Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 183

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 189 Patricia Mueller - 3-11-2010

Word is today is the final gig for my former band Acoustic Booze. The Booze had a great two year run and I was proud to be a big part of every gig we had, save for today's finale. Long story. I always enjoyed playing Blowski's songs and kibbitzing with my fellow boozers. Much fun was had and I wouldn't trade it for anything. All things must come to an end they say.

So here's props to my Boozin' bandmates all this time, Blowski, Dylan Avery, Adrianna Martin- Morningstar, Paul Ruiz, Soul Man, Richard Romero, and featured here, the lovely and talented, Miss Patricia Mueller. Whether you know her as Patricia "the Militia" or Petey "the Sweetie," or whether you don't know her at all, enjoy this performance of some sweet classical ivory tickling, recorded on March 11, 2010. Peace

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 189 "Stir It Up" by Bob Marley

So it wasn't all easy listening in my mom's car back in the old days. There was that tape of Beatles Love Songs, which made me think I hated the Beatles until I got old enough to know otherwise. Then, right about when my stepdad entered the fray, so did Bob Marley's "Legend" tape, and finally I found some music to like that I wouldn't be embarrassed to admit, years later. "Buffalo Soldier," the fast version, was probably my favorite, but I loved all the jams. "Stir It Up," was on there and I never realized until just now what I randy song, it is.

Bob's getting salacious and provocative with all this talk of recipe tasting, pushing the wood, blazing the fire, and stirring it up. You go, Bob. I am just getting up, so the voice is a little rough, but that is part of fate I'm willing to embrace, here and now.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 189 "Step Up"

Sticking with the reggae tip, "Step Up is from my album "Yellow," available here

On the CD, there is a whole band. here it is just me. I wanted to do this tune today to get the positive ideas in the lyrics into my mind. I just watched the vid. I look a little distracted. maybe I was. Hopefully distraction is in the eye of the beholder and you'll find this fantastic. I am playing with my band today at the Farmer's Market here in Ocean Beach. We will play for over and hour, a lot of the new tunes. I get a little keyed up on the days of shows from time to time. Mounting anticipation. Should be lots of fun.

I just noticed "Step Up" and "Stir It Up," are only a few letters different. Fascinating.

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