people. You never know who you might be pissing off.

This clip was filmed on June 28, 2008 by Dylan Avery and for the movie "Jefferson Jay's 24 Hours of Free Music." The Soul Man appears on guiro. Getting those feelings out... That's why we write the songs.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 217 "Here There and Everywhere" by The Beatles

Are there commas in the title of this song? I am on a Beatles' binge on the 365 this week. It was somewhat unintentionally, but hey, they're the Beatles. It was only a matter of time... John and Paul wrote this classic piece of tunesmanship and I thanks them for it wholeheartedly. I'll go ahead and thank them for the whole "Revolver" CD while I'm at it. My voice is still a little scratchy from our Jefferson Jay band 3 set funfest out in the mountains last weekend. Hopefully it will be better for the 93rd birthday party of the Soul Man, this Saturday afternoon at Humphrey's Backstage Lounge. You ever seen him play the guiro? He's the scratchiest guy I know.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 217 "The Ace"

I like card songs. I like poker and I like songs with multiple meanings. With that in mind, I have written a a few such songs in recent months including "Good Luck, All In" and "Full House," two songs that use cards as a metaphor but mean a lot more. I threw this one together just now, a bit more quickly, but I think this little number has quite a bit of potential. The ace is the finest card in the deck. It can help you win a lot and it can help you lose a lot. Anything you put your heart and love in to can have that same effect. It doesn't mean that you don't want it. It just means that with it, there are risks. You do want it. This is life. You want to take chances and you want to have those chances lead to successful choices, victories if you will...

Another cute thing I like to do in songwriting (I'm not sure anyone else does it) is I try to let the songs write themselves a little bit. How do I do this, you ask? Well, the chords to this here "The Ace" song are A , C and E (E minor actually). Yes, it can really be that simple. I threw a little B7, C7 turnaround in there and voila, a song. Ace song.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 210

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 216 Don Truesdail "The Traveller's Lament" - 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

Welcome to Day Four of Operation 365's latest tribute to the Parlor City Bard, Don Truesdail. Here is "The Traveller's Lament," recorded and released on his first posthumous CD, "Dasvidanya Bingoland, Hello Nancy." This CD tells the story of Don's incredible romance with his beloved Nancy, that went all the way to Russia and back before culminating in their wedding vows. After Don's tragic passing on January 13, 2009, Nancy, in her recovery, decided to produce and release the three CDs, Don had left behind the blueprints and the rough tracks for.

I am proud to be assisting Nancy in this moving project and we are beginning work on the 3rd CD of the set shortly. This music and more information are available at

Don I love you and miss you. Thanks for leaving such deep and dense, great art behind, so I can continue to get to know and understand you for the rest of my life. Peace.

This was recorded at Jefferson Jay's 24 Hours of Free music, on June 28, 2008, exactly three years ago today. This clip was filmed by Dylan Avery and Don was joined on the guiro for this set by the legendary Soul Man, who will turn 93 this Friday. If you want to come to his birthday party, consider yourself invited. It is this Saturday, July 2nd at Humphrey's Backstage Lounge in Point Loma, San Diego. The Jefferson Jay Band plays Happy Hour from 5 to 7PM. The Soul Man will be rocking with us and then all night with his other band, Viva Santana.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 216 "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles

Let's see. Having a bit of a bad hair day. Slightly hurried. Got through John Lennon and Paul McCartney's "I Want to Hold Your Hand" alright. No time to play it over and over. Fun song, this, "I Want to Hold Your Hand." It's been a week since I wrote my "hold my hand song," that made me think of this one. Must run to teach the children at the ARTS center now. See ya.

At least my apartment's is cleaned up...

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 216 "Lick That Couch"

I was inspired, once again, by super puppy, Nigel. This time, it was his couch-licking expertise that really drove me to the creative heights. This instrumental piece, I believe, is the ultimate couch-licking song of all-time. You other songwriters out there, take this as a a challenge, you best step up, 'cause writing these couch licking sensations may not be as easy as you think they are. I'm telling you. It's not.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 209

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 215 Don Truesdail "Worker's Paradise" - 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

"Worker's Paradise" is my man Don Truesdail's, spirited anthem about the plight of the proletariat. Don was a throwback to a simpler time. He still believed in the fight for justice, even in the face of all odds. He felt that artists' should speak about the injustices in the world, in hopes that sharing these thoughts would somehow help aid healing the society that bred them. Don didn't explicitly state these things in conversation necessarily. That's what he wrote songs for. Of course there is the personal cathartic angle to songwriting. Great art communicates an artists' thoughts in a manner more universal than candid chat. The carefully chosen words and the deliberately structured stanzas weave a tale that can speak to folks for generations. Don took great pains to say exactly what he meant, on and off the field of songwriting. There is a lot of meaning and a lot of love in the lyrics to all of Don's songs.

Don packed several lifetimes worth of thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas into the however many dozen songs he completed. I cherish the fact that they exist as a resource of knowledge and a window into the mind of my brilliant, eloquent, interesting, and witty, departed amigo. "Worker's Paradise" is a song that anybody who has ever busted their butt at any job to try to scratch out a living, can relate to.

This clip was filmed by Dylan Avery and features The Soul Man, (aka Junior Fos), on guiro. For more information on Don and his music, please visit

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 215 "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I recorded my videos for today and they didn't record, so I had to do them again. Doh! The second time around, I was sweatier. Hopefully, I was at least more warmed up. My place is still destroyed form this weekends' fun and festivities and my voice is only slightly less destroyed. Hopefully, I can get them both better very soon.

Can't beat The Beatles. Is that ironic? I don't think so. I'll ask Alanis Morissette. In honor of Day 215 of the Operation 365, I'll offer props to Proposition 215, one of California's friendly neighborhood laws. Give it up to the big CA for taking care its sick citizens.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 215 "Kristen"

"Kristen" is a song I wrote many years ago, about a girl I briefly dated. Perhaps "dated" is not the right word... She was a beautiful young lady. Don't think she thought very highly of herself, though. I sensed she had some demons. I wrote this song about the whole thing. I might have played it for her, but I never saw her again, instead. Kristen, wherever you are, I hope you're doing well. You probably have a husband and some kids by now, I hope you're a happy human. God bless.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 208

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 214 Don Truesdail - "Sweet August" 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

Day Two of tributing Truesdail, this time around. We are approaching the three year anniversary of the 2008 "24 Hours of Free Music," one of the greatest days of my life. It was so much fun for so many folks we made a movie about it. Here is song two from Don's set. It is a beautiful love song called "Sweet August." I feel blessed to know some of the touching love story this song details. Just as I feel blessed to have known Don and to know his beloved wife, Nancy. Enjoy, Don Truesdail and "Sweet August."

This was filmed by Dylan Avery. Don is joined on stage by The Soul Man (who will be 93 on Friday) on guiro. Peace

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 214 "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?" by Bob Merrill

Astute observers of the 365 will notice that my apartment is once again, wrecked. Trashed. Destroyed. Upside down. In shambles. Yes, we played a wonderful gig last night with The Jefferson Jay Band at Lydia's birthday party in Julian, CA. Beautiful mountain location and the band played great. Everyone had a super time. Thanks to Albert and Lydia, by the way. Check out their thing at if you get a sec. Steve and Tara, who we love and Leanne and I camped there after right near the pond. We arose early and headed back to SD after a breakfast stop in Ramona. Speaking of breaking fast, Leanne accidentally dropped her Ray Bans out the window. Ooops.

As soon as we got home, we unloaded everything everywhere, I rinsed real quick and I ran out to MC a fine event called Here and Now, A Convention on Capitalism, Spirituality and Other Playful Endeavors, put on by Jon Block. It was a long day. I just got home and immediately got cracking on today's vids. My guitar is buried so I went banjo. I wrote and recorded my original real quick. I took and old poem and stuck it to a new catchy riff. Then on to covers. Ouch. Couldn't find one. Tried "Ruby Tuesday" and " All Together Now," but it wasn't happening. So I went for the easiest thing I could find. I dug up my trusty kids' tune chords page and this is what happened next. Enjoy mastery or whatever this is. Peace. Every moment is perfect so I guess this is too, right?

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 214 "The Moonlight"

So trying to blaze through the 365 quickly, I still managed to write this tune. I stuck a new riff with some old lyrics and voila, "The Moonlight." I liked this girl awhile ago. She was an obstetrician. She liked me back for a day too, but she got all scared right away, I wasn't doctorry enough for her. I'd be shocked if she's not still single. Not 'cause she's not cool, but because she's got some other issues. I got close enough to know they exist and nowhere near close enough to know what they are. Either way, it's a song for today. Dr. Life, I wish you the best. You somehow got a banjo song.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 207

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 213 Don Truesdail - "Coquettish Vamp" 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

The high point of our San Diego subculture here came on June 28, 2008, approximately 3 years ago today. On the day of the OB Street Fair (which is also today), I threw my third rendition of a little show I designed called "Jefferson Jay's 24 Hours of Free Music." The point of this marathon is to give artists a bigger stage than the may have been previously on and at a show at which everyone is welcome. We decided t odo it the day of the Street Fair in '08 '09 because of the additional 10,000 or so folks who flood into Ocean Beach every year on this day.

Our scene was still relatively new in 2008. Nobody had assumed any ownership of it yet and everybody was genuinely happy to be a part of things. That left us merely to organize and execute the spectacle that is "24 Hours," but with great team work, and positive attitudes we pulled it off marvelously.

It was such a success that I had a movie made of it. Dylan Avery filmed and directed the movie. The movie is called "Jefferson Jay's 24 Hours of Free Music," and I sold all the copies I had printed. Maybe I'll do another printing someday. It is a 2 disc, 4 and a half hour movie. I coulda had Dylan make it much shorter. That was his preference, but I wanted to be inclusive, because to me, that's what the spirit of "24 Hours" is all about.

So, to celebrate and commemorate "this time of year and "24 Hours," I bring you more of my dear friend Don Truesdail. As nice as it is to share clips from many of our friends at the Open Mic over the years here in the Archives, sharing the work of Don and our friend Robin Lee makes the 365 meaningful to me. I have grown so much from knowing these people and being exposed to their music and that it humbles me to be able to share their songs with another audience here ont he internet. That said,I intend to share Don's entire set (more or less) from "24 Hours of Free Music " '08, over the next week or so here and I hope you enjoy.

For those of you who don't know, Do was a great songwriter, musician, and music teacher before he passed away in an accident on January 13, 2009. I think of him all the time and still feel extremely close to him even though its been a little while since he hung out on my couch. We miss you Don. Enjoy his summer, school-is-out-of-session, laid back look. I know I do. And enjoy his amazing musicianship and quality of character. Don Truesdail = one hell of a guy. I am blessed to call him a friend. Peace

For more info on Don and his music and to buy on of his awesome CDs, please visit

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 213 "And It Stoned Me"

A gorgeous Van Morrison tune. Never played it for. Hope I play it again. Enjoyed it muchly. Playing a birthday party in Julian today with the band. Skipping the Street Fair this year. Three full sets of The Jefferson Jay Band. Am I excited? Can I get a hell yeah? Thanks, Stone Cold. See you all in the mountains.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Original - 213 "The Fretless Masterpiece"

Here's a little chunk of genius I brain-pooped out last night as we watched "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." I laughed so hard I thought I was dying. I borrowed a quote from the great Charlie Day fro the chorus of this masterpiece, this fretless masterpiece. Fretless, you say? Yes indeed. Only open strings get played on this monster. That's right, even YOU can play "The Fretless Masterpiece." Dalmatian. Yes, I know antiquitated's not a word. In "The Fretless Masterpiece," it is.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 206

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 212 Hannah Banana 10-13-2009

Many, if not most, days I am enjoy a morning blend at a coffeeshop here in OB called "Your Mama's Mug." Great vibes. Fine folks. Delicious bagel sandwiches. What more could you ask for? For awhile, back then, a young lady worked there named Hanna. I found out she played guitar. I invited her to my Open Mic and she came. She has a cool style, Ani Difranco, Kaki King and Kelli Rudick jump to mind. I gave her the opportunity to stretch out on stage at mys how a few times and eventually, she moved a2way. Disappeared. Back east, they said. I don't know. Maybe she will see this and check back in. Peace to you Hanna... Banana... or whatever your real name is...

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 212 "See Ya" by Carole Demas and Paula Janis

I grew up a huge fan of a show called "The Magic Garden." I enjoyed it as a youth. It featured two hippie ladies named Carole Demas and Paula Janis. I don't think Janis is any more a real name than Banana. People in glass houses... Anyway, I'm pretty sure the first crush I ever had (I was probably four) was on Carole. They had a pink squirrel friend named Sherlock. They enjoyed tales from the The Story Box. Carole and Paula played guitar and the end of each show they would sign off with this classic. See ya. Check 'em out of you like at

Peace and we hope you have a shiny day.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 212 "Dog on the Couch"

If you liked "Band on the Run," you'll LOVE "Dog on the Couch." "Dog on the Couch" tells the story of a young pup, Nigel, who enjoys resting and relaxation on the neighborhood couch. There, he curls into a ball and soaks up the sunshine until it, once again, becomes time to play. "Dog on the Couch" is summer sensation and a tear jerker that will keep audiences coming back for more. "I watched it seventy-four times." President Grover Cleveland Alexander That's right, folks. "Dog on the Couch" is the surprise summer hit that's not to be missed.

And coming in 2012, Air Nige.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 205

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 211 Tuna Boot - 10-13-2009

The fine young gentlemen Tuna Boot were regulars at my programming in 2008 and 2009. Mark, the primary songwriter, (L) returned to Chicago thennish. Haven't seen Noj (bass) in ages, but Scott Park, (R) pops up from time to time and it is always nice to see his shining face. I always loved the attitude and effort put forth by Tuna Boot. Enjoy another of their harmony-laden journeys.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 211 "Earth Angel"

Here is my "Earth Angel". Unlike a lot of 365 covers, I've played this one a bunch before. The version I found today on the internet is different than the one I used to do. As I continued on, it seemed wronger and wronger. Eventually, abandoning ship. Probably coulda got a better one, but I thought the whole thing was pretty funny. Betrayed by the internet. Can you imagine?

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 211 "Feeling It Would be An Exaggeration"

"Feeling It Would be An Exaggeration" was the first thing I played when I set out to do my 365 today. By the end I was feeling it a decent amount. Here I took this unique medium to experiment with a Woody Allen/Jerry Seinfeld type song. A local journalist I know calls me and pretends to be my Jewish grandmother. He's been doing it for years. This character her is a fictional nephew of hers perhaps. A delightful nebbish. So I here I whine and dine you while deliberating, discussing my mindset as I embarked upon two days of Operation 365. Oy vey.

NOTE: I just finished watching "The Wire," (HBO Series, 5 seasons) It's a Baltimore-based cops and drug dealers show. Very enjoyable. In the end, McNulty says goodbye, standing beside hist trusty Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera. Ahhh, those were the days.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 204

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 210 Tommy Dahill - 9-15-2009

here is local good man, traveller and banjoist, Tommy Dahill. He has pioneered his own musical style California Browngrass. He has also pioneered his own unique approach to dealing with people on the planet; Being friendly to everybody always, and managing the repercussions as they come up. Yes, Tommy Dahill is a very good man. Enjoy him as much as you can here, but I highly recommend meeting him in person if you ever get the chance. Just saying.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 210 "Feelin' Alright" by Dave Mason

"Feelin' Alright" was written by Dave Mason of Traffic. Wikipedia tells me all these people have covered it.

Wikipedia: The song was also a hit single for several artists: Joe Cocker (1969, #69, recharted in 1972, US#33), Mongo SantamarĂ­a (1969, #95) and Grand Funk Railroad (1971, US#54). It has also been covered by Three Dog Night (1969), The 5th Dimension (1970), Lou Rawls, Freddie King, Paul Weller, Lulu, Chairmen Of The Board (1970), Rare Earth, The Electric Concept Orchestra , Mother's Finest (1973), The Ohio Players (1971), Diana Ross with the Jackson 5 (1971), Maceo Parker, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Widespread Panic and The Black Crowes.
Well, how about that?

I only knew Joe's version. Throw me on the list!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 210 "I'll Take You"

"I'll Take You" was a song I wrote yesterday. I was thinking of my friend Justin mills and how much I missed his style of songwriting He is on another of his long hiatuses from playing live, so I have only my memory and these clips to watch and listen. So, I wrote this song and even attempted to perform it in a style derivative of his own. It is more an emulation than an imitation. I have all these singy melodic ideas, but I will save them all for another version. I hear the chorus as two voices, a call and a response, probably. I even wore my flannel to give it more Justin Mills street cred. I think I blew that though by leaving in the scrunchie. I hope you all like it, especially Justin Mills.

I was gonna call it "Hold My Hand," but that was taken so I chose, "I'll Take You."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 203

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 209 Mia - 10-13-2009

Mia is an amazing person. I don't even know his real name. Where he lives is beautiful. he lives in San Diego. I hope you enjoy listening to him speak. I do. I learned tons through talking to him. I appreciate him immensely. Thanks Mia.

I remember this story in much more detail. I just don't have time right now. Mia was born in Owego, New York. Least that's how the legend goes. God bless you.

Recorded on October 13, 2009.

TAGS: Mia, angel, message, Jefferson Jay, Operation 365, old jokes, owego, new york

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 209 "Stephanie Says" by Lou Reed

Been really feeling Lou Reed these days. Velvet Underground. Learned this song awhile ago, a bit before the 365 started. Positivity to Lou Reed. And Nigel. And everybody else. Everywhere.

Shout out to the area code 209, Stockton, Lodi, Lacey, Lauryn, Kacie, Spanos. Other friends. Respect.

TAGS: area code 209, Stockton, Lodi, Lacey, Lauryn, Kacie, Spanos. Respect, bumble bee, hess ranch, Jefferson jay, stephanie, lady gaga, subway, best buy, lou reed, velvet underground valley frank county california fair sacramento dean idaho grove luther

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 209 "Idle Idol Blues"

So much time. So much to do. I don't know. I'm going through. Ounces for Angels. Doses for dames. A world built on destruction and flames. I don't like this riddle. I don't like these blues. The I don't even know what I'm going to do's. Species, genus, creatures, scores, Giraffes and calfs and rats and roars. Loving, gloving rubbing touching needing flipping dreams, Herders touch is so much, Clinging to it, we scream. Clinging to it, we scream. It's a gift to be alive. Yes, I'm gonna thrive. Colliding to the dive. This day. This day I'm gonna... Gift to be alive.

TAGS: rap, freestyle, Destructo Bunny, OB, love, Jefferson Jay, question, rant. blog, late night, streaming. scream, screaming, giraffe, blues, riff, chord, idle, pavano, american idol, calf, I don't even know what I'm going to do, flames, angel, dame, poem, guitar scary funny hour rabbit bug band, american idol, randy

NOTE: It's 11: 50PM. I finished these videos much earlier. One, I am dirty (Idle Idol Blues), and one, I am clean (Stephanie Says). They just finished posting. A fun band practice tonight at Spotless Studios. A fun meeting with Blowski. Gig in Julian this weekend. Lydia's birthday bash. I'm excited. Time for me to scrounge some dinner now. Tomorrow.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 202

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 208 Interview with a Baby 2 - 10-20-2009

Today we return with a favorite segment of followers of the 365, "Interview with a Baby." Here I interview baby extraordinaire Morgan Riley Stevens, son of Jen Stevens, singer of the band Beer Money. Along with band and family co-star Joe Stevens, Jen made a beautiful child. Technically, I am his godfather. I also married and Jen and Joe. Did you know I am a minister? I'm not sure what a godfather does, but I doubt I'm doing it right now. Either way, if a godfather interviews and posts it these days, then maybe I am the ultimate 21st century godfather. I plum don't know.

In either case, enjoy this riveting interview with Morgan Riley Stevens. Photographer Steve Covault was riveted, as you can see. He is the fellow snapping made pictures and half blocking the shot. God bless him. I posted his wife Sweet Joyce Ann (Covault) in yesterday's Wild Older Women Duo clip, also filmed on October 20, 2009, at my Open Mic.

Who interviews babies? Me.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 208 "Pale Blue Eyes" by Lou Reed

"Pale Blue Eyes" was written by Lou Reed and performed by his band Velvet Underground. This is a beautiful love song (of sorts). It was in my head the other day, so I decided to do it. I was playing it for my friend Richard Romero yesterday. He said it was slow. I added al those major seventh chords in honor of him. Leanne, my sweet, is sleeping. She is not feeling well, so I am playing quietly. I even switched the look to dream mode, just 'cause it made it make more sense.

I left out the last verse, mostly by accident. When I looked at what it was though, I realized, I think I like the song better without it, at least for my purposes. Apparently, this song was all about hooking up with a married person. I had no idea. I think it's more universal without it, so once I left it out, I decided not to put it back in.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 208 "Traversing the Forest"

"Traversing the Forest" is a riff I've had sitting around a long time. Once in South Florida, late 2010, I wrote it into a whole long tune with a bunch of the other odd and progressive parts I had written that were homeless songwise. I worked it into in detail in my hotel room. I brought all the recording stuff across the country, but never recorded the tune. I even played it on Don Truesdail's parents' crib on Don's guitar, when I was visiting them then, but still. I never committed it to memory or recorded it. I recorded Don's pop, Dan...

So what I figured is, the song was too odd, long, and all over the place, a journey of you will, to be played practically ever, so I just let it go. And now, here this riff is, still sitting in the inbox of unused songparts. Today, it becomes it's own, at least for the purposes of this 365. I called it ""Traversing the Forest" 'cause that's what it conjures to me.

I realize I like a little aloof in today's videos. It is a beautiful summer day in San Diego. There is work that needs to be done. Peace

Shout out to Route 208, which leads from my mom's pad all the way to New York City and if you follow it the other way, it will take to the roads that that Owego pad I just spoke of. We don't call highways "Route... Anything" in California. I have some vivid memories on you, Route 208. Ahh, Candace Karaty... The passing of time, reflection and perspective, is funny thing. It can make harrowing memories seem good, in retrospect, simply because you survived.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The guy is cutting his arm off in the other room.

The guy is cutting his arm off in the other room. Leanne can't talk right now. She is watching. I took a pass on this one. Made food and brought her water instead. I am reading about people who turned their book into a blog. I am reading articles about query letters. I am perusing the 1996 Writer's Market book, which says to expect rejection. It says not to let it slow you down. James Franco's arm is off. Hooray! "He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it," she repeats triumphantly.

Now he can walk out of the cavern and get himself to safety. Thanks goodness. It is a great day. "The arm is gone. The arm is gone." I can go watch it now. Snuggle with my baby. "Wow! Amazing! James Franco should win an Oscar for this for real." This is the part I was skipping. "This movie is awesome. Wow!" I love Leanne. I'm going to watch him walk away. Good night.

Operation 365... Blog 201

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 207 Wild Older Women Duo "Wild Older Woman" 10-20-2009

Much like the coming together of peanut butter and chocolate or ham and cheese, even, sometimes a pairing is so complimentary, it's as if it was meant to be. Like Laurel and Hardy, Ozzie and Harriet, and The Duke Boys, each generation has its standard bearers for these lofty perches. here, I nominate The Wild Older Women Duo. Representing both today and yesterday with grace, talent and aplomb, Sweet Joyce Ann (left) and Annie Rettic (fiddle) get the job done.

Days ago, I saw them holding it down, playing for the people at the Ocean Beach Farmer's Market, I knew needed them for the Operation 365. It simply had to be. So I found this nice clip at my Open Mic from October 20 2009, my good man, Don Truesdail's birthday, incidentally. Here they are, playing their trademark tune, "Wild Older Woman, " written by Sweet Joyce Ann. This song carries and infectious chorus which has been sung by many a person , woman and man alike, including myself and the suave and handsome Mr. Truesdail. Nice work, ladies. Hope to see ya soon.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 207 "Hava Nagila" - Traditional

Never so much expected to be playing Hebrew covers on the interent ever, but life is unpredictable indeed. We are playing a special party in a week or two, for which it will be appropriate, so here it is. Richard Romero, guitar and vocals, and I arranged it thusly. We were playing a bit more traditionally. and then Richard asked me, "How would John Mayer play it?" Now, I have no idea. I don't listen to much Mayer, but I popped it out some (made it more poppy), and this is what it sounds like.

Fun song. Classic. That's for sure. Thanks to Dick Dale for making Richard Romero feel like "Hava Nagila" was cool to play.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 207 "Musical Dreams"

Here is an obscure number I wrote awhile back, called "Musical Dreams." I have had it sitting around for awhile. I've never played it live, that I recall, but I like it. Sums up how I felt at a moment in time I suppose. I like the catchy end part a bit. The "Hello. Down the river. Canyon" part. I used to enjoy jamming that part with 2nd graders at an elementary school I worked in Oceanside. Those were good times. Seems like long ago. Cloudy.

Amazing appearance again here by world class wonderpooch Nigel, on being irresistibly cute at all times.

NOTE: A red-letter moment for the 365 here today. I changed chairs on the original tune today. Thanks to the old chair. You were a good soldier for 207 days and more. I'm glad I found you in the alley. New chair, I'm glad I found you in the alley too. Good chair. Good alley.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 200

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 206 Rob Deez "Seth Combs" 11-15-2009

Wild times here in OB. Just had a fight in the streets. It appears some fellow had "stabbed the homeboy" of some other youths and they punched him a few times for good measure. Apparently, you can't be "stabbing the homeboys." Speaking of poor form, I am posting this today, because the fellow my freiend Rob Deez is speaking of, the Seth Combs, he is a bully and he is mean. I've never really gone for those types of folks. They trend pick on people not well-equipped to defend themselves and I find that to be distasteful. Folks like me and Rob Deez stand here to set the record straight with folks like these.

So what did this Seth Combs do?

"Ever wonder why the San Diego art scene struggles so much? For starters, organizations like seemingly reputable names like the San Diego Visual Arts Guild throw ridiculous events like the Surrealism party, held last Saturday at the House of the Future event space in the College Area. The art is always secondary at these events, and the suckers who forked over $25 were treated to synchronized swimming, fire dancers and - judging by this photo - women lying on stoves, feeding wine to stuffed ravens. Now I know what the "vag" in the really stands for." - Seth Combs

Now Seth, I guess, likes taking shots at nice people. I prefer to save mine for dudes like him. One of the coolest people I know, Ian Ashley, lives in the House of the Future and opens her home to throw awesome parties that raise lots of money for good local art causes. A kind woman named Patricia Frischer runs I have known her for many years. That's the best target you can find, Seth? That and Josh Damigo. Go pick on someone who fights back. You're not tough. You're sad. A sad little man named Seth. That's all. Now back to my wonderful Saturday.

Lest I forget to mention it, Rob Deez is my pal and he rules. Welcome to the 365, Rob. Deezarific has tons of clever tunes. I will post more from him before long. This was filmed on a slow Sunday at Portugalia, November 15, 2009. Not much energy in the room. I will showcase you for the energy-filled snarling tiger that you are real soon, dear Rob Deez. I owe you one. Come visit me in OB.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 206 "Wooden Ships" by David Crosby, Stephen Stills, and Paul Kantner

I have been practicing harmonies and song with Richard Romero lately. He is the bassist for my band for the last long while. Today, he was kind enough, after practice, to chime in on today's Operation 365 on vocals and guitar. Richard is an incredibly talented and schooled musician and one whole heck of a funny guy and swell friend.

Here, we busted out "Wooden Ships," a beautiful song by David Crosby, Stephen Stills, and Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane. Who knew? Mmmm, purple berries... Ahhh, harmony. I wrote a song once called "Wooden Boats," 'cause "Wooden Ships" was taken.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 206 "Let's Just Ask the Dinosaurs"

This is an odd song I wrote awhile back about how things change in ways that no one could see coming. Ask the dinosaurs. Get it? Right. Few songs mention a platypus, an omnibus, a rhinoceros, and hitchhiking with umbrellas in the rain. This one does. I wrote this trying to show my band The Greens of Mind I could write a tune they would like lickety-split. They didn't like it at all. Too silly and obtuse. A bit later, undeterred, I wrote another song. That one is called "That Morning." They liked that one a lot. I will bust it out for you one of these days. I'm saving it for a special occasion. Gotta make sure I have some bullets left. 365 is a long road to hoe. Kinda like the Mesozoic Era, huh, dinosaurs???

Thanks to Richard Romero for joining me on guitar and vocals for this version of "Let's Just Ask the Dinosaurs."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 199

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 205 Jefferson Jay and Friends" What's Lost..." 2-10-2009

Here I am playing a little tune I wrote for my beloved side project The Greens of Mind called "What's Lost in the Words That We Don't Say." Here, it was recorded with an all-star cast from my old days Open Mic crew including Blowski on piano, Maciek on flute, Annie Rettic, on violin, Barbara Tolbert (of The Greens) on vocals, Richard Romero on guitar, and The Soul Man on guiro. This version, while not quite as tight as the version The Greens brought, featured an intangible that I enjoyed. I love the energy that results when groups of people come together over the love for playing music. Yes, sometimes you lose a note or two, or maybe someone will step on someone a little, but the love and the effort and positive intentions that go into to making a unique moment to me more than make up for that in my opinion, 99% of the time. Summarized, each moment in life is precious and unique. Moments like these just make that more obvious.

In related news, kudos to Melissa Eisler. Former JJ Open Mic stalwart, Melissa Eisler had the bright idea to schedule a private open mic at her house, because of the state of affairs, that has left our old crew with out a place to do this sort of thing, for some time now. Invitations went out and thankfully, many of the main performers and friends from back then, jumped at the chance to participate in this special occasion. I agreed to host. So, it should be fun. It will be nice to see so many of the friendly faces that have filled the archives of this 365 for several months now. Destructo, Nancy, Petey, Blowski, Ean Greene, Carlos Soriano, Charbra, and so many other friends. A shout out now to Don and Robin, who will both be there in spirit. Big time.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 205 "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses

My honey was not feeling very well today. What's better on a sick afternoon than a mindless movie. I happened to have Matthew McGonahey (or whatever...) and Penelope Cruz in "Sahara" sitting around and that filled the bill nicely. I believe "Paradise City" plays somewhere near the start of that feature flick, so I seized that moment of inspiration and got cracking.

Fun little number, Meant to croon it, but drawn to the version I've heard a million times, somewhat. Nice work, Guns. It was nice to find a song that was written by an entire band. Most songs I run across, here were written by a person or two. Gotta love collaboration. Even "Sahara" collaborated, firing machine guns at me at the end.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 205 "Original Music"

"Original Music" is a reggae I composed, on the spot today, with the cameras rolling, thinking about the way things are from moment to moment. Where we are, what we're doing, what life is, how a song can capture that like a snapshot. It is a friendly little reggae song. It was made by me. I am now gong to get a sandwich, made by Olive Tree.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 198

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 204 Andrew Schneider "Cascading Cliches" 7-6-2010

Welcome to Family Day here on the 365. Andrew Schneider joins us here on loan from Austin, TX. Very exciting to welcome his sister Nancy Truesdail to the 365 later, on the original jam. Paul Ruiz appears here on trumpet and shines in all 3 videos today. Hail the continuity.

On July 6, 2010, Andrew played his tune "Cascading Cliches," with Paul Ruiz and The Soul Man (heard, not seen here) at my Gallagher's Open Mic. I believe it was the very first one there, in fact. Family + friends = fun. There's the new math for ya, in effect.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 204 "Take the Money and Run" by Steve Miller

Paul Ruiz and Destructo came over today. We discussed the process of moving my 1871 CDs (pictured behind me, stage left, in to the happy homes of customers from here to Japan and back. I wrote a jam right away when Paul came over. Then the Bunny showed up. I was really feeling "Fly Like an Eagle," but "Take the Money and Run," was so much more doable. So , Billy Joe and Bobby Sue it was. I'm pretty sure a switched the names here a few times. I'm not even sure if I did it on purpose. I've played this tune going back to high school, so it was fun to do it here. Why do they call it high school?

So the Bunny grabbed the djembe and Paul and I threw down on trumpet and guitar, respectively. Please enjoy a little Steve Miller Band.

In related news, I almost got scammed by a guy in Nigeria, who trying to get my to pay a deposit to check out a place he owned on Orchard St. A little research saved me from an embarrassing, inglorious fate. Hail research. Thanks Beth Zemacky at the real estate place from giving me the real 411.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 204 "Deliver With Your Mind"

So, as often happens when I write song these days, all the chords just popped into my head. What's left to do then, is grab a pen and write the tune down. The whole tune, or as close to that as possible. So today, I wrote "C D E F G" And hen I wrote A B. I copied it, repeated it, added the bridge and went back to the beginning 8 times. Then I wrote the words into the spaces in my word document. Moments later... tune. The melody goes from G to C, the same notes in reverse.

Played it with Paul Ruiz a couple times. He is my trumpeter friend. The Bunny played it with us once on the djembe, but it didn't translate, so I wrote a bunch of catchy jazzy chords and then he had to go food shopping. So we went back to this thing hours later, after James (the Bunny) had left and Nancy had come over. Nancy and Paul and I all dig hanging out and we do it often. So Nancy threw down on the little keyboard, her first youtube appearance, she believes. Waking up can be a party when you have really cool friends. Dig my new song about manifesting positive destinies, "Deliver With Your Mind."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 197

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 203 Andrew Schneider with Paul Ruiz 7-6-2010

Here is my friend Andrew Schneider of Austin, Texas, throwing down one of his jams at my Open Mic on July 6, 2010 with our friend, trumpeter Paul Ruiz. The Soul Man was so excited about the whole thing, he joined in on the guiro before it was done.

Andrew was visiting his sister, the talented and distinguished, Nancy Truesdail and we got to have many fun times on his visit. Andrew fit right in with everybody and was jamming with the crew constantly. There were some real fine times in the summer of 2010. A lot of them involved jams at the Blowski Compound. Much fun was had by all.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 203 "I Shot the Sheriff" by Bob Marley

Another epic Marley tune for the 365. I think the chords I found on the internet may have been a little off, but thats OK. It makes it sound like I put my own spin on it. The one thing I know I did with it that Bob Marley never considered (Eric Clapton, neither) was take a cell phone call from my wonderful girlfriend Leanne before the end. What can I say? I guess it makes it more unique.

How come N.W.A and Ice-T got in all that trouble and Bob Marley got off scot-free? Conspiracy?!?!?!?!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 203 "The Day Before Yesterday"

"The Day Before Yesterday" is a little riff/tune that I came up with a few days ago and recorded as my outro on the song I posted, (200 Days), the day before yesterday. I think "The Day Before Yesterday" stands on its own as well, even a capella. I know 'cuz I've been singing it around the house pseudo-cantor style for days. Maybe there is another part in its' future I don't know. Here it is as developed as it was yesterday, when I recorded it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 196

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 202 Robin Lee "Abyss" 2-26-2009

Here is my dear amiga, Robin Lee, busting out her song, "Abyss." This was recorded on February 26, 2009. Robin is joined here by Jack Davidson. This tune is awesome. I miss Robin very much. I haven;t seen her in quite some time. Enjoy her tunes, 'cause that's what they're here for.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 202 "Cement" by Megan Washington

This is kind of cool. I just covered a song I've never heard before. I saw that it was day "202" on the 365. I'm pretty sure that's the area code for Washington D.c. and I was off. So I went out in search an artist named Washington. Well, there is a band called Washington. I think I may have heard of them. Maybe they played some festival or something. South by Southwest, maybe? In any case. I dug up one of their tunes. Washington, the band, is led by , Megan Washington, their frontwoman. She wrote this jam, about hooking up with a dude and him writing about it on the concrete in chalk after. When she found it in the morning, she was not stoked.

So I played this "Cement." I have no idea if my song sounds anything like the original, because I've never heard it before. I hope Megan doesn't mind. It sure is nice we songwriters have songs to help us express ourselves.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 203 "Total Madness"

Astute observers will notice that my apartment is destroyed. Time ran out on my convenient storage unit and everything had to go, and by go I mean go everywhere. That's right. Years of schoolwork, kilos of nonsense, have invaded and will need to be dealt bit by by worthless bit. What you are experiencing here is the musical manifestation of the madness that is my zone right now.

I was invited to this incredible bash, Granted, it's 12 hours away and I'd be there for 24 hours before returning home. All thoughts of that exciting (albeit impractical) adventure were dashed when the saints (and my saints, I mean my most worthless possessions) came marching home. So, I'll be here, restoring order, as quickly as I can. Voila.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 195

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 201 Robin Lee 2 2-26-2009

Hi there. I'm not really sure what Robin Lee tune this is, or if it's even a Robin tune at all. I know she sings in Spanish on it, more or less and that Jack Davidson joins her on lead guitar. I am pretty sure this was filmed on February 26, 2009 but I'm not even 100% positive of that either. I try to be, so my apologies. I AM sure that she still had her long hair in this clip. That I know.

I just flew back form NJ and am posting all this jazz just prior to my midnight deadline. I love Robin and miss her very much. I wish her well wherever she is this moment. SHe is wonderful, beautiful person and I hope you can use this opportunity right here to get to know her some through her music. If you know her already, well then congratulations, good for you. Seriously.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 201 "Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver

Raise your hand if you knew John Denver wrote this. My hand is not up. I just discovered that today. I know he died in a plane. Irony can be nasty. I was more knowing the whole Peter, Paul and Mary angle on it all. I did leave on a jet plane and I did land safely. Hooray. What a wonderful trip to New Jersey. How about THAT? Love to my Mom and Bobby Brown, John and Kim, Grant and Julie, Dad and Karen, Spencer and Scotty, Sarah Winchester, Kevin Brown, and everyone else Leanne and I had a blast with in New Jersey and New York.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 201 "200 Days"

This is a number I wrote to commemorate 200 days of the Operation 365. I did not get to post it on the 200th day, 'cause there was too much going on, but here it is for you, recorded on the deck at my mom's abode. I am still tinkering with it a little bit, but this is, more or less, how it goes. Life...

"200 Days" has a "na-na" verse. I use those infrequently, but The Beatles use them often, so I trying to catch up. Thanks to everyone who has tuned in for any part of this adventure. Much more to go. Dig it. I may go on a huge excursion to Garberville tomorrow. Lots of work to do on lots of things, here, upon my return. It is wonderful to be with my pooches again. In fact, I will go give Angel huge smooches right now. Love and peace.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 194

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 200 Robin Lee "Down to My Last Cigarette" 2-26-2009

Here we are back with my dear friend Robin Lee. This is one of my earliest clips of her. I can tell 'cause she is still sporting her long flowing black hair. She is joined by Jack Davidson on lead guitar. She is a beautiful person and even though I haven't seen her in some time, thoughts of her inspire me on a daily basis. Here, she plays "Down to My Last Cigarette" at one of my shows on February 26, 2009. I hope you dig it. I'll be sharing more from the performance over the next couple of days. I think I just learned this song is by k.d. lang. Nice work, k.d.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 200 "I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash

Thanks, folks, for your patience. It's true. I have seen the light. Call it perspective. Call it love. Call it a reawakening, but I am confident and hopeful that we have riddled the primary turbulence the 365 has to offer and I am planning on cruising to an inspiring and climactic resting place for this unpredictable adventure.

It was been a wondrous few days here in Northern New Jersey. Isn't it always? Who's to say? either way. All I know is now I'm feeling positive. Thanks to all my friends and standing by me though this patch that was darker than I would have chosen. Apologies to anyone I was difficult to upsetness. Most specifically, apologies to anyone who might read this regularly and have been saddened by my intermittent whining. Now back to our regularly scheduled positive actualization.

In a quest to achieve irony, the footage in this clip is not extremely clear.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 200 "I'm Sorry, But..."

Happy 200 days of the Operation 365 to me and all of you.

Oh. Included here are several of the reasons that I couldn't do a more ornate song for the 200th day of the Operation 365. I just decided this song had potential for expansion.

I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. Peace

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 193

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 199 The Jefferson Jay Show Episode 2, Part 6 "Parade #2; Danger"

So as much fun as we were all having at this parade affair, eventually the anger on the streets became a bit intimidating. This was best exemplified by the projectiles (beads) that parade-goers were whipping at our faces as quickly as possible. They connected from time to time which can be seen here. That is the reason my bug fuzzy hat is hanging over my face. It is to protect me. Eventually, I could stand this assault no longer. I returned their energies witha little ditty I composed there on the spot called "Slaves to the grind." It is self-explanatory. Yeah, the rest of the parade worked out all right. What a wild night.

Thanks to govavi for inviting us on their float with them. Thanks to Blowski, my right hand man for many moons, Jeff Dewine, super talented person for all things musical, and Dylan Avery, who filmed all these festivities with his typical aplomb an specifically requested this here video for the Operation 365. Thanks guys. Peace

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 199 "Singin' in the Rain" - Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown

This "Singin' in the Rain" jam was made famous by Gene Kelly in the musical of the same name. Dedicated aficionados of The Great White Way will recognize that I left out most of the lyrics. I did dance though, and I did sing, in the rain, on the deck. I was inspired.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 199 "Raining in New Jersey"

So I'm in New Jersey. And it's raining.
I was inspired by this to express my feelings through song.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 192

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 198 The Jefferson Jay Show Episode 2, Part 5 "Parade #2; Debauchery"

Seems some time like people are just looking for a good excuse to act like animals. Mardi Gras is one of the best excuses you can come up with, even all the way in San Diego. Myself, Blowski, Dylan Avery (filming) and Jeff Dewine got entwined with the gang from They do adult intramurals. We all loaded up and partook in a float in the festivities.

The first parade was a bit of a warm-up. By parade #2, the mob mentality had fully settled in and it was crazy out there. People throwing stuff... at us, intoxicated. The whole things. Just madness on the streets. Now I'm not sure if this counts as a social experiment or just a straight-up clusterf--k, but either way, compelling footage was captured. Consider this a mirror of the world we call our own. We're just not always as blatant about exposing it.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 198 "Mary Had a Little Lamb" - Traditional

Here, my wonderful girlfriend Leanne and I cover the classic "Mary Had a Little Lamb." We had fun with it, made it our own a little. Leanne played guitar and we sang our hearts out. What a compelling story.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 198 "Ahh, My Achin' Back"

I am blessed to have my health. Threw my back out something horrid today though passing through a patio door. Achin' now, but I am focusing up to finish the 365 in its' final hour today. Love you. Bye.

Oh, enjoy Leanne. She does some special dance moves in this one. Talk about having my back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 191

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 197 The Jefferson Jay Show Episode 2, Part 4 "Parade #1"

Here's hopin' you enjoy the high art that is The Jefferson Jay Show. It's kind of like the Venus de Milo with a little music. Like many of the great paintings and statues of yesteryear, this episode of my show focuses on the human form, the female form, in particular. It also adventures into life at a parade. People have been enjoying parades for many years. THis parade celebrated Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego on February 24, 2009. Any arguably indecent material included in this clip was only done with a mind toward high, art, fashion, and artistic expression in the 21st century. Thank you for your time. Enjoy the program.

This jam was filmed by Dylan Avery.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 197 "The Teapot Song" by Clarence Z. Kelley

Here we've got "I'm a Little Teapot," also known as "The Teapot Song." Clarence Z. Kelley and some other dude wrote it. His name is at the end of the video if you really wanna know. Here, my labrador extraordinaire brings to life the role of the "Teapot," a role that has been played by many of the great actors of modern times including Yul Brenner, and Sir Laurence Olivier. Maybe I'm biased, but I think her performance puts them to shame. Seriously, she makes an excellent teapot... and Vons, makes a pretty tasty big sandwich.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 197 "I'm Going to Jersey"

Allow me to reinterpret one of my classicish numbers ("I'm Going to Belgium") on the eve of departing for home. That's right. I'm headed back to Jerz to see the 'rents and visit with my new nephew, Jacob. Scattered thunderstorms are expected for the tri-state area during our stay. I am hoping to take in Yankee Stadium and other A-list East Coast sites. Very excited. "I'm going to Jersey. Paramus, Fair Lawn, Ho-Ho-Kus"... Maybe they live in Dumont now... I'll see soon enough.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 190

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 196 The Jefferson Jay Show: Episode 2 Part 3 "Final Preparations"

Extremely busy day here near the beach in San Diego. Preparing for a few day trip to meet my new nephew Jacob. Also bringing the lovely Leanne to meet the people I'm related to. Should be an exciting time. So here I've been, trying to prepare for days of the 365. Be excited to know that the conclusion of The Jefferson Jay Show: Episode Two will be coming here the next four days, followed by some great stuff by Robin Lee and then Andrew Schneider. Lots to look forward to in New Jersey and on the 365.

Angel just snuck and ate a bunch of cat food. Long story. Never trust a pooch. Love 'em, but don't trust 'em, especially when it comes to food. Anyway, here, my crew, Jeff Dewine, Blowski, myself and Dylan Avery (on filming), and the whole clan from prepare for the first of two consecutive Mardi Gras parades through downtown San Diego on February 24, 2009. Talk about wild... Well, here's a little bit of the ground rules and a taste for the energy pre-parade.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 196 "Little Deuce Coupe" by The Beach Boys

It appears the final moments are here for me as a Cutlass Ciera owner. Apparently, I've owned my Cutlass, "Puffy" just over five years, but time tells not the story, when love, loyalty, and these other intangibles interfere. Although I owned my beloved Monte Carlo, a full ten years longer than I've owned "Puff," I feel huge bond with the Cutlass nonetheless. Angel and I enjoyed countless rides, with friends, new and old, here and gone with him.

Angellica and I shared a moment yesterday, hugging in the backseat. Angel enjoyed his comforts so much, she often refused to disembark upon arriving home. She was cool to just chill and relax in the cozy backseat. It's sad some, but this world is full of change and new beginnings. I hope my Cutlass has many more years of reliable transportation ahead of him. I will miss you. You were trustworthy, reliable and you made me feel safe always. You can't ask more from a car than that. Love you. God bless.

Oh, enjoy the extracurricular cuteness from the irresistible one, Nigel, as the video eclipses.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 196 "Lullaby for Nigel"

So, I'm off to New Jersey tomorrow for a few days and los pooches are staying home. This will be a new phenomenon for l'il Nigel, so I sang him a little extemporaneous lullaby to let him know it's going to be all right. I will miss the poochers. Always do, but they are in good hands and we'll all be reunited soon enough. Tune in tomorrow to see Angel starring as The Teapot in our rendition of the "I'm a Little Teapot." Angel makes an excellent teapot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 189

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 195 JJ, Howard, Destructo Bunny & Dylan Avery jam 4-28-2009

This part of a jam Howard, Destructo Bunny, Dylan Avery and I did in a slot at my Open Mic on April 28, 2009. Howard is the handsome gentlemen in the puffy green vest on the Native American flute jamboree, Destructo is on drums and super-director Dylan Avery is on the bass. I was on a bit of an effects binge then, and I am again right now, incidentally. Today I was recorded with my friend Stu Smith, so real trippy soundtrack-sounding stuff. Horrory, a little.

Effects are fun. Been dabbling with the delightful Line 6 M13. This was when I was having fun with a Yamaha Pacifica and some old Boss boxes. Good times. Fun music. Connecting. Makes a big mess in the apartment, but... the price we pay for art.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 195 "Brown-Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison

So, my sweetie was wanting to get home. Today was a fun-filled day. Little time for the 365. So she called for "Brown-Eyed Girl." I was intent to do it lightly, and a little different and these were your results first try. Enjoy as I phumpher... Forgot about that "making love" line. Got nervous anticipating her male relatives' reaction to watching this vid. Quality humor. That smooching at the end is all the validation I need.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 195 "Loud Noises"

So like I mentioned, I've been on an effects enjoying excursion these last few days. Thanks to Stu Smith, trumpet/computer genius and the Line 6 M13. here, I'm playing a little mellow jam in A minor, that my clever girlfriend suggested I call "Loud Noises." Irony. Love.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 188

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 194 Chimney Fish - "House Parties" - 2-20-2009

Here are my friends, Chimney Fish, from February 20, 2009. Chimney Fish broke up awhile back, but I always dug their tunes and it is my pleasure to be able to share some with you. I received a nice text from Chimney Fish frontman and songwriter Brett walling a couple weeks back. I believe he is currently in Idaho. He wrote that it was nice al these yeas later to be able to watch new Chimney Fish stuff. That, my friends is what the 365 is all about. All this stuff happened. Yes, it is in the past. Gone but not forgotten, I say. What can I tell ya? I am an archivist. That Master's Degree in history must be good for something.

I really appreciate the appreciation. Almost 200 days into this Operation and I still haven;t quite determined what the purpose of it all is. Fortunately my goal, when starting was, just to se what would happen if I did this for 365 days. Maybe nothing. Who knows? We are still quite far from 365. Expect more Chimney Fish, more Don Truesdail, more Robin Lee, and more Sene Africa here in the Archives in the weeks and months to come. Thank you.

Chimney Fish also featured Andy Davis on drums, Luke Oskam on bass, Jeff Shaefer on lead guitar and The Soul Man sitting in on guiro.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 194 "The Waiting" by Tom Petty

Ain't that the truth, Tom. Thanks for all your wisdom over the years. Faith. Everything's happening exactly as it is meant to. Hard to remember that sometimes. Thanks to Dick and Anna at Mariposa Ice Cream, the world's bet ice cream, made in Normal Heights, San Diego, for reminding me "The Waiting" exists. Tom, I look forward to meeting. I have begun another project here surreptitiously today. I may provide updates as in progresses. Charge!

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 194 "Long Way Home" written with Scott Baslaw

"Long Way Home" is from the first batch of tunes I ever wrote. It was back in the early 90s and I didn't even play guitar yet. My friend Scott Baslaw and I were in a band called The Demarests, and we still exist to this day. I may see Scott this weekend. That would be cool. I was trying to get geared up to play one off of my first CD, "Great Story," but I wasn't feeling those numbers today and I fell upon, "Long Way Home."

"Long Way Home" was written about the myriad of emotions one feels when his or her friends leave for college. This can be applied to any changing of the guard in one's life, though. People come and go thorough our lives and it is important for us to make sure we enjoy the time we have together when we can. It's not that people always want to go. It's just part of life. Enjoy each moment, because when they're gone, they're gone.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 187

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 193 Justin Mills "The Price of Love" 4-16-2009

Here is my main man, Justin Mills, again from my birthday, April 16, 2009. This is his song, "The Price of Love." Justin is joined here by myself on Ashbory bass, Barbara Tolbert on vocals, Charlotte James on violin and vocals and The Soul Man on guiro. Happy days.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 193 "Low" by R.E.M.

Playing "Low" cheered me up. That's how you know you're having a dark day. Ironic thing is it's gorgeous and sunny out. No matter. Thanks to R.E.M. for writing all those awesome tunes. Perspective is priceless. Cheered me up a little. We do the best we can. It's going to be OK. I'll keep reminding myself that 'til I don't need to anymore.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 193 "So Say the Blues"

These have been some difficult times lately. I don't really want to get too much into the specifics. While there's a lot of things to be happy about, I recognize this, the struggling gets overwhelming sometimes and it is difficult to find a solution. Even when you manage to solve or find solutions to several of the problems, these days, it seems like there's several more that were just waiting for those other ones to get out of the way so they could step up. I hate looking at the world that way. It seems so ungrateful to me. Obviously, there is so much to be thankful for. Occasionally, the mind just finds itself looking at the negatives. I hate that. I am aware of the positives. I just feel blue. You can try to lift yourself up, but sometimes, you just got to feel it. You can't fix everything all at once, unfortunately. There's only so much you can do.

At least, we musicians, have the blues, for these challenging times, to help us make it through.

NOTE: 5:11PM. Balance has been restored to the universe. Perspective has been reclaimed. Thanks to the universe for its never-ending patience and my friends for their unwavering support.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 186

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 192 Justin Mills "Truth Ruins Lives" 4-16-2009

Here is another jam from Justin Mills. This is his tune, "Truth Ruins Lives." He is joined by myself on Ashbory bass and The Soul Man on guiro. This was filmed on my birthday, April 16, 2009. A good time was had by all.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 192 "Rock & Roll" by Velvet Underground

"Rock & Roll" by Lou Reed of Velvet Underground is a classic anthem. That Lou Reed sure can write a song.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 192 "Run for the Monkeys"

Strange day today. Something in the air, maybe. Indecision, perhaps. Feeling much better now. At least there's not nothing to do. So, I tried to use the big Darth Vader bass to create my new groove, "Run For the Monkeys." Alas, while trying to use Pro Tools and Reason earlier, I must have set the mike off and hence, I got no sound ont he recording. What to do? THat bass is huge and hard to manage. Just putting it away, I got poked by a point in the nipple and I smashed it's head against the wall. It almost knocked me down. love playing it, but it's just too dangerous to play twice in a row. SO what's I do?

I went and grabbed the black acoustic bass and played it over. Twice the fun. Twice as many basses. Once the tune. Hopefully you get the idea. Hopefully, I do too. Run for the monkeys.

NOTE: I just noticed I play a lot of interesting basses on today's episode of the 365. Fascinating.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 185

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 191 Justin Mills "There's Beauty" 4-16-2009

Here is one my my favorite songwriters on the planet, Justin Mills, playing his song "There's Beauty," at my birthday show on April 16, 2009. He was joined here by The Soul Man on guiro and myself on the cute little Ashbory bass. You gotta see it. Adorable. Justin is bad-ass. He doesn't really play music out these days so you are left to this clips for the time being as the exclusive method of enjoying his music. I strongly suggest that you do.

I backed Justin up for awhile on that cute little bass, but only until he headed into another one of his patented extended hiatuses (wouldn't that be hiatii?) from playing music in public. I hope to get the chance to play music with im again some day, or at least here him play some jams, but until then, this will have to do. And it's not so bad, really.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 191 "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz

I'm not sure there's anyway to say I don't like this song without it sounding like sour grapes. Obviously most of the rest of the world feels differently. Mr. Mraz came out of this same little San Diego acoustic scene that I did. I never met him, miraculously, but huge congratulations to him on his ascent to larger-than-life, multi-platinum, Grammy-style status. Lots of people love this song, so my opinion shouldn't matter much.

I tried to make it my own, but mustering genuine enthusiasm was a trick I couldn't pull off. The fact that I don't even know the song that well could also not be concealed. Maybe my version is funny. I tried singing it differently, with mixed results. Congrats Mr. A-Z, on all your hard-earned and much deserved, success and fame. One must develop quite a thick skin climbing as high as you have on the charts, figuratively and literally. If I were only cute enough to seriously sing the lyrics, "Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it. I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted," and not creep out every breathing human for a hundred miles. I even creep myself out thinking about it.

Tomorrow, I'll be playing "Rock n' Roll" by Velvet Underground to balance the world a little bit. This week I played Air Supply, Manilow, Neil Diamond and this tune, to me, makes 'em all sound like Slayer.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 191 "Take Time To Find Your Way Back Home"

This is a little theoretical Western ditty, I composed right here on the spot. I was feeling a need to represent manliness for some reason, to conjure the plains and a simpler time and this is what came out. "Take Time To Find Your Way Back Home" is a two chord number. The solemness and the solitude of the Western life is a very romantic setting for art. I have been feeling it some lately. I'm not sure where it came from or what it means, but this is not for me to discern. It just is.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 184

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 190 Carlos Soriano "Lollipop" 8-18-2009

Here is my man, Carlos Soriano, covering L'il Wayne's tune "Lollipop" at my Open Mic on August 18, 2009. Go Carlos.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 190 "Georgia on My Mind" by Hoagy Carmichael - 8-27-2009

"Georgia on My Mind" is by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell. Louis Armstrong made it famous as far as I know. Here I am, singing "Georgia" with Patricia Mueller on piano at Portugalia on August 27, 2009.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Outtakes - 190 "D is for Disappointed"

Was going to try to write or record a real song today, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. A friend has recently been mishandling every possible situation really badly. I've made every effort to try to talk about this, but it seems to be a derailed train. Helplessly careening off the tracks and laying waste to whatever is in its inconsiderate path. It is deeply disconcerting and I am without remedy for this empty feeling in my chest.

You put time into a friendship. Love and nurturing as well. All you can hope is that the friendship is strong enough that participants in it will take the time and care to handle the touchy matters that will inevitably come up, with consideration and sensitivity. Not like an inconvenience. The worst part is a pattern has formed and I can now see each misstep days before it comes to pass, yet there is still nothing I can do to prevent it from happening.

D is also for distance. Once distance replaces closeness, friendship finds a tenuous spot at best. Decisions stop making sense. and whoever gets hurt by them, well, that's just too bad. I am that person now. The guy whose upsetness is an inconvenience and whose opinion doesn't matter. The guy who gets informed what's been decided weeks after the decisions been made, after everyone else has been consulted and when I can see it coming a mile away and even attempts to throw myself in front of the train to slow it down, even attempts to have a simple face-to-face discussion are irrelevant, like I'm not even there in the first place. Disappointing.

NOTE: At 9:53PM, I changed "D is for Disappointment" from my original to an outtake, a private outtake, and replaced it with "D is for Drama."

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 190 "D is for Drama"

As a general rule, I am against sharing one's deepest inner turmoil publicly on the internet. Ironic, isn' it? Yes, so after some reflection, I recognize there are ways to fan the flames of disappointment and sadness, far less the destructive than the route I chose. Apologies. I try to steer clear of drama, but occasionally, we all fall astray. Climb back up. Do better next time. That's about all you can do. Directly handling matters is always best, whenever possible. Maybe, that's what I meant to say the first time.

NOTE: youtube had fun "suggesting" all these tags to my difficult day. "island comedy sean funny total humor stand sketch action comedian bunny comic entertainment jokes hour rabbit bug hamster humour bugs cute ground easter rush tunes rabbits looney beetle happy hamsters"

Pile on, youtube. Have fun... website! What does it all mean?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 183

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 189 Patricia Mueller - 3-11-2010

Word is today is the final gig for my former band Acoustic Booze. The Booze had a great two year run and I was proud to be a big part of every gig we had, save for today's finale. Long story. I always enjoyed playing Blowski's songs and kibbitzing with my fellow boozers. Much fun was had and I wouldn't trade it for anything. All things must come to an end they say.

So here's props to my Boozin' bandmates all this time, Blowski, Dylan Avery, Adrianna Martin- Morningstar, Paul Ruiz, Soul Man, Richard Romero, and featured here, the lovely and talented, Miss Patricia Mueller. Whether you know her as Patricia "the Militia" or Petey "the Sweetie," or whether you don't know her at all, enjoy this performance of some sweet classical ivory tickling, recorded on March 11, 2010. Peace

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 189 "Stir It Up" by Bob Marley

So it wasn't all easy listening in my mom's car back in the old days. There was that tape of Beatles Love Songs, which made me think I hated the Beatles until I got old enough to know otherwise. Then, right about when my stepdad entered the fray, so did Bob Marley's "Legend" tape, and finally I found some music to like that I wouldn't be embarrassed to admit, years later. "Buffalo Soldier," the fast version, was probably my favorite, but I loved all the jams. "Stir It Up," was on there and I never realized until just now what I randy song, it is.

Bob's getting salacious and provocative with all this talk of recipe tasting, pushing the wood, blazing the fire, and stirring it up. You go, Bob. I am just getting up, so the voice is a little rough, but that is part of fate I'm willing to embrace, here and now.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 189 "Step Up"

Sticking with the reggae tip, "Step Up is from my album "Yellow," available here

On the CD, there is a whole band. here it is just me. I wanted to do this tune today to get the positive ideas in the lyrics into my mind. I just watched the vid. I look a little distracted. maybe I was. Hopefully distraction is in the eye of the beholder and you'll find this fantastic. I am playing with my band today at the Farmer's Market here in Ocean Beach. We will play for over and hour, a lot of the new tunes. I get a little keyed up on the days of shows from time to time. Mounting anticipation. Should be lots of fun.

I just noticed "Step Up" and "Stir It Up," are only a few letters different. Fascinating.