Monday, June 27, 2011

Operation 365... Blog 209

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Archives - 215 Don Truesdail "Worker's Paradise" - 24 Hours of Free Music - 6-28-2008

"Worker's Paradise" is my man Don Truesdail's, spirited anthem about the plight of the proletariat. Don was a throwback to a simpler time. He still believed in the fight for justice, even in the face of all odds. He felt that artists' should speak about the injustices in the world, in hopes that sharing these thoughts would somehow help aid healing the society that bred them. Don didn't explicitly state these things in conversation necessarily. That's what he wrote songs for. Of course there is the personal cathartic angle to songwriting. Great art communicates an artists' thoughts in a manner more universal than candid chat. The carefully chosen words and the deliberately structured stanzas weave a tale that can speak to folks for generations. Don took great pains to say exactly what he meant, on and off the field of songwriting. There is a lot of meaning and a lot of love in the lyrics to all of Don's songs.

Don packed several lifetimes worth of thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas into the however many dozen songs he completed. I cherish the fact that they exist as a resource of knowledge and a window into the mind of my brilliant, eloquent, interesting, and witty, departed amigo. "Worker's Paradise" is a song that anybody who has ever busted their butt at any job to try to scratch out a living, can relate to.

This clip was filmed by Dylan Avery and features The Soul Man, (aka Junior Fos), on guiro. For more information on Don and his music, please visit

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Covers - 215 "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I recorded my videos for today and they didn't record, so I had to do them again. Doh! The second time around, I was sweatier. Hopefully, I was at least more warmed up. My place is still destroyed form this weekends' fun and festivities and my voice is only slightly less destroyed. Hopefully, I can get them both better very soon.

Can't beat The Beatles. Is that ironic? I don't think so. I'll ask Alanis Morissette. In honor of Day 215 of the Operation 365, I'll offer props to Proposition 215, one of California's friendly neighborhood laws. Give it up to the big CA for taking care its sick citizens.

Operation 365 - Jefferson Jay - Originals - 215 "Kristen"

"Kristen" is a song I wrote many years ago, about a girl I briefly dated. Perhaps "dated" is not the right word... She was a beautiful young lady. Don't think she thought very highly of herself, though. I sensed she had some demons. I wrote this song about the whole thing. I might have played it for her, but I never saw her again, instead. Kristen, wherever you are, I hope you're doing well. You probably have a husband and some kids by now, I hope you're a happy human. God bless.

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